Current Path : /home/multihiv/public_html/wp/wp-content/plugins/backuply/ |
Current File : /home/multihiv/public_html/wp/wp-content/plugins/backuply/backup_ins.php |
<?php /* * BACKUPLY * https://backuply.com * (c) Backuply Team */ if(!defined('ABSPATH')){ die('HACKING ATTEMPT!'); } //PHP Options if(!set_time_limit(300)){ set_time_limit(60); } $keepalive = 25; if(function_exists('ini_get')){ $max_execution_time = (int) ini_get('max_execution_time'); if(!empty($max_execution_time) && $max_execution_time > 180){ $keepalive = 60; } } error_reporting(E_ALL); ignore_user_abort(true); //Constants define('ARCHIVE_TAR_ATT_SEPARATOR', 90001); define('ARCHIVE_TAR_END_BLOCK', pack('a512', '')); include_once BACKUPLY_DIR . '/backuplytar.php'; // Including the TAR class function backuply_can_create_file(){ $file = BACKUPLY_BACKUP_DIR . '/soft.tmp'; $fp = @fopen($file, 'wb'); if($fp === FALSE){ return false; } if(@fwrite($fp, 'backuply') === FALSE){ return false; } @fclose($fp); // Check if the file exists if(file_exists($file)){ @unlink($file); return true; } return false; } function backuply_tar_archive($tarname, $file_list, $handle_remote = false){ backuply_log('Archiving your WP INSTALL Now'); $tar_archive = new backuply_tar($tarname, '', $handle_remote); $res = $tar_archive->createModify($file_list, '', ''); if(!$res){ return false; } //backuply_log('Backup Process Completed !!'); return true; } function backuply_resetfilelist(){ global $directorylist; $directorylist = array(); } // Back up the database !!! function backuply_mysql_fn($shost, $suser, $spass, $sdb, $sdbfile){ //echo $shost.' == '. $suser.' == '. $spass.' == '. $sdb.' == '. $sdbfile; global $data, $backuply; $link = backuply_mysql_connect($shost, $suser, $spass); backuply_mysql_query('SET CHARACTER SET utf8mb4', $link); // Open and create a file handle for sql. $handle = fopen($sdbfile,'a'); $s_def = $alter_queries = $sresponse = ''; $sql_alter = $tables = array(); $ser_ver = backuply_PMA_sversion($link); $s_def = backuply_PMA_exportHeader($sdb, $ser_ver); if(empty($GLOBALS['backup_tables'])){ fwrite($handle, $s_def); } // We did not create the database ! So just backup the tables required for this database if(!empty($data['exclude_db'])){ $thisdb_tables = $data['exclude_db']; if(!is_array($data['exclude_db'])){ $thisdb_tables = unserialize($data['exclude_db']); } // This is just to remove the ` since we are not getting it in $tables below foreach($thisdb_tables as $tk => $tv){ // There was a bug since Softaculous 4.7.2 that did not save exclude_db for ins causing empty array. Fixed in Softaculous 4.7.7 if(empty($tv)) continue; $_thisdb_tables[trim($tk, '`')] = trim($tv, '`'); } } //List Views $squery = backuply_mysql_query('SHOW TABLE STATUS FROM `' . $sdb . '` WHERE COMMENT = \'VIEW\'', $link); $views = array(); if(backuply_mysql_num_rows($squery) > 0){ while($row = backuply_mysql_fetch_row($squery)){ $views[] = $row[0]; } } // Sort the views usort($views, 'strnatcasecmp'); // List the tables $squery = backuply_mysql_query('SHOW TABLES FROM `' . $sdb . '`', $link); while($row = backuply_mysql_fetch_row($squery)){ // We do not need to backup this table if(!empty($_thisdb_tables) && is_array($_thisdb_tables) && in_array($row[0], $_thisdb_tables)){ continue; } if(in_array($row[0], $views)){ continue; } $tables[] = $row[0]; } // Sort the tables usort($tables, 'strnatcasecmp'); foreach($tables as $table => $v){ // We are resuming so we dont need to backup every table again if(!empty($GLOBALS['backup_tables']) && in_array($v, $GLOBALS['backup_tables'])){ continue; } backuply_backup_stop_checkpoint(); if(empty($GLOBALS['db_in_progress'])){ backuply_status_log('Adding (L'.