Current Path : /home/multihiv/www/store/wp-content/plugins/revslider/includes/ |
Current File : /home/multihiv/www/store/wp-content/plugins/revslider/includes/slider.class.php |
<?php /** * @author ThemePunch <info@themepunch.com> * @link https://www.themepunch.com/ * @copyright 2024 ThemePunch */ if(!defined('ABSPATH')) exit(); class RevSliderSlider extends RevSliderFunctions { public $id; public $title; public $alias; public $settings = array(); public $params = array(); public $metas = array(); public $slides; public $type; public $inited = false; public $map; public $is_woocommerce = false; public $gallery_ids = false; public $is_gallery = false; public $language = 'all'; public $v7 = false; /** * @var RevSliderSlide */ public $_static_slide; /** * used to determinate if we need to init the layers of the Slides * can cause heavy ram usage on slider overview page if we have 100+ Sliders **/ public $init_layer = true; public function __construct(){ parent::__construct(); $this->map = array(); } /** * START: DEPRECATED FUNCTIONS THAT ARE IN HERE FOR OLD ADDONS TO WORK PROPERLY **/ /** * old version of get_param(); * added for compatibility with old AddOns **/ public function getParam($key, $default = '', $validateType = null, $title = ''){ $this->add_deprecation_message('getParam', 'get_param'); return $this->get_param($key, $default); } /** * old version of get_param(); * added for compatibility with old AddOns **/ public function getParams(){ $this->add_deprecation_message('getParams', 'get_params'); return $this->get_params(); } /** * old version of get_id(); * added for compatibility with old AddOns **/ public function getID(){ $this->add_deprecation_message('getID', 'get_id'); return $this->get_id(); } /** * old version of get_sliders(); * added for compatibility with old AddOns **/ public function getArrSliders($templates = false){ $this->add_deprecation_message('getArrSliders', 'get_sliders'); return $this->get_sliders($templates); } /** * old version of init_by_mixed(); * added for compatibility with old Themes **/ public function initByMixed($mixed){ $this->add_deprecation_message('initByMixed', 'init_by_mixed'); $this->init_by_mixed($mixed); } /** * old version of init_by_id(); * added for compatibility with old AddOns **/ public function initByID($sid){ $this->add_deprecation_message('initByID', 'init_by_id'); $this->init_by_id($sid); } /** * old version of initByAlias(); */ public function initByAlias($alias){ $this->add_deprecation_message('initByAlias', 'init_by_alias'); $this->init_by_alias($alias); } /** * old version of get_alias(); */ public function getAlias(){ $this->add_deprecation_message('getAlias', 'get_alias'); return $this->get_alias(); } /** * old version of check_alias(); */ public function isAliasExistsInDB($alias){ $this->add_deprecation_message('isAliasExistsInDB', 'check_alias'); return $this->check_alias($alias); } /** * old version of get_shortcode(); */ public function getShortcode(){ $this->add_deprecation_message('getShortcode', 'get_shortcode'); return $this->get_shortcode(); } /** * old version of get_first_slide_id_from_gallery(); */ public function getFirstSlideIdFromGallery(){ $this->add_deprecation_message('getFirstSlideIdFromGallery', 'get_first_slide_id_from_gallery'); return $this->get_first_slide_id_from_gallery(); } /** * old version of is_posts(); */ public function isSlidesFromPosts(){ $this->add_deprecation_message('isSlidesFromPosts', 'is_posts'); return $this->is_posts(); } /** * old version of is_stream(); */ public function isSlidesFromStream(){ $this->add_deprecation_message('isSlidesFromStream', 'is_stream'); return $this->is_stream(); } /** * used in featured addon **/ public function getNumSlidesRaw(){ $this->add_deprecation_message('getNumSlidesRaw', 'get_slides'); return $this->get_slides(); } /** * used in featured addon **/ public function getNumSlides(){ $this->add_deprecation_message('getNumSlides', 'get_slides'); return $this->get_slides(); } /** * used in featured addon * old version of get_wanted_slides(); * @obsolete: $published obsolete **/ public function getNumRealSlides($published = false, $type = 'post'){ $this->add_deprecation_message('getNumRealSlides', 'get_wanted_slides'); return $this->get_wanted_slides($type); } /** * old version of get_title(); */ public function getTitle(){ $this->add_deprecation_message('getTitle', 'get_title'); return $this->get_title(); } /** * old version of get_sliders_short(); */ public function getArrSlidersShort($exclude_id = null, $filter = 'all'){ $this->add_deprecation_message('getArrSlidersShort', 'get_sliders_short'); return $this->get_sliders_short($exclude_id, $filter); } /** * old version of init_by_data(); */ public function initByDBData($data){ $this->add_deprecation_message('initByDBData', 'init_by_data'); $this->init_by_data($data); } /** * old version of alias_exists(); */ public static function isAliasExists($alias, $return_id = false){ $f = RevSliderGlobals::instance()->get('RevSliderFunctions'); $f->add_deprecation_message('isAliasExists', 'alias_exists'); return self::alias_exists($alias, $return_id); } /** * old version of get_slide_names(); */ public function getArrSlideNames(){ $this->add_deprecation_message('getArrSlideNames', 'get_slide_names'); return $this->get_slide_names(); } /** * this function does not exist anymore, only added for backwards compatibility, * as a theme author, please use different functionality to recreate this */ public function getAllSliderAliases(){ $this->add_deprecation_message('getAllSliderAliases', false); return array(); } /** * old version of get_slides(); */ public function getSlidesFromGallery($published = false, $allwpml = false, $first = false){ $this->add_deprecation_message('getSlidesFromGallery', 'get_slides'); return $this->get_slides($published, $allwpml, $first); } /** * old version of import_slider(); * $updateStatic is obsolete now */ public function importSliderFromPost($update_animation = true, $updateStatic = true, $exact_filepath = false, $is_template = false, $single_slide = false, $update_navigation = true, $install = true){ $this->add_deprecation_message('importSliderFromPost', 'import_slider'); $i = new RevSliderSliderImport(); $r = $i->import_slider($update_animation, $exact_filepath, $is_template, $single_slide, $update_navigation); return $r; } /** * old version of delete_slider(); */ public function deleteSlider(){ $this->add_deprecation_message('deleteSlider', 'delete_slider'); $this->delete_slider(); } /** * old version of get_slider_for_admin_menu(); */ public function getAllSliderForAdminMenu(){ $this->add_deprecation_message('getAllSliderForAdminMenu', 'get_slider_for_admin_menu'); return $this->get_slider_for_admin_menu(); } /** * END: DEPRECATED FUNCTIONS THAT ARE IN HERE FOR OLD ADDONS TO WORK PROPERLY **/ /** * get the language */ public function get_language(){ return apply_filters('revslider_get_language', $this->language, $this); } /** * set the language */ public function change_language($language){ $this->language = apply_filters('revslider_change_language', $language, $this); } public function set_gallery_ids($gallery_ids){ $this->gallery_ids = $gallery_ids; $this->is_gallery = true; } public function get_gallery_ids(){ return $this->gallery_ids; } /** * Check if an alias exists in database */ public function check_id_v7($id){ global $wpdb; $v = '7'; $slider = $wpdb->get_row($wpdb->prepare("SELECT * FROM ". $wpdb->prefix . RevSliderFront::TABLE_SLIDER . $v ." WHERE id = %d", $id), ARRAY_A); return !empty($slider); } /** * return the map of slide IDs **/ public function get_map(){ return $this->map; } /** * init by id or alias * @param mixed $mixed slider id or alias * @param bool $show_error */ public function init_by_mixed($mixed, $show_error = true){ if(is_numeric($mixed)){ $this->init_by_id($mixed, $show_error); }else{ $this->init_by_alias($mixed, $show_error); } } /** * initialize the slider data by given id * @param int $sid slider id * @param bool $show_error */ public function init_by_id($sid, $show_error = true){ global $wpdb, $SR_GLOBALS; $this->validate_numeric($sid, 'Slider ID'); $v = ($SR_GLOBALS['use_table_version'] === 7) ? '7' : ''; $slider_data = $wpdb->get_row($wpdb->prepare("SELECT * FROM ". $wpdb->prefix . RevSliderFront::TABLE_SLIDER . $v ." WHERE id = %d", $sid), ARRAY_A); if(empty($slider_data) && !is_admin() && $show_error === true) $this->throw_error('Slider not found.'); if(!empty($slider_data)) $this->init_by_data($slider_data); } /** * initialize the slider data by given alias * @param string $alias slider alias * @param bool $show_error */ public function init_by_alias($alias, $show_error = true){ global $wpdb, $SR_GLOBALS; $v = ($SR_GLOBALS['use_table_version'] === 7) ? '7' : ''; $_alias = str_replace(' ', '-', $alias); //make sure that no spaces are added $slider_data = $wpdb->get_row($wpdb->prepare("SELECT * FROM ". $wpdb->prefix . RevSliderFront::TABLE_SLIDER . $v ." WHERE alias = %s", $_alias), ARRAY_A); if(empty($slider_data)){ //go back to an very old option where an slider alias could have a space $slider_data = $wpdb->get_row($wpdb->prepare("SELECT * FROM ". $wpdb->prefix . RevSliderFront::TABLE_SLIDER . $v ." WHERE alias = %s", $alias), ARRAY_A); } if(empty($slider_data) && !is_admin() && $show_error === true){ $this->throw_error('Slider with alias '.sanitize_text_field(esc_attr($alias)).' not found.'); } if(!empty($slider_data)) $this->init_by_data($slider_data); } /** * init slider by db data */ public function init_by_data($data){ global $SR_GLOBALS; $data = apply_filters('revslider_slider_init_by_data', $data, $this); $this->id = $this->get_val($data, 'id'); $this->title = $this->get_val($data, 'title'); $this->alias = $this->get_val($data, 'alias'); $this->settings = (array)json_decode($this->get_val($data, 'settings'), true); $this->params = (array)json_decode($this->get_val($data, 'params'), true); $this->params['version'] = $this->get_val($this->settings, 'version'); $this->type = $this->get_val($data, 'type'); $this->inited = true; $this->v7 = ($SR_GLOBALS['use_table_version'] === 7) ? true : false; $do_action = (is_admin()) ? false : true; $do_action = (wp_doing_ajax() || wp_is_json_request()) ? true : $do_action; $do_action = ($SR_GLOBALS['preview_mode']) ? true : $do_action; if($do_action){ global $SR_GLOBALS; if($SR_GLOBALS['data_init'] === true){ do_action('revslider_slider_init_by_data_post', $this); } } $this->modify_by_global_settings(); } /** * set slider params */ public function set_params($params){ $this->params = $params; } /** * return params of current initialized Slider */ public function get_params(){ return $this->params; } /** * set specific slider param * @since: 5.1.1 */ public function set_param($name, $value){ if(is_array($name)){ $params = &$this->params; if(!empty($name)){ foreach($name as $key){ if(is_array($params)){ $params = &$params[$key]; }elseif(is_object($params)){ $params = &$params->$key; } } } $params = $value; }else{ $this->params[$name] = $value; } } /** * return certain param of current initialized Slider * before: RevSliderSlider::get_param() * @param mixed $key * @param string $default * @return mixed */ public function get_param($key, $default = ''){ if(!is_array($key)){ return $this->get_val($this->params, $key, $default); }else{ $a = $this->params; foreach($key as $k => $v){ $a = $this->get_val($a, $v, $default); } return $a; } } /* * return settings of current initialized Slider * @since: 5.0 * before: RevSliderSlider::getSettings() */ public function get_settings(){ return $this->settings; } /* * return certain setting * @since: 5.0 */ public function get_setting($handle, $default){ return $this->get_val($this->settings, $handle, $default); } /** * get the slider title * @before: RevSliderSlider::getTitle() */ public function get_title(){ return $this->title; } /** * get the slider alias * @before: RevSliderSlider::getAlias() */ public function get_alias(){ return $this->alias; } /** * get slider shortcode * @before: RevSliderSlider::getShortcode() */ public function get_shortcode(){ return '[rev_slider alias="'.$this->alias.'"]'; } /** * get the slider tags * @since: 6.0 */ public function get_tags(){ return $this->get_val($this->settings, 'tags', array()); } /** * get the slider id * @before: RevSliderSlider::getID() */ public function get_id(){ return $this->id; } /** * return if the slider source is from posts * @before: RevSliderSlider::isSlidesFromPosts(); */ public function is_posts(){ $source = ($this->v7) ? $this->get_param(array('source', 'type'), 'gallery') : $this->get_param('sourcetype', 'gallery'); return in_array($source, array('post', 'posts', 'specific_posts', 'specific_post', 'current_post', 'woocommerce', 'woo'), true); //, 'gallery' } /** * return if the slider source is from posts * @before: RevSliderSlider::isSlidesFromPosts(); */ public function is_posts_pre60(){ $source = $this->get_param('source_type', 'gallery'); return in_array($source, array('post', 'posts', 'specific_posts', 'specific_post', 'current_post', 'woocommerce', 'woo'), true); } /** * return if the slider source is from specific posts */ public function is_specific_posts(){ $source = ($this->v7) ? $this->get_param(array('source', 'type'), 'gallery') : $this->get_param('source_type', 'gallery'); return in_array($source, array('specific_posts', 'specific_post'), true); } /** * return if the slider source is from stream * @before: RevSliderSlider::isSlidesFromStream(); */ public function is_stream(){ $source = ($this->v7) ? $this->get_param(array('source', 'type'), 'gallery') : $this->get_param('sourcetype', 'gallery'); return (!in_array($source, array('post', 'posts', 'specific_posts', 'specific_post', 'current_post', 'woocommerce', 'woo', 'gallery'), true)) ? $source : false; } /** * return if the slider source is from stream * @since: 6.0.0 */ public function is_stream_pre60(){ $source = $this->get_param('source_type', 'gallery'); return (!in_array($source, array('post', 'posts', 'specific_posts', 'specific_post', 'current_post', 'woocommerce', 'woo', 'gallery'), true)) ? $source : false; } /** * return if slider source is stream or post */ public function is_stream_post(){ return ($this->is_stream() || $this->is_posts()) ? true : false; } /** * get real slides number, from posts, social streams ect. */ public function get_wanted_slides($type = 'post'){ $ns = count($this->slides); switch($type){ case 'post': if($this->get_param(array('source', 'post', 'fetchType'), 'cat_tag') == 'next_prev'){ $ns = 2; }else{ $ns = $this->get_param(array('source', 'post', 'maxPosts'), $ns); if(intval($ns) == 0) $ns = '∞'; } break; case 'facebook': case 'instagram': case 'flickr': case 'youtube': case 'vimeo': $ns = $this->get_param(array('source', $type, 'count'), $ns); break; } return $ns; } /* * return true if slider is favorite * @since: 5.0 * @before: RevSliderSlider::isFavorite() * @obsolete since 6.0 as it was moved to the favorite.class.php */ public function is_favorite(){ return $this->get_val($this->settings, 'favorite', 'false') == 'true'; } /** * return the number of Sliders existing */ public function get_slider_count(){ global $wpdb, $SR_GLOBALS; $v = ($SR_GLOBALS['use_table_version'] === 7) ? '7' : ''; return count($wpdb->get_results("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ".