Current Path : /home/multihiv/www/store/wp-content/themes/woocommerce/single-product/ |
Current File : /home/multihiv/www/store/wp-content/themes/woocommerce/single-product/product-image.php |
<?php /** * Single Product Image * * This template can be overridden by copying it to yourtheme/woocommerce/single-product/product-image.php. * * HOWEVER, on occasion WooCommerce will need to update template files and you * (the theme developer) will need to copy the new files to your theme to * maintain compatibility. We try to do this as little as possible, but it does * happen. When this occurs the version of the template file will be bumped and * the readme will list any important changes. * * @see https://docs.woocommerce.com/document/template-structure/ * @author WooThemes * @package WooCommerce/Templates * @version 7.8.0 */ defined( 'ABSPATH' ) || exit; global $post, $product; $thumbs_position = woodmart_get_opt( 'thums_position' ); $image_action = woodmart_get_opt( 'image_action' ); $is_quick_view = woodmart_loop_prop( 'is_quick_view' ); $product_design = woodmart_product_design(); $attachment_ids = $product->get_gallery_image_ids(); $post_thumbnail_id = $product->get_image_id(); $placeholder = $post_thumbnail_id ? 'with-images' : 'without-images'; $thumb_image_size = 'woocommerce_single'; $thumbnails_settings = woodmart_get_product_gallery_settings(); $thumbnails_vertical_columns = ! empty( $thumbnails_settings['thumbs_slider']['items']['vertical_items'] ) ? $thumbnails_settings['thumbs_slider']['items']['vertical_items'] : 3; $thumbnails_columns_desktop = ! empty( $thumbnails_settings['thumbs_slider']['items']['desktop'] ) ? $thumbnails_settings['thumbs_slider']['items']['desktop'] : 4; $thumbnails_columns_tablet = ! empty( $thumbnails_settings['thumbs_slider']['items']['tablet'] ) ? $thumbnails_settings['thumbs_slider']['items']['tablet'] : 4; $thumbnails_columns_mobile = ! empty( $thumbnails_settings['thumbs_slider']['items']['mobile'] ) ? $thumbnails_settings['thumbs_slider']['items']['mobile'] : 3; $gallery_columns_desktop = woodmart_get_opt( 'single_product_gallery_column_desktop', 1 ); $gallery_columns_tablet = woodmart_get_opt( 'single_product_gallery_column_tablet', 1 ); $gallery_columns_mobile = woodmart_get_opt( 'single_product_gallery_column_mobile', 1 ); $grid_columns_desktop = woodmart_get_opt( 'single_product_grid_column_desktop', 1 ); $grid_columns_tablet = woodmart_get_opt( 'single_product_grid_column_tablet', 1 ); $grid_columns_mobile = woodmart_get_opt( 'single_product_grid_column_mobile', 1 ); $pagination_controls = woodmart_get_opt( 'pagination_main_gallery' ); $carousel_on_tablet = woodmart_get_opt( 'main_gallery_on_tablet', true ); $carousel_on_mobile = woodmart_get_opt( 'main_gallery_on_mobile', true ); $gallery_center_mode = 'without' === $thumbs_position && woodmart_get_opt( 'main_gallery_center_mode' ); $thumbnails_wrap_in_mobile = woodmart_get_opt( 'single_product_thumbnails_wrap_in_mobile_devices', true ); $main_gallery_attrs = array(); $style_attrs = ''; // Builder settings. if ( isset( $args['builder_thumbnails_position'] ) && 'inherit' !== $args['builder_thumbnails_position'] ) { $thumbs_position = $args['builder_thumbnails_position']; if ( 'left' === $thumbs_position && ! empty( $args['builder_thumbnails_vertical_columns'] ) && 'inherit' !== $args['builder_thumbnails_vertical_columns'] ) { $thumbnails_vertical_columns = $args['builder_thumbnails_vertical_columns']; } if ( 'bottom' === $thumbs_position && ! empty( $args['builder_thumbnails_columns_desktop'] ) && 'inherit' !== $args['builder_thumbnails_columns_desktop'] ) { $thumbnails_columns_desktop = $args['builder_thumbnails_columns_desktop']; } if ( ! empty( $args['builder_thumbnails_columns_tablet'] ) && 'inherit' !