Current Path : /home/multihiv/www/store/wp-content/plugins/woocommerce/includes/ |
Current File : /home/multihiv/www/store/wp-content/plugins/woocommerce/includes/class-wc-payment-gateways.php |
<?php /** * WooCommerce Payment Gateways * * Loads payment gateways via hooks for use in the store. * * @version 2.2.0 * @package WooCommerce\Classes\Payment */ use Automattic\WooCommerce\Proxies\LegacyProxy; use Automattic\WooCommerce\Utilities\ArrayUtil; defined( 'ABSPATH' ) || exit; /** * Payment gateways class. */ class WC_Payment_Gateways { /** * Payment gateway classes. * * @var array */ public $payment_gateways = array(); /** * The single instance of the class. * * @var WC_Payment_Gateways * @since 2.1.0 */ protected static $_instance = null; /** * Main WC_Payment_Gateways Instance. * * Ensures only one instance of WC_Payment_Gateways is loaded or can be loaded. * * @since 2.1 * @return WC_Payment_Gateways Main instance */ public static function instance() { if ( is_null( self::$_instance ) ) { self::$_instance = new self(); } return self::$_instance; } /** * Cloning is forbidden. * * @since 2.1 */ public function __clone() { wc_doing_it_wrong( __FUNCTION__, __( 'Cloning is forbidden.', 'woocommerce' ), '2.1' ); } /** * Unserializing instances of this class is forbidden. * * @since 2.1 */ public function __wakeup() { wc_doing_it_wrong( __FUNCTION__, __( 'Unserializing instances of this class is forbidden.', 'woocommerce' ), '2.1' ); } /** * Initialize payment gateways. */ public function __construct() { $this->init(); } /** * Load gateways and hook in functions. */ public function init() { $load_gateways = array( 'WC_Gateway_BACS', 'WC_Gateway_Cheque', 'WC_Gateway_COD', ); if ( $this->should_load_paypal_standard() ) { $load_gateways[] = 'WC_Gateway_Paypal'; } // Filter. $load_gateways = apply_filters( 'woocommerce_payment_gateways', $load_gateways ); // Get sort order option. $ordering = (array) get_option( 'woocommerce_gateway_order' ); $order_end = 999; // Load gateways in order. foreach ( $load_gateways as $gateway ) { if ( is_string( $gateway ) && class_exists( $gateway ) ) { $gateway = new $gateway(); } // Gateways need to be valid and extend WC_Payment_Gateway. if ( ! is_a( $gateway, 'WC_Payment_Gateway' ) ) { continue; } if ( isset( $ordering[ $gateway->id ] ) && is_numeric( $ordering[ $gateway->id ] ) ) { // Add in position. $this->payment_gateways[ $ordering[ $gateway->id ] ] = $gateway; } else { // Add to end of the array. $this->payment_gateways[ $order_end ] = $gateway; ++$order_end; } } ksort( $this->payment_gateways ); add_action( 'wc_payment_gateways_initialized', array( $this, 'on_payment_gateways_initialized' ) ); /** * Hook that is called when the payment gateways have been initialized. * * @param WC_Payment_Gateways $wc_payment_gateways The payment gateways instance. * @since 8.5.0 */ do_action( 'wc_payment_gateways_initialized', $this ); } // phpcs:disable Generic.CodeAnalysis.UnusedFunctionParameter.Found /** * Hook into payment gateway settings changes. * * @param WC_Payment_Gateways $wc_payment_gateways The WC_Payment_Gateways instance. * @since 8.5.0 * * @internal For exclusive usage of WooCommerce core, backwards compatibility not guaranteed. */ public function on_payment_gateways_initialized( WC_Payment_Gateways $wc_payment_gateways ) { foreach ( $this->payment_gateways as $gateway ) { $option_key = $gateway->get_option_key(); add_action( 'add_option_' . $option_key, function ( $option, $value ) use ( $gateway ) { $this->payment_gateway_settings_option_changed( $gateway, $value, $option ); }, 10, 2 ); add_action( 'update_option_' . $option_key, function ( $old_value, $value, $option ) use ( $gateway ) { $this->payment_gateway_settings_option_changed( $gateway, $value, $option, $old_value ); }, 10, 3 ); } } // phpcs:enable Generic.CodeAnalysis.UnusedFunctionParameter.Found /** * Callback for when a gateway settings option was added or updated. * * @param WC_Payment_Gateway $gateway The gateway for which the option was added or updated. * @param mixed $value New value. * @param string $option Option name. * @param mixed $old_value Old value. `null` when called via add_option_ hook. * @since 8.5.0 */ private function payment_gateway_settings_option_changed( $gateway, $value, $option, $old_value = null ) { if ( ! $this->was_gateway_enabled( $value, $old_value ) ) { return; } // This is a change to a payment gateway's settings and it was just enabled. Let's send an email to the admin. // "untitled" shouldn't happen, but just in case. $this->notify_admin_payment_gateway_enabled( $gateway ); } /** * Email the site admin when a payment gateway has been enabled. * * @param WC_Payment_Gateway $gateway The gateway that was enabled. * @return bool Whether the email was sent or not. * @since 8.5.0 */ private function notify_admin_payment_gateway_enabled( $gateway ) { $admin_email = get_option( 'admin_email' ); $user = get_user_by( 'email', $admin_email ); $username = $user ? $user->user_login : $admin_email; $gateway_title = $gateway->get_method_title(); $gateway_settings_url = esc_url_raw( self_admin_url( 'admin.php?page=wc-settings&tab=checkout§ion=' . $gateway->id ) ); $site_name = wp_specialchars_decode( get_option( 'blogname' ), ENT_QUOTES ); $site_url = home_url(); /** * Allows adding to the addresses that receive payment gateway enabled notifications. * * @param array $email_addresses The array of email addresses to notify. * @param WC_Payment_Gateway $gateway The gateway that was enabled. * @return array The augmented array of email addresses to notify. * @since 8.5.0 */ $email_addresses = apply_filters( 'wc_payment_gateway_enabled_notification_email_addresses', array(), $gateway ); $email_addresses[] = $admin_email; $email_addresses = array_unique( array_filter( $email_addresses, function ( $email_address ) { return filter_var( $email_address, FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL ); } ) ); $logger = wc_get_container()->get( LegacyProxy::class )->call_function( 'wc_get_logger' ); $logger->info( sprintf( 'Payment gateway enabled: "%s"', $gateway_title ) ); $email_text = sprintf( /* translators: Payment gateway enabled notification email. 