$wpdb->prefix . RevSliderFront::TABLE_SLIDER . $v ." WHERE `type` = '' OR `type` IS NULL", ARRAY_A)); } /** * get the first slide ID of the current slider * @before: RevSliderSlider::getFirstSlideIdFromGallery() */ public function get_first_slide_id_from_gallery(){ global $wpdb, $SR_GLOBALS; $v = ($SR_GLOBALS['use_table_version'] === 7) ? '7' : ''; $slides = array(); $record = $wpdb->get_row($wpdb->prepare("SELECT * FROM ". $wpdb->prefix . RevSliderFront::TABLE_SLIDES . $v ." WHERE slider_id = %s ORDER BY slide_order ASC LIMIT 0,1", array($this->get_id())), ARRAY_A); if(!empty($record)){ $slide = new RevSliderSlide(); $slide->init_by_data($record); $sid = $slide->get_id(); $slides[$sid] = $slide; return $slides; } return false; } /** * get the alias of an slider by id **/ public function get_alias_by_id($slider_id){ global $wpdb, $SR_GLOBALS; $v = ($SR_GLOBALS['use_table_version'] === 7) ? '7' : ''; $record = $wpdb->get_row($wpdb->prepare("SELECT `alias` FROM ". $wpdb->prefix . RevSliderFront::TABLE_SLIDER . $v ." WHERE id = %s LIMIT 0,1", array($slider_id)), ARRAY_A); return (!empty($record)) ? $this->get_val($record, 'alias') : false; } /** * get all sliders that have a certain string in the params * @since: 6.4.6 **/ public function get_slider_by_param_string($string, $templates = false){ global $wpdb, $SR_GLOBALS; $v = ($SR_GLOBALS['use_table_version'] === 7) ? '7' : ''; $string = (array)$string; if(empty($string)) return array(); $sql = "SELECT * FROM ". $wpdb->prefix . RevSliderFront::TABLE_SLIDER . $v ." WHERE "; $add = ''; if($templates === true) $sql .= "("; foreach($string as $k => $v){ //$sql .= $add. "params LIKE '%%%s%%'"; $string[$k] = '%'.$v.'%'; $sql .= $add. "params LIKE %s"; if($add === '') $add = " OR "; } if($templates === true) $sql .= ")"; return $wpdb->get_results($wpdb->prepare($sql, $string), ARRAY_A); } /** * get all images that are beeing used by the Slider **/ public function get_images(){ $images = array(); $ret = array(); $image = $this->get_val($this->params, array('layout', 'bg', 'image')); $a_url = $this->get_val($this->params, array('troubleshooting', 'alternateURL')); if($image != '') $images[$image] = true; if($a_url != '') $images[$a_url] = true; if(!empty($this->slides) && count($this->slides) > 0){ foreach($this->slides as $key => $slide){ $params = $slide->get_params(); $layers = $slide->get_layers(); $image = $this->get_val($params, array('bg', 'image')); $thumb = $this->get_val($params, array('thumb', 'customThumbSrc')); $a_thumb = $this->get_val($params, array('thumb', 'customAdminThumbSrc')); if($image != ''){ $altOption = $this->get_val($params, array('attributes', 'altOption'), 'media_library'); $titleOption = $this->get_val($params, array('attributes', 'titleOption'), 'media_library'); $alt = ''; $title = ''; switch($altOption){ case 'media_library'; $id = attachment_url_to_postid($image); if($id > 0) $alt = get_post_meta($id, '_wp_attachment_image_alt', true); break; case 'file_name'; $alt = $image; break; case 'custom'; $alt = $this->get_val($params, array('attributes', 'alt'), ''); break; } switch($titleOption){ case 'media_library'; $id = attachment_url_to_postid($image); if($id > 0) $title = get_the_title($id); break; case 'file_name'; $title = $image; break; case 'custom'; $title = $this->get_val($params, array('attributes', 'title'), ''); break; } $images[$image] = array( 'src' => $image, 'alt' => $alt, 'title' => $title ); } if($thumb != '' && !isset($images[$thumb])) $images[$thumb] = true; if($a_thumb != '' && !isset($images[$a_thumb])) $images[$a_thumb] = true; if(!empty($layers)){ foreach($layers as $layer){ $type = $this->get_val($layer, 'type', 'text'); $image = $this->get_val($layer, array('media', 'imageUrl')); $bg_image = $this->get_val($layer, array('idle', 'backgroundImage')); if($image != '' && !isset($images[$image])) $images[$image] = true; if($bg_image != '' && !isset($images[$bg_image])) $images[$bg_image] = true; if(in_array($type, array('video', 'audio'))){ $poster = $this->get_val($layer, array('media', 'posterUrl'), ''); if($poster != '' && !isset($images[$poster])) $images[$poster] = true; } if($type === 'video'){ $very_big = $this->get_val($layer, array('media', 'thumbs', 'veryBig')); $big = $this->get_val($layer, array('media', 'thumbs', 'big')); $large = $this->get_val($layer, array('media', 'thumbs', 'large')); $medium = $this->get_val($layer, array('media', 'thumbs', 'medium')); $small = $this->get_val($layer, array('media', 'thumbs', 'small')); $very_big = (is_array($very_big) && isset($very_big['url'])) ? $very_big['url'] : $very_big; $big = (is_array($big) && isset($big['url'])) ? $big['url'] : $big; $large = (is_array($large) && isset($large['url'])) ? $large['url'] : $large; $medium = (is_array($medium) && isset($medium['url'])) ? $medium['url'] : $medium; $small = (is_array($small) && isset($small['url'])) ? $small['url'] : $small; if($very_big != '' && !isset($images[$very_big])) $images[$very_big] = true; if($big != '' && !isset($images[$big])) $images[$big] = true; if($large != '' && !isset($images[$large])) $images[$large] = true; if($medium != '' && !isset($images[$medium])) $images[$medium] = true; if($small != '' && !isset($images[$small])) $images[$small] = true; } } } } } if(!empty($images)){ foreach($images as $img => $b){ if(!is_bool($b)){ $ret[] = $b; }else{ $alt = ''; $title = ''; $id = attachment_url_to_postid($img); if($id > 0){ if($id > 0) $alt = get_post_meta($id, '_wp_attachment_image_alt', true); if($id > 0) $title = get_the_title($id); } $ret[] = array( 'src' => $img, 'alt' => $alt, 'title' => $title ); } } } return $ret; } /** * check if alias already exists * @before: RevSliderSlider::isAliasExists() */ public static function alias_exists($alias, $return_id = false){ global $wpdb, $SR_GLOBALS; $v = ($SR_GLOBALS['use_table_version'] === 7) ? '7' : ''; $alias_exists = $wpdb->get_row($wpdb->prepare("SELECT id FROM ". $wpdb->prefix . RevSliderFront::TABLE_SLIDER . $v ." WHERE alias = %s", $alias), ARRAY_A); if($return_id === true){ return (!empty($alias_exists)) ? $alias_exists['id'] : false; }else{ return !empty($alias_exists); } } /** * delete slider from datatase * @before RevSliderSlider::deleteSlider(); */ public function delete_slider(){ global $wpdb, $SR_GLOBALS; //delete slider $wpdb->delete($wpdb->prefix . RevSliderFront::TABLE_SLIDER, array('id' => $this->id)); $wpdb->delete($wpdb->prefix . RevSliderFront::TABLE_SLIDER . '7', array('id' => $this->id)); //delete slides $this->delete_all_slides(); if($SR_GLOBALS['use_table_version'] !== 7) $this->delete_static_slide(); do_action('revslider_slider_on_delete_slider', $this->id); } /** * delete all slides * @before: RevSliderSlider::deleteAllSlides(); */ public function delete_all_slides(){ global $wpdb, $SR_GLOBALS; $wpdb->delete($wpdb->prefix . RevSliderFront::TABLE_SLIDES, array('slider_id' => $this->id)); $wpdb->delete($wpdb->prefix . RevSliderFront::TABLE_SLIDES . '7', array('slider_id' => $this->id)); do_action('revslider_slider_delete_all_slides', $this->id); do_action('revslider_slider_deleteAllSlides', $this->id); } /** * delete static slide * @before: RevSliderSlider::deleteStaticSlide(); */ public function delete_static_slide(){ global $wpdb, $SR_GLOBALS; $v = ($SR_GLOBALS['use_table_version'] === 7) ? '7' : ''; if($SR_GLOBALS['use_table_version'] === 7){ $wpdb->delete($wpdb->prefix . RevSliderFront::TABLE_STATIC_SLIDES . $v, array('slider_id' => $this->id, 'static' => true)); }else{ $wpdb->delete($wpdb->prefix . RevSliderFront::TABLE_STATIC_SLIDES . $v, array('slider_id' => $this->id)); } do_action('revslider_slider_delete_static_slide', $this->id); } /** * duplicate a slide by given data * @before: RevSliderSlider::duplicateSliderFromData(); */ public function duplicate_slider_by_id($id, $is_template = false){ $this->validate_not_empty($id, 'Slider ID'); $this->init_by_id($id); $title = $this->get_title(); if($is_template){ $title = str_replace(' Template', '', $title); //remove the added Template from the title in copy process $talias = $title; }else{ $talias = $this->get_alias(); } $ti = 1; while($this->alias_exists($talias)){ //set a new alias and title if its existing in database $talias = $title. ' ' .$ti; $ti++; } return $this->duplicate_slider($talias); } /** * update the Slider title */ public function update_title($new_title){ global $wpdb, $SR_GLOBALS; $v = ($SR_GLOBALS['use_table_version'] === 7) ? '7' : ''; $new_title = stripslashes(esc_html($new_title)); if(!empty($new_title)){ $this->title = $new_title; $return = $wpdb->update($wpdb->prefix . RevSliderFront::TABLE_SLIDER . $v, array('title' => $this->title), array('id' => $this->id)); }else{ $return = $this->title; } return ($return) ? $this->title : false; } /** * update the Slider Tags * @since: 6.0 */ public function update_slider_tags($slider_id, $tags){ global $wpdb, $SR_GLOBALS; $v = ($SR_GLOBALS['use_table_version'] === 7) ? '7' : ''; $this->validate_not_empty($slider_id, 'Slider ID'); $record = $wpdb->get_row($wpdb->prepare("SELECT `settings` FROM ". $wpdb->prefix . RevSliderFront::TABLE_SLIDER . $v ." WHERE id = %s", $slider_id), ARRAY_A); $cur_tags = array(); if(!empty($tags)){ foreach($tags as $tag){ $tag = preg_replace('/ /', '-', $tag); $tag = preg_replace('/[^-0-9a-zA-Z_-]/', '', $tag); $cur_tags[] = $tag; } } if(!isset($record['settings'])){ $record['settings'] = array(); }else{ $record['settings'] = json_decode($record['settings'], true); } if(!isset($record['settings']['tags'])) $record['settings']['tags'] = array(); $record['settings']['tags'] = $cur_tags; $settings = json_encode($record['settings']); return $wpdb->update($wpdb->prefix . RevSliderFront::TABLE_SLIDER . $v, array('settings' => $settings), array('id' => $slider_id)); } /** * get the last Slider ID * @since: 6.0 */ public function get_last_slider_id(){ global $wpdb, $SR_GLOBALS; $v = ($SR_GLOBALS['use_table_version'] === 7) ? '7' : ''; $record = $wpdb->get_row("SELECT `id` FROM ". $wpdb->prefix . RevSliderFront::TABLE_SLIDER . $v ." ORDER BY `id` DESC LIMIT 0,1", ARRAY_A); $id = (!empty($record)) ? $this->get_val($record, 'id') : -1; return $id; } /** * get all slide children * @before: RevSliderSlider::getArrSlideChildren(); */ public function get_slide_children($slide_id){ $slides = $this->get_slides(); if(!isset($slides[$slide_id])){ $this->throw_error(__('Slide not found in the main slides of the slider. Maybe it', 'revslider')); } $slide = $slides[$slide_id]; $children = $slide->get_children(); return $children; } /** * get array of slide names * @before: RevSliderSlider::getArrSlideNames(); */ public function get_slide_names(){ if(empty($this->slides)){ $this->get_slides(); } $names = array(); if(!empty($this->slides)){ foreach($this->slides as $slide){ $id = $slide->get_id(); $file = $slide->image_filename; $title = $slide->get_title(); $name = $title; $name .= (!empty($file)) ? ' ('. $file .')' : ''; $childs = $slide->get_child_ids(); $names[$id] = array( 'name' => $name, 'arrChildrenIDs' => $childs, 'title' => $title ); } } return $names; } /** * duplicate slider in datatase * @before: RevSliderSlider::duplicateSlider(); */ private function duplicate_slider($title = false, $prefix = false){ global $wpdb, $SR_GLOBALS; $v = ($SR_GLOBALS['use_table_version'] === 7) ? '7' : ''; $old_slider_id = $this->id; //select a slider and then duplicate it $select = $wpdb->prepare("SELECT title, alias, params, type, settings FROM ". $wpdb->prefix . RevSliderFront::TABLE_SLIDER . $v ." WHERE id = %s", array($this->id)); $wpdb->query("INSERT INTO ". $wpdb->prefix . RevSliderFront::TABLE_SLIDER . $v ." (title, alias, params, type, settings) (".$select.")"); //update the slider title and alias to a new one $slider_last_id = $wpdb->insert_id; $params = $this->params; $this->validate_not_empty($slider_last_id, 'Slider ID'); $slider_counter = $this->get_slider_count(); //get last slider number if($title === false){ $slider_counter++; $new_title = 'Slider'.$slider_counter; $new_alias = 'slider'.$slider_counter; }else{ $new_title = ($prefix !== false) ? sanitize_text_field($title.' '.$this->get_val($params, 'title')) : sanitize_text_field($title); $new_alias = ($prefix !== false) ? sanitize_title($title.' '.$this->get_val($params, 'title')) : sanitize_title($title); //check if alias exists $c_title = $new_title; $c_alias = $new_alias; while($this->alias_exists($c_alias)){ $c_title = $new_title . $slider_counter; $c_alias = $new_alias . $slider_counter; $slider_counter++; } $new_title = $c_title; $new_alias = $c_alias; } $params['title'] = $new_title; $params['alias'] = $new_alias; $params['shortcode'] = '[rev_slider alias="'. $new_alias .'"]'; $wpdb->update( $wpdb->prefix . RevSliderFront::TABLE_SLIDER . $v, array( 'title' => $new_title, 'alias' => $new_alias, 'params' => json_encode($params), 'type' => '' ), array('id' => $slider_last_id) ); //duplicate slides and add them to the new Slider $slides = $wpdb->get_results($wpdb->prepare("SELECT * FROM ". $wpdb->prefix . RevSliderFront::TABLE_SLIDES . $v ." WHERE slider_id = %s", $this->id), ARRAY_A); if(!empty($slides)){ foreach($slides as $slide){ $slide['slider_id'] = $slider_last_id; $slide_id = $slide['id']; unset($slide['id']); $wpdb->insert($wpdb->prefix . RevSliderFront::TABLE_SLIDES . $v, $slide); if(isset($slide_id)){ $this->map[$slide_id] = $wpdb->insert_id; } } } //update actions $slides = $wpdb->get_results($wpdb->prepare("SELECT * FROM ". $wpdb->prefix . RevSliderFront::TABLE_SLIDES . $v ." WHERE slider_id = %s", $slider_last_id), ARRAY_A); if($SR_GLOBALS['use_table_version'] !