Current Path : /home/multihiv/www/store/wp-content/plugins/pagelayer/js/ |
Current File : /home/multihiv/www/store/wp-content/plugins/pagelayer/js/trumbowyg-pagelayer.js |
(function ($) { 'use strict'; // jshint camelcase:true function hex(x) { return ('0' + parseInt(x).toString(16)).slice(-2); } function colorToHex(rgb) { if (rgb.search('rgb') === -1) { return rgb.replace('#', ''); } else if (rgb === 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)') { return 'transparent'; } else { rgb = rgb.match(/^rgba?\((\d+),\s*(\d+),\s*(\d+)(?:,\s*(\d+))?\)$/); return hex(rgb[1]) + hex(rgb[2]) + hex(rgb[3]); } } function colorTagHandler(element, trumbowyg) { var tags = []; if (!element.style) { return tags; } // background color if (element.style.backgroundColor !== '') { var backColor = colorToHex(element.style.backgroundColor); if (trumbowyg.o.plugins.colors.colorList.indexOf(backColor) >= 0) { tags.push('backColor' + backColor); } else { tags.push('backColorFree'); } } // text color var foreColor; if (element.style.color !== '') { foreColor = colorToHex(element.style.color); } else if (element.hasAttribute('color')) { foreColor = colorToHex(element.getAttribute('color')); } if (foreColor) { if (trumbowyg.o.plugins.colors.colorList.indexOf(foreColor) >= 0) { tags.push('foreColor' + foreColor); } else { tags.push('foreColorFree'); } } return tags; } var defaultOptions = { colorList: ['ffffff', '000000', 'eeece1', '1f497d', '4f81bd', 'c0504d', '9bbb59', '8064a2', '4bacc6', 'f79646', 'ffff00', 'f2f2f2', '7f7f7f', 'ddd9c3', 'c6d9f0', 'dbe5f1', 'f2dcdb', 'ebf1dd', 'e5e0ec', 'dbeef3', 'fdeada', 'fff2ca', 'd8d8d8', '595959', 'c4bd97', '8db3e2', 'b8cce4', 'e5b9b7', 'd7e3bc', 'ccc1d9', 'b7dde8', 'fbd5b5', 'ffe694', 'bfbfbf', '3f3f3f', '938953', '548dd4', '95b3d7', 'd99694', 'c3d69b', 'b2a2c7', 'b7dde8', 'fac08f', 'f2c314', 'a5a5a5', '262626', '494429', '17365d', '366092', '953734', '76923c', '5f497a', '92cddc', 'e36c09', 'c09100', '7f7f7f', '0c0c0c', '1d1b10', '0f243e', '244061', '632423', '4f6128', '3f3151', '31859b', '974806', '7f6000'] }; // Default Options for font-size var fontSizedefaultOptions = { sizeList: ['x-small', 'small', 'medium', 'large', 'x-large'], allowCustomSize: true }; // Default Options for line height var lineHeightOptions = { sizeList: ['0.9', '1', '1.5', '2.0', '2.5','3.0', '3.5', '4.0', '4.5', '5.0'], allowCustomSize: true }; // If WP media is a button function openwpmediaDef(trumbowyg) { return { fn: function() { // WP media button logic var func_media = window['pagelayer_select_frame']; if(typeof func_media == 'function'){ // Load the frame var frame = pagelayer_select_frame('image'); // On select update the stuff frame.on({'select': function(){ var state = frame.state(); var url = '', alt = '', id = ''; // External URL if('props' in state){ url = state.props.attributes.url; alt = state.props.attributes.alt; // Internal from gallery }else{ var attachment = frame.state().get('selection').first().toJSON(); //console.log(attachment); // Set the new and URL url = attachment.url; alt = attachment.alt; id = attachment.id; } trumbowyg.execCmd('insertImage', url, false, true); var $img = $('img[src="' + url + '"]:not([alt])', trumbowyg.$box); $img.attr('alt', alt); $img.attr('pl-media-id', id); trumbowyg.syncCode; trumbowyg.