Current Path : /home/multihiv/www/store/wp-content/plugins/contact-form-7/includes/ |
Current File : /home/multihiv/www/store/wp-content/plugins/contact-form-7/includes/contact-form.php |
<?php class WPCF7_ContactForm { use WPCF7_SWV_SchemaHolder; use WPCF7_PipesHolder; const post_type = 'wpcf7_contact_form'; private static $found_items = 0; private static $current = null; private $id; private $name; private $title; private $locale; private $properties = array(); private $unit_tag; private $responses_count = 0; private $scanned_form_tags; private $shortcode_atts = array(); private $hash = ''; /** * Returns count of contact forms found by the previous retrieval. * * @return int Count of contact forms. */ public static function count() { return self::$found_items; } /** * Returns the contact form that is currently processed. * * @return WPCF7_ContactForm|null Current contact form object. Null if unset. */ public static function get_current() { return self::$current; } /** * Registers the post type for contact forms. */ public static function register_post_type() { register_post_type( self::post_type, array( 'labels' => array( 'name' => __( 'Contact Forms', 'contact-form-7' ), 'singular_name' => __( 'Contact Form', 'contact-form-7' ), ), 'rewrite' => false, 'query_var' => false, 'public' => false, 'capability_type' => 'page', 'capabilities' => array( 'edit_post' => 'wpcf7_edit_contact_form', 'read_post' => 'wpcf7_read_contact_form', 'delete_post' => 'wpcf7_delete_contact_form', 'edit_posts' => 'wpcf7_edit_contact_forms', 'edit_others_posts' => 'wpcf7_edit_contact_forms', 'publish_posts' => 'wpcf7_edit_contact_forms', 'read_private_posts' => 'wpcf7_edit_contact_forms', ), ) ); } /** * Retrieves contact form data that match given conditions. * * @param string|array $args Optional. Arguments to be passed to WP_Query. * @return array Array of WPCF7_ContactForm objects. */ public static function find( $args = '' ) { $defaults = array( 'post_status' => 'any', 'posts_per_page' => -1, 'offset' => 0, 'orderby' => 'ID', 'order' => 'ASC', ); $args = wp_parse_args( $args, $defaults ); $args['post_type'] = self::post_type; $q = new WP_Query(); $posts = $q->query( $args ); self::$found_items = $q->found_posts; $objs = array(); foreach ( $posts as $post ) { $objs[] = new self( $post ); } return $objs; } /** * Returns a contact form data filled by default template contents. * * @param string|array $options Optional. Contact form options. * @return WPCF7_ContactForm A new contact form object. */ public static function get_template( $options = '' ) { $options = wp_parse_args( $options, array( 'locale' => null, 'title' => __( 'Untitled', 'contact-form-7' ), ) ); if ( ! isset( $options['locale'] ) ) { $options['locale'] = determine_locale(); } $callback = static function ( $options ) { $contact_form = new self(); $contact_form->title = $options['title']; $contact_form->locale = $options['locale']; $properties = $contact_form->get_properties(); foreach ( $properties as $key => $value ) { $default_template = WPCF7_ContactFormTemplate::get_default( $key ); if ( isset( $default_template ) ) { $properties[$key] = $default_template; } } $contact_form->properties = $properties; return $contact_form; }; $contact_form = wpcf7_switch_locale( $options['locale'], $callback, $options ); self::$current = apply_filters( 'wpcf7_contact_form_default_pack', $contact_form, $options ); return self::$current; } /** * Creates a WPCF7_ContactForm object and sets it as the current instance. * * @param WPCF7_ContactForm|WP_Post|int $post Object or post ID. * @return WPCF7_ContactForm|null Contact form object. Null if unset. */ public static function get_instance( $post ) { $contact_form = null; if ( $post instanceof self ) { $contact_form = $post; } elseif ( ! empty( $post ) ) { $post = get_post( $post ); if ( isset( $post ) and self::post_type === get_post_type( $post ) ) { $contact_form = new self( $post ); } } return self::$current = $contact_form; } /** * Generates a "unit-tag" for the given contact form ID. * * @return string Unit-tag. */ private static function