== 7){ //duplicate static slide if exists $slide = new RevSliderSlide(); $staticID = $slide->get_static_slide_id($this->id); $static_id = 0; if($staticID !== false){ $record = $wpdb->get_row($wpdb->prepare("SELECT * FROM ". $wpdb->prefix . RevSliderFront::TABLE_STATIC_SLIDES . $v ." WHERE id = %s", $staticID), ARRAY_A); unset($record['id']); $record['slider_id'] = $slider_last_id; $wpdb->insert($wpdb->prefix . RevSliderFront::TABLE_STATIC_SLIDES . $v, $record); $static_id = $wpdb->insert_id; } if($static_id > 0){ $slides_static = $wpdb->get_row($wpdb->prepare("SELECT * FROM ". $wpdb->prefix . RevSliderFront::TABLE_STATIC_SLIDES . $v ." WHERE id = %s", $static_id), ARRAY_A); if(!empty($slides_static)) $slides[] = $slides_static; } } if(!empty($slides)){ foreach($slides as $slide){ $c_slide = new RevSliderSlide(); $c_slide->init_by_data($slide); $layers = $c_slide->get_layers(); //change for WPML the parent IDs if necessary $parent_id = ($this->v7) ? $this->get_val($c_slide, array('params', 'parentID'), false) : $this->get_val($c_slide, array('params', 'child', 'parentId'), false); if(!in_array($parent_id, array(false, ''), true) && isset($this->map[$parent_id])){ $create = array('params' => $this->get_val($c_slide, 'params', array())); if($this->v7){ $this->set_val($create, array('params', 'parentID'), $this->map[$parent_id]); }else{ $this->set_val($create, array('params', 'child', 'parentId'), $this->map[$parent_id]); } $new_params = json_encode($create['params']); $new_params = (empty($new_params)) ? stripslashes(json_encode($create['params'])) : $new_params; $create['params'] = $new_params; $wpdb->update( $wpdb->prefix . RevSliderFront::TABLE_SLIDES . $v, $create, array('id' => $slide['id']) ); } $did_change = false; if(!empty($layers)){ foreach($layers as $key => $value){ $actions = $this->get_val($value, array('actions', 'action')); if(!empty($actions)){ foreach($actions as $a_k => $action){ $jtsval = $this->get_val($action, 'jump_to_slide'); if(isset($this->map[$jtsval])){ $this->set_val($layers, array($key, 'actions', 'action', $a_k, 'jump_to_slide'), $this->map[$jtsval]); $did_change = true; } } } } } if($did_change === true){ $create = array(); $my_layers = json_encode($layers); $create['layers'] = (empty($my_layers)) ? stripslashes(json_encode($layers)) : $my_layers; if($SR_GLOBALS['use_table_version'] !== 7 && $slide['id'] == $static_id){ $wpdb->update($wpdb->prefix . RevSliderFront::TABLE_STATIC_SLIDES . $v, $create, array('id' => $static_id)); }else{ $wpdb->update($wpdb->prefix . RevSliderFront::TABLE_SLIDES . $v, $create, array('id' => $slide['id'])); } } } } //change the javascript api ID to the correct one $c_slider = new RevSliderSliderImport(); $c_slider->init_by_id($slider_last_id); $upd = new RevSliderPluginUpdate(); $upd->upgrade_slider_to_latest($c_slider); $c_slider->update_css_and_javascript_ids($old_slider_id, $slider_last_id, $this->map); $c_slider->update_color_ids($this->map); do_action('revslider_duplicate_slider', $slider_last_id, $old_slider_id, $slides, $this); return $slider_last_id; } /** * update the modal id and the alias in the layer actions **/ public function update_modal_ids($slider_ids, $slide_ids){ $slides = $this->get_slides(); if(empty($slides)) return; foreach($slides as $skey => $slide){ if(version_compare($slide->get_param('version', '1.0.0'), '6.0.0', '<')) continue; $layers = $slide->get_layers(); if(empty($layers)) continue; $change = false; foreach($layers as $lk => $layer){ $actions = $this->get_val($layer, array('actions', 'action'), array()); if(empty($actions)) continue; foreach($actions as $ak => $a){ if($this->get_val($a, 'action', '') !== 'open_modal') continue; $v = intval($this->get_val($a, 'openmodalId', 0)); //only openmodal is set (alias), openmodalId is not set! if(isset($slider_ids[$v])){ $slider_alias = $this->get_alias_by_id($slider_ids[$v]); $change = true; $this->set_val($layers, array($lk, 'actions', 'action', $ak, 'openmodalId'), $slider_ids[$v]); $this->set_val($layers, array($lk, 'actions', 'action', $ak, 'openmodal'), $slider_alias); $sv = $this->get_val($a, 'modalslide', 0); if($sv !== 0){ $_sv = intval(str_replace('rs-', '', $sv)); if($_sv > 0 && isset($slide_ids[$_sv])){ $this->set_val($layers, array($lk, 'actions', 'action', $ak, 'modalslide'), 'rs-'.$slide_ids[$_sv]); } } } } } if($change){ $slide->set_layers_raw($layers); $slide->save_layers(); } } } /** * Check if an alias exists in database * @before: RevSliderSlider::isAliasExistsInDB(); */ public function check_slider_id($id){ global $wpdb, $SR_GLOBALS; $v = ($SR_GLOBALS['use_table_version'] === 7) ? '7' : ''; $slider = $wpdb->get_row($wpdb->prepare("SELECT * FROM ". $wpdb->prefix . RevSliderFront::TABLE_SLIDER . $v ." WHERE id = %d", $id), ARRAY_A); return !empty($slider); } /** * Check if an alias exists in database * @before: RevSliderSlider::isAliasExistsInDB(); */ public function check_alias($alias){ global $wpdb, $SR_GLOBALS; $v = ($SR_GLOBALS['use_table_version'] === 7) ? '7' : ''; $add = (!empty($this->id)) ? $wpdb->prepare(" AND id != %s", array($this->id)) : ''; $slider = $wpdb->get_row($wpdb->prepare("SELECT * FROM ". $wpdb->prefix . RevSliderFront::TABLE_SLIDER . $v ." WHERE alias = %s", $alias).$add, ARRAY_A); return !empty($slider); } /** * Create a blank Slider **/ public function create_blank_slider(){ global $wpdb, $SR_GLOBALS; $v = ($SR_GLOBALS['use_table_version'] === 7) ? '7' : ''; $title = 'Slider '; $alias = 'slider-'; $counter = 1; $new_alias = $alias.$counter; while($this->alias_exists($new_alias)){ $counter++; $new_alias = $alias.$counter; } $title .= $counter; //insert slider to database $slider_data = array( 'title' => $title, 'alias' => $new_alias, 'params' => json_encode(array(), JSON_FORCE_OBJECT), 'settings' => json_encode(array('version' => RS_REVISION), JSON_FORCE_OBJECT), 'type' => '' ); $result = $wpdb->insert($wpdb->prefix . RevSliderFront::TABLE_SLIDER . $v, $slider_data); $slider_id = ($result) ? $wpdb->insert_id : false; return $slider_id; } public function save_slider_v7($slider_id, $settings, $title, $alias){ global $wpdb, $SR_GLOBALS; $v = '7'; $settings = $this->json_decode_slashes($settings); $title = (empty($title)) ? $this->get_val($settings, 'title') : $title; $alias = (empty($alias)) ? $this->get_val($settings, 'alias') : $alias; $exists = $this->check_id_v7($slider_id); if(!current_user_can('administrator') && apply_filters('revslider_restrict_role', true)){ if(isset($settings['codes']) && isset($settings['codes']['css'])) unset($settings['codes']['css']); if(isset($settings['codes']) && isset($settings['codes']['js'])) unset($settings['codes']['js']); } if($exists){ $t = $SR_GLOBALS['use_table_version']; $SR_GLOBALS['use_table_version'] = 7; $this->init_by_id($slider_id); $SR_GLOBALS['use_table_version'] = $t; if(!current_user_can('administrator') && apply_filters('revslider_restrict_role', true)){ //check for js and css, add it to $params $settings['codes'] = [ 'css' => $this->get_param(['codes', 'css'], ''), 'js' => $this->get_param(['codes', 'js'], '') ]; } } //insert slider to database $slider_data = array( 'title' => $title, 'alias' => $alias, 'params' => json_encode($settings), 'settings' => json_encode(['version' => RS_REVISION], JSON_FORCE_OBJECT), 'type' => '' ); if(!$exists){ //create slider $slider_data['id'] = $slider_id; $result = $wpdb->insert($wpdb->prefix . RevSliderFront::TABLE_SLIDER . $v, $slider_data); $slider_id = ($result) ? $wpdb->insert_id : false; }else{ //update slider $wpdb->update($wpdb->prefix . RevSliderFront::TABLE_SLIDER . $v, $slider_data, array('id' => $slider_id)); } do_action('revslider_save_slider_v7', $slider_id); return $slider_id; } /** * Save Slider Settings * @before: RevSliderSlider::createUpdateSliderFromOptions(); **/ public function save_slider($slider_id, $data){ global $wpdb, $SR_GLOBALS; $v = ''; //($SR_GLOBALS['use_table_version'] === 7) ? '7' : ''; $params = $this->get_val($data, 'params'); $params = $this->json_decode_slashes($params); $settings = $this->get_val($data, 'settings'); $settings = $this->json_decode_slashes($settings); $settings['version'] = $this->get_val($params, 'version', $this->get_val($settings, 'version')); $title = sanitize_text_field($this->get_val($params, 'title')); $alias = sanitize_text_field($this->get_val($params, 'alias')); unset($params['title']); unset($params['alias']); $this->validate_not_empty($title, 'Title'); $this->validate_not_empty($alias, 'Alias'); //params css and js check if(!current_user_can('administrator') && apply_filters('revslider_restrict_role', true)){ //dont allow css and javascript from users other than administrator if(isset($params['codes']) && isset($params['codes']['css'])){ unset($params['codes']['css']); } if(isset($params['codes']) && isset($params['codes']['javascript'])){ unset($params['codes']['javascript']); } } if(!empty($slider_id)){ $this->init_by_id($slider_id); if(!current_user_can('administrator') && apply_filters('revslider_restrict_role', true)){ //check for js and css, add it to $params $params['codes'] = array(); $params['codes']['css'] = $this->get_param(array('codes', 'css'), ''); $params['codes']['javascript'] = $this->get_param(array('codes', 'javascript'), ''); } } if($this->check_alias($alias)){ $this->throw_error(__('A Slider with the given alias already exists', 'revslider')); } //insert slider to database $slider_data = array( 'title' => $title, 'alias' => $alias, 'params' => json_encode($params), 'settings' => json_encode($settings), 'type' => '' ); if(empty($slider_id)){ //create slider $result = $wpdb->insert($wpdb->prefix . RevSliderFront::TABLE_SLIDER . $v, $slider_data); $slider_id = ($result) ? $wpdb->insert_id : false; }else{ //update slider $wpdb->update($wpdb->prefix . RevSliderFront::TABLE_SLIDER . $v, $slider_data, array('id' => $slider_id)); } do_action('revslider_save_slider', $slider_id); return $slider_id; } /** * update some params in the slider * @before: RevSliderSlider::updateParam(); */ public function update_params($update, $replace = false){ global $wpdb, $SR_GLOBALS; $v = ($SR_GLOBALS['use_table_version'] === 7) ? '7' : ''; $this->params = ($replace) ? $update : array_merge($this->params, $update); //$this->params = ($replace) ? $update : $this->params + $update; $wpdb->update($wpdb->prefix . RevSliderFront::TABLE_SLIDER . $v, array('params' => json_encode($this->params)), array('id' => $this->id)); } /** * update some settings in the slider * @before: RevSliderSlider::updateSetting() */ public function update_settings($update){ global $wpdb, $SR_GLOBALS; $v = ($SR_GLOBALS['use_table_version'] === 7) ? '7' : ''; $this->settings = array_merge($this->settings, $update); $wpdb->update($wpdb->prefix . RevSliderFront::TABLE_SLIDER . $v, array('settings' => json_encode($this->settings)), array('id' => $this->id)); } /** * get array of slides numbers by id's * RevSliderSlider::getSlidesNumbersByIDs(); */ public function get_slide_numbers_by_id($published = false){ $numbers = array(); $counter = 0; if(empty($this->slide)){ $this->get_slides($published); } if(empty($this->arr_slides)){ foreach($this->slides as $slide){ $counter++; $id = $slide->get_id(); $numbers[$id] = $counter; } } return $numbers; } /** * get sliders array - function don't belong to the object! * @before: RevSliderSlider::getArrSliders(); */ public function get_sliders($templates = false, $page = 0){ global $wpdb, $SR_GLOBALS; $v = ($SR_GLOBALS['use_table_version'] === 7) ? '7' : ''; $SR_GLOBALS['data_init'] = false; $sliders = array(); $do_order = 'id'; $direction = 'ASC'; $page = intval($page); $limit = ''; if($page > 0){ $end = 50 * $page; $start = $end - 50; $limit = ' LIMIT '.$start.', '.$end; } $slider_data = $wpdb->get_results($wpdb->prepare("SELECT * FROM ".$wpdb->prefix . RevSliderFront::TABLE_SLIDER . $v ." WHERE `type` != 'folder' ORDER BY %s %s".$limit, array($do_order, $direction)), ARRAY_A); //WHERE `type` = '' OR `type` IS NULL if(!empty($slider_data)){ foreach($slider_data as $data){ $slider = new RevSliderSlider(); $slider->init_by_data($data); $sliders[] = $slider; } } $SR_GLOBALS['data_init'] = true; return $sliders; } /** * get sliders shortlist object */ public function get_sliders_short_list(){ global $wpdb, $SR_GLOBALS; $v6 = $wpdb->get_results($wpdb->prepare("SELECT id, title, alias FROM " . $wpdb->prefix . RevSliderFront::TABLE_SLIDER . " WHERE `type` != 'folder' ORDER BY %s %s", array('id', 'ASC')), ARRAY_A); $v7 = $wpdb->get_results($wpdb->prepare("SELECT id, title, alias FROM " . $wpdb->prefix . RevSliderFront::TABLE_SLIDER . "7 WHERE `type` != 'folder' ORDER BY %s %s", array('id', 'ASC')), ARRAY_A); $v6s = $wpdb->get_results($wpdb->prepare("SELECT slider_id, COUNT(slider_id) AS slides FROM " . $wpdb->prefix . RevSliderFront::TABLE_SLIDES . " GROUP BY `slider_id` ORDER BY %s %s", array('sid', 'ASC')), ARRAY_A); $v6ss = $wpdb->get_results($wpdb->prepare("SELECT slider_id, COUNT(slider_id) AS slides FROM " . $wpdb->prefix . RevSliderFront::TABLE_STATIC_SLIDES . " GROUP BY `slider_id` ORDER BY %s %s", array('sid', 'ASC')), ARRAY_A); $v7s = $wpdb->get_results($wpdb->prepare("SELECT slider_id, COUNT(slider_id) AS slides FROM " . $wpdb->prefix . RevSliderFront::TABLE_SLIDES . "7 GROUP BY `slider_id` ORDER BY %s %s", array('sid', 'ASC')), ARRAY_A); $v6st = []; $v7st = []; if(!empty($v6s) && !empty($v6ss)){ foreach(array_merge($v6s, $v6ss) as $item){ $slider_id = $item['slider_id']; $v6st[$slider_id] = ($v6st[$slider_id] ?? 0) + $item['slides']; } } foreach($v7s ?? [] as $item){ $v7st[$item['slider_id']] = intval($item['slides']); } $_v7 = array(); foreach($v7 ?? [] as $k => $slider){ $_v7[$slider['id']] = $slider; } $failed = $this->get_v7_migration_failed_map(); foreach($v6 ?? [] as $k => $slider){ $v6[$k]['v7'] = (isset($_v7[$slider['id']])) ? true : false; $v6[$k]['v7'] = (!isset($v6st[$slider['id']]) || !isset($v7st[$slider['id']]) || $v6st[$slider['id']] !