Current Path : /home/multihiv/www/store/wp-content/plugins/safe-svg/includes/blocks/safe-svg/ |
Current File : /home/multihiv/www/store/wp-content/plugins/safe-svg/includes/blocks/safe-svg/edit.js |
/* eslint-disable no-unused-vars */ /** * WordPress dependencies */ import { __ } from '@wordpress/i18n'; import { Placeholder, PanelBody, } from '@wordpress/components'; import { useBlockProps, BlockControls, AlignmentToolbar, InspectorControls, __experimentalImageSizeControl as ImageSizeControl, MediaReplaceFlow, MediaPlaceholder } from '@wordpress/block-editor'; import PropTypes from 'prop-types'; import { ReactSVG } from 'react-svg' /** * Edit component. * See https://wordpress.org/gutenberg/handbook/designers-developers/developers/block-api/block-edit-save/#edit * * @param {Object} props The block props. * @param {Object} props.attributes Block attributes. * @param {Object} props.attributes.svgURL SVG URL. * @param {boolean} props.attributes.alignment Alignment of the SVG. * @param {string} props.className Class name for the block. * @param {Function} props.setAttributes Sets the value for block attributes. * @return {Function} Render the edit screen */ const SafeSvgBlockEdit = ( props ) => { const { attributes, setAttributes } = props; const { contentPostType, svgURL, type, imageID, imageSizes, alignment, imageWidth, imageHeight, dimensionWidth, dimensionHeight } = attributes; const blockProps = useBlockProps( { className:` wp-block-safe-svg-svg-icon safe-svg-cover`, style: { textAlign: alignment, } } ); const { className, style, ...containerBlockProps } = blockProps; // Remove text alignment so we can apply to the parent container. delete style.textAlign; containerBlockProps.style = { textAlign: alignment }; // Remove core background & text color classes, so we can add our own. const newClassName = className.replace(/has-[\w-]*-color|has-background/g, '').trim(); containerBlockProps.className = newClassName; // Add the width and height to enforce dimensions and to keep parity with the frontend. style.width = `${dimensionWidth}px`; style.height = `${dimensionHeight}px`; const ALLOWED_MEDIA_TYPES = [ 'image/svg+xml' ]; const onSelectImage = media => { if ( !media.sizes && !media.media_details?.sizes ) { return; } if( media.media_details ) { media.sizes = media.media_details.sizes; } const newURL = media.sizes.full.url ?? media.sizes.full.source_url; setAttributes( { imageSizes: { full: media.sizes.full, medium: media.sizes.medium, thumbnail: media.sizes.thumbnail, }, imageWidth: media.sizes.full.width, imageHeight: media.sizes.full.height, dimensionWidth: media.sizes.full.width, dimensionHeight: media.sizes.full.height, imageID: media.id, svgURL: newURL, type: 'full', } ); }; const onError = ( message ) => { console.log( __(`Something went wrong, please try again. Message: ${message}`, 'safe-svg') ); } const onChange = (dimensionSizes) => { if( !dimensionSizes.width && !dimensionSizes.height ) { dimensionSizes.width = parseInt( imageSizes[type].width ); dimensionSizes.height = parseInt( imageSizes[type].height ); } setAttributes({ dimensionWidth: dimensionSizes.width ?? dimensionWidth, dimensionHeight: dimensionSizes.height ?? dimensionHeight, }) } const onChangeImage = (newSizeSlug) => { const newUrl = imageSizes[newSizeSlug].url ?? imageSizes[newSizeSlug].source_url; if( ! newUrl ) { return null; } let newWidth = parseInt( imageSizes[newSizeSlug].width ); let newHeight = parseInt( imageSizes[newSizeSlug].height ); if( 'full' !== newSizeSlug ) { if(imageSizes[newSizeSlug].width >= imageSizes[newSizeSlug].height) { newHeight = imageSizes[newSizeSlug].height * imageSizes['full'].height / imageSizes['full'].width; } else { newWidth = imageSizes[newSizeSlug].width * imageSizes['full'].width / imageSizes['full'].height; } } setAttributes({ svgURL: newUrl, imageWidth: newWidth, imageHeight: newHeight, dimensionWidth: newWidth, dimensionHeight: newHeight, type: newSizeSlug }) } const imageSizeOptions = [ { value: 'full', label: 'Full Size' }, { value: 'medium', label: 'Medium' }, { value: 'thumbnail', label: 'Thumbnail' }, ]; return ( <> {svgURL && <><InspectorControls> <PanelBody title={__( 'Image settings', 'safe-svg' )} > <ImageSizeControl width={dimensionWidth} height={dimensionHeight} imageWidth={imageWidth} imageHeight={imageHeight} imageSizeOptions={imageSizeOptions} slug={type} onChange={onChange} onChangeImage={onChangeImage} /> </PanelBody> </InspectorControls><BlockControls> <AlignmentToolbar value={alignment} onChange={(newVal) => setAttributes({ alignment: newVal })} /> </BlockControls><BlockControls> <MediaReplaceFlow mediaId={imageID} mediaURL={svgURL} allowedTypes={ALLOWED_MEDIA_TYPES} accept={ALLOWED_MEDIA_TYPES} onSelect={onSelectImage} onError={onError} /> </BlockControls></> } {!svgURL && <MediaPlaceholder onSelect={onSelectImage} allowedTypes = {ALLOWED_MEDIA_TYPES} accept={ALLOWED_MEDIA_TYPES} value={imageID} labels={{ title: __( 'Inline SVG', 'safe-svg' ), instructions: __( 'Upload an SVG or pick one from your media library.', 'safe-svg' ) }} /> } {svgURL && <div { ...containerBlockProps }> <div style={style} className="safe-svg-inside" > <ReactSVG src={svgURL} beforeInjection={(svg) => { svg.setAttribute( 'style', `width: ${dimensionWidth}px; height: ${dimensionHeight}px;` ); }} /> </div> </div> } { contentPostType && ( <Placeholder label={ __( 'SafeSvg', 'safe-svg' ) } > <p> { __( 'Please select the SVG icon.', 'safe-svg' ) } </p> </Placeholder> ) } </> ); }; // Set the propTypes SafeSvgBlockEdit.propTypes = { attributes: PropTypes.shape({ svgURL: PropTypes.string, alignment: PropTypes.string, imageID: PropTypes.number, imageWidth: PropTypes.number, imageHeight: PropTypes.number, dimensionWidth: PropTypes.number, dimensionHeight: PropTypes.number, imageSizes: PropTypes.object, }).isRequired, className: PropTypes.string, clientId: PropTypes.string, setAttributes: PropTypes.func.isRequired, }; export default SafeSvgBlockEdit;