Current Path : /home/multihiv/www/store/wp-content/plugins/revslider/public/ |
Current File : /home/multihiv/www/store/wp-content/plugins/revslider/public/revslider-front.class.php |
<?php /** * @author ThemePunch <info@themepunch.com> * @link https://www.themepunch.com/ * @copyright 2024 ThemePunch */ if(!defined('ABSPATH')) exit(); class RevSliderFront extends RevSliderFrontGlobal { public $v6_slider = false; public function __construct(){ parent::__construct(); add_action('wp_enqueue_scripts', array($this, 'add_actions')); } /** * Add all actions that the frontend needs here **/ public function add_scripts(){ global $wp_scripts; if(version_compare($this->get_val($wp_scripts, array('registered', 'tp-tools', 'ver'), '1.0'), RS_TP_TOOLS, '<')){ wp_deregister_script('tp-tools'); wp_dequeue_script('tp-tools'); } wp_enqueue_script('tp-tools', RS_PLUGIN_URL_CLEAN . 'public/js/libs/tptools.js', '', RS_REVISION, ['strategy' => 'async']); wp_enqueue_script('sr7', RS_PLUGIN_URL_CLEAN . 'public/js/sr7.js', '', RS_REVISION, ['strategy' => 'async']); wp_enqueue_style('sr7css', RS_PLUGIN_URL_CLEAN . 'public/css/sr7.css', '', RS_REVISION); //check if a v6 slider is on the page, if yes then load the migration JS if($this->v6_slider) wp_enqueue_script('sr7migration', RS_PLUGIN_URL_CLEAN . 'public/js/migration.js', '', RS_REVISION, ['strategy' => 'async']); do_action('sr_front_add_scripts', $this); } /** * Add custom HTML to the style tags **/ public function add_html_to_style_tags($html, $handle) { // Check if it's the stylesheet you want to modify if ($handle !== 'sr7pagecsslp') return $html; $html = str_replace("rel='stylesheet'", "rel='preload'", $html); $html = str_replace('/>', 'as="style" fetchpriority="low" onload="this.rel=\'stylesheet\'" />', $html); $html = str_replace("rel='stylesheet'", "rel='preload'", $html); $html = str_replace('/>', 'as="style" fetchpriority="high" onload="this.rel=\'stylesheet\'" />', $html); return $html; } public function add_actions(){ global $SR_GLOBALS; $global = $this->get_global_settings(); $inc_global = $this->_truefalse($this->get_val($global, 'allinclude', true)); $inc_footer = $this->_truefalse($this->get_val($global, array('script', 'footer'), true)); $widget = is_active_widget(false, false, 'rev-slider-widget', true); $load = false; $load = apply_filters('revslider_include_libraries', $load); $load = ($SR_GLOBALS['preview_mode'] === true) ? true : $load; $load = ($inc_global === true) ? true : $load; $load = (self::has_shortcode('rev_slider') === true || self::has_shortcode('sr7') === true) ? true : $load; $load = ($widget !== false) ? true : $load; if($inc_global === false){ $output = new RevSliderOutput(); $output->set_add_to($this->get_val($global, 'includeids', '')); $add_to = $output->check_add_to(true); $load = ($add_to === true) ? true : $load; } if($load === false) return false; $this->add_scripts(); add_action('wp_head', array($this, 'js_add_header_scripts'), 99); add_action('wp_head', array($this, 'load_header_fonts')); add_filter('style_loader_tag', array($this, 'add_html_to_style_tags'), 10, 2); add_action('wp_footer', array($this, 'load_google_fonts')); add_action('wp_footer', array($this, 'add_deprecation_warnings')); add_action('wp_head', array('RevSliderFront', 'add_meta_generator')); } public function js_add_header_scripts(){ global $SR_GLOBALS; if($SR_GLOBALS['header_js'] === true) return false; $global = $this->get_global_settings(); $breakpoints = array(); $breakpoints[] = intval($this->get_val($global, array('size', 'desktop'), '1240')); $breakpoints[] = intval($this->get_val($global, array('size', 'notebook'), '1024')); $breakpoints[] = intval($this->get_val($global, array('size', 'tablet'), '778')); $breakpoints[] = intval($this->get_val($global, array('size', 'mobile'), '480')); $libs = array(); $css = array(); $modules = array('module','page','slide','layer','draw','animate','srtools','canvas','defaults','carousel','navigation','media','modifiers'); $devMode = 'true'; if($SR_GLOBALS['markup_export'] === false) $modules[] = 'migration'; if(file_exists(RS_PLUGIN_PATH . 