== $v7st[$slider['id']]) ? false : $v6[$k]['v7']; $v6[$k]['v7error'] = (isset($failed[$slider['id']])) ? $failed[$slider['id']] : false; } return (object)$v6; } /** * get array of alias * @before: getAllSliderForAdminMenu() */ public function get_slider_for_admin_menu(){ global $SR_GLOBALS; $SR_GLOBALS['data_init'] = false; $sliders = $this->get_sliders(); $SR_GLOBALS['data_init'] = true; $short = array(); if(!empty($sliders)){ foreach($sliders as $slider){ $id = $slider->get_id(); $short[$id] = array('title' => $slider->get_title(), 'alias' => $slider->get_alias()); } } return $short; } public function set_slides($slides){ $this->slides = array(); if(!empty($slides)){ foreach($slides as $slide){ $rslide = new RevSliderSlide(); $rslide->init_by_data($slide); $this->slides[] = $rslide; } } } /** * get slides from gallery * force from gallery - get the slide from the gallery only * before: RevSliderSlider::getSlides() and also RevSliderSlider::getSlidesFromGallery() */ public function get_slides($published = false, $allwpml = false, $first = false){ global $SR_GLOBALS; $v = ($SR_GLOBALS['use_table_version'] === 7) ? '7' : ''; $cache_key = $this->get_wp_cache_key('get_slides_by_slider_id', array($this->id, $published, $allwpml, $first, $this->init_layer, $v)); $this->slides = wp_cache_get($cache_key, self::CACHE_GROUP); if(!empty($this->slides)) return $this->slides; $slide = new RevSliderSlide(); $this->slides = $slide->get_slides_by_slider_id($this->id, $published, $allwpml, $first, $this->init_layer); wp_cache_set($cache_key, $this->slides, self::CACHE_GROUP); return $this->slides; } /** * same as get_slides(), but allows for temporary modifications, i.e. changing customThumbUrl * should only be used at frontend stage, so that the data saved is not modified inproperly */ public function get_slides_modified($published = false, $allwpml = false, $first = false, $do_shortcodes = true){ $slides = $this->get_slides($published, $allwpml, $first); foreach($slides ?? [] as $key => $slide){ $thumb_url = $this->get_thumb_url($slide); if(!empty($thumb_url)){ $set = ($this->v7) ? array('thumb', 'src') : array('thumb', 'customThumbSrc'); //$thumb = $slide->get_param('thumb', false); //if($thumb === false) $slide->set_param('thumb', array()); $slide->set_param($set, $thumb_url); } if($do_shortcodes){ //parse all slide and layers shortcodes if($slide->get_param(array('seo', 'set'), false) == true){ if($slide->get_param(array('seo', 'type'), 'regular') !== 'slide'){ $_link = $slide->get_param(array('seo', 'link'), ''); $link = do_shortcode($_link); if($_link !== $link) $slide->set_param(array('seo', 'link'), $link); } } $layers = $slide->get_layers(); $text_key = ($this->v7) ? array('content', 'text') : 'text'; foreach($layers ?? [] as $_key => $layer){ if(!in_array($this->get_val($layer, 'type', 'text'), array('image', 'svg', 'column', 'shape'), true)){ //parse text shortcodes $text = $this->get_val($layer, $text_key); $_text = do_shortcode(stripslashes($text)); if($text !== $_text) $_text = '#srfshcd#'.$_text; $this->set_val($layers[$_key], $text_key, $_text); //parse toggle text shortcodes $text_toggle = $this->get_val($layer, array('toggle', 'text')); $_text_toggle = do_shortcode(stripslashes($text_toggle)); if($text_toggle !== $_text_toggle) $_text_toggle = '#srfshcd#'.$_text_toggle; $this->set_val($layers[$_key], array('toggle', 'text'), $_text_toggle); //parse actions shortcodes $action = $this->get_val($layer, array('actions', 'action'), array()); foreach($action ?? [] as $a_k => $act){ $action_type = apply_filters('rs_action_type', $this->get_val($act, 'action')); $link_type = apply_filters('rs_action_link_type', $this->get_val($act, 'link_type', '')); if(in_array($action_type, array('menu', 'link'), true)){ if($action_type === 'link' && $link_type === 'jquery') continue; $_link = ($action_type === 'menu') ? 'menu_link' : 'image_link'; $link = $this->get_val($act, $action_type, ''); $link = do_shortcode($link); $this->set_val($layers[$_key], array('actions', 'action', $a_k, $_link), $link); } } } } $slide->set_layers_raw($layers); } $slides[$key] = $slide; } return $slides; } /** * get slides for export * before: RevSliderSlider::getSlidesForExport() */ public function get_slides_for_export(){ $slides = $this->get_slides(false, true); $export = array(); if(!empty($slides)){ foreach($slides as $slide){ $export[] = array( 'id' => $slide->get_id(), 'params' => $slide->get_params_for_export(), 'slide_order' => $slide->get_order(), 'layers' => $slide->get_layers_for_export(), 'settings' => $slide->get_settings() ); } } return apply_filters('revslider_get_slides_for_export', apply_filters('revslider_getSlidesForExport', $export)); } /** * get static slide for export * before: RevSliderSlider::getStaticSlideForExport() */ public function get_static_slide_for_export(){ $static_slide = array(); $slide = new RevSliderSlide(); $static_id = $slide->get_static_slide_id($this->id); if($static_id !== false){ $slide->init_by_static_id($static_id); $params = $slide->get_params_for_export(); if(!isset($params['static'])) $params['static'] = array(); $params['static']['isstatic'] = true; $static_slide[] = array( 'params' => $params, 'slide_order' => $slide->get_order(), 'layers' => $slide->get_layers_for_export(), 'settings' => $slide->get_settings() ); } return apply_filters('revslider_getStaticSlideForExport', $static_slide); } /** * get array of sliders with slides, short, assoc. * @before: RevSliderSlider::getArrSlidersWithSlidesShort(); */ public function get_sliders_with_slides_short($filter = 'all'){ $output = array(); $sliders = $this->get_sliders_short(null, $filter); if(!empty($sliders)){ foreach($sliders as $sid => $slider_name){ $slider = new RevSliderSlider(); $slider->init_by_id($sid); $is_posts = $slider->is_posts(); if($filter == 'posts' && $is_posts == false) continue; //filter by gallery only if($filter == 'gallery' && $is_posts == true) continue; if($filter == 'template' && $is_posts == false) continue; //filter by template type $slides = $slider->get_slides_from_gallery_short(); foreach($slides ?? [] as $slide_id => $slide_name){ $output[$slide_id] = $slider_name.', '.$slide_name; } } } return $output; } /** * get slide id and slide title from gallery * @before: RevSliderSlider::getArrSlidesFromGalleryShort() */ public function get_slides_from_gallery_short(){ $counter = 0; $output = array(); $slides = $this->get_slides(); foreach($slides ?? [] as $slide){ $id = $slide->get_id(); $name = 'Slide '.$counter; $title = $slide->get_param('title', ''); $output[$id] = (!empty($title)) ? $name.' - ('.$title.')' : $name; $counter++; } return $output; } /** * get slides for output * one level only without children * @before: RevSliderSlider::getSlidesForOutput(); */ public function get_slides_for_output($published = false, $lang = 'all'){ global $SR_GLOBALS; $parent_slides = $this->get_parent_slides($published, $lang); if($SR_GLOBALS['front_version'] !== 6) return $parent_slides; if($lang == 'all' || $this->is_stream()) return $parent_slides; //$this->is_posts() || $slides = array(); foreach($parent_slides ?? [] as $parent_slide){ $parent_lang = $parent_slide->get_param(array('child', 'language'), 'all'); if($parent_lang == $lang) $slides[] = $parent_slide; $added = false; $children = $parent_slide->get_children(); foreach($children ?? [] as $child){ if($child->get_param(array('child', 'language'), 'all') == $lang){ $slides[] = $child; $added = true; break; } } if($added == false && $parent_lang == 'all') $slides[] = $parent_slide; } return $slides; } /** * if the WPML is used and we are post based * get the slides by the selected language */ public function get_language_slides_v7($slides){ $lang = $this->get_language(); if($lang === 'all') return $slides; //!$this->is_posts() || $parents = $slides; $slides = array(); $s_lang = (!empty($this->v7)) ? array('language') : array('child', 'language'); foreach($parents ?? [] as $_slide){ $_lang = (!empty($this->v7)) ? $_slide->get_param($s_lang) : $_slide->get_param($s_lang, 'all'); if($_lang == $lang) $slides[$_slide->get_id()] = $_slide; $added = false; $children = $_slide->get_children(); foreach($children ?? [] as $child){ if($child->get_param($s_lang, 'all') !== $_lang) continue; $slides[$child->get_id()] = $child; $added = true; break; } if($added == false && $_lang == 'all') $slides[$_slide->get_id()] = $_slide; } return $slides; } /** * get the parent Slides if the Slide has any **/ public function get_parent_slides($published, $lang){ global $SR_GLOBALS; apply_filters('revslider_get_parent_slides_pre', $lang, $published, array(), $this); if($SR_GLOBALS['front_version'] !== 6){ $parent_slides = $this->get_slides($published); }else{ if($this->is_posts()){ $parent_slides = $this->get_slides_data_from_posts($published, $lang); }elseif($this->is_stream() !== false){ $parent_slides = $this->get_slides_data_from_stream($published); }else{ $parent_slides = $this->get_slides($published); } } apply_filters('revslider_get_parent_slides_post', $parent_slides, $published, array(), $this); return $parent_slides; } /** * get all stream/post data **/ public function get_stream_data(){ $stream_data = array(); if($this->is_posts()){ $stream_data = $this->get_slides_data_from_posts_v7(); }elseif($this->is_stream()){ $stream_data = $this->get_slides_data_from_stream_v7(); } return $stream_data; } /** * get array of slider id -> title * @before: RevSliderSlider::getArrSlidersShort(); */ public function get_sliders_short($exclude_id = null, $filter = 'all'){ $sliders = $this->get_sliders(); $short = array(); if(!empty($sliders)){ foreach($sliders as $slider){ $id = $slider->get_id(); $from_post = $slider->is_posts(); //filter by gallery only if($filter == 'posts' && $from_post == false) continue; if($filter == 'gallery' && $from_post == true) continue; if($filter == 'template' && $from_post == false) continue; //filter by template type if(!empty($exclude_id) && $exclude_id == $id) continue; //filter by except $short[$id] = $slider->get_title(); } } return $short; } /** * get the maximum order * @before: RevSliderSlider::getMaxOrder() */ public function get_max_order(){ global $wpdb, $SR_GLOBALS; $v = ($SR_GLOBALS['use_table_version'] === 7) ? '7' : ''; $record = $wpdb->get_row($wpdb->prepare("SELECT slide_order FROM ". $wpdb->prefix . RevSliderFront::TABLE_SLIDES . $v ." WHERE slider_id = %d ORDER BY slide_order DESC LIMIT 0,1", $this->id), ARRAY_A); return (empty($record)) ? 0 : $this->get_val($record, 'slide_order'); } /** * get the slider type */ public function get_type(){ $type = 'gallery'; $is_stream = $this->is_stream(); if($this->is_posts() == true){ $type = (in_array($this->get_param('sourcetype', 'gallery'), array('woocommerce', 'woo'), true)) ? 'woocommerce' : 'posts'; if($this->is_specific_posts()) $type = 'specific_posts'; }elseif($is_stream !== false){ $type = (in_array($is_stream, array('facebook', 'twitter', 'instagram', 'flickr', 'youtube', 'vimeo'))) ? $is_stream : $type; } return $type; } /** * get the slider type before 60, needed for partial update proceess introduced in 6.0.0 * @since: 6.0.0 */ public function get_type_pre60(){ $type = 'gallery'; $is_stream = $this->is_stream_pre60(); if($this->is_posts_pre60() == true){ $type = ($this->get_param('source_type', 'gallery') == 'woocommerce') ? 'woocommerce' : 'posts'; if(in_array($this->get_param('sourcetype', 'gallery'), array('specific_posts', 'specific_post'), true)){ $type = 'specific_posts'; } }elseif($is_stream !== false){ $type = (in_array($is_stream, array('facebook', 'twitter', 'instagram', 'flickr', 'youtube', 'vimeo'))) ? $is_stream : $type; } return $type; } /** * copy slide from one Slider to the given Slider ID * @since: 5.0 * @before: RevSliderSlider::copySlideToSlider() */ public function copy_slide_to_slider($data){ global $wpdb, $SR_GLOBALS; $v = ($SR_GLOBALS['use_table_version'] === 7) ? '7' : ''; $slider_id = intval($this->get_val($data, 'slider_id')); $slide_id = intval($this->get_val($data, 'slide_id')); $add_to_slider = $wpdb->get_row($wpdb->prepare("SELECT * FROM ". $wpdb->prefix . RevSliderFront::TABLE_SLIDER . $v ." WHERE id = %s", $slider_id), ARRAY_A); //check if ID exists if(empty($add_to_slider)) return __('Slide could not be duplicated', 'revslider'); //get last slide in slider for the order $slide_order = $wpdb->get_row($wpdb->prepare("SELECT * FROM ". $wpdb->prefix . RevSliderFront::TABLE_SLIDES . $v ." WHERE slider_id = %s ORDER BY slide_order DESC", $slider_id), ARRAY_A); $slide_to_copy = $wpdb->get_row($wpdb->prepare("SELECT * FROM ". $wpdb->prefix . RevSliderFront::TABLE_SLIDES . $v ." WHERE id = %s", $slide_id), ARRAY_A); if(empty($slide_to_copy)) return __('Slide could not be duplicated', 'revslider'); unset($slide_to_copy['id']); //remove the ID of the Slide, as it will be a new Slide $slide_to_copy['slider_id'] = $slider_id; //set the new Slider ID to the Slide $slide_to_copy['slide_order'] = (empty($slide_order)) ? 1 : $this->get_val($slide_order, 'slide_order') + 1; //set the next slide order, to set slide to the end $response = $wpdb->insert($wpdb->prefix . RevSliderFront::TABLE_SLIDES . $v, $slide_to_copy); if(isset($slide_id) && $response !== false){ $this->map[$slide_id] = $wpdb->insert_id; } return ($response === false) ? __('Slide could not be duplicated', 'revslider') : true; } /** * get slider' static slide * * @since: 6.4.6 * @return false | RevSliderSlide */ public function get_static_slide() { $slider_id = $this->get_id(); if (empty($slider_id)) return false; if ($this->_static_slide instanceof RevSliderSlide && $this->_static_slide->get_slider_id() == $slider_id) return $this->_static_slide; $slide = new RevSliderSlide(); $is_init = $slide->init_static_slide_by_slider_id($slider_id); if (!$is_init) return false; $this->_static_slide = $slide; return $this->_static_slide; } /** * get all used fonts in the current Slider * @since: 5.1.0 * @before: RevSliderSlider::getUsedFonts(); */ public function get_used_fonts($full = false){ $gf = array(); $sl = new RevSliderSlide(); $mslides = $this->get_slides(true); $static_slide = $this->get_static_slide(); if($static_slide !== false){ $mslides = array_merge($mslides, array($static_slide)); } if(!empty($mslides)){ foreach($mslides as $ms){ $mf = $ms->get_used_fonts($full); if(!empty($mf)){ foreach($mf as $mfk => $mfv){ if(!isset($gf[$mfk])){ $gf[$mfk] = $mfv; }else{ foreach($mfv['variants'] as $mfvk => $mfvv){ $gf[$mfk]['variants'][$mfvk] = true; } } $gf[$mfk]['slide'][] = array('id' => $ms->get_id(), 'title' => $ms->get_title()); } } } } return apply_filters('revslider_getUsedFonts', $gf); } public function get_slides_data_from_posts_v7(){ $posts = $this->get_post_data(); return $this->streamline_posts_data($posts); } /** * get slides from posts * @before: RevSliderSlider::getSlidesFromPosts(); */ public function get_slides_data_from_posts($published = false, $lang = 'all'){ $templates = $this->get_slides($published); $templates = $this->assoc_to_array($templates); if(count($templates) == 0) return array(); $posts = $this->get_post_data($published); $slides = array(); $key = 0; $num_temp = count($templates); foreach($posts ?? [] as $post_data){ $found = false; if($lang !