== $args['builder_thumbnails_columns_tablet'] ) { $thumbnails_columns_tablet = $args['builder_thumbnails_columns_tablet']; } if ( ! empty( $args['builder_thumbnails_columns_mobile'] ) && 'inherit' !== $args['builder_thumbnails_columns_mobile'] ) { $thumbnails_columns_mobile = $args['builder_thumbnails_columns_mobile']; } if ( ! empty( $args['grid_columns'] ) && 'inherit' !== $args['grid_columns'] ) { $grid_columns_desktop = $args['grid_columns']; } if ( ! empty( $args['grid_columns_tablet'] ) && 'inherit' !== $args['grid_columns_tablet'] ) { $grid_columns_tablet = $args['grid_columns_tablet']; } if ( ! empty( $args['grid_columns_mobile'] ) && 'inherit' !== $args['grid_columns_mobile'] ) { $grid_columns_mobile = $args['grid_columns_mobile']; } if ( 'without' === $thumbs_position ) { if ( ! empty( $args['gallery_columns_desktop'] ) && 'inherit' !== $args['gallery_columns_desktop'] ) { $gallery_columns_desktop = $args['gallery_columns_desktop']; } if ( ! empty( $args['gallery_columns_tablet'] ) && 'inherit' !== $args['gallery_columns_desktop'] ) { $gallery_columns_tablet = $args['gallery_columns_tablet']; } if ( ! empty( $args['gallery_columns_mobile'] ) && 'inherit' !== $args['gallery_columns_desktop'] ) { $gallery_columns_mobile = $args['gallery_columns_mobile']; } if ( ! empty( $args['main_gallery_center_mode'] ) && 'inherit' !== $args['main_gallery_center_mode'] ) { $gallery_center_mode = 'enable' === $args['main_gallery_center_mode']; } } if ( ! empty( $args['carousel_on_tablet'] ) && 'inherit' !== $args['carousel_on_tablet'] ) { $carousel_on_tablet = 'enable' === $args['carousel_on_tablet']; } if ( ! empty( $args['carousel_on_mobile'] ) && 'inherit' !== $args['carousel_on_mobile'] ) { $carousel_on_mobile = 'enable' === $args['carousel_on_mobile']; } if ( ! empty( $args['pagination_main_gallery'] ) && 'inherit' !== $args['pagination_main_gallery'] ) { $pagination_controls = 'enable' === $args['pagination_main_gallery']; } if ( ! empty( $args['thumbnails_wrap_in_mobile_devices'] ) && 'inherit' !== $args['thumbnails_wrap_in_mobile_devices'] ) { $thumbnails_wrap_in_mobile = 'on' === $args['thumbnails_wrap_in_mobile_devices']; } } $columns = apply_filters( 'woocommerce_product_thumbnails_columns', 4 ); $thumbnail_size = apply_filters( 'woocommerce_product_thumbnails_large_size', 'full' ); $full_size_image = wp_get_attachment_image_src( $post_thumbnail_id, $thumbnail_size ); $wrapper_classes = apply_filters( 'woocommerce_single_product_image_gallery_classes', array( 'woocommerce-product-gallery', 'woocommerce-product-gallery--' . ( $product->get_image_id() ? 'with-images' : 'without-images' ), 'woocommerce-product-gallery--columns-' . absint( $columns ), 'images', $attachment_ids ? 'wd-has-thumb' : '', ) ); $main_gallery_classes = 'wd-carousel-container wd-gallery-images'; $gallery_classes = ' wd-carousel wd-grid'; if ( 'without' === $thumbs_position && $gallery_center_mode || 'centered' === $thumbs_position ) { $main_gallery_attrs[] = 'data-center_mode="yes"'; } if ( in_array( $thumbs_position, array( 'carousel_two_columns', 'centered' ), true ) ) { $gallery_columns_desktop = 2; $gallery_columns_tablet = 2; $gallery_columns_mobile = 2; $thumbs_position = 'without'; } elseif ( in_array( $thumbs_position, array( 'left', 'bottom' ), true ) ) { $gallery_columns_desktop = 1; $gallery_columns_tablet = 1; $gallery_columns_mobile = 1; } if ( in_array( $thumbs_position, array( 'without', 'left', 'bottom' ), true ) ) { $wrapper_classes[] = 'thumbs-position-' . $thumbs_position; if ( ! $gallery_columns_desktop ) { $gallery_columns_desktop = 1; } if ( ! $gallery_columns_tablet ) { $gallery_columns_tablet = 1; } if ( ! $gallery_columns_mobile ) { $gallery_columns_mobile = 1; } $style_attrs .= '--wd-col-lg:' . $gallery_columns_desktop . ';'; $style_attrs .