'public/js/libs/three.js')) $libs[] = "'THREE'"; else $devMode = 'false'; if(file_exists(RS_PLUGIN_PATH . 'public/js/libs/webgl.js')) $libs[] = "'WEBGL'"; if(file_exists(RS_PLUGIN_PATH . 'public/js/libs/tpgsap.js')) $libs[] = "'tpgsap'"; if(file_exists(RS_PLUGIN_PATH . 'public/css/sr7.lp.css')) $css[] = "'csslp'"; if(file_exists(RS_PLUGIN_PATH . 'public/css/sr7.btns.css')) $css[] = "'cssbtns'"; if(file_exists(RS_PLUGIN_PATH . 'public/css/sr7.filters.css')) $css[] = "'cssfilters'"; if(file_exists(RS_PLUGIN_PATH . 'public/css/sr7.nav.css')) $css[] = "'cssnav'"; if(file_exists(RS_PLUGIN_PATH . 'public/css/sr7.media.css')) $css[] = "'cssmedia'"; $script = '<script>' . "\n"; $script .= " window._tpt ??= {};" . "\n"; $script .= " window.SR7 ??= {};" . "\n"; $script .= " _tpt.R ??= {};" . "\n"; $script .= " _tpt.R.fonts ??= {};" . "\n"; $script .= " _tpt.R.fonts.customFonts??= {};" . "\n"; $script .= " SR7.devMode = ".$devMode.";" . "\n"; $script .= " SR7.F ??= {};" . "\n"; $script .= " SR7.G ??= {};" . "\n"; $script .= " SR7.LIB ??= {};" . "\n"; $script .= " SR7.E ??= {};" . "\n"; $script .= " SR7.E.gAddons ??= {};" . "\n"; $script .= " SR7.E.php ??= {};" . "\n"; $script .= " SR7.E.nonce = '". wp_create_nonce('RevSlider_Front') ."';" . "\n"; $script .= " SR7.E.ajaxurl = '". admin_url('admin-ajax.php') ."';" . "\n"; $script .= " SR7.E.resturl = '". get_rest_url() ."';" . "\n"; $script .= " SR7.E.slug_path = '". str_replace(array("\n", "\r"), '', RS_PLUGIN_SLUG_PATH) ."';" . "\n"; $script .= " SR7.E.slug = '". str_replace(array("\n", "\r"), '', RS_PLUGIN_SLUG) ."';" . "\n"; $script .= " SR7.E.plugin_url = '". str_replace(array("\n", "\r"), '', RS_PLUGIN_URL) ."';" . "\n"; $script .= " SR7.E.wp_plugin_url = '". str_replace(array("\n", "\r"), '', WP_PLUGIN_URL) . "/" ."';" . "\n"; $script .= " SR7.E.revision = '". RS_REVISION ."';" . "\n"; $script .= " SR7.E.fontBaseUrl = '". ($this->get_val($global, 'fontdownload') === 'off' ? $this->modify_fonts_url('https://fonts.googleapis.com/css2?family=') : '') ."';" . "\n"; $script .= " SR7.G.breakPoints = [".implode(',', $breakpoints)."];" . "\n"; $script .= " SR7.E.modules = ['".implode("','", $modules)."'];" . "\n"; if(!empty($libs)) $script .= ' SR7.E.libs = [' . implode(',', $libs) . '];' . "\n"; if(!empty($css)) $script .= ' SR7.E.css = [' . implode(',', $css) . '];' . "\n"; $script .= " SR7.E.resources = {};" . "\n"; $script = apply_filters('revslider_js_add_header_scripts_js', $script); // Add Page Handler Inline Script if($this->get_val($global, array('getTec', 'core'), 'MIX') !== 'REST' || $SR_GLOBALS['markup_export'] === true){ $script .= ' SR7.JSON ??= {};' ."\n"; } if($SR_GLOBALS['markup_export'] === false) $script .= (file_get_contents(RS_PLUGIN_PATH . 'public/js/page.js')); $script .= '</script>' . "\n"; echo apply_filters('revslider_js_add_header_scripts', $script); $SR_GLOBALS['header_js'] = true; } public function load_v7_slider(){ global $SR_GLOBALS, $post; $used_slider = []; $forced_slides = []; $id = (isset($post->ID)) ? $post->ID : ''; //$all_shortcodes = $this->get_shortcode_from_page($id); //$all_shortcodes = array_unique(array_merge($all_shortcodes, $SR_GLOBALS['sliders'])); $all_shortcodes = $SR_GLOBALS['sliders']; $script = ''; if(empty($all_shortcodes)) return $script; $table_temp = $SR_GLOBALS['use_table_version']; $SR_GLOBALS['use_table_version'] = ($SR_GLOBALS['front_version'] === 6) ? 6 : 7; $serial = $SR_GLOBALS['serial']; $collection = $SR_GLOBALS['collections']['ids']; $SR_GLOBALS['collections']['ids'] = array(); if($SR_GLOBALS['serial'] > 0){ $SR_GLOBALS['serial'] = 0; } $global = $this->get_global_settings(); $mode = $this->get_val($global, array('getTec', 'core'), 'MIX'); $start_ver = $SR_GLOBALS['use_table_version']; foreach($all_shortcodes ?? [] as $alias){ $SR_GLOBALS['use_table_version'] = $start_ver; $slider = new RevSliderSlider(); if(!$slider->check_alias($alias)){ //check in v6/v7 database depending on where we are currently $SR_GLOBALS['use_table_version'] = ($SR_GLOBALS['use_table_version'] === 6) ? 7 : 6; if(!