$c.trigger('tbwchange'); return true; } }); frame.open(); } }, ico: 'insert-image' } } $.extend(true, $.trumbowyg, { // Add some translations langs: { en: { wpmedia: 'Insert Image', foreColor: 'Text color', backColor: 'Background color', fontsize: 'Font size', fontsizes: { 'x-small': 'Extra small', 'small': 'Small', 'medium': 'Regular', 'large': 'Large', 'x-large': 'Extra large', 'custom': 'Custom' }, fontCustomSize: { title: 'Custom Font Size', label: 'Font Size', value: '48px' }, lineheight: 'Line Height', lineCustomHeight: { title: 'Custom Line Height', label: 'Line Height', value: '7.0' }, lineheights: { 'normal': 'Normal', 'custom': 'Custom', } }, }, // Add our plugin to Trumbowyg registred plugins plugins: { wpmedia: { init: function(trumbowyg) { var t = $(this); // Fill current Trumbowyg instance with WP media default options trumbowyg.o.plugins.wpmedia = $.extend(true, {}, defaultOptions, trumbowyg.o.plugins.wpmedia || {} ); // If WP media is a trumbowyg.addBtnDef('wpmedia', openwpmediaDef(trumbowyg)); }, }, color: { init: function (trumbowyg) { trumbowyg.o.plugins.colors = trumbowyg.o.plugins.colors || defaultOptions; var foreColorBtnDef = { dropdown: buildDropdown('foreColor', trumbowyg) }, backColorBtnDef = { dropdown: buildDropdown('backColor', trumbowyg) }; trumbowyg.addBtnDef('foreColor', foreColorBtnDef); trumbowyg.addBtnDef('backColor', backColorBtnDef); }, tagHandler: colorTagHandler }, pasteImage: { init: function (trumbowyg) { trumbowyg.pasteHandlers.push(function (pasteEvent) { var pagelayer_ajax_func = {}; // This function for ajax success call back pagelayer_ajax_func['success'] = function(obj){ //alert(obj); if(obj['success']){ trumbowyg.execCmd('insertImage', obj['data']['url'], false, true); }else{ alert(obj['data']['message']); } } // This function for ajax before send call back pagelayer_ajax_func['beforeSend'] = function(xhr){ trumbowyg.showOverlay(); } // This function for ajax complete call back pagelayer_ajax_func['complete'] = function(xhr){ trumbowyg.hideOverlay(); } pagelayer_editable_paste_handler(pasteEvent, pagelayer_ajax_func); }); } }, fontsize: { init: function (trumbowyg) { trumbowyg.o.plugins.fontsize = $.extend({}, fontSizedefaultOptions, trumbowyg.o.plugins.fontsize || {} ); trumbowyg.addBtnDef('fontsize', { dropdown: fontSizeBuildDropdown(trumbowyg) }); } }, lineheight: { init: function (trumbowyg) { trumbowyg.o.plugins.lineheight = $.extend({}, lineHeightOptions, trumbowyg.o.plugins.lineheight || {} ); trumbowyg.addBtnDef('lineheight', { dropdown: lineHeightDropdown(trumbowyg) }); } } } }); function buildDropdown(fn, trumbowyg) { var dropdown = []; $.each(trumbowyg.o.plugins.colors.colorList, function (i, color) { var btn = fn + color, btnDef = { fn: fn, forceCss: true, param: '#' + color, style: 'background-color: #' + color + ';' }; trumbowyg.addBtnDef(btn, btnDef); dropdown.push(btn); }); var removeColorButtonName = fn + 'Remove', removeColorBtnDef = { fn: 'removeFormat', param: fn, style: 'background-image: url();' }; trumbowyg.addBtnDef(removeColorButtonName, removeColorBtnDef); dropdown.push(removeColorButtonName); // add free color btn var freeColorButtonName = fn + 'Free', freeColorBtnDef = { fn: function () { trumbowyg.openModalInsert(trumbowyg.lang[fn], { color: { label: fn, forceCss: true, type: 'color', value: '#FFFFFF' } }, // callback function (values) { trumbowyg.execCmd(fn, values.color); return true; } ); }, text: '#', // style adjust for displaying the text style: 'text-indent: 0;line-height: 20px;padding: 0 5px;' }; trumbowyg.addBtnDef(freeColorButtonName, freeColorBtnDef); dropdown.push(freeColorButtonName); return dropdown; } // Functions for font-size widget function setFontSize(trumbowyg, size) { trumbowyg.