generate_unit_tag( $id = 0 ) { static $global_count = 0; $global_count += 1; if ( in_the_loop() ) { $unit_tag = sprintf( 'wpcf7-f%1$d-p%2$d-o%3$d', absint( $id ), get_the_ID(), $global_count ); } else { $unit_tag = sprintf( 'wpcf7-f%1$d-o%2$d', absint( $id ), $global_count ); } return $unit_tag; } /** * Constructor. */ private function __construct( $post = null ) { $post = get_post( $post ); if ( $post and self::post_type === get_post_type( $post ) ) { $this->id = $post->ID; $this->name = $post->post_name; $this->title = $post->post_title; $this->locale = get_post_meta( $post->ID, '_locale', true ); $this->hash = get_post_meta( $post->ID, '_hash', true ); $this->construct_properties( $post ); $this->upgrade(); } else { $this->construct_properties(); } do_action( 'wpcf7_contact_form', $this ); } /** * Magic method for property overloading. */ public function __get( $name ) { /* translators: 1: property name, 2: method name */ $message = __( '<code>%1$s</code> property of a <code>WPCF7_ContactForm</code> object is <strong>no longer accessible</strong>. Use <code>%2$s</code> method instead.', 'contact-form-7' ); if ( 'id' === $name ) { wp_trigger_error( '', sprintf( $message, 'id', 'id()' ), E_USER_DEPRECATED ); return $this->id; } elseif ( 'title' === $name ) { wp_trigger_error( '', sprintf( $message, 'title', 'title()' ), E_USER_DEPRECATED ); return $this->title; } elseif ( $prop = $this->prop( $name ) ) { wp_trigger_error( '', sprintf( $message, $name, 'prop(\'' . $name . '\')' ), E_USER_DEPRECATED ); return $prop; } } /** * Returns true if this contact form is not yet saved to the database. */ public function initial() { return empty( $this->id ); } /** * Constructs contact form properties. This is called only once * from the constructor. */ private function construct_properties( $post = null ) { $builtin_properties = array( 'form' => '', 'mail' => array(), 'mail_2' => array(), 'messages' => array(), 'additional_settings' => '', ); $properties = apply_filters( 'wpcf7_pre_construct_contact_form_properties', $builtin_properties, $this ); // Filtering out properties with invalid name $properties = array_filter( $properties, static function ( $key ) { $sanitized_key = sanitize_key( $key ); return $key === $sanitized_key; }, ARRAY_FILTER_USE_KEY ); foreach ( $properties as $name => $val ) { $prop = $this->retrieve_property( $name ); if ( isset( $prop ) ) { $properties[$name] = $prop; } } $this->properties = $properties; foreach ( $properties as $name => $val ) { $properties[$name] = apply_filters( "wpcf7_contact_form_property_{$name}", $val, $this ); } $this->properties = $properties; $properties = (array) apply_filters( 'wpcf7_contact_form_properties', $properties, $this ); $this->properties = $properties; } /** * Retrieves contact form property of the specified name from the database. * * @param string $name Property name. * @return array|string|null Property value. Null if property does not exist. */ private function retrieve_property( $name ) { $property = null; if ( ! $this->initial() ) { $post_id = $this->id; if ( metadata_exists( 'post', $post_id, '_' . $name ) ) { $property = get_post_meta( $post_id, '_' . $name, true ); } elseif ( metadata_exists( 'post', $post_id, $name ) ) { $property = get_post_meta( $post_id, $name, true ); } } return $property; } /** * Returns the value for the given property name. * * @param string $name Property name. * @return array|string|null Property value. Null if property does not exist. */ public function prop( $name ) { $props = $this->get_properties(); return isset( $props[$name] ) ? $props[$name] : null; } /** * Returns all the properties. * * @return array This contact form's properties. */ public function get_properties() { return (array) $this->properties; } /** * Updates properties. * * @param array $properties New properties. */ public function set_properties( $properties ) { $defaults = $this->get_properties(); $properties = wp_parse_args( $properties, $defaults ); $properties = array_intersect_key( $properties, $defaults ); $this->properties = $properties; } /** * Returns