= '--wd-col-md:' . $gallery_columns_tablet . ';'; $style_attrs .= '--wd-col-sm:' . $gallery_columns_mobile . ';'; } elseif ( in_array( $thumbs_position, array( 'bottom_column', 'bottom_grid', 'bottom_combined', 'bottom_combined_2', 'bottom_combined_3' ), true ) ) { $wrapper_classes[] = 'thumbs-grid-' . $thumbs_position; $main_gallery_classes .= ' wd-off-lg'; if ( ! $grid_columns_desktop ) { $grid_columns_desktop = 1; } if ( ! $grid_columns_tablet ) { $grid_columns_tablet = 1; } if ( ! $grid_columns_mobile ) { $grid_columns_mobile = 1; } if ( in_array( $thumbs_position, array( 'bottom_column', 'bottom_grid' ), true ) ) { $style_attrs .= '--wd-col-lg:' . $grid_columns_desktop . ';'; } else { $grid_columns_tablet = 1; $grid_columns_mobile = 1; } $style_attrs .= '--wd-col-md:' . $grid_columns_tablet . ';'; $style_attrs .= '--wd-col-sm:' . $grid_columns_mobile . ';'; if ( ! $carousel_on_mobile ) { $main_gallery_classes .= ' wd-off-sm'; } if ( ! $carousel_on_tablet ) { $main_gallery_classes .= ' wd-off-md'; } } if ( woodmart_get_opt( 'product_slider_auto_height' ) ) { $main_gallery_attrs[] = 'data-autoheight="yes"'; } if ( $style_attrs ) { $main_gallery_attrs[] = 'style="' . $style_attrs . '"'; } if ( 'popup' === $image_action ) { woodmart_enqueue_js_library( 'photoswipe-bundle' ); woodmart_enqueue_inline_style( 'photoswipe' ); woodmart_enqueue_js_script( 'product-images' ); } if ( 'zoom' === $image_action ) { woodmart_enqueue_js_script( 'init-zoom' ); } woodmart_enqueue_inline_style( 'woo-single-prod-el-gallery' ); if ( 'left' === $thumbs_position ) { if ( $thumbnails_wrap_in_mobile ) { $wrapper_classes[] = ' wd-thumbs-wrap'; woodmart_enqueue_inline_style( 'woo-single-prod-el-gallery-opt-thumb-left-desktop', true ); } else { woodmart_enqueue_inline_style( 'woo-single-prod-el-gallery-opt-thumb-left', true ); } } if ( 'left' !== $thumbs_position && 'bottom' !== $thumbs_position && 'without' !== $thumbs_position ) { if ( $carousel_on_tablet && $carousel_on_mobile ) { woodmart_enqueue_inline_style( 'woo-single-prod-el-gallery-opt-thumb-grid-lg', true ); } elseif ( $carousel_on_tablet ) { woodmart_enqueue_inline_style( 'woo-single-prod-el-gallery-opt-thumb-grid-sm', true ); } elseif ( $carousel_on_mobile ) { woodmart_enqueue_inline_style( 'woo-single-prod-el-gallery-opt-thumb-grid-md', true ); } else { woodmart_enqueue_inline_style( 'woo-single-prod-el-gallery-opt-thumb-grid', true ); } } woodmart_enqueue_js_library( 'swiper' ); woodmart_enqueue_js_script( 'swiper-carousel' ); woodmart_enqueue_js_script( 'product-images-gallery' ); woodmart_enqueue_inline_style( 'swiper' ); wp_enqueue_script( 'imagesloaded' ); ?> <div class="<?php echo esc_attr( implode( ' ', array_map( 'sanitize_html_class', $wrapper_classes ) ) ); ?> images image-action-<?php echo esc_attr( $image_action ); ?>"> <div class="<?php echo esc_attr( $main_gallery_classes ); ?>"> <div class="wd-carousel-inner"> <?php do_action( 'woodmart_before_single_product_main_gallery' ); ?> <figure class="woocommerce-product-gallery__wrapper<?php echo esc_attr( $gallery_classes ); ?>" <?php echo wp_kses( implode( ' ', $main_gallery_attrs ), true ); ?>> <div class="wd-carousel-wrap"> <?php $attributes = array( 'title' => get_post_field( 'post_title', $post_thumbnail_id ), 'data-caption' => get_post_field( 'post_excerpt', $post_thumbnail_id ), 'data-src' => isset( $full_size_image[0] ) ? $full_size_image[0] : '', 'data-large_image' => isset( $full_size_image[0] ) ? $full_size_image[0] : '', 'data-large_image_width' => isset( $full_size_image[1] ) ? $full_size_image[1] : '', 'data-large_image_height' => isset( $full_size_image[2] ) ? $full_size_image[2] : '', 'class' => apply_filters( 'woodmart_single_product_gallery_image_class', 'wp-post-image' ), ); if ( $product->get_image_id() ) { $gallery_thumbnail = wc_get_image_size( 'gallery_thumbnail' ); $thumbnail_size = apply_filters( 'woocommerce_gallery_thumbnail_size', array( $gallery_thumbnail['width'], $gallery_thumbnail['height'], ) ); $thumbnail_src = get_the_post_thumbnail_url( $post->ID, $thumbnail_size ); $html = '<div class="wd-carousel-item"><figure data-thumb="' . $thumbnail_src . '" class="woocommerce-product-gallery__image"><a data-elementor-open-lightbox="no" href="' . esc_url( $full_size_image[0] ) . '">'; $html .