$backuply['status']['loop'].') : '. $v .' table', 'working', 50); // Get the table structure(table definition) $stable_defn = backuply_PMA_getTableDef($sdb, $v, "\n", false, true, $link); $s_def = $stable_defn['structure']."\n"; fwrite($handle, $s_def); } else { backuply_status_log('Resuming (L'.$backuply['status']['loop'].') : '. $GLOBALS['db_in_progress'] .' table', 'working', 52); } // Get the table data(table contents) // We have added $handle so that we can write the INSERT queries directly when we get it. // Basically To avoid MEMORY EXHAUST FOR BIG INSERTS backuply_PMA_exportData($sdb, $v, "\n", $handle, $link); $GLOBALS['backup_tables'][] = $v; // List of alter queries // We have changed this because the OLD method was putting the ALTER queries after CREATE table query which was causing issues. if(!empty($stable_defn['alter'])){ $alter_queries .= $stable_defn['alter']; } } //Save Views foreach($views as $view){ $defn = backuply_PMA_getViews($sdb, $view, "\n", $link); $view_def = $defn['structure']."\n"; fwrite($handle, $view_def); } fwrite($handle, $alter_queries); //List Triggers/Events/Procedures/Functions //Triggers $triggers = backuply_PMA_getTriggers($sdb, $link); foreach($triggers as $trigger){ fwrite($handle, "\n".$trigger['drop']."\nDELIMITER //\n"); fwrite($handle, $trigger['create']."// \nDELIMITER ;\n\n"); } //Events $events = backuply_PMA_getEvents($sdb, $link); foreach($events as $event){ fwrite($handle, "\n".$event['drop']."\nDELIMITER $$ \n-- \n-- Events \n--\n"); fwrite($handle, $event['create']); fwrite($handle, "\n$$ \nDELIMITER ;\n\n"); } //Functions $functions = backuply_PMA_getProceduresOrFunctions($sdb, 'FUNCTION', $link); foreach($functions as $function){ fwrite($handle, "\n".$function['drop']."\nDELIMITER $$ \n-- \n-- Functions \n--\n"); fwrite($handle, $function['create']); fwrite($handle, "\n$$ \nDELIMITER ;\n\n"); } //Procedures $procedures = backuply_PMA_getProceduresOrFunctions($sdb, 'PROCEDURE', $link); foreach($procedures as $procedure){ fwrite($handle, "\n".$procedure['drop']."\nDELIMITER $$ \n-- \n-- Procedures \n--\n"); fwrite($handle, $procedure['create']); fwrite($handle, "\n$$ \nDELIMITER ;\n\n"); } $sresponse = backuply_PMA_exportFooter(); // Just to add the finishing lines fwrite($handle, $sresponse); fclose($handle); backuply_backup_stop_checkpoint(); // Just check that file is created or not ?? if(file_exists($sdbfile)){ return true; } return false; } //End of database backup function backuply_PMA_getViews($db, $view, $crlf, $link){ $schema_create = $auto_increment = $dump = ''; $new_crlf = $crlf; // This is for foreign language characters //To read the values from the old DB in UTF8 format //backuply_mysql_query('SET NAMES "utf8mb4"', $link); // Complete view dump, // Whether to quote view and fields names or not backuply_mysql_query('SET SQL_QUOTE_SHOW_CREATE = 1', $link); // Create view structure $result = backuply_mysql_query('SHOW CREATE VIEW `'.$db.'`.`'.$view.'`', $link); // Construct the dump for the view structure $dump .= '--' . $crlf . '-- Structure for view ' . '`' . $view.'`' . $crlf . '--' . $crlf . 'DROP VIEW IF EXISTS `' . $view . '`;' . $crlf . $crlf; if ($row = backuply_mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) { $create_query = $row['Create View']; preg_match('/DEFINER=(.*?) SQL/is', $create_query, $matches); $create_query = str_replace($matches[1], 'CURRENT_USER', $create_query); $schema_create .= $new_crlf . $dump; // Convert end of line chars to one that we want (note that MySQL doesn't return query it will accept in all cases) if (strpos($create_query, "(\r\n ")) { $create_query = str_replace("\r\n", $crlf, $create_query); } elseif (strpos($create_query, "(\n ")) { $create_query = str_replace("\n", $crlf, $create_query); } elseif (strpos($create_query, "(\r ")) { $create_query = str_replace("\r", $crlf, $create_query); } $schema_create .