== 'all' && $this->get_val($templates[$key], array('params', 'child', 'language'), 'all') !== $lang){ $children = $templates[$key]->get_children(); if(!empty($children)){ foreach($children as $child){ if($this->get_val($child, array('params', 'child', 'language'), 'all') === $lang){ $template = clone $child; $found = true; break; } } } } if($found === false){ $template = clone $templates[$key]; } //advance the templates $key++; if($key == $num_temp){ $key = 0; $templates = $this->get_slides($published); //reset as clone did not work properly $templates = $this->assoc_to_array($templates); } $slide = new RevSliderSlide(); $slide->init_by_post_data($post_data, $template, $this->id); $slides[] = $slide; } $this->slides = $slides; return $this->slides; } public function get_post_data($published = false){ $posts = array(); $gal_ids = $this->get_gallery_ids(); if(!empty($gal_ids)) ($this->v7) ? $this->set_param(array('source', 'type'), 'specific_posts') : $this->set_param('sourcetype', 'specific_posts'); $source = ($this->v7) ? $this->get_param(array('source', 'type'), 'gallery') : $this->get_param('sourcetype', 'gallery'); switch($source){ case 'posts': case 'post': $subtype = $this->get_param(array('source', 'post', 'subType'), 'post'); if($subtype === 'current_post'){ global $post; //if empty, check referer and get ID from that one if exists $post_id = (empty($post)) ? url_to_postid($this->get_val($_SERVER, 'HTTP_REFERER')) : $this->get_val($post, 'ID'); $posts = $this->get_specific_posts(array('', $post_id)); }elseif(in_array($subtype, array('specific_posts', 'specific_post'), true)){ $posts = $this->get_specific_posts($gal_ids); }else{ //check where to get posts from switch($this->get_param(array('source', 'post', 'fetchType'), 'cat_type')){ case 'cat_tag': default: $posts = $this->get_posts_by_categories($published); break; case 'related': $posts = $this->get_related_posts(); break; case 'popular': $posts = $this->get_popular_posts(); break; case 'recent': $posts = $this->get_latest_posts(); break; case 'next_prev': $posts = $this->get_next_previous_post(); break; } } break; case 'specific_posts': case 'specific_post': $posts = $this->get_specific_posts($gal_ids); break; case 'woocommerce': case 'woo': $posts = $this->get_products_from_categories($published); break; default: $this->throw_error(__('This Source Type must be from posts.', 'revslider')); break; } return $posts; } /** * get related posts from current one * @since: 5.1.1 * @before: RevSliderSlider::getPostsFromRelated(); */ public function get_related_posts(){ $my_posts = array(); $tags = ''; $post_id = get_the_ID(); $sort_by = $this->get_param(array('source', 'post', 'sortBy'), 'ID'); $source = $this->get_param('source'); $post = $this->get_val($source, 'post'); $max_posts = $this->get_val($post, 'maxPosts', 30); $max_posts = (empty($max_posts) || !is_numeric($max_posts)) ? -1 : $max_posts; $post_tags = get_the_tags(); if($post_tags){ foreach($post_tags as $post_tag){ $tags .= $post_tag->slug . ','; } } $query = array( 'numberposts' => $max_posts, 'exclude' => $post_id, 'order' => $this->get_param(array('source', 'post', 'sortDirection'), 'DESC'), 'tag' => $tags ); $tax_query = $this->get_tax_query(); if(!empty($tax_query)) $query['tax_query'] = $tax_query; if(strpos($sort_by, 'meta_num_') === 0){ $query['orderby'] = 'meta_value_num'; $query['meta_key'] = str_replace('meta_num_', '', $sort_by); }elseif(strpos($sort_by, 'meta_') === 0){ $query['orderby'] = 'meta_value'; $query['meta_key'] = str_replace('meta_', '', $sort_by); }else{ $query['orderby'] = $sort_by; } $get_relateds = apply_filters('revslider_get_related_posts', $query, $post_id); $tag_related_posts = get_posts($get_relateds); if(count($tag_related_posts) < $max_posts){ $ignore = array(); foreach($tag_related_posts as $tag_related_post){ $ignore[] = $tag_related_post->ID; } $article_categories = get_the_category($post_id); $category_string = ''; foreach($article_categories as $category){ $category_string .= $category->cat_ID . ','; } $max = $max_posts - count($tag_related_posts); $excl = implode(',', $ignore); $query = array( 'exclude' => $excl, 'numberposts' => $max, 'category' => $category_string ); if(strpos($sort_by, 'meta_num_') === 0){ $query['orderby'] = 'meta_value_num'; $query['meta_key'] = str_replace('meta_num_', '', $sort_by); }else if(strpos($sort_by, 'meta_') === 0){ $query['orderby'] = 'meta_value'; $query['meta_key'] = str_replace('meta_', '', $sort_by); }else{ $query['orderby'] = $sort_by; } $get_relateds = apply_filters('revslider_get_related_posts', $query, $post_id); $cat_related_posts = get_posts($get_relateds); $tag_related_posts = $tag_related_posts + $cat_related_posts; } foreach($tag_related_posts as $post){ $the_post = (method_exists($post, 'to_array')) ? $post->to_array() : (array)$post; if($the_post['ID'] == $post_id) continue; $my_posts[] = $the_post; } return $my_posts; } /** * get popular posts * @since: 5.1.1 * @before: RevSliderSlider::getPostsFromPopular(); * @moved: 6.1.3 */ public function get_popular_posts($max_posts = false){ $post_id = get_the_ID(); $my_posts = array(); $source = $this->get_param('source'); $post = $this->get_val($source, 'post'); $types = $this->get_val($post, 'types', 'post'); //[post, page] $sortBy = $this->get_val($post, 'sortBy', 'ID'); //ID $sortDirection = $this->get_val($post, 'sortDirection', 'DESC'); //DESC, ASC $subType = $this->get_val($post, 'subType', 'post'); //post if(!is_array($types)){ if(strpos($types, ',') !== false){ $types = explode(',', $types); $types = (array_search('any', $types) !== false) ? 'any' : $types; } } $types = (empty($types)) ? 'any' : $types; if($max_posts == false){ $max_posts = $this->get_val($post, 'maxPosts', 30); $max_posts = (empty($max_posts) || !is_numeric($max_posts)) ? -1 : $max_posts; }else{ $max_posts = intval($max_posts); } $args = array( 'suppress_filters' => 0, 'posts_per_page' => $max_posts, 'post_type' => $types, 'meta_key' => '_thumbnail_id', 'orderby' => 'comment_count', 'order' => $sortDirection ); //add sort by (could be by meta) if(strpos($sortBy, 'meta_num_') === 0){ $args['orderby'] = 'meta_value_num'; $args['meta_key'] = str_replace('meta_num_', '', $sortBy); }elseif(strpos($sortBy, 'meta_') === 0){ $args['orderby'] = 'meta_value'; $args['meta_key'] = str_replace('meta_', '', $sortBy); }else{ $args['orderby'] = $sortBy; } if($args['meta_key'] === 'rating') $args['meta_key'] = '_wc_average_rating'; $tax_query = $this->get_tax_query(); if(!empty($tax_query)) $args['tax_query'] = $tax_query; $args = apply_filters('revslider_get_popular_posts', $args, $post_id); $posts = get_posts($args); foreach($posts ?? [] as $post){ $my_posts[] = (method_exists($post, 'to_array')) ? $post->to_array() : (array)$post; } return $my_posts; } /** * get recent posts * @since: 5.1.1 * @before: RevSliderSlider::getPostsFromRecent() * @moved: 6.1.3 */ public function get_latest_posts($max_posts = false){ $post_id = get_the_ID(); $my_posts = array(); $args = array( 'post_type' => 'any', 'suppress_filters' => 0, 'meta_key' => '_thumbnail_id', 'orderby' => 'date', 'order' => 'DESC' ); if($max_posts == false){ $source = $this->get_val($this->params, 'source'); $post = $this->get_val($source, 'post'); $max_posts = $this->get_val($post, 'maxPosts', 30); $max_posts = (empty($max_posts) || !is_numeric($max_posts)) ? -1 : $max_posts; }else{ $max_posts = intval($max_posts); } $args['posts_per_page'] = $max_posts; $tax_query = $this->get_tax_query(); if(!empty($tax_query)) $args['tax_query'] = $tax_query; $args = apply_filters('revslider_get_latest_posts', $args, $post_id); $posts = get_posts($args); if(!empty($posts)){ foreach($posts as $post){ $my_posts[] = (method_exists($post, 'to_array')) ? $post->to_array() : (array)$post; } } return $my_posts; } /** * get recent posts * @since: 5.1.1 * @before: RevSliderSlider::getPostsNextPrevious(); */ public function get_next_previous_post(){ $my_posts = array(); $startup_next_post = get_next_post(); if(!empty($startup_next_post)){ $my_posts[] = (method_exists($startup_next_post, 'to_array')) ? $startup_next_post->to_array() : (array)$startup_next_post; } $startup_previous_post = get_previous_post(); if(!empty($startup_previous_post)){ $my_posts[] = (method_exists($startup_previous_post, 'to_array')) ? $startup_previous_post->to_array() : (array)$startup_previous_post; } return $my_posts; } public function get_tax_query(){ $cat_ids = $this->get_param(array('source', 'post', 'category')); $data = $this->get_tax_by_cat_id($cat_ids); $tax_query = false; if(isset($data['tax']) && isset($data['tax']) && !empty($data['tax']) && !empty($data['cats'])){ $cat_id = (strpos($data['cats'], ',') !== false) ? explode(',', $data['cats']) : array($data['cats']); $tax_query = array('relation' => 'OR'); //add taxomonies to the query $taxonomies = (strpos($data['tax'], ',') !== false) ? explode(',', $data['tax']) : array($data['tax']); foreach($taxonomies as $taxomony){ $tax_query[] = array( 'taxonomy' => $taxomony, 'field' => 'id', 'terms' => $cat_id ); } } return $tax_query; } public function _get_stream_data(){ global $SR_GLOBALS; $posts = array(); $max_allowed = 999999; $sourcetype = ($this->v7) ? $this->get_param(array('source', 'type'), 'gallery') : $this->get_param('sourcetype', 'gallery'); $additions = array(); $max_posts = 0; ob_start(); switch($sourcetype){ case 'facebook': $facebook = RevSliderGlobals::instance()->get('RevSliderFacebook'); $facebook->setTransientSec($this->get_param(array('source', 'facebook', 'transient'), '1200')); if($this->get_param(array('source', 'facebook', 'typeSource'), 'timeline') == 'album'){ $posts = $facebook->get_photo_set_photos( $this->id, $this->get_param(array('source', 'facebook', 'appId')), $this->get_param(array('source', 'facebook', 'album')), $this->get_param(array('source', 'facebook', 'count'), 8) ); $additions['fb_type'] = 'album'; }else{ $posts = $facebook->get_photo_feed( $this->id, $this->get_param(array('source', 'facebook', 'appId')), $this->get_param(array('source', 'facebook', 'page_id')), $this->get_param(array('source', 'facebook', 'count'), 8) ); $additions['fb_type'] = 'timeline'; } $max_posts = $this->get_param(array('source', 'facebook', 'count'), '25'); $max_allowed = 25; break; case 'twitter': $this->throw_error(__('Twitter Stream is no longer available, for further information, please check https://www.sliderrevolution.com/faq/why-are-we-dropping-twitter-api-integration/', 'revslider')); break; case 'instagram': $instagram = RevSliderGlobals::instance()->get('RevSliderInstagram'); $instagram->setTransientSec($this->get_param(array('source', 'instagram', 'transient'), '1200')); $posts = $instagram->get_public_photos($this->get_id(), $this->get_param(array('source', 'instagram', 'token')), $this->get_param(array('source', 'instagram', 'count'), '33')); $max_posts = $this->get_param(array('source', 'instagram', 'count'), '33'); $profile = $instagram->get_user_profile($this->get_param(array('source', 'instagram', 'token'))); $additions['instagram_user'] = isset($profile['username']) ? $profile['username'] : ''; $max_allowed = 33; break; case 'flickr': $flickr = new RevSliderFlickr($this->get_param(array('source', 'flickr', 'apiKey')), $this->get_param(array('source', 'flickr', 'transient'), '1200')); switch($this->get_param(array('source', 'flickr', 'type'))){ case 'publicphotos': $user_id = $flickr->get_user_from_url($this->get_param(array('source', 'flickr', 'userURL'))); $posts = $flickr->get_public_photos($user_id, $this->get_param(array('source', 'flickr', 'count'))); break; case 'gallery': $gallery_id = $flickr->get_gallery_from_url($this->get_param(array('source', 'flickr', 'galleryURL'))); $posts = $flickr->get_gallery_photos($gallery_id, $this->get_param(array('source', 'flickr', 'count'))); break; case 'group': $group_id = $flickr->get_group_from_url($this->get_param(array('source', 'flickr', 'groupURL'))); $posts = $flickr->get_group_photos($group_id, $this->get_param(array('source', 'flickr', 'count'))); break; case 'photosets': $posts = $flickr->get_photo_set_photos($this->get_param(array('source', 'flickr', 'photoSet')), $this->get_param(array('source', 'flickr', 'count'))); break; } $max_posts = $this->get_param(array('source', 'flickr', 'count'), '99'); break; case 'youtube': $channel_id = $this->get_param(array('source', 'youtube', 'channelId')); $youtube = new RevSliderYoutube($this->get_param(array('source', 'youtube', 'api')), $channel_id, $this->get_param(array('source', 'youtube', 'transient'), '1200')); if($this->get_param(array('source', 'youtube', 'typeSource')) == 'playlist'){ $posts = $youtube->show_playlist_videos($this->get_param(array('source', 'youtube', 'playList')), $this->get_param(array('source', 'youtube', 'count'))); }else{ $posts = $youtube->show_channel_videos($this->get_param(array('source', 'youtube', 'count'))); } $additions['yt_type'] = $this->get_param(array('source', 'youtube', 'typeSource'), 'channel'); $max_posts = $this->get_param(array('source', 'youtube', 'count'), '25'); $max_allowed = 50; break; case 'vimeo': $vimeo = new RevSliderVimeo($this->get_param(array('source', 'vimeo', 'transient'), '1200')); $vimeo_type = $this->get_param(array('source', 'vimeo', 'typeSource')); $max_posts = $this->get_param(array('source', 'vimeo', 'count'), '25'); $max_allowed = 60; if(intval($max_posts) > $max_allowed) $max_posts = $max_allowed; switch($vimeo_type){ case 'user': $posts = $vimeo->get_vimeo_videos($vimeo_type, $this->get_param(array('source', 'vimeo', 'userName')), $max_posts); break; case 'channel': $posts = $vimeo->get_vimeo_videos($vimeo_type, $this->get_param(array('source', 'vimeo', 'channelName')), $max_posts); break; case 'group': $posts = $vimeo->get_vimeo_videos($vimeo_type, $this->get_param(array('source', 'vimeo', 'groupName')), $max_posts); break; case 