ID of this contact form. * * @return int The ID. */ public function id() { return $this->id; } /** * Returns unit-tag for this contact form. * * @return string Unit-tag. */ public function unit_tag() { return $this->unit_tag; } /** * Returns name (slug) of this contact form. * * @return string Name. */ public function name() { return $this->name; } /** * Returns title of this contact form. * * @return string Title. */ public function title() { return $this->title; } /** * Set a title for this contact form. * * @param string $title Title. */ public function set_title( $title ) { $title = strip_tags( $title ); $title = trim( $title ); if ( '' === $title ) { $title = __( 'Untitled', 'contact-form-7' ); } $this->title = $title; } /** * Returns the locale code of this contact form. * * @return string Locale code. Empty string if no valid locale is set. */ public function locale() { if ( wpcf7_is_valid_locale( $this->locale ) ) { return $this->locale; } else { return ''; } } /** * Sets a locale for this contact form. * * @param string $locale Locale code. */ public function set_locale( $locale ) { $locale = trim( $locale ); if ( wpcf7_is_valid_locale( $locale ) ) { $this->locale = $locale; } else { $this->locale = 'en_US'; } } /** * Retrieves the random hash string tied to this contact form. * * @param int $length Length of hash string. * @return string Hash string unique to this contact form. */ public function hash( $length = 7 ) { return substr( $this->hash, 0, absint( $length ) ); } /** * Returns the specified shortcode attribute value. * * @param string $name Shortcode attribute name. * @return string|null Attribute value. Null if the attribute does not exist. */ public function shortcode_attr( $name ) { if ( isset( $this->shortcode_atts[$name] ) ) { return (string) $this->shortcode_atts[$name]; } } /** * Returns true if this contact form is identical to the submitted one. */ public function is_posted() { if ( ! WPCF7_Submission::get_instance() ) { return false; } if ( empty( $_POST['_wpcf7_unit_tag'] ) ) { return false; } return $this->unit_tag() === $_POST['_wpcf7_unit_tag']; } /** * Generates HTML that represents a form. * * @param string|array $options Optional. Form options. * @return string HTML output. */ public function form_html( $options = '' ) { $options = wp_parse_args( $options, array( 'html_id' => '', 'html_name' => '', 'html_title' => '', 'html_class' => '', 'output' => 'form', ) ); $this->shortcode_atts = $options; if ( 'raw_form' === $options['output'] ) { return sprintf( '<pre class="wpcf7-raw-form"><code>%s</code></pre>', esc_html( $this->prop( 'form' ) ) ); } if ( $this->is_true( 'subscribers_only' ) and ! current_user_can( 'wpcf7_submit', $this->id() ) ) { $notice = __( "This contact form is available only for logged in users.", 'contact-form-7' ); $notice = sprintf( '<p class="wpcf7-subscribers-only">%s</p>', esc_html( $notice ) ); return apply_filters( 'wpcf7_subscribers_only_notice', $notice, $this ); } $this->unit_tag = self::generate_unit_tag( $this->id ); $action_url = wpcf7_get_request_uri(); if ( $frag = strstr( $action_url, '#' ) ) { $action_url = substr( $action_url, 0, -strlen( $frag ) ); } $action_url .= '#' . $this->unit_tag(); $action_url = apply_filters( 'wpcf7_form_action_url', $action_url ); if ( str_starts_with( $action_url, '//' ) or ! str_starts_with( $action_url, '/' ) and ! str_starts_with( $action_url, home_url() ) ) { return sprintf( '<p class="wpcf7-invalid-action-url"><strong>%1$s</strong> %2$s</p>', esc_html( __( 'Error:', 'contact-form-7' ) ), esc_html( __( "Invalid action URL is detected.", 'contact-form-7' ) ) ); } $lang_tag = str_replace( '_', '-', $this->locale ); if ( preg_match( '/^([a-z]+-[a-z]+)-/i', $lang_tag, $matches ) ) { $lang_tag = $matches[1]; } $html = "\n" . sprintf( '<div %s>', wpcf7_format_atts( array( 'class' => 'wpcf7 no-js', 'id' => $this->unit_tag(), ( get_option( 'html_type' ) === 'text/html' ) ? 'lang' : 'xml:lang' => $lang_tag, 'dir' => wpcf7_is_rtl( $this->locale ) ? 'rtl' : 'ltr', 'data-wpcf7-id' => $this->id(), ) ) ); $html .