= get_the_post_thumbnail( $post->ID, $thumb_image_size, $attributes ); $html .= '</a></figure></div>'; } else { $html = '<div class="wd-carousel-item"><figure data-thumb="' . esc_url( wc_placeholder_img_src( $thumb_image_size ) ) . '" class="woocommerce-product-gallery__image--placeholder"><a data-elementor-open-lightbox="no" href="' . esc_url( wc_placeholder_img_src( $thumb_image_size ) ) . '">'; $html .= sprintf( '<img src="%s" alt="%s" data-src="%s" data-large_image="%s" data-large_image_width="700" data-large_image_height="800" class="attachment-woocommerce_single size-woocommerce_single wp-post-image" />', esc_url( wc_placeholder_img_src( $thumb_image_size ) ), esc_html__( 'Awaiting product image', 'woocommerce' ), esc_url( wc_placeholder_img_src( $thumb_image_size ) ), esc_url( wc_placeholder_img_src( $thumb_image_size ) ) ); $html .= '</a></figure></div>'; } echo apply_filters( 'woocommerce_single_product_image_thumbnail_html', $html, $post_thumbnail_id ) // phpcs:ignore; ?> <?php do_action( 'woocommerce_product_thumbnails' ); ?> </figure> <?php woodmart_get_carousel_nav_template( ' wd-pos-sep wd-hover-1 wd-custom-style' ); ?> <?php do_action( 'woodmart_on_product_image' ); ?> </div> <?php if ( $pagination_controls ) : ?> <?php woodmart_get_carousel_pagination_template( array(), ' wd-style-shape wd-custom-style' ); ?> <?php endif; ?> </div> <?php if ( 'sticky' !== $product_design && ( 'bottom' === $thumbs_position || 'left' === $thumbs_position ) ) : ?> <?php $thumbs_classes = ''; $attributes = array(); $style_attrs = ''; $gallery_thumbnail = wc_get_image_size( 'gallery_thumbnail' ); $image_size = apply_filters( 'woocommerce_gallery_thumbnail_size', array( $gallery_thumbnail['width'], $gallery_thumbnail['height'] ) ); if ( $attachment_ids && $post_thumbnail_id ) { array_unshift( $attachment_ids, $post_thumbnail_id ); } if ( woodmart_get_opt( 'single_product_thumbnails_gallery_image_width' ) ) { $image_size = array( woodmart_get_opt( 'single_product_thumbnails_gallery_image_width' ), 0 ); } if ( 'left' === $thumbs_position ) { if ( 'default' === $thumbnails_vertical_columns ) { $thumbnails_vertical_columns = 3; } $thumbnails_columns_desktop = $thumbnails_vertical_columns; } $style_attrs .= '--wd-col-lg:' . $thumbnails_columns_desktop . ';'; $style_attrs .= '--wd-col-md:' . $thumbnails_columns_tablet . ';'; $style_attrs .= '--wd-col-sm:' . $thumbnails_columns_mobile . ';'; $attributes[] = 'style="' . $style_attrs . '"'; $thumb_classes = ' wd-thumb-nav wd-custom-style'; $thumb_classes .= ' wd-pos-sep'; ?> <div class="wd-carousel-container wd-gallery-thumb"> <div class="wd-carousel-inner"> <div class="wd-carousel wd-grid<?php echo esc_attr( $thumbs_classes ); ?>" <?php echo wp_kses( implode( ' ', $attributes ), true ); ?>> <div class="wd-carousel-wrap"> <?php if ( $attachment_ids ) : ?> <?php foreach ( $attachment_ids as $attachment_id ) : ?> <div class="wd-carousel-item <?php echo esc_attr( apply_filters( 'woodmart_single_product_thumbnail_classes', '', $attachment_id ) ); ?>"> <?php echo wp_get_attachment_image( $attachment_id, $image_size ); ?> </div> <?php endforeach; ?> <?php endif; ?> </div> </div> <?php woodmart_get_carousel_nav_template( $thumb_classes ); ?> </div> </div> <?php endif; ?> </div>