'album': $posts = $vimeo->get_vimeo_videos($vimeo_type, $this->get_param(array('source', 'vimeo', 'albumId')), $max_posts); break; default: break; } $additions['vim_type'] = $this->get_param(array('source', 'vimeo', 'typeSource'), 'user'); break; default: if($SR_GLOBALS['preview_mode']){ $admin = new RevSliderAdmin(); $admin->ajax_response_error(__('Make sure that the stream settings are properly selected in "Module General Options -> Content -> Stream Settings".', 'revslider')); }else{ $this->throw_error(__('Make sure that the stream settings are properly selected in "Module General Options -> Content -> Stream Settings".', 'revslider')); } break; } $content = ob_get_contents(); ob_clean(); ob_end_clean(); if($posts === false) $this->throw_error($content); return array('posts' => $posts, 'additions' => $additions, 'max_allowed' => $max_allowed, 'max_posts' => $max_posts, 'sourcetype' => $sourcetype); } public function get_slides_data_from_stream_v7(){ $_posts = $this->_get_stream_data(); $posts = $this->get_val($_posts, 'posts', array()); $sourcetype = $this->get_val($_posts, 'sourcetype', array()); $additions = $this->get_val($_posts, 'additions', array()); return $this->streamline_stream_data($posts, $sourcetype, $additions); } /** * get slides from posts * @before: RevSliderSlider::getSlidesFromStream(); */ public function get_slides_data_from_stream($published = false){ $templates = $this->get_slides($published); $templates = $this->assoc_to_array($templates); if(count($templates) == 0) return array(); $_slides = array(); $_posts = $this->_get_stream_data(); $posts = $this->get_val($_posts, 'posts', array()); $sourcetype = $this->get_val($_posts, 'sourcetype', array()); $additions = $this->get_val($_posts, 'additions', array()); $max_posts = $this->get_val($_posts, 'max_posts', array()); $max_allowed = $this->get_val($_posts, 'max_allowed', array()); $max_posts = intval($max_posts); if($max_posts < 0) $max_posts *= -1; $posts = apply_filters('revslider_pre_mod_stream_data', $posts, $sourcetype, $this->id); $posts = (is_string($posts) || is_bool($posts)) ? array() : $posts; while(count($posts) > $max_posts || count($posts) > $max_allowed){ array_pop($posts); } $posts = apply_filters('revslider_post_mod_stream_data', $posts, $sourcetype, $this->id); if(empty($posts)){ global $SR_GLOBALS; if($SR_GLOBALS['preview_mode']){ $admin = new RevSliderAdmin(); $admin->ajax_response_error(__('Make sure that the stream settings are properly selected in "Module General Options -> Content -> Stream Settings".', 'revslider')); }else{ $this->throw_error(__('Make sure that the stream settings are properly selected in "Module General Options -> Content -> Stream Settings".', 'revslider')); } } if(!empty($posts)){ $i = 0; $tk = 0; foreach($posts as $data){ if(empty($data)) continue; //ignore empty entries, like from instagram $slide_template = $templates[$tk]; //advance the templates $tk++; $tk = ($tk == count($templates)) ? 0 : $tk; $_slides[$i] = new RevSliderSlide(); $_slides[$i]->init_by_stream_data($data, $slide_template, $this->id, $sourcetype, $additions); $i++; } } $this->slides = $_slides; return $this->slides; } /** * get posts from categories (by the slider params). * @before: RevSliderSlider::getPostsFromCategories(); */ private function get_posts_by_categories($published = false){ $cat_ids = $this->get_param(array('source', 'post', 'category')); $data = $this->get_tax_by_cat_id($cat_ids); $post_types = $this->get_param(array('source', 'post', 'types'), 'post'); $sort_by = $this->get_param(array('source', 'post', 'sortBy'), 'ID'); $sort_dir = $this->get_param(array('source', 'post', 'sortDirection'), 'DESC'); $sort_dir = ($sort_by == 'menu_order') ? 'ASC' : $sort_dir; $source = $this->get_param('source'); $post = $this->get_val($source, 'post'); $max_posts = $this->get_val($post, 'maxPosts', 30); $max_posts = (empty($max_posts) || !is_numeric($max_posts)) ? -1 : $max_posts; $addition = array(); if($published == true){ $addition['post_status'] = 'publish'; } $slider_id = $this->get_id(); $post = $this->get_posts_by_category($slider_id, $data['cats'], $sort_by, $sort_dir, $max_posts, $post_types, $data['tax'], $addition, 'post'); return apply_filters('revslider_get_posts_by_categories', $post, $this); } /** * get products from categories (by the slider params). * @since: 5.1.0 * @before: RevSliderSlider::getProductsFromCategories(); */ private function get_products_from_categories($published = false){ $slider_id = $this->get_id(); $cat_ids = $this->get_param(array('source', 'woo', 'category')); $data = $this->get_tax_by_cat_id($cat_ids); $cat_ids = $data['cats']; $taxonomies = $data['tax']; $sort_by = $this->get_param(array('source', 'woo', 'sortBy'), 'ID'); $sort_dir = $this->get_param(array('source', 'woo', 'sortDirection'), 'DESC'); $sort_dir = ($sort_by == 'menu_order') ? 'ASC' : $sort_dir; $max_posts = $this->get_param(array('source', 'woo', 'maxProducts'), 30); $max_posts = (empty($max_posts) || !is_numeric($max_posts)) ? -1 : $max_posts; $post_types = $this->get_param(array('source', 'woo', 'types'), 'any'); $addition = array(); $this->is_woocommerce = true; if($published == true){ //Events integration $addition['post_status'] = 'publish'; } $addition = array_merge($addition, RevSliderWooCommerce::get_meta_query($this->get_params())); return $this->get_posts_by_category($slider_id, $cat_ids, $sort_by, $sort_dir, $max_posts, $post_types, $taxonomies, $addition); } /** * get setting - start with slide * @before: RevSliderSlider::getStartWithSlideSetting(); */ public function get_start_with_slide_setting(){ $slide = $this->get_param(array('general', 'firstSlide', 'alternativeFirstSlide'), 1); if(is_numeric($slide)){ $slide = (int)$slide - 1; if($slide < 0 || $slide >= count($this->slides)) $slide = 0; }else{ $slide = 0; } return $slide; } /** * get the Slider Overview Structure * @since: 6.0 */ public function get_overview_data($slider = false, $slides = false, $slide_ids = false){ //if we are pre 6.0.0, we have to create the data from the old data instead of the new format! $favorite = RevSliderGlobals::instance()->get('RevSliderFavorite'); $slider = ($slider == false || $slider instanceof RevSliderFolder) ? $this : $slider; $post60 = (version_compare($slider->get_setting('version', '1.0.0'), '6.0.0', '<')) ? false : true; $id = 0; $slides = ($slides !== false) ? $slides : $slider->get_slides(); $type = ($post60) ? $slider->get_type() : $this->get_type_pre60(); $image = ''; $sid = $slider->get_id(); $do_ids = ($slide_ids !== false) ? false : true; $addons_used = array(); if(!empty($slides)){ foreach($slides as $slide){ $id = $slide->get_id(); $image = ($post60) ? $slide->get_overview_image_attributes($type) : $slide->get_overview_image_attributes_pre60($type); break; } if($do_ids) $slide_ids = array(); foreach($slides as $slide){ if($do_ids) $slide_ids[] = $slide->get_id(); $addons = $slide->get_param('addOns'); if(!empty($addons)){ foreach($addons as $addon => $values){ if($this->_truefalse($this->get_val($values, 'enable', false)) === true){ if(!in_array($addon, $addons_used)) $addons_used[] = $addon; } } } } } $addons = $slider->get_param('addOns'); if(!empty($addons)){ foreach($addons as $addon => $values){ if($this->_truefalse($this->get_val($values, 'enable', false)) === true){ if(!in_array($addon, $addons_used)) $addons_used[] = $addon; } } } return array( 'id' => $sid, 'slide_id' => $id, 'slide_ids' => $slide_ids, 'title' => esc_html($slider->get_title()), 'alias' => $slider->get_alias(), 'source' => esc_html($type), 'type' => ($post60) ? $slider->get_param('type', 'standard') : $slider->get_param('slider-type', 'standard'), 'size' => ($post60) ? $slider->get_param('layouttype') : $slider->get_param('slider_type', 'fullwidth'), 'bg' => $image, 'addons' => $addons_used, 'premium' => $slider->get_param('pakps', false), 'tags' => $this->get_tags(), 'favorite' => $favorite->is_favorite('modules', $sid), 'children' => ($slider instanceof RevSliderFolder) ? $slider->get_children() : array(), 'folder' => $slider instanceof RevSliderFolder ); } /** * get posts from specific posts list * @before: RevSliderSlider::getPostsFromSpecificList(); */ public function get_specific_posts($gal_ids = array()){ $additional = array(); $slider_id = $this->get_id(); if(!empty($gal_ids) && $gal_ids[0] !== ''){ $posts = $gal_ids; $posts = apply_filters('revslider_set_posts_list_gal', $posts, $this->get_id()); }else{ if(isset($gal_ids[0])){ unset($gal_ids[0]); $posts = implode(',', $gal_ids); $additional['order'] = 'none'; $additional['orderby'] = 'post__in'; }else{ $posts = $this->get_param(array('source', 'post', 'list'), ''); $additional['order'] = $this->get_param(array('source', 'post', 'sortDirection'), 'DESC'); $additional['orderby'] = $this->get_param(array('source', 'post', 'sortBy'), ''); } $posts = apply_filters('revslider_set_posts_list', $posts, $this->get_id()); } return $this->get_posts_by_id($posts, $slider_id, $this->is_gallery, $additional); } /** * get posts by coma saparated posts * @before: RevSliderFunctionsWP::getPostsByIDs(); */ public function get_posts_by_id($ids, $slider_id, $is_gal, $additional = array()){ $arr = (is_string($ids)) ? explode(',', $ids) : $ids; $query = array( 'ignore_sticky_posts' => 1, 'post_type' => 'any', 'post__in' => $arr ); if($is_gal){ $query['post_status'] = 'inherit'; $query['orderby'] = 'post__in'; } $query = array_merge($query, $additional); $query = apply_filters('revslider_get_posts', $query, $slider_id); $object = new WP_Query($query); $posts = $object->posts; //check if we used the [gallery] shortcode, but added posts instead if images if(empty($posts) && $is_gal){ unset($query['post_status']); $object = new WP_Query($query); $posts = $object->posts; if(!empty($posts)) $this->is_gallery = false; //setting this will make sure to fetch images from the posts instead of the image id directly } foreach($posts ?? [] as $key => $post){ $posts[$key] = (method_exists($post, 'to_array')) ? $post->to_array() : (array)$post; } return $posts; } /** * get posts by some category * could be multiple * @before: RevSliderFunctionsWP::getPostsByCategory() */ public function get_posts_by_category($slider_id, $cat_id, $sort_by = 'ID', $direction = 'DESC', $max_posts = -1, $post_types = 'any', $taxonomies = 'category', $addition = array(), $type = ''){ $a = apply_filters('revslider_get_posts_by_category', array('slider_id' => $slider_id, 'cat_id' => $cat_id, 'sort_by' => $sort_by, 'direction' => $direction, 'max_posts' => $max_posts, 'post_types' => $post_types, 'taxonomies' => $taxonomies, 'addition' => $addition, 'type' => $type), $this); $slider_id = $this->get_val($a, 'slider_id'); $cat_id = $this->get_val($a, 'cat_id'); $sort_by = $this->get_val($a, 'sort_by'); $direction = $this->get_val($a, 'direction'); $max_posts = $this->get_val($a, 'max_posts'); $post_types = $this->get_val($a, 'post_types'); $taxonomies = $this->get_val($a, 'taxonomies'); $addition = $this->get_val($a, 'addition'); $type = $this->get_val($a, 'type'); $tax = (!empty($taxonomies)) ? explode(',', $taxonomies) : array(); //get taxonomies array if(!is_array($post_types)){ if(strpos($post_types, ',') !== false){ $post_types = explode(',', $post_types); $post_types = (array_search('any', $post_types) !== false) ? 'any' : $post_types; } } $post_types = (empty($post_types)) ? 'any' : $post_types; $cat_id = (strpos($cat_id, ',') !== false) ? explode(',', $cat_id) : array($cat_id); $query = array( 'order' => $direction, 'ignore_sticky_posts' => 1, 'posts_per_page' => $max_posts, 'showposts' => $max_posts, 'post_type' => $post_types ); //add sort by (could be by meta) if(strpos($sort_by, 'meta_num_') === 0){ $query['orderby'] = 'meta_value_num'; $query['meta_key'] = str_replace('meta_num_', '', $sort_by); }elseif(strpos($sort_by, 'meta_') === 0){ $query['orderby'] = 'meta_value'; $query['meta_key'] = str_replace('meta_', '', $sort_by); }else{ $query['orderby'] = $sort_by; } if(!empty($taxonomies)){ $tax_query = array('relation' => 'OR'); //add taxomonies to the query $taxonomies = (strpos($taxonomies, ',') !== false) ? explode(',', $taxonomies) : array($taxonomies); foreach($taxonomies as $taxomony){ $tax_query[] = array('taxonomy' => $taxomony, 'field' => 'id', 'terms' => $cat_id); } $query['tax_query'] = $tax_query; } if(!empty($addition)){ $tax_query = $this->get_val($addition, 'tax_query', array()); if(!empty($tax_query)){ if(!isset($query['tax_query'])) $query['tax_query'] = array(); if(is_array($tax_query)){ foreach($tax_query as $tk => $tv){ if(is_numeric($tk)){ $query['tax_query'][] = $tv; }else{ $query['tax_query'][$tk] = $tv; } } } unset($addition['tax_query']); } $query = array_merge($query, $addition); } $query = apply_filters('revslider_get_posts', $query, $slider_id); $full_posts = new WP_Query($query); $posts = $full_posts->posts; if($this->is_woocommerce) $posts = RevSliderWooCommerce::filter_products_by_price($posts, $this->get_params()); if(!empty($posts)){ foreach($posts as $key => $post){ $arr_post = (method_exists($post, 'to_array')) ? $post->to_array() : (array)$post; $arr_post['categories'] = $this->get_post_categories($post, $tax); $posts[$key] = $arr_post; } } return $posts; } /** * get post categories by post ID and taxonomies * the post ID can be post object or array too * @before: RevSliderFunctionsWP::getPostCategories() */ public function get_post_categories($post_id, $tax){ if(!is_numeric($post_id)){ $post_id = (array)$post_id; $post_id = $post_id['ID']; } $cats = wp_get_post_terms($post_id, $tax); return $this->class_to_array($cats); } /** * get cats and taxanomies data from the category id's * @before: RevSliderFunctionsWP::getCatAndTaxData() */ public function get_tax_by_cat_id($cat_ids){ $ret = array('tax' => '', 'cats' => ''); $tax = array(); $cats = ''; $taxs = ''; if(is_string($cat_ids)){ $cat_ids = trim($cat_ids); $cat_ids = (empty($cat_ids)) ? array() : explode(',', $cat_ids); } if(!empty($cat_ids)){ foreach($cat_ids as $cat){ if(strpos($cat, 'option_disabled') === 0) continue; $pos = strrpos($cat, '_'); if($pos === false) $this->throw_error(__('Wrong category format', 'revslider')); $tax_name = substr($cat, 0, $pos); $tax[$tax_name] = $tax_name; $cats .= (!empty($cats)) ? ',' : ''; $cats .= substr($cat, $pos + 1, strlen($cat) - $pos - 1); //category id } $ret['cats'] = $cats; } if(!empty($tax)){ foreach($tax as $tax_name){ $taxs .