= "\n" . $this->screen_reader_response() . "\n"; $id_attr = apply_filters( 'wpcf7_form_id_attr', preg_replace( '/[^A-Za-z0-9:._-]/', '', $options['html_id'] ) ); $name_attr = apply_filters( 'wpcf7_form_name_attr', preg_replace( '/[^A-Za-z0-9:._-]/', '', $options['html_name'] ) ); $title_attr = apply_filters( 'wpcf7_form_title_attr', $options['html_title'] ); $class = 'wpcf7-form'; if ( $this->is_posted() ) { $submission = WPCF7_Submission::get_instance(); $data_status_attr = $this->form_status_class_name( $submission->get_status() ); $class .= sprintf( ' %s', $data_status_attr ); } else { $data_status_attr = 'init'; $class .= ' init'; } if ( $options['html_class'] ) { $class .= ' ' . $options['html_class']; } if ( $this->in_demo_mode() ) { $class .= ' demo'; } $class = explode( ' ', $class ); $class = array_map( 'sanitize_html_class', $class ); $class = array_filter( $class ); $class = array_unique( $class ); $class = implode( ' ', $class ); $class = apply_filters( 'wpcf7_form_class_attr', $class ); $enctype = wpcf7_enctype_value( apply_filters( 'wpcf7_form_enctype', '' ) ); $autocomplete = apply_filters( 'wpcf7_form_autocomplete', '' ); $atts = array( 'action' => esc_url( $action_url ), 'method' => 'post', 'class' => ( '' !== $class ) ? $class : null, 'id' => ( '' !== $id_attr ) ? $id_attr : null, 'name' => ( '' !== $name_attr ) ? $name_attr : null, 'aria-label' => ( '' !== $title_attr ) ? $title_attr : __( 'Contact form', 'contact-form-7' ), 'enctype' => ( '' !== $enctype ) ? $enctype : null, 'autocomplete' => ( '' !== $autocomplete ) ? $autocomplete : null, 'novalidate' => true, 'data-status' => $data_status_attr, ); $atts += (array) apply_filters( 'wpcf7_form_additional_atts', array() ); $html .= sprintf( '<form %s>', wpcf7_format_atts( $atts ) ) . "\n"; $html .= $this->form_hidden_fields(); $html .= $this->form_elements(); if ( ! $this->responses_count ) { $html .= $this->form_response_output(); } $html .= "\n" . '</form>'; $html .= "\n" . '</div>'; return $html . "\n"; } /** * Returns the class name that matches the given form status. */ private function form_status_class_name( $status ) { switch ( $status ) { case 'init': $class = 'init'; break; case 'validation_failed': $class = 'invalid'; break; case 'acceptance_missing': $class = 'unaccepted'; break; case 'spam': $class = 'spam'; break; case 'aborted': $class = 'aborted'; break; case 'mail_sent': $class = 'sent'; break; case 'mail_failed': $class = 'failed'; break; default: $class = sprintf( 'custom-%s', preg_replace( '/[^0-9a-z]+/i', '-', $status ) ); } return $class; } /** * Returns a set of hidden fields. */ private function form_hidden_fields() { $hidden_fields = array( '_wpcf7' => $this->id(), '_wpcf7_version' => WPCF7_VERSION, '_wpcf7_locale' => $this->locale(), '_wpcf7_unit_tag' => $this->unit_tag(), '_wpcf7_container_post' => 0, '_wpcf7_posted_data_hash' => '', ); if ( in_the_loop() ) { $hidden_fields['_wpcf7_container_post'] = (int) get_the_ID(); } if ( $this->nonce_is_active() and is_user_logged_in() ) { $hidden_fields['_wpnonce'] = wpcf7_create_nonce(); } $hidden_fields += (array) apply_filters( 'wpcf7_form_hidden_fields', array() ); $content = ''; foreach ( $hidden_fields as $name => $value ) { $content .= sprintf( '<input type="hidden" name="%1$s" value="%2$s" />', esc_attr( $name ), esc_attr( $value ) ) . "\n"; } return '<div style="display: none;">' . "\n" . $content . '</div>' . "\n"; } /** * Returns the visible response output for a form submission. */ public function form_response_output() { $status = 'init'; $class = 'wpcf7-response-output'; $content = ''; if ( $this->is_posted() ) { // Post response output for non-AJAX $submission = WPCF7_Submission::get_instance(); $status = $submission->get_status(); $content = $submission->get_response(); } $atts = array( 'class' => trim( $class ), 'aria-hidden' => 'true', ); $output = sprintf( '<div %1$s>%2$s</div>', wpcf7_format_atts( $atts ), esc_html( $content ) ); $output = apply_filters( 'wpcf7_form_response_output', $output, $class, $content, $this, $status ); $this->responses_count += 1; return $output; } /** * Returns the response output that is only accessible from screen readers. */ public function screen_reader_response() { $primary_response = ''; $validation_errors = array(); if ( $this->is_posted() ) { // Post response output for non-AJAX $submission = WPCF7_Submission::get_instance(); $primary_response = $submission->get_response(); if ( $invalid_fields = $submission->get_invalid_fields() ) { foreach ( (array) $invalid_fields as $name => $field ) { $list_item = esc_html( $field['reason'] ); if ( $field['idref'] ) { $list_item = sprintf( '<a href="#%1$s">%2$s</a>', esc_attr( $field['idref'] ), $list_item ); } $validation_error_id = wpcf7_get_validation_error_reference( $name, $this->unit_tag() ); if ( $validation_error_id ) { $list_item = sprintf( '<li id="%1$s">%2$s</li>', esc_attr( $validation_error_id ), $list_item ); $validation_errors[] = $list_item; } } } } $primary_response = sprintf( '<p role="status" aria-live="polite" aria-atomic="true">%s</p>', esc_html( $primary_response ) ); $validation_errors = sprintf( '<ul>%s</ul>', implode( "\n", $validation_errors ) ); $output = sprintf( '<div class="screen-reader-response">%1$s %2$s</div>', $primary_response, $validation_errors ); return $output; } /** * Returns a validation error for the specified input field. * * @param string $name Input field name. */ public function validation_error( $name ) { $error = ''; if ( $this->is_posted() ) { $submission = WPCF7_Submission::get_instance(); if ( $invalid_field = $submission->get_invalid_field( $name ) ) { $error = trim( $invalid_field['reason'] ); } } if ( ! $error ) { return $error; } $atts = array( 'class' => 'wpcf7-not-valid-tip', 'aria-hidden' => 'true', ); $error = sprintf( '<span %1$s>%2$s</span>', wpcf7_format_atts( $atts ), esc_html( $error ) ); return apply_filters( 'wpcf7_validation_error', $error, $name, $this ); } /** * Replaces all form-tags in the form template with corresponding HTML. * * @return string Replaced form content. */ public function replace_all_form_tags() { $manager = WPCF7_FormTagsManager::get_instance(); $form = $this->prop( 'form' ); if ( wpcf7_autop_or_not() ) { $form = $manager->replace_with_placeholders( $form ); $form = wpcf7_autop( $form ); $form = $manager->restore_from_placeholders( $form ); } $form = $manager->replace_all( $form ); $this->scanned_form_tags = $manager->get_scanned_tags(); return $form; } /** * Replaces all form-tags in the form template with corresponding HTML. * * @deprecated 4.6 Use replace_all_form_tags() * * @return string Replaced form content. */ public function form_do_shortcode() { wpcf7_deprecated_function( __METHOD__, '4.6', 'WPCF7_ContactForm::replace_all_form_tags' ); return $this->replace_all_form_tags(); } /** * Scans form-tags from the form template. * * @param string|array|null $cond Optional. Filters. Default null. * @return array Form-tags matching the given filter conditions. */ public function scan_form_tags( $cond = null ) { $manager = WPCF7_FormTagsManager::get_instance(); if ( empty( $this->scanned_form_tags ) ) { $this->scanned_form_tags = $manager->scan( $this->prop( 'form' ) ); } $tags = $this->scanned_form_tags; return $manager->filter( $tags, $cond ); } /** * Scans form-tags from the form template. * * @deprecated 4.6 Use scan_form_tags() * * @param string|array|null $cond Optional. Filters. Default null. * @return array Form-tags matching the given filter conditions. */ public function form_scan_shortcode( $cond = null ) { wpcf7_deprecated_function( __METHOD__, '4.6', 'WPCF7_ContactForm::scan_form_tags' ); return $this->scan_form_tags( $cond ); } /** * Replaces all form-tags in the form template with corresponding HTML. * * @return string Replaced form content. wpcf7_form_elements filters applied. */ public function form_elements() { return apply_filters( 'wpcf7_form_elements', $this->replace_all_form_tags() ); } /** * Collects mail-tags available for this contact form. * * @param string|array $options Optional. Search options. * @return array Mail-tag names. */ public function collect_mail_tags( $options = '' ) { $manager = WPCF7_FormTagsManager::get_instance(); $options = wp_parse_args( $options, array( 'include' => array(), 'exclude' => $manager->collect_tag_types( 'not-for-mail' ), ) ); $tags = $this->scan_form_tags(); $mailtags = array(); foreach ( (array) $tags as $tag ) { $type = $tag->basetype; if ( empty( $type ) ) { continue; } elseif ( ! empty( $options['include'] ) ) { if ( ! in_array( $type, $options['include'], true ) ) { continue; } } elseif ( ! empty( $options['exclude'] ) ) { if ( in_array( $type, $options['exclude'], true ) ) { continue; } } $mailtags[] = $tag->name; } $mailtags = array_unique( $mailtags ); $mailtags = array_filter( $mailtags ); $mailtags = array_values( $mailtags ); return apply_filters( 'wpcf7_collect_mail_tags', $mailtags, $options, $this ); } /** * Prints a mail-tag suggestion list. * * @param string $template_name Optional. Mail template name. Default 'mail'. */ public function suggest_mail_tags( $template_name = 'mail' ) { $mail = wp_parse_args( $this->prop( $template_name ), array( 'active' => false, 'recipient' => '', 'sender' => '', 'subject' => '', 'body' => '', 'additional_headers' => '', 'attachments' => '', 'use_html' => false, 'exclude_blank' => false, ) ); $mail = array_filter( $mail ); foreach ( (array) $this->collect_mail_tags() as $mail_tag ) { $pattern = sprintf( '/\[(_[a-z]+_)?%s([ \t]+[^]]+)?\]/', preg_quote( $mail_tag, '/' ) ); $used = preg_grep( $pattern, $mail ); echo sprintf( '<span class="%1$s">[%2$s]</span>', 'mailtag code ' . ( $used ? 'used' : 'unused' ), esc_html( $mail_tag ) ); } } /** * Submits this contact form. * * @param string|array $options Optional. Submission options. Default empty. * @return array Result of submission. */ public function submit( $options = '' ) { $options = wp_parse_args( $options, array( 'skip_mail' => ( $this->in_demo_mode() || $this->is_true( 'skip_mail' ) || ! empty( $this->skip_mail ) ), ) ); if ( $this->is_true( 'subscribers_only' ) and ! current_user_can( 'wpcf7_submit', $this->id() ) ) { $result = array( 'contact_form_id' => $this->id(), 'status' => 'error', 'message' => __( "This contact form is available only for logged in users.", 'contact-form-7' ), ); return $result; } $submission = WPCF7_Submission::get_instance( $this, array( 'skip_mail' => $options['skip_mail'], ) ); $result = array( 'contact_form_id' => $this->id(), ); $result += $submission->get_result(); if ( $this->in_demo_mode() ) { $result['demo_mode'] = true; } do_action( 'wpcf7_submit', $this, $result ); return $result; } /** * Returns message used for given status. * * @param string $status Status. * @param bool $filter Optional. Whether filters are applied. Default true. * @return string Message. */ public function message( $status, $filter = true ) { $messages = $this->prop( 'messages' ); $message = isset( $messages[$status] ) ? $messages[$status] : ''; if ( $filter ) { $message = $this->filter_message( $message, $status ); } return $message; } /** * Filters a message. * * @param string $message Message to filter. * @param string $status Optional. Status. Default empty. * @return string Filtered message. */ public function filter_message( $message, $status = '' ) { $message = wpcf7_mail_replace_tags( $message ); $message = apply_filters( 'wpcf7_display_message', $message, $status ); $message = wp_strip_all_tags( $message ); return $message; } /** * Returns the additional setting value searched by name. * * @param string $name Name of setting. * @return string Additional setting value. */ public function pref( $name ) { $settings = $this->additional_setting( $name ); if ( $settings ) { return $settings[0]; } } /** * Returns additional setting values searched by name. * * @param string $name Name of setting. * @param int $max Maximum result item count. * @return array Additional setting values. */ public function additional_setting( $name, $max = 1 ) { $settings = (array) explode( "\n", $this->prop( 'additional_settings' ) ); $pattern = '/^([a-zA-Z0-9_]+)[\t ]*:(.*)$/'; $count = 0; $values = array(); foreach ( $settings as $setting ) { if ( preg_match( $pattern, $setting, $matches ) ) { if ( $matches[1] !