$ed.focus(); trumbowyg.saveRange(); var text = trumbowyg.range.startContainer.parentElement; var selectedText = trumbowyg.getRangeText(); if ($(text).html() === selectedText) { $(text).css('font-size', size); } else { trumbowyg.range.deleteContents(); var html = '<span style="font-size: ' + size + ';">' + selectedText + '</span>'; var node = $(html)[0]; trumbowyg.range.insertNode(node); } } function fontSizeBuildDropdown(trumbowyg) { var dropdown = []; $.each(trumbowyg.o.plugins.fontsize.sizeList, function (index, size) { trumbowyg.addBtnDef('fontsize_' + size, { text: '<span style="font-size: ' + size + ';">' + (trumbowyg.lang.fontsizes[size] || size) + '</span>', hasIcon: false, fn: function () { setFontSize(trumbowyg, size); trumbowyg.syncCode(); trumbowyg.$c.trigger('tbwchange'); } }); dropdown.push('fontsize_' + size); }); if (trumbowyg.o.plugins.fontsize.allowCustomSize) { var customSizeButtonName = 'fontsize_custom'; var customSizeBtnDef = { fn: function () { trumbowyg.openModalInsert(trumbowyg.lang.fontCustomSize.title, { size: { label: trumbowyg.lang.fontCustomSize.label, value: trumbowyg.lang.fontCustomSize.value } }, function (form) { setFontSize(trumbowyg, form.size); return true; } ); }, text: '<span style="font-size: medium;">' + trumbowyg.lang.fontsizes.custom + '</span>', hasIcon: false }; trumbowyg.addBtnDef(customSizeButtonName, customSizeBtnDef); dropdown.push(customSizeButtonName); } return dropdown; } // Build the dropdown for line-height function lineHeightDropdown(trumbowyg) { var dropdown = []; $.each(trumbowyg.o.plugins.lineheight.sizeList, function(index, size) { trumbowyg.addBtnDef('lineheight_' + size, { text: trumbowyg.lang.lineheights[size] || size, hasIcon: false, fn: function(){ setLineHight(trumbowyg, size); } }); dropdown.push('lineheight_' + size); }); if (trumbowyg.o.plugins.lineheight.allowCustomSize) { var customSizeButtonName = 'lineheight_custom'; var customSizeBtnDef = { fn: function () { trumbowyg.openModalInsert(trumbowyg.lang.lineCustomHeight.title, { size: { label: trumbowyg.lang.lineCustomHeight.label, value: trumbowyg.lang.lineCustomHeight.value } }, function (form) { setLineHight(trumbowyg, form.size); return true; } ); }, text: '<span style="font-size: medium;">' + trumbowyg.lang.lineheights.custom + '</span>', hasIcon: false }; trumbowyg.addBtnDef(customSizeButtonName, customSizeBtnDef); dropdown.push(customSizeButtonName); } return dropdown; } // Set line-height function setLineHight(trumbowyg, size) { trumbowyg.$ed.focus(); trumbowyg.saveRange(); var parent = trumbowyg.range.startContainer.parentElement; var text = trumbowyg.getRangeText(); if ($(parent).html() === text) { $(parent).css('line-height', size); } else { trumbowyg.range.deleteContents(); var html = '<span style="line-height: ' + size + ';">' + text + '</span>'; var node = $(html)[0]; trumbowyg.range.insertNode(node); } trumbowyg.syncCode(); trumbowyg.$c.trigger('tbwchange'); } })(jQuery);