= (!empty($taxs)) ? ','.$tax_name : $tax_name; } } $ret['tax'] = $taxs; return $ret; } /** * check for global settings lazy load and modify slider settings * only do these changes on outputting the slider * @since: 6.4.12 **/ public function modify_by_global_settings(){ global $SR_GLOBALS; if(is_admin() && !$SR_GLOBALS['preview_mode']) return true; $gs = $this->get_global_settings(); $loazyload = $this->get_val($this->params, array('general', 'lazyLoad'), 'none'); if($loazyload === 'none'){ $forceLazyLoading = $this->get_val($gs, 'forceLazyLoading', 'smart'); $this->set_val($this->params, array('general', 'lazyLoad'), $forceLazyLoading); } $forceViewport = $this->get_val($gs, 'forceViewport', true); $forceViewportDist = $this->get_val($gs, 'forcedViewportDistance', '-200px'); $this->set_val($this->params, array('general', 'slideshow', 'globalViewPort'), $forceViewport); $this->set_val($this->params, array('general', 'slideshow', 'globalViewDist'), $forceViewportDist); } /** * fetches data from a post that we want to use later on */ public function streamline_posts_data($data){ if(empty($data) || !is_array($data)) return $data; global $SR_GLOBALS; $templates = $this->get_slides(false); $templates = $this->assoc_to_array($templates); $metas = $this->get_used_metas(); $post_data = array(); $ignore_taxonomies = apply_filters('revslider_slide_ignore_taxonomies', array('post_tag', 'translation_priority', 'language', 'post_translations'), $this); //$source_type = $this->get_param('sourcetype', 'gallery'); $key = 0; $num_temp = count($templates); $excerpt_limit = $this->get_val($this->params, array('source', 'post', 'excerptLimit'), 55); $excerpt_type = (strpos($excerpt_limit, 'chars') !== false) ? 'chars' : 'words'; $excerpt_limit = (strpos($excerpt_limit, 'chars') !== false) ? str_replace('chars', '', $excerpt_limit) : str_replace(array('char', 'words'), '', $excerpt_limit); //char is a fallback from before 6.3.4 $excerpt_limit = (int)$excerpt_limit; $img_sizes = $this->get_all_image_sizes(); foreach($data as $k => $entry){ if(!empty($templates)){ $template = clone $templates[$key]; $key++; if($key == $num_temp){ $key = 0; $templates = $this->get_slides(false); //reset as clone did not work properly $templates = $this->assoc_to_array($templates); } } $author = get_user_by('ID', $this->get_val($entry, 'post_author')); $post_id = $this->get_val($entry, 'ID'); $cats = $this->get_val($entry, array('source', 'post', 'category')); $full = false; //$post_image_id = ($source_type === 'specific_posts') ? $post_id : get_post_thumbnail_id($post_id); $post_image_id = ($this->is_gallery) ? $post_id : get_post_thumbnail_id($post_id); $featured_image_url = wp_get_attachment_image_src($post_image_id, 'full'); //get full and thumbnail $featured_image_url_thumb = wp_get_attachment_image_src($post_image_id, 'thumbnail'); //get full and thumbnail if(empty($cats)){ $cats = array(); $taxonomies = get_object_taxonomies($this->get_val($entry, 'post_type')); foreach($taxonomies ?? [] as $ptt){ if(in_array($ptt, $ignore_taxonomies, true)) continue; $temp_cats = get_the_terms($post_id, $ptt); if(!empty($temp_cats)){ $cats = array_merge($cats, $temp_cats); $full = true; } } } $title = $this->get_val($entry, array('post_title')); $excerpt = str_replace(array('<br/>', '<br />'), '', strip_tags($this->get_val($entry, array('post_excerpt')), '<b><br><i><strong><small>')); $excerpt = ($excerpt_type === 'words') ? $this->get_text_intro($excerpt, $excerpt_limit) : $this->get_text_intro_chars($excerpt, $excerpt_limit); $raw_data = array( 'id' => $post_id, 'author' => $this->get_val($author, array('data', 'display_name')), 'content' => array('content' => $this->get_val($entry, array('post_content'))), 'excerpt' => $excerpt, 'link' => get_permalink($this->get_val($entry, 'ID')), 'media' => ($featured_image_url !== false) ? $featured_image_url[0] : '',//$this->get_val($entry, array('full_picture')), 'mediatag' => ($featured_image_url !== false) ?'<img src="'.$featured_image_url[0].'" width="'.$featured_image_url[1].'" height="'.$featured_image_url[2].'" alt="'.esc_attr($title).'" data-no-retina />' : '',//$this->get_val($entry, array('full_picture')), 'meta' => array(), 'modified' => $this->convert_post_date($this->get_val($entry, 'post_modified')), 'numcomments' => $this->get_val($entry, array('comment_count')), 'publish' => $this->convert_post_date($this->get_val($entry, 'post_date_gmt')), 'navthumb' => (!empty($templates)) ? $this->get_thumb_url($template, $post_image_id) : '', 'thumb' => ($featured_image_url_thumb !== false) ? $featured_image_url_thumb[0] : '', //$this->get_val($entry, array('picture')), 'thumbtag' => ($featured_image_url_thumb !== false) ?'<img src="'.$featured_image_url_thumb[0].'" width="'.$featured_image_url_thumb[1].'" height="'.$featured_image_url_thumb[2].'" alt="'.esc_attr($title).'" data-no-retina />' : '',//$this->get_val($entry, array('full_picture')), 'taglist' => get_the_tag_list('', ',', '', $post_id), 'title' => $title, 'img_urls' => [], ); $v6 = false; $push_source= true; $temp_id_v6 = intval(get_post_meta($post_id, 'slide_template', true)); $temp_id_v7 = intval(get_post_meta($post_id, 'slide_template_v7', true)); if($temp_id_v6 > 0 || $temp_id_v7 > 0){ $_temp_id = false; $v6 = $SR_GLOBALS['use_table_version']; if($temp_id_v7 > 0){ $SR_GLOBALS['use_table_version'] = 7; $temp_id = $temp_id_v7; }else{ $_temp_id = $this->get_v7_slide_map($temp_id_v6); //we always receive the v6 slide id here so we need to translate to v7 if($_temp_id !== false){ $SR_GLOBALS['use_table_version'] = 7; $temp_id = $_temp_id; }else{ $SR_GLOBALS['use_table_version'] = 6; $temp_id = $temp_id_v6; } } $local = new RevSliderSlide(); $local->init_by_id($temp_id); if(empty($local->get_slider_id())){ //slider does not exist anymore, go back to v6 if we are v7, special sources if already at v6 if($SR_GLOBALS['use_table_version'] === 7){ $SR_GLOBALS['use_table_version'] = 6; $temp_id = $temp_id_v6; $local = new RevSliderSlide(); $local->init_by_id($temp_id); if(empty($local->get_slider_id())) $push_source = false; } } if($push_source){ $raw_data['sourceSlideId'] = $temp_id; $raw_data['sourceModuleId'] = $local->get_slider_id(); $raw_data['sourceModuleEngine'] = $SR_GLOBALS['use_table_version']; } if($v6 !== false) $SR_GLOBALS['use_table_version'] = $v6; } if(!empty($metas)){ foreach($metas as $meta){ switch($meta){ case 'id': $raw_data['id'] = $this->get_val($entry, 'ID'); break; case 'alias': $raw_data['alias'] = $this->get_val($entry, 'post_name'); break; case 'catlist': $raw_data['catlist'] = $this->get_categories_html($cats, null, $post_id, $full); break; case 'catlist_raw': $raw_data['catlistraw'] = strip_tags($this->get_categories_html($cats, null, $post_id, $full)); break; case 'taglist': $raw_data['taglist'] = get_the_tag_list('', ',', '', $post_id); break; case 'author_website': $raw_data['author_website'] = $this->get_val($author, 'user_url'); break; case 'author_posts': $raw_data['author_posts'] = get_author_posts_url($this->get_val($entry, 'post_author')); break; } $_meta = (strpos($meta, ':') !== false) ? explode(':', $meta) : false; if($_meta === false) continue; if($_meta[0] === 'meta'){ $raw_data['meta'][$_meta[1]] = get_post_meta($post_id, $_meta[1], true); }elseif($_meta[0] === 'author_avatar'){ if(count($_meta) !== 2) continue; $_meta[1] = intval($_meta[1]); if($_meta[1] === 0 || $_meta[1] < 0) continue; $raw_data['author_avatar'] = get_avatar_url($this->get_val($data, 'authorID'), array('size'=> $_meta[1])); }else{ //this works only for metas that are already defined in $raw_data $value = ''; if(!isset($raw_data[$_meta[0]])) continue; if(count($_meta) !== 3) continue; $_meta[2] = intval($_meta[2]); if($_meta[2] === 0) continue; $text = ($_meta[0] === 'content') ? $raw_data[$_meta[0]]['content'] : $raw_data[$_meta[0]]; switch($_meta[1]){ case 'words': $value = explode(' ', strip_tags($text), $_meta[2] + 1); if(is_array($value) && count($value) > $_meta[2]) array_pop($value); $value = implode(' ', $value); break; case 'chars': $value = mb_substr(strip_tags($text), 0, $_meta[2]); break; default: continue 2; break; } if($_meta[0] === 'content'){ if(!isset($raw_data['content'][$_meta[1]])) $raw_data['content'][$_meta[1]] = array(); $raw_data['content'][$_meta[1]][$_meta[2]] = $value; }else{ if(!isset($raw_data['meta'][$_meta[0]])) $raw_data['meta'][$_meta[0]] = array(); if(!isset($raw_data['meta'][$_meta[0]][$_meta[1]])) $raw_data['meta'][$_meta[0]][$_meta[1]] = array(); $raw_data['meta'][$_meta[0]][$_meta[1]][$_meta[2]] = $value; } } } } if(!empty($img_sizes)){ $ptid = get_post_thumbnail_id($post_id); foreach($img_sizes as $img_handle => $img_name){ $featured_image_url = wp_get_attachment_image_src($ptid, $img_handle); if($featured_image_url === false) continue; $raw_data['img_urls'][$img_handle] = [ 'url' => $featured_image_url[0], 'tag' => '<img src="'.$featured_image_url[0].'" width="'.$featured_image_url[1].'" height="'.$featured_image_url[2].'" alt="'.esc_attr($title).'" data-no-retina />' ]; } } $post_data[] = $raw_data; } $post_data = apply_filters('sr_streamline_post_data_post', $post_data, $data, $metas, $this); return $post_data; } /** * streamline the stream data to an universal array */ public function streamline_stream_data($data, $sourcetype, $additions){ $_data = array(); switch($sourcetype){ case 'facebook': $_data = $this->streamline_by_facebook($data, $additions); break; case 'flickr': $_data = $this->streamline_by_flickr($data, $additions); break; case 'instagram': $_data = $this->streamline_by_instagram($data, $additions); break; case 'vimeo': $_data = $this->streamline_by_vimeo($data, $additions); break; case 'youtube': $_data = $this->streamline_by_youtube($data, $additions); break; default: $return = apply_filters('revslider_streamline_stream_data', false, $data, $sourcetype, $additions, $this); if($return === false) $this->throw_error(__('Source must be from a stream', 'revslider')); break; } $_data = $this->add_stream_metas($_data, $data, $sourcetype, $additions); return $_data; } public function streamline_by_facebook($data, $additions){ $fb_data = array(); if(empty($data) || !is_array($data)) return $fb_data; foreach($data as $k => $entry){ $likes = $this->get_val($entry, array('likestream', 'summary', 'can_like')); $num_comments = $this->get_val($entry, array('commentstream', 'summary', 'can_comment')); if(empty($likes) || $likes === false) $likes = $this->get_val($entry, array('likestream', 'summary', 'total_count')); if(empty($num_comments) || $num_comments === false) $num_comments = $this->get_val($entry, array('commentstream', 'summary', 'total_count')); $fb_data[] = array( 'author' => $this->get_val($entry, array('from', 'name')), 'customMetas' => array(), 'content' => array('content' => nl2br($this->get_val($entry, array('message')))), 'likes' => $likes, 'link' => $this->get_val($entry, array('permalink_url')), 'media' => $this->get_val($entry, array('full_picture')), 'modified' => $this->convert_post_date($this->get_val($entry, array('updated_time'))), 'num_comments' => $num_comments, 'publish' => $this->convert_post_date($this->get_val($entry, array('created_time'))), 'thumb' => $this->get_val($entry, array('picture')), 'title' => $this->get_val($entry, array('message')) ); } return $fb_data; } private function flickr_base_encode($num, $alphabet = '123456789abcdefghijkmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHJKLMNPQRSTUVWXYZ') { $base_count = strlen($alphabet); $encoded = ''; while ($num >= $base_count) { $div = $num / $base_count; $mod = ($num - ($base_count * intval($div))); /* 2.1.5 */ $mod = intval($mod); $encoded = $alphabet[$mod] . $encoded; $num = intval($div); } if ($num) $encoded = $alphabet[$num] . $encoded; return $encoded; } public function streamline_by_flickr($data, $additions){ $fl_data = array(); if(empty($data) || !is_array($data)) return $fl_data; foreach($data as $k => $entry){ $fl_data[] = array( 'author' => $this->get_val($entry, array('ownername')), 'content' => array('content' => nl2br($this->get_val($entry, array('description', '_content')))), 'link' => '//flic.kr/p/'.$this->flickr_base_encode($this->get_val($entry, array('id'))), 'media' => $this->remove_http($this->get_val($entry, array('url_o'))), 'modified' => $this->convert_post_date($this->get_val($entry, array('datetaken'))), 'publish' => $this->convert_post_date($this->get_val($entry, array('datetaken'))), 'thumb' => $this->remove_http($this->get_val($entry, array('url_t'))), 'title' => $this->get_val($entry, array('title')), 'views' => $this->get_val($entry, array('views')) ); } return $fl_data; } public function streamline_by_instagram($data, $additions){ $ig_data = array(); if(empty($data) || !is_array($data)) return $ig_data; foreach($data as $k => $entry){ $image = $this->get_val($entry, array('thumbnail_url')); $video = $this->get_val($entry, array('media_url')); $ig_data[] = array( 'author' => $this->get_val($entry, array('username')), 'content' => array('content' => nl2br($this->get_val($entry, array('caption')))), 'link' => $this->get_val($entry, array('link')), 'media' => (empty($image)) ? '' : $video, 'num_comments' => $this->get_val($entry, array('comments_count')), 'likes' => $this->get_val($entry, array('like_count')), 'publish' => $this->convert_post_date($this->get_val($entry, array('taken_at_timestamp'))), 'title' => $this->get_val($entry, array('caption')), 'thumb' => (empty($image)) ? $video : $image, 'views' => $this->get_val($entry, array('stats_number_of_plays')), ); } return $ig_data; } public function streamline_by_vimeo($data, $additions){ $vm_data = array(); if(empty($data) || !is_array($data)) return $vm_data; //TODO: check $additions['vim_type']; foreach($data as $k => $entry){ $vm_data[] = array( 'author' => $this->get_val($entry, array('user', 'user_name')), 'content' => array('content' => nl2br($this->get_val($entry, array('description')))), 'likes' => $this->get_val($entry, array('stats_number_of_likes')), 'link' => $this->get_val($entry, array('url')), 'media' => $this->get_val($entry, array('id')), 'num_comments' => $this->get_val($entry, array('stats_number_of_comments')), 'publish' => $this->convert_post_date($this->get_val($entry, array('upload_date'))), 'title' => $this->get_val($entry, array('title')), 'thumb' => $this->get_val($entry, array('thumbnail_large')), 'views' => $this->get_val($entry, array('stats_number_of_plays')) ); } return $vm_data; } public function streamline_by_youtube($data, $additions){ $yt_data = array(); if(empty($data) || !is_array($data)) return $yt_data; $channel = ($additions['yt_type'] === 'channel') ? true : false; foreach($data as $k => $entry){ $id = ($channel) ? $this->get_val($entry, array('id', 'videoId')) : $this->get_val($entry, array('snippet', 'resourceId', 'videoId')); $thumb = $this->get_val($entry, array('snippet', 'thumbnails', 'maxres', 'url')); if(empty($thumb)) $thumb = $this->get_val($entry, array('snippet', 'thumbnails', 'high', 'url')); $yt_data[] = array( 'author' => ($channel) ? '' : $this->get_val($entry, array('snippet', 'author')), 'content' => nl2br($this->get_val($entry, array('snippet', 'description'))), 'link' => '//youtube.com/watch?v=' . $id, 'publish' => ($channel) ? '' : $this->convert_post_date($this->get_val($entry, array('snippet', 'publishedAt'))), 'media' => $id, 'thumb' => $this->remove_http($thumb), 'title' => $this->get_val($entry, array('snippet', 'title')) ); } return $yt_data; } public function add_stream_metas($streams, $stream_data, $source_type, $additions = array()){ $metas = $this->get_used_metas(); if(empty($metas)) return $streams; if(empty($streams)) return $streams; foreach($streams as $k => $data){ foreach($metas as $meta){ switch($meta){ case 'alias': $streams[$k]['alias'] = $this->get_val($stream_data, array($k, 'alias')); break; } $_meta = (strpos($meta, ':') !