== $name ) { continue; } if ( ! $max or $count < (int) $max ) { $values[] = trim( $matches[2] ); $count += 1; } } } return $values; } /** * Returns true if the specified setting has a truthy string value. * * @param string $name Name of setting. * @return bool True if the setting value is 'on', 'true', or '1'. */ public function is_true( $name ) { return in_array( $this->pref( $name ), array( 'on', 'true', '1' ), true ); } /** * Returns true if this contact form is in the demo mode. */ public function in_demo_mode() { return $this->is_true( 'demo_mode' ); } /** * Returns true if nonce is active for this contact form. */ public function nonce_is_active() { $is_active = WPCF7_VERIFY_NONCE; if ( $this->is_true( 'subscribers_only' ) ) { $is_active = true; } return (bool) apply_filters( 'wpcf7_verify_nonce', $is_active, $this ); } /** * Returns true if the specified setting has a falsey string value. * * @param string $name Name of setting. * @return bool True if the setting value is 'off', 'false', or '0'. */ public function is_false( $name ) { return in_array( $this->pref( $name ), array( 'off', 'false', '0' ), true ); } /** * Upgrades this contact form properties. */ private function upgrade() { $mail = $this->prop( 'mail' ); if ( is_array( $mail ) and ! isset( $mail['recipient'] ) ) { $mail['recipient'] = get_option( 'admin_email' ); } $this->properties['mail'] = $mail; $messages = $this->prop( 'messages' ); if ( is_array( $messages ) ) { foreach ( wpcf7_messages() as $key => $arr ) { if ( ! isset( $messages[$key] ) ) { $messages[$key] = $arr['default']; } } } $this->properties['messages'] = $messages; } /** * Stores this contact form properties to the database. * * @return int The post ID on success. The value 0 on failure. */ public function save() { $title = wp_slash( $this->title ); $props = wp_slash( $this->get_properties() ); $post_content = implode( "\n", wpcf7_array_flatten( $props ) ); if ( $this->initial() ) { $post_id = wp_insert_post( array( 'post_type' => self::post_type, 'post_status' => 'publish', 'post_title' => $title, 'post_content' => trim( $post_content ), ) ); } else { $post_id = wp_update_post( array( 'ID' => (int) $this->id, 'post_status' => 'publish', 'post_title' => $title, 'post_content' => trim( $post_content ), ) ); } if ( $post_id ) { foreach ( $props as $prop => $value ) { update_post_meta( $post_id, '_' . $prop, wpcf7_normalize_newline_deep( $value ) ); } if ( wpcf7_is_valid_locale( $this->locale ) ) { update_post_meta( $post_id, '_locale', $this->locale ); } add_post_meta( $post_id, '_hash', wpcf7_generate_contact_form_hash( $post_id ), true // Unique ); if ( $this->initial() ) { $this->id = $post_id; do_action( 'wpcf7_after_create', $this ); } else { do_action( 'wpcf7_after_update', $this ); } do_action( 'wpcf7_after_save', $this ); } return $post_id; } /** * Makes a copy of this contact form. * * @return WPCF7_ContactForm New contact form object. */ public function copy() { $new = new self(); $new->title = $this->title . '_copy'; $new->locale = $this->locale; $new->properties = $this->properties; return apply_filters( 'wpcf7_copy', $new, $this ); } /** * Deletes this contact form. * * @return bool True if deletion succeeded, false otherwise. */ public function delete() { if ( $this->initial() ) { return false; } if ( wp_delete_post( $this->id, true ) ) { $this->id = 0; return true; } return false; } /** * Returns a WordPress shortcode for this contact form. */ public function shortcode( $options = '' ) { $options = wp_parse_args( $options, array( 'use_old_format' => false ) ); $title = str_replace( array( '"', '[', ']' ), '', $this->title ); if ( $options['use_old_format'] ) { $old_unit_id = (int) get_post_meta( $this->id, '_old_cf7_unit_id', true ); if ( $old_unit_id ) { $shortcode = sprintf( '[contact-form %1$d "%2$s"]', $old_unit_id, $title ); } else { $shortcode = ''; } } else { $shortcode = sprintf( '[contact-form-7 id="%1$s" title="%2$s"]', $this->hash(), $title ); } return apply_filters( 'wpcf7_contact_form_shortcode', $shortcode, $options, $this ); } }