1: Username, 2: Gateway Title, 3: Site URL, 4: Gateway Settings URL, 5: Admin Email, 6: Site Name, 7: Site URL. */ __( 'Howdy %1$s, The payment gateway "%2$s" was just enabled on this site: %3$s If this was intentional you can safely ignore and delete this email. If you did not enable this payment gateway, please log in to your site and consider disabling it here: %4$s This email has been sent to %5$s Regards, All at %6$s %7$s', 'woocommerce' ), $username, $gateway_title, $site_url, $gateway_settings_url, $admin_email, $site_name, $site_url ); if ( '' !== get_option( 'blogname' ) ) { $site_title = wp_specialchars_decode( get_option( 'blogname' ), ENT_QUOTES ); } else { $site_title = wp_parse_url( home_url(), PHP_URL_HOST ); } return wp_mail( $email_addresses, sprintf( /* translators: Payment gateway enabled notification email subject. %s1: Site title, $s2: Gateway title. */ __( '[%1$s] Payment gateway "%2$s" enabled', 'woocommerce' ), $site_title, $gateway_title ), $email_text ); } /** * Determines from changes in settings if a gateway was enabled. * * @param array $value New value. * @param array $old_value Old value. * @return bool Whether the gateway was enabled or not. */ private function was_gateway_enabled( $value, $old_value = null ) { if ( null === $old_value ) { // There was no old value, so this is a new option. if ( ! empty( $value ) && is_array( $value ) && isset( $value['enabled'] ) && 'yes' === $value['enabled'] && isset( $value['title'] ) ) { return true; } return false; } // There was an old value, so this is an update. if ( ArrayUtil::get_value_or_default( $value, 'enabled' ) === 'yes' && ArrayUtil::get_value_or_default( $old_value, 'enabled' ) !== 'yes' ) { return true; } return false; } /** * Get gateways. * * @return array */ public function payment_gateways() { $_available_gateways = array(); if ( count( $this->payment_gateways ) > 0 ) { foreach ( $this->payment_gateways as $gateway ) { $_available_gateways[ $gateway->id ] = $gateway; } } return $_available_gateways; } /** * Get array of registered gateway ids * * @since 2.6.0 * @return array of strings */ public function get_payment_gateway_ids() { return wp_list_pluck( $this->payment_gateways, 'id' ); } /** * Get available gateways. * * @return array */ public function get_available_payment_gateways() { $_available_gateways = array(); foreach ( $this->payment_gateways as $gateway ) { if ( $gateway->is_available() ) { if ( ! is_add_payment_method_page() ) { $_available_gateways[ $gateway->id ] = $gateway; } elseif ( $gateway->supports( 'add_payment_method' ) || $gateway->supports( 'tokenization' ) ) { $_available_gateways[ $gateway->id ] = $gateway; } } } return array_filter( (array) apply_filters( 'woocommerce_available_payment_gateways', $_available_gateways ), array( $this, 'filter_valid_gateway_class' ) ); } /** * Callback for array filter. Returns true if gateway is of correct type. * * @since 3.6.0 * @param object $gateway Gateway to check. * @return bool */ protected function filter_valid_gateway_class( $gateway ) { return $gateway && is_a( $gateway, 'WC_Payment_Gateway' ); } /** * Set the current, active gateway. * * @param array $gateways Available payment gateways. */ public function set_current_gateway( $gateways ) { // Be on the defensive. if ( ! is_array( $gateways ) || empty( $gateways ) ) { return; } $current_gateway = false; if ( WC()->session ) { $current = WC()->session->get( 'chosen_payment_method' ); if ( $current && isset( $gateways[ $current ] ) ) { $current_gateway = $gateways[ $current ]; } } if ( ! $current_gateway ) { $current_gateway = current( $gateways ); } // Ensure we can make a call to set_current() without triggering an error. if ( $current_gateway && is_callable( array( $current_gateway, 'set_current' ) ) ) { $current_gateway->set_current(); } } /** * Save options in admin. */ public function process_admin_options() { $gateway_order = isset( $_POST['gateway_order'] ) ? wc_clean( wp_unslash( $_POST['gateway_order'] ) ) : ''; // WPCS: input var ok, CSRF ok. $order = array(); if ( is_array( $gateway_order ) && count( $gateway_order ) > 0 ) { $loop = 0; foreach ( $gateway_order as $gateway_id ) { $order[ esc_attr( $gateway_id ) ] = $loop; ++$loop; } } update_option( 'woocommerce_gateway_order', $order ); } /** * Determines if PayPal Standard should be loaded. * * @since 5.5.0 * @return bool Whether PayPal Standard should be loaded or not. */ protected function should_load_paypal_standard() { // Tech debt: This class needs to be initialized to make sure any existing subscriptions gets processed as expected, even if the gateway is not enabled for new orders. // Eventually, we want to load this via a singleton pattern to avoid unnecessary instantiation. $paypal = new WC_Gateway_Paypal(); return $paypal->should_load(); } }