= $create_query; } backuply_mysql_free_result($result); // Dump the structure !!! $return['structure'] = $schema_create . ';' . $crlf; return $return; } function backuply_PMA_getTriggers($db, $link){ $query = backuply_mysql_query('SHOW TRIGGERS FROM `' . $db . '`', $link); $result = array(); //added as empty so don't give warning when data is empty.. while($trigger = backuply_mysql_fetch_assoc($query)){ $one_result = array(); $one_result['name'] = $trigger['Trigger']; $one_result['table'] = $trigger['Table']; $one_result['action_timing'] = $trigger['Timing']; $one_result['event_manipulation'] = $trigger['Event']; $one_result['definition'] = $trigger['Statement']; $one_result['definer'] = $trigger['Definer']; $one_result['full_trigger_name'] = '`'.$trigger['Trigger'].'`'; $one_result['drop'] = 'DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS `' . $db .'`.'. $one_result['full_trigger_name'].';'; $one_result['create'] = 'CREATE TRIGGER ' . $one_result['full_trigger_name'] . ' ' . $trigger['Timing'] . ' ' . $trigger['Event'] . ' ON ' . '`'. $trigger['Table'].'`' . "\n" . ' FOR EACH ROW ' . $trigger['Statement'] . "\n" . $delimiter . "\n"; $result[] = $one_result; } // Sort results by name $name = array(); foreach ($result as $value) { $name[] = $value['name']; } array_multisort($name, SORT_ASC, $result); return($result); } function backuply_PMA_getEvents($db, $link){ $query = backuply_mysql_query('SHOW EVENTS FROM `' . $db . '`', $link); $result = array(); while ($event = backuply_mysql_fetch_assoc($query)) { $one_result = array(); $one_result['name'] = $event['Name']; $one_result['type'] = $event['Type']; $one_result['status'] = $event['Status']; $one_result['drop'] = 'DROP EVENT IF EXISTS `' . $db .'`.`'. $one_result['name'].'`;'; $one_result['create'] = backuply_PMA_getDefinition($db, 'EVENT', $one_result['name'], $link); $result[] = $one_result; } // Sort results by name $name = array(); foreach ($result as $value) { $name[] = $value['name']; } array_multisort($name, SORT_ASC, $result); return $result; } /** * returns the array of PROCEDURE/FUNCTION names * * @param string $db db name * @param string $which PROCEDURE | FUNCTION | EVENT * @param string $link connection link to the database * * @return array names of Procedures/Functions */ function backuply_PMA_getProceduresOrFunctions($db, $which, $link) { $query = backuply_mysql_query('SHOW ' . $which . ' STATUS;', $link); $result = array(); while($one_show = backuply_mysql_fetch_assoc($query)) { if ($one_show['Db'] == $db && $one_show['Type'] == $which) { $one_show['drop'] = 'DROP '.$which.' IF EXISTS `' . $db .'`.`'. $one_show['Name'].'`;'; $one_show['create'] = backuply_PMA_getDefinition($db, $which, $one_show['Name'], $link); $result[] = $one_show; } } return $result; } /** * returns the definition of a specific PROCEDURE, FUNCTION or EVENT * * @param string $db db name * @param string $which PROCEDURE | FUNCTION | EVENT * @param string $name the procedure|function|event name * @param string $link connection link to the database * * @return string the definition */ function backuply_PMA_getDefinition($db, $which, $name, $link) { $returned_field = array( 'PROCEDURE' => 'Create Procedure', 'FUNCTION' => 'Create Function', 'EVENT' => 'Create Event' ); $query = backuply_mysql_query('SHOW CREATE '.$which.' `'.$db.'`.`'.$name.'