Current Path : /home/multihiv/www/store/wp-content/plugins/woocommerce/assets/js/admin/ |
Current File : /home/multihiv/www/store/wp-content/plugins/woocommerce/assets/js/admin/system-status.js |
/* global jQuery, woocommerce_admin_system_status, wcSetClipboard, wcClearClipboard */ jQuery( function ( $ ) { /** * Users country and state fields */ var wcSystemStatus = { init: function () { $( document.body ) .on( 'click', 'a.help_tip, a.woocommerce-help-tip, woocommerce-product-type-tip', this.preventTipTipClick ) .on( 'click', 'a.debug-report', this.generateReport ) .on( 'click', '#copy-for-support', this.copyReport ) .on( 'click', '#copy-for-github', this.copyGithubReport ) .on( 'aftercopy', '#copy-for-support, #copy-for-github', this.copySuccess ) .on( 'aftercopyfailure', '#copy-for-support, #copy-for-github', this.copyFail ) .on( 'click', '#download-for-support', this.downloadReport ); }, /** * Prevent anchor behavior when click on TipTip. * * @return {Bool} */ preventTipTipClick: function() { return false; }, /** * Generate system status report. * * @return {Bool} */ generateReport: function() { var report = ''; $( '.wc_status_table thead, .wc_status_table tbody' ).each( function() { if ( $( this ).is( 'thead' ) ) { var label = $( this ).find( 'th:eq(0)' ).data( 'exportLabel' ) || $( this ).text(); report = report + '\n### ' + label.trim() + ' ###\n\n'; } else { $( 'tr', $( this ) ).each( function() { var label = $( this ).find( 'td:eq(0)' ).data( 'exportLabel' ) || $( this ).find( 'td:eq(0)' ).text(); var the_name = label.trim().replace( /(<([^>]+)>)/ig, '' ); // Remove HTML. // Find value var $value_html = $( this ).find( 'td:eq(2)' ).clone(); $value_html.find( '.private' ).remove(); $value_html.find( '.dashicons-yes' ).replaceWith( '✔' ); $value_html.find( '.dashicons-no-alt, .dashicons-warning' ).replaceWith( '❌' ); // Format value var the_value = $value_html.text().trim(); var value_array = the_value.split( ', ' ); if ( value_array.length > 1 ) { // If value have a list of plugins ','. // Split to add new line. var temp_line =''; $.each( value_array, function( key, line ) { temp_line = temp_line + line + '\n'; }); the_value = temp_line; } report = report + '' + the_name + ': ' + the_value + '\n'; }); } }); try { $( '#debug-report' ).slideDown(); $( '#debug-report' ).find( 'textarea' ).val( '`' + report + '`' ).trigger( 'focus' ).trigger( 'select' ); $( this ).fadeOut(); return false; } catch ( e ) { /* jshint devel: true */ console.log( e ); } return false; }, /** * Copy for report. * * @param {Object} evt Copy event. */ copyReport: function( evt ) { wcClearClipboard(); wcSetClipboard( $( '#debug-report' ).find( 'textarea' ).val(), $( this ) ); evt.preventDefault(); }, /** * Apply redactions */ applyRedactions( report ) { var redactions = [ { regex: /(WordPress address \(URL\):)[^\n]*/, replacement: "$1 [Redacted]" }, { regex: /(Site address \(URL\):)[^\n]*/, replacement: "$1 [Redacted]" }, { regex: /(### Database ###\n)([\s\S]*?)(\n### Post Type Counts ###)/, replacement: "$1\n[REDACTED]\n$3" } ]; redactions.forEach( function( redaction ) { report = report.replace( redaction.regex, redaction.replacement ); }); return report; }, /** * Copy for GitHub report. * * @param {Object} event Copy event. */ copyGithubReport: function( event ) { wcClearClipboard(); var reportValue = $( '#debug-report' ).find( 'textarea' ).val(); var redactedReport = wcSystemStatus.applyRedactions( reportValue ); var reportForGithub = '<details><summary>System Status Report</summary>\n\n``' + redactedReport + '``\n</details>'; wcSetClipboard( reportForGithub, $( this ) ); event.preventDefault(); }, /** * Display a "Copied!" tip when success copying */ copySuccess: function( event ) { $( event.target ).tipTip({ 'attribute': 'data-tip', 'activation': 'focus', 'fadeIn': 50, 'fadeOut': 50, 'delay': 0 }).trigger( 'focus' ); }, /** * Displays the copy error message when failure copying. */ copyFail: function() { $( '.copy-error' ).removeClass( 'hidden' ); $( '#debug-report' ).find( 'textarea' ).trigger( 'focus' ).trigger( 'select' ); }, downloadReport: function() { var ssr_text = new Blob( [ $( '#debug-report' ).find( 'textarea' ).val() ], { type: 'text/plain' } ); var domain = window.location.hostname; var datetime = new Date().toISOString().slice( 0, 19 ).replace( /:/g, '-' ); var a = document.createElement( 'a' ); a.download = 'SystemStatusReport_' + domain + '_' + datetime + '.txt'; a.href = window.URL.createObjectURL( ssr_text ); a.textContent = 'Download ready'; a.style='display:none'; a.click(); a.remove(); } }; wcSystemStatus.init(); $( '.wc_status_table' ).on( 'click', '.run-tool .button', function( evt ) { evt.stopImmediatePropagation(); return window.confirm( woocommerce_admin_system_status.run_tool_confirmation ); }); $( '#log-viewer-select' ).on( 'click', 'h2 a.page-title-action', function( evt ) { evt.stopImmediatePropagation(); return window.confirm( woocommerce_admin_system_status.delete_log_confirmation ); }); });