$slider->check_alias($alias)) continue; } $slider->init_by_alias($alias, false); if($slider->inited === false) continue; if($SR_GLOBALS['use_table_version'] === 7){ $v7sid = $slider->get_id(); if($this->check_if_migration_done($v7sid) === false){ $SR_GLOBALS['use_table_version'] = 6; $slider = new RevSliderSlider(); $slider->init_by_id($v7sid); if($slider->inited === false) continue; } } if($SR_GLOBALS['use_table_version'] === 6) $this->v6_slider = true; $dl = $slider->get_param('deepLinks', []); foreach($dl ?? [] as $slide_id){ if(!in_array($slide_id, $forced_slides)) $forced_slides[] = $slide_id; } $used_slider[] = $slider; } foreach($used_slider ?? [] as $slider){ $SR_GLOBALS['serial']++; $sid = $slider->get_id(); $slider_id = $slider->get_param('id', ''); $html_id = (trim($slider_id) !== '') ? $slider_id : 'SR7_'.$sid.'_'.$SR_GLOBALS['serial']; $html_id = $this->set_html_id_v7($html_id, true); $full = ($slider->v7 === false || ($slider->v7 === true && ($slider->get_param('fixed', false) !== false || in_array($slider->get_param('type', ''), array('scene', 'hero', 'carousel'))))) ? true : false; if($mode === 'MIX' && $SR_GLOBALS['serial'] > 2) $full = false; //we only print $forced_slides from now on $full = ($slider->is_stream_post()) ? true : $full; //check if we are stream/post, these need to always write all layers (B-7235530610) if($SR_GLOBALS['markup_export'] === true){ $script .= " SR7.JSON['".$html_id."'] = 'assets/".$html_id.".json';"."\n"; }else{ $data = $slider->get_full_slider_JSON(false, $full, array(), $forced_slides); $data = apply_filters('sr_load_slider_json', $data, $this); if($mode === 'MIX' && $SR_GLOBALS['serial'] > 2 && !empty($forced_slides)){ //we check if slides are in the forced_slides list, if not then we ignore $print = false; foreach($data['slides'] ?? [] as $slide){ if(!in_array($this->get_val($slide, 'id'), $forced_slides)) continue; $print = true; break; } if($print === false) continue; //do not pront any information about the slider } //load dom data directly $script .= " SR7.JSON['".$html_id."'] = ".json_encode($data).";"."\n"; } if($mode === 'MIX' && $SR_GLOBALS['serial'] >= 2 && empty($forced_slides)) break; } $SR_GLOBALS['collections']['ids'] = $collection; //reset html ids here, so that they are later on empty when the page is parsed $SR_GLOBALS['serial'] = $serial; //reset back to what it was before $SR_GLOBALS['use_table_version'] = $table_temp; return $script; } /** * print in header **/ public function load_header_fonts(){ $global = $this->get_global_settings(); if($this->get_val($global, 'fontdownload', 'off') === 'disable') return; echo '<link rel="preconnect" href="https://fonts.googleapis.com">'."\n"; echo '<link rel="preconnect" href="https://fonts.gstatic.com/" crossorigin>'."\n"; } /** * Load Used Google Fonts * add google fonts of all sliders found on the page * @since: 6.0 */ public function load_google_fonts(){ $fonts = $this->print_clean_font_import_v7(); if(empty($fonts)) return; echo "\n".$fonts."\n"; global $SR_GLOBALS; if(empty($SR_GLOBALS['fonts']['loaded']) && empty($SR_GLOBALS['fonts']['custom'])) return; $domFonts = array(); echo '<script>'."\n"; $branches = array('loaded', 'custom'); foreach($branches as $branch){ foreach($SR_GLOBALS['fonts'][$branch] ?? [] as $handle => $values){ $handle = preg_replace('/[^-0-9a-zA-Z+]/', '', str_replace(' ', '+', $handle)); if(isset($values['url'])){ echo "_tpt.R.fonts.customFonts['". $handle ."'] = ". json_encode($values) .";"."\n"; }else{ $domFonts[$handle] = array( 'normal' => $this->get_val($values, array('variants', 'normal'), array()), 'italic' => $this->get_val($values, array('variants', 'italic'), array()) ); } } } if(!empty($domFonts)){ echo "_tpt.R.fonts.domFonts = ". json_encode($domFonts) .";"."\n"; } echo '</script>'."\n"; } /** * adds deprecation warnings of functions that will cease to exist in v7 */ public function add_deprecation_warnings(){ global $SR_GLOBALS; if(empty($SR_GLOBALS['deprecated'])) return; echo '<script>'; echo 'SR7.E.php.warnings = '.json_encode($SR_GLOBALS['deprecated']).';'; echo '</script>'."\n"; } }