== false) ? explode(':', $meta) : false; if($_meta === false) continue; //this works only for metas that are already defined in $data $value = ''; if(!isset($data[$_meta[0]])) continue; if(count($_meta) !== 3) continue; $_meta[2] = intval($_meta[2]); if($_meta[2] === 0) continue; $text = $data[$_meta[0]]; if(is_array($text)) $text = $text[$_meta[0]]; switch($_meta[1]){ case 'words': $value = explode(' ', strip_tags($text), $_meta[2] + 1); if(is_array($value) && count($value) > $_meta[2]) array_pop($value); $value = implode(' ', $value); break; case 'chars': $value = mb_substr(strip_tags($text), 0, $_meta[2]); break; default: continue 2; break; } if($_meta[0] === 'content'){ if(!isset($streams[$k]['content'][$_meta[1]])) $streams[$k]['content'][$_meta[1]] = array(); $streams[$k]['content'][$_meta[1]][$_meta[2]] = $value; }else{ if(!isset($streams[$k]['meta'])) $streams[$k]['meta'] = array(); if(!isset($streams[$k]['meta'][$_meta[0]])) $streams[$k]['meta'][$_meta[0]] = array(); if(!isset($streams[$k]['meta'][$_meta[0]][$_meta[1]])) $streams[$k]['meta'][$_meta[0]][$_meta[1]] = array(); $streams[$k]['meta'][$_meta[0]][$_meta[1]][$_meta[2]] = $value; } } } return $streams; } public function get_used_metas(){ if(!empty($this->metas)) return $this->metas; if(empty($this->slides)) $this->get_slides_for_output(); $text = serialize($this->slides); preg_match_all('/{{(.*?)}}/', $text, $matches, PREG_PATTERN_ORDER); $placeholders = $this->get_val($matches, 1, array()); if(empty($placeholders)) return $this->metas; $this->metas = $placeholders; return $this->metas; } /** * returns a slider object with all slides and static slide in v6 or v7 format for JSON/REST * sensitive data needs to be removed: source as it contains stream login data */ public function get_full_slider_JSON($slider = false, $full = true, $slide_ids = array(), $forced_ids = array(), $raw = false, $modify = true){ global $SR_GLOBALS; if($slider === false) $slider = $this; if(!empty($slide_ids) && !is_array($slide_ids)) $slide_ids = (array)$slide_ids; $SR_wpml = RevSliderGlobals::instance()->get('RevSliderWpml'); $lang = $SR_wpml->get_slider_language($slider); if($lang !== 'all' && $modify === true) $slider->change_language($lang); $slider_id = $slider->get_id(); $modify_allow = array('excerptLimit', 'maxPosts', 'maxProducts', 'count'); $modify_sources = array('post', 'specific_posts', 'specific_post', 'woo', 'woocommerce', 'instagram', 'facebook', 'flickr', 'twitter', 'vimeo', 'youtube'); $modify_setting = ($slider->v7) ? 'settings' : 'slider_params'; $type = ($slider->v7) ? $slider->get_param('type') : $slider->get_param('type'); $hero = ($type === 'hero') ? true : false; $do_shortcodes = ($slider->is_stream_post()) ? false : true; $table_temp = $SR_GLOBALS['use_table_version']; //save table version as we change it depending on coming slider if($slider->v7){ $SR_GLOBALS['use_table_version'] = 7; $obj = (empty($slide_ids)) ? array('settings' => $slider->get_params(), 'slides' => array(), 'id' => $slider_id) : array('slides' => array()); $slides = ($raw) ? $slider->get_slides(false, true) : $slider->get_slides_modified(false, true, $hero, $do_shortcodes); if($lang !== 'all' && $modify === true) $slides = $slider->get_language_slides_v7($slides);//get WPML language slides if(empty($slides)) return $obj; $first = ($full === false) ? true : false; foreach($slides as $slide_id => $slide){ if(!empty($slide_ids) && !in_array($slide_id, $slide_ids)) continue; if($modify === true && !$slide->check_use_slide()) continue; if($SR_GLOBALS['serial'] > 2 && !empty($forced_ids) && !in_array($slide_id, $forced_ids)) continue; $obj['slides'][$slide_id] = array( 'id' => $slide_id, 'slide' => $slide->get_params(), 'layers' => ($full === true || $full === false && $first === true) ? $slide->get_layers(true) : array() ); $first = false; } $static_slide_id = $slide->get_static_slide_id($slider_id); if(!empty($slide_ids) && !in_array($static_slide_id, $slide_ids, true)) $static_slide_id = 0; if(intval($static_slide_id) > 0){ $static_slide = new RevSliderSlide(); $static_slide->init_by_static_id($static_slide_id); if(!empty($static_slide)){ $obj['slides'][$static_slide_id] = array( //'static_'. 'id' => $static_slide_id, 'slide' => $static_slide->get_params(), 'layers' => $static_slide->get_layers() ); } } }else{ $SR_GLOBALS['use_table_version'] = 6; $slides = ($raw) ? $slider->get_slides() : $slider->get_slides_modified(false, false, $hero, $do_shortcodes); if($lang !== 'all' && $modify === true) $slides = $slider->get_language_slides_v7($slides);//get WPML language slides $_slides = array(); $_static_slide = array(); if(!empty($slides)){ foreach($slides as $s){ $slide_id = $s->get_id(); if(!empty($slide_ids) && !in_array($slide_id, $slide_ids)) continue; if($modify === true && !$s->check_use_slide()) continue; if($SR_GLOBALS['serial'] > 2 && !empty($forced_ids) && !in_array($slide_id, $forced_ids)) continue; if($SR_GLOBALS['use_table_version'] === 6 && $SR_GLOBALS['front_version'] === 7){ $t_v7id = $this->get_v7_slider_map(false, $slide_id); if(intval($t_v7id) !== 0) $slide_id = $t_v7id; } $_slides[] = array( 'order' => $s->get_order(), 'params' => $s->get_params(), 'layers' => $s->get_layers(), 'id' => $slide_id, ); } $static_slide_id = $s->get_static_slide_id($slider_id); if(!empty($slide_ids) && !in_array($static_slide_id, $slide_ids)) $static_slide_id = 0; //$static_slide_id = (intval($static_slide_id) === 0) ? $slide->create_slide($slider_id, '', true) : $static_slide_id; $static_slide = false; if(intval($static_slide_id) > 0){ $static_slide = new RevSliderSlide(); $static_slide->init_by_static_id($static_slide_id); } if(!empty($static_slide)){ $slide_id = $static_slide->get_id(); if($SR_GLOBALS['use_table_version'] === 6 && $SR_GLOBALS['front_version'] === 7){ $t_v7id = $this->get_v7_slider_map(false, 'static_'.$slide_id); if(intval($t_v7id) !== 0) $slide_id = $t_v7id; } $_static_slide = array( 'params' => $static_slide->get_params(), 'layers' => $static_slide->get_layers(), 'id' => $slide_id, ); } } $obj = (empty($slide_ids)) ? array( 'id' => $slider_id, 'alias' => $slider->get_alias(), 'title' => $slider->get_title(), 'slider_params' => $slider->get_params(true), 'slider_settings' => $slider->get_settings(), 'slides' => $_slides, 'static_slide' => $_static_slide, ) : array('slides' => $_slides, 'static_slide' => $_static_slide); if(empty($slide_ids)){ $rs7output = new RevSlider7Output(); $rs7output->slider = $slider; $rs7output->set_slider_id($slider->get_id()); $rs7output->slides = $slides; $rs7output->set_javascript_variables(); $obj['navs'] = (object)array_filter($this->get_val($SR_GLOBALS, array('collections', 'nav'), array()), function($value) { return !empty($value); }); $obj['trans'] = (object)array_filter($this->get_val($SR_GLOBALS, array('collections', 'trans'), array()), function($value) { return !empty($value); }); $obj['v6v7ids'] = (object)$this->get_v7_slider_map($slider_id); }else{ //set modify -> false as we do not have slider_settings $modify = false; } } if($modify === true && isset($obj[$modify_setting]['source'])){ //make sure to have the source overwritten for streams, if we are not in backend $source = $obj[$modify_setting]['source']; $obj[$modify_setting]['source'] = array('type' => $this->get_val($obj, array($modify_setting, 'source', 'type'))); foreach($modify_sources as $m_source){ if(!isset($source[$m_source])) continue; foreach($modify_allow as $allow){ if(!isset($source[$m_source][$allow])) continue; $obj[$modify_setting]['source'][$m_source][$allow] = $source[$m_source][$allow]; } } } $obj['addOns'] = array(); $SR_GLOBALS['use_table_version'] = $table_temp; //reset to beginning table version return apply_filters('sr_get_full_slider_JSON', $obj, $slider); } /** * get the thumb url for the slide (navigation may need it) **/ public function get_thumb_url($slide, $post_id = false){ $bullet_set = ($this->v7) ? $this->get_param(array('nav', 'bullets', 'set'), false) : $this->get_param(array('nav', 'bullets', 'set'), false); $thumbs_set = ($this->v7) ? $this->get_param(array('nav', 'thumbs', 'set'), false) : $this->get_param(array('nav', 'thumbs', 'set'), false); $arrows_set = ($this->v7) ? $this->get_param(array('nav', 'arrows', 'set'), false) : $this->get_param(array('nav', 'arrows', 'set'), false); $tabs_set = ($this->v7) ? $this->get_param(array('nav', 'tabs', 'set'), false) : $this->get_param(array('nav', 'tabs', 'set'), false); $scrubber_set = ($this->v7) ? $this->get_param(array('nav', 'scrubber', 'set'), false) : $this->get_param(array('nav', 'scrubber', 'set'), false); $arrows_style = ($this->v7) ? $this->get_param(array('nav', 'arrows', 't'), 'round') : $this->get_param(array('nav', 'arrows', 'style'), 'round'); $bullets_style = ($this->v7) ? $this->get_param(array('nav', 'bullets', 't'), 'round') : $this->get_param(array('nav', 'bullets', 'style'), 'round'); $bglayer = ($this->v7) ? $slide->get_bg_layer() : array(); $is_posts = $this->is_posts(); $active = ($bullet_set == true || $thumbs_set == true || $arrows_set == true || $tabs_set == true || $scrubber_set == true) ? true : false; $special = ( in_array($arrows_style, array('preview1', 'preview2', 'preview3', 'preview4', 'custom'), true) || in_array($bullets_style, array('preview1', 'preview2', 'preview3', 'preview4', 'custom'), true) ) ? true : false; if($active === false && $special === false) return ''; if($is_posts && $post_id !== false){ $thumb_src = wp_get_attachment_image_src($post_id, 'orig'); $slide->image_url = ($thumb_src !== false) ? $thumb_src[0] : ''; }else{ $thumb_src = ($this->v7) ? $slide->get_param(array('thumb', 'src'), '') : $slide->get_param(array('thumb', 'customThumbSrc'), ''); $slide->image_url = (!empty($thumb_src)) ? $thumb_src : ''; } if(empty($slide->image_url)){ $slide->image_url = ($this->v7) ? $this->get_val($bglayer, array('bg', 'image', 'src'), '') : $slide->get_param(array('bg', 'image'), ''); } $slide->image_url = (empty($slide->image_url) && $this->v7) ? $this->get_val($bglayer, array('bg', 'video', 'poster', 'src'), '') : $slide->image_url; if($arrows_set === true && in_array(intval($arrows_style), array(1012))) return $slide->image_url; //check if we are dione and if, then return full image // or custom $bg_stream = ($this->v7) ? $slide->get_param(array('bg', 'image', 'fromStream'), false) : $slide->get_param(array('bg', 'imageFromStream'), false); $source_type = ($this->v7) ? $this->get_param(array('source', 'type'), 'gallery') : $this->get_param('sourcetype'); $dimension = $slide->get_param(array('thumb', 'dimension'), 'slider'); $url = ($is_posts && $bg_stream === true) ? '' : $slide->image_url; if($this->v7){ $slide_bg = 'trans'; if(!empty($this->get_val($bglayer, array('bg', 'image'), array()))) $slide_bg = 'image'; if(!empty($this->get_val($bglayer, array('bg', 'video'), array()))) $slide_bg = 'video'; }else{ $slide_bg = $slide->get_param(array('bg', 'type'), 'trans'); } if( $dimension == 'slider' && ($is_posts || in_array($source_type, array('youtube', 'vimeo'), true) || in_array($slide_bg, array('image', 'video', 'vimeo', 'youtube', 'html5', 'streamvimeo', 'streamyoutube', 'streaminstagram', 'streamvimeoboth', 'streamyoutubeboth', 'streaminstagramboth'), true)) ){ //use the slider settings for width / height $w = ($this->v7) ? intval(str_replace('px', '', $this->get_param(array('nav', 'p', 'w'), 100))) : intval($this->get_param(array('nav', 'preview', 'width'), $this->get_param(array('nav', 'thumbs', 'width'), 100))); $h = ($this->v7) ? intval(str_replace('px', '', $this->get_param(array('nav', 'p', 'h'), 50))) : intval($this->get_param(array('nav', 'preview', 'height'), $this->get_param(array('nav', 'thumbs', 'height'), 50))); $w = ($w == 0) ? 100 : $w; $h = ($h == 0) ? 50 : $h; if(empty($url)){ //try to get resized thumb $url = rev_aq_resize($slide->image_url, $w, $h, true, true, true); }else{ $url = rev_aq_resize($url, $w, $h, true, true, true); if(empty($url)){ $url = $slide->image_url; $url = rev_aq_resize($url, $w, $h, true, true, true); } } } $url = (empty($url)) ? $slide->image_url : $url; //if empty - put regular image return ($this->check_valid_image($url)) ? $url : ''; } /** * return the responsive sizes depending on v6 or v7 */ public function get_responsive_sizes(){ if($this->v7){ $sizes = $this->get_param('uSize'); $enabled_sizes = array( 'ld' => $this->get_val($sizes, 0, false), 'd' => $this->get_val($sizes, 1, false), 'n' => $this->get_val($sizes, 2, false), 't' => $this->get_val($sizes, 3, false), 'm' => $this->get_val($sizes, 4, false) ); if(in_array(true, $enabled_sizes) === false) $enabled_sizes['d'] = true; return $enabled_sizes; } return array( 'ld' => true, 'd' => true, 'n' => $this->get_param(array('size', 'custom', 'n'), false), 't' => $this->get_param(array('size', 'custom', 't'), false), 'm' => $this->get_param(array('size', 'custom', 'm'), false) ); } }