Current Path : /home/multihiv/www/store/wp-content/plugins/contact-form-7/modules/akismet/ |
Current File : /home/multihiv/www/store/wp-content/plugins/contact-form-7/modules/akismet/akismet.php |
<?php /** * The Akismet integration module * * @link https://akismet.com/development/api/ */ wpcf7_include_module_file( 'akismet/service.php' ); add_action( 'wpcf7_init', 'wpcf7_akismet_register_service', 30, 0 ); /** * Registers the Akismet service. */ function wpcf7_akismet_register_service() { $integration = WPCF7_Integration::get_instance(); $integration->add_service( 'akismet', WPCF7_Akismet::get_instance() ); } add_filter( 'wpcf7_spam', 'wpcf7_akismet', 10, 2 ); function wpcf7_akismet( $spam, $submission ) { if ( $spam ) { return $spam; } if ( ! wpcf7_akismet_is_available() ) { return false; } if ( ! $params = wpcf7_akismet_submitted_params() ) { return false; } $comment = array( 'comment_type' => 'contact-form', 'comment_author' => $params['author'], 'comment_author_email' => $params['author_email'], 'comment_author_url' => $params['author_url'], 'comment_content' => $params['content'], 'blog' => home_url(), 'blog_lang' => get_locale(), 'blog_charset' => get_option( 'blog_charset' ), 'user_ip' => $submission->get_meta( 'remote_ip' ), 'user_agent' => $submission->get_meta( 'user_agent' ), 'referrer' => $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'] ?? '', ); $datetime = date_create_immutable( '@' . $submission->get_meta( 'timestamp' ) ); if ( $datetime ) { $comment['comment_date_gmt'] = $datetime->format( DATE_ATOM ); } if ( $permalink = get_permalink() ) { $comment['permalink'] = $permalink; } $server_vars = array_diff_key( $_SERVER, array_flip( array( 'HTTP_COOKIE', 'HTTP_COOKIE2', 'PHP_AUTH_PW' ) ) ); $comment = array_merge( $comment, $server_vars ); $comment = apply_filters( 'wpcf7_akismet_parameters', $comment ); if ( wpcf7_akismet_comment_check( $comment ) ) { $spam = true; $submission->add_spam_log( array( 'agent' => 'akismet', 'reason' => __( "Akismet returns a spam response.", 'contact-form-7' ), ) ); } else { $spam = false; } return $spam; } /** * Returns true if Akismet is active and has a valid API key. */ function wpcf7_akismet_is_available() { if ( is_callable( array( 'Akismet', 'get_api_key' ) ) ) { return (bool) Akismet::get_api_key(); } return false; } /** * Returns an array of parameters based on the current form submission. * Returns false if Akismet is not active on the contact form. */ function wpcf7_akismet_submitted_params() { $akismet_tags = array_filter( wpcf7_scan_form_tags(), static function ( $tag ) { $akismet_option = $tag->get_option( 'akismet', '(author|author_email|author_url)', true ); return (bool) $akismet_option; } ); if ( ! $akismet_tags ) { // Akismet is not active on this contact form. return false; } $params = array( 'author' => '', 'author_email' => '', 'author_url' => '', 'content' => '', ); foreach ( (array) $_POST as $key => $val ) { if ( '_wpcf7' === substr( $key, 0, 6 ) or '_wpnonce' === $key ) { continue; } $vals = array_filter( wpcf7_array_flatten( $val ), static function ( $val ) { return '' !== trim( $val ); } ); if ( empty( $vals ) ) { continue; } if ( $tags = wpcf7_scan_form_tags( array( 'name' => $key ) ) ) { $tag = $tags[0]; $akismet_option = $tag->get_option( 'akismet', '(author|author_email|author_url)', true ); if ( 'author' === $akismet_option ) { $params['author'] = sprintf( '%s %s', $params['author'], implode( ' ', $vals ) ); continue; } if ( 'author_email' === $akismet_option and '' === $params['author_email'] ) { $params['author_email'] = $vals[0]; continue; } if ( 'author_url' === $akismet_option and '' === $params['author_url'] ) { $params['author_url'] = $vals[0]; continue; } $vals = array_filter( $vals, static function ( $val ) use ( $tag ) { if ( wpcf7_form_tag_supports( $tag->type, 'selectable-values' ) and in_array( $val, $tag->labels ) ) { return false; } else { return true; } } ); } if ( $vals ) { $params['content'] .= "\n\n" . implode( ', ', $vals ); } } $params = array_map( 'trim', $params ); return $params; } /** * Sends data to Akismet. * * @param array $comment Submission and environment data. * @return bool True if Akismet called it spam, or false otherwise. */ function wpcf7_akismet_comment_check( $comment ) { $spam = false; $query_string = wpcf7_build_query( $comment ); if ( is_callable( array( 'Akismet', 'http_post' ) ) ) { $response = Akismet::http_post( $query_string, 'comment-check' ); } else { return $spam; } if ( 'true' == $response[1] ) { $spam = true; } if ( $submission = WPCF7_Submission::get_instance() ) { $submission->push( 'akismet', array( 'comment' => $comment, 'spam' => $spam, ) ); } return apply_filters( 'wpcf7_akismet_comment_check', $spam, $comment ); } add_filter( 'wpcf7_posted_data', 'wpcf7_akismet_posted_data', 10, 1 ); /** * Removes Akismet-related properties from the posted data. * * This does not affect the $_POST variable itself. * * @link https://plugins.trac.wordpress.org/browser/akismet/tags/5.0/_inc/akismet-frontend.js */ function wpcf7_akismet_posted_data( $posted_data ) { if ( wpcf7_akismet_is_available() ) { $posted_data = array_diff_key( $posted_data, array( 'ak_bib' => '', 'ak_bfs' => '', 'ak_bkpc' => '', 'ak_bkp' => '', 'ak_bmc' => '', 'ak_bmcc' => '', 'ak_bmk' => '', 'ak_bck' => '', 'ak_bmmc' => '', 'ak_btmc' => '', 'ak_bsc' => '', 'ak_bte' => '', 'ak_btec' => '', 'ak_bmm' => '', ) ); } return $posted_data; } add_filter( 'wpcf7_default_template', 'wpcf7_akismet_default_template', 10, 2 ); function wpcf7_akismet_default_template( $template, $prop ) { if ( ! wpcf7_akismet_is_available() ) { return $template; } if ( 'form' === $prop ) { $template = str_replace( array( '[text* your-name ', '[email* your-email ', ), array( '[text* your-name akismet:author ', '[email* your-email akismet:author_email ', ), $template ); $privacy_notice = sprintf( '%s %s', __( "This form uses Akismet to reduce spam.", 'contact-form-7' ), wpcf7_link( 'https://akismet.com/privacy/', __( "Learn how your data is processed.", 'contact-form-7' ), array( 'target' => '_blank', 'rel' => 'nofollow noopener', ) ) ); $template .= "\n\n" . $privacy_notice; } return $template; }