`;', $link); if ($res = backuply_mysql_fetch_assoc($query)){ return($res[$returned_field[$which]]); } } // Internal function to add slashes to row values function backuply_PMA_sqlAddslashes(&$a_string = '', $is_like = false, $crlf = false, $php_code = false) { if ($is_like) { $a_string = str_replace('\\', '\\\\\\\\', $a_string); } else { $a_string = str_replace('\\', '\\\\', $a_string); } if ($crlf) { $a_string = str_replace("\n", '\n', $a_string); $a_string = str_replace("\r", '\r', $a_string); $a_string = str_replace("\t", '\t', $a_string); } if ($php_code) { $a_string = str_replace('\'', '\\\'', $a_string); } else { $a_string = str_replace('\'', '\'\'', $a_string); } return $a_string; } // end of the 'backuply_PMA_sqlAddslashes()' function // Form the table structure && the alter queries if any !! function backuply_PMA_getTableDef($db, $table, $crlf, $show_dates, $add_semicolon, $link) { global $sql_drop_table, $sql_alter; global $sql_constraints; global $sql_constraints_query; // just the text of the query global $sql_drop_foreign_keys; $schema_create = $auto_increment = $sql_constraints = ''; $new_crlf = $crlf; // Get the Status of the table so as to produce the auto increment value $qresult = backuply_mysql_query('SHOW TABLE STATUS FROM `'.$db.'` LIKE \''.$table.'\'', $link); // Handle auto-increment values if (backuply_mysql_num_rows($qresult) > 0) { $tmpres = backuply_mysql_fetch_assoc($qresult); // Is auto-increment value is set ?? if(!empty($tmpres['Auto_increment'])){ $auto_increment .= ' AUTO_INCREMENT=' . $tmpres['Auto_increment'] . ' '; } } // Free resourse backuply_mysql_free_result($qresult); //added as empty so don't give warning when data is empty.. $dump = ''; // Adding query to delete any existing table if exists. $dump .= '-- Delete any existing table `' . $table . '`' . $crlf; $dump .= 'DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `'.$table.'`;' . $crlf; // Construct the dump for the table structure $dump .= '--' . $crlf . '-- Table structure for table ' . '`' . $table.'`' . $crlf . '--' . $crlf . $crlf; $schema_create .= $new_crlf . $dump; // Complete table dump, // Whether to quote table and fields names or not backuply_mysql_query('SET SQL_QUOTE_SHOW_CREATE = 1', $link); // Create table structure $result = backuply_mysql_query('SHOW CREATE TABLE `'.$db.'`.`'.$table.'`', $link); if ($row = backuply_mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) { $create_query = $row['Create Table']; unset($row); // Convert end of line chars to one that we want (note that MySQL doesn't return query it will accept in all cases) if (strpos($create_query, "(\r\n ")) { $create_query = str_replace("\r\n", $crlf, $create_query); } elseif (strpos($create_query, "(\n ")) { $create_query = str_replace("\n", $crlf, $create_query); } elseif (strpos($create_query, "(\r ")) { $create_query = str_replace("\r", $crlf, $create_query); } // are there any constraints to cut out? if (preg_match('@CONSTRAINT|FOREIGN[\s]+KEY@', $create_query)) { // Split the query into lines, so we can easily handle it. // We know lines are separated by $crlf (done few lines above). $sql_lines = explode($crlf, $create_query); $sql_count = count($sql_lines); // Lets find first line with constraints for ($i = 0; $i < $sql_count; $i++) { if (preg_match('@^[\s]*(CONSTRAINT|FOREIGN[\s]+KEY)@', $sql_lines[$i])) { break; } } // If we really found a constraint if ($i != $sql_count) { // remove , from the end of create statement $sql_lines[$i - 1] = preg_replace('@,$@', '', $sql_lines[$i - 1]); // comments for current table $sql_constraints .= $crlf . backuply_PMA_exportComment() . backuply_PMA_exportComment('Constraints for table ' . '`' . $table.'`') . backuply_PMA_exportComment(); // Let's do the work $sql_constraints_query .= 'ALTER TABLE `'.$table.'`' . $crlf; $sql_constraints .= 'ALTER TABLE `'.$table.'`' . $crlf; $sql_drop_foreign_keys .= 'ALTER TABLE `'.$table.'` `'.$db.'`' . $crlf; $first = TRUE; for ($j = $i; $j < $sql_count; $j++) { if (preg_match('@CONSTRAINT|FOREIGN[\s]+KEY@', $sql_lines[$j])) { if (!$first) { $sql_constraints .= $crlf; } if (strpos($sql_lines[$j], 'CONSTRAINT') === FALSE) { $tmp_str = preg_replace('/(FOREIGN[\s]+KEY)/', 'ADD \1', $sql_lines[$j]); $sql_constraints_query .= $tmp_str; $sql_constraints .= $tmp_str; } else { $tmp_str = preg_replace('/(CONSTRAINT)/', 'ADD \1', $sql_lines[$j]); $sql_constraints_query .= $tmp_str; $sql_constraints .= $tmp_str; preg_match('/(CONSTRAINT)([\s])([\S]*)([\s])/', $sql_lines[$j], $matches); if (! $first) { $sql_drop_foreign_keys .= ', '; } $sql_drop_foreign_keys .= 'DROP FOREIGN KEY ' . $matches[3]; } $first = FALSE; } else { break; } } $sql_constraints .= ';' . $crlf; $sql_constraints_query .= ';'; // Dump the alter queries!!! $return['alter'] = $sql_constraints; $create_query = implode($crlf, array_slice($sql_lines, 0, $i)) . $crlf . implode($crlf, array_slice($sql_lines, $j, $sql_count - 1)); unset($sql_lines); } } $schema_create .= $create_query; } // remove a possible "AUTO_INCREMENT = value" clause // that could be there starting with MySQL 5.0.24 $schema_create = preg_replace('/AUTO_INCREMENT\s*=\s*([0-9])+/', '', $schema_create); $schema_create .= $auto_increment; backuply_mysql_free_result($result); // Dump the structure !!! $return['structure'] = $schema_create . ($add_semicolon ? ';' . $crlf : ''); return $return; } // end of the 'backuply_PMA_getTableDef()' function // Internal function to get meta details about the database function backuply_PMA_DBI_get_fields_meta($sresult) { $fields = array(); $num_fields = mysql_num_fields($sresult); for ($i = 0; $i < $num_fields; $i++) { $field = mysql_fetch_field($sresult, $i); $field->flags = mysql_field_flags($sresult, $i); $field->orgtable = mysql_field_table($sresult, $i); $field->orgname = mysql_field_name($sresult, $i); $fields[] = $field; } return $fields; } // Export data - values function backuply_PMA_exportData($db, $table, $crlf, $handle, $link){ global $current_row, $backuply; $count = 10000; $limit = !empty($GLOBALS['database_row']) ? intval(esc_sql($GLOBALS['database_row'])) : 0; // We have modified this code because we were getting error if inserts were >50000 if(strpos($table, 'options') !== false){ $cnt_qry = 'SELECT count(*) FROM `'.$db . '`.`' . $table . '` WHERE option_name != "backuply_status"'; }else{ $cnt_qry = 'SELECT count(*) FROM `'.$db . '`.`' . $table . '`'; } $cnt_res = backuply_mysql_fetch_row(backuply_mysql_query($cnt_qry, $link)); if(strpos($table, 'options') !== false){ $sql_query = 'SELECT * FROM `'.$db . '`.`' . $table . '` WHERE option_name != "backuply_status" LIMIT '.$limit.',10000'; }else{ $sql_query = 'SELECT * FROM `'.$db . '`.`' . $table . '` LIMIT '.$limit.',10000'; } $formatted_table_name = '`' . $table . '`'; $squery = backuply_mysql_query($sql_query, $link); $fields_cnt = backuply_mysql_num_fields($squery); // Get field information if(extension_loaded('mysqli')){ $fields_meta = backuply_getFieldsMeta($squery); }else{ $fields_meta = backuply_PMA_DBI_get_fields_meta($squery); } $field_flags = array(); for ($j = 0; $j < $fields_cnt; $j++) { $field_flags[$j] = backuply_mysql_field_flags($squery, $j); } for ($j = 0; $j < $fields_cnt; $j++) { $field_set[$j] = '`'.$fields_meta[$j]->name . '`'; } $sql_command = 'INSERT'; $insert_delayed = ''; $separator = ','; $schema_insert = $sql_command . $insert_delayed .' INTO `' . $table . '` VALUES'; $search = array("\x00", "\x0a", "\x0d", "\x1a"); //\x08\\x09, not required $replace = array('\0', '\n', '\r', '\Z'); $current_row = !empty($GLOBALS['database_row']) ? intval($GLOBALS['database_row']) : 0; $new_query = 0; $query_length = 0; if($GLOBALS['db_in_progress'] === $table && !empty($GLOBALS['database_row_done'])){ $cnt_res[0] = intval($GLOBALS['database_row_done