Current Path : /home/multihiv/www/store/wp-content/plugins/woocommerce/assets/js/frontend/ |
Current File : /home/multihiv/www/store/wp-content/plugins/woocommerce/assets/js/frontend/order-attribution.js |
( function ( wc_order_attribution ) { 'use strict'; // Cache params reference for shorter reusability. const params = wc_order_attribution.params; // Helper functions. const $ = document.querySelector.bind( document ); const propertyAccessor = ( obj, path ) => path.split( '.' ).reduce( ( acc, part ) => acc && acc[ part ], obj ); const returnNull = () => null; const stringifyFalsyInputValue = ( value ) => value === null || value === undefined ? '' : value; // Hardcode Checkout store key (`wc.wcBlocksData.CHECKOUT_STORE_KEY`), as we no longer have `wc-blocks-checkout` as a dependency. const CHECKOUT_STORE_KEY = 'wc/store/checkout'; /** * Get the order attribution data. * * Returns object full of `null`s if tracking is disabled or if sourcebuster.js is blocked. * * @returns {Object} Schema compatible object. */ wc_order_attribution.getAttributionData = function() { const accessor = params.allowTracking && isSbjsAvailable() ? propertyAccessor : returnNull; const getter = isSbjsAvailable() ? sbjs.get : {}; const entries = Object.entries( wc_order_attribution.fields ) .map( ( [ key, property ] ) => [ key, accessor( getter, property ) ] ); return Object.fromEntries( entries ); } /** * Update `wc_order_attribution` input elements' values. * * @param {Object} values Object containing field values. */ function updateFormValues( values ) { // Update `<wc-order-attribution-inputs>` elements if any exist. for( const element of document.querySelectorAll( 'wc-order-attribution-inputs' ) ) { element.values = values; } }; /** * Update Checkout extension data. * * @param {Object} values Object containing field values. */ function updateCheckoutBlockData( values ) { // Update Checkout block data if available. if ( window.wp && window.wp.data && window.wp.data.dispatch && window.wc && window.wc.wcBlocksData ) { window.wp.data.dispatch( window.wc.wcBlocksData.CHECKOUT_STORE_KEY ).__internalSetExtensionData( 'woocommerce/order-attribution', values, true ); } } /** * Determine whether sourcebuster.js is available. * * @returns {boolean} Whether sourcebuster.js is available. */ function isSbjsAvailable() { return typeof sbjs !== 'undefined'; } /** * Initialize sourcebuster & set data, or clear cookies & data. * * @param {boolean} allow Whether to allow tracking or disable it. */ wc_order_attribution.setOrderTracking = function( allow ) { params.allowTracking = allow; if ( ! allow ) { // Reset cookies, and clear form data. removeTrackingCookies(); } else if ( ! isSbjsAvailable() ) { return; // Do nothing, as sourcebuster.js is not loaded. } else { // If not done yet, initialize sourcebuster.js which populates `sbjs.get` object. sbjs.init( { lifetime: Number( params.lifetime ), session_length: Number( params.session ), base64: Boolean( params.base64 ), timezone_offset: '0', // utc } ); } const values = wc_order_attribution.getAttributionData(); updateFormValues( values ); updateCheckoutBlockData( values ); } /** * Remove sourcebuster.js cookies. * To be called whenever tracking is disabled or consent is revoked. */ function removeTrackingCookies() { const domain = window.location.hostname; const sbCookies = [ 'sbjs_current', 'sbjs_current_add', 'sbjs_first', 'sbjs_first_add', 'sbjs_session', 'sbjs_udata', 'sbjs_migrations', 'sbjs_promo' ]; // Remove cookies sbCookies.forEach( ( name ) => { document.cookie = `${name}=; path=/; max-age=-999; domain=.${domain};`; } ); } // Run init. wc_order_attribution.setOrderTracking( params.allowTracking ); // Work around the lack of explicit script dependency for the checkout block. // Conditionally, wait for and use 'wp-data' & 'wc-blocks-checkout. // Wait for (async) block checkout initialization and set source values once loaded. function eventuallyInitializeCheckoutBlock() { if ( window.wp && window.wp.data && typeof window.wp.data.subscribe === 'function' ) { // Update checkout block data once more if the checkout store was loaded after this script. const unsubscribe = window.wp.data.subscribe( function () { unsubscribe(); updateCheckoutBlockData( wc_order_attribution.getAttributionData() ); }, CHECKOUT_STORE_KEY ); } }; // Wait for DOMContentLoaded to make sure wp.data is in place, if applicable for the page. if (document.readyState === "loading") { document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", eventuallyInitializeCheckoutBlock); } else { eventuallyInitializeCheckoutBlock(); } /** * Define an element to contribute order attribute values to the enclosing form. * To be used with the classic checkout. */ window.customElements.define( 'wc-order-attribution-inputs', class extends HTMLElement { // Our bundler version does not support private class members, so we use a convention of `_` prefix. // #values // #fieldNames constructor(){ super(); // Cache fieldNames available at the construction time, to avoid malformed behavior if they change in runtime. this._fieldNames = Object.keys( wc_order_attribution.fields ); // Allow values to be lazily set before CE upgrade. if ( this.hasOwnProperty( '_values' ) ) { let values = this.values; // Restore the setter. delete this.values; this.values = values || {}; } } /** * Stamp input elements to the element's light DOM. * * We could use `.elementInternals.setFromValue` and avoid sprouting `<input>` elements, * but it's not yet supported in Safari. */ connectedCallback() { this.innerHTML = ''; const inputs = new DocumentFragment(); for( const fieldName of this._fieldNames ) { const input = document.createElement( 'input' ); input.type = 'hidden'; input.name = `${params.prefix}${fieldName}`; input.value = stringifyFalsyInputValue( ( this.values && this.values[ fieldName ] ) || '' ); inputs.appendChild( input ); } this.appendChild( inputs ); } /** * Update form values. */ set values( values ) { this._values = values; if( this.isConnected ) { for( const fieldName of this._fieldNames ) { const input = this.querySelector( `input[name="${params.prefix}${fieldName}"]` ); if( input ) { input.value = stringifyFalsyInputValue( this.values[ fieldName ] ); } else { console.warn( `Field "${fieldName}" not found. ` + `Most likely, the '<wc-order-attribution-inputs>' element was manipulated.` ); } } } } get values() { return this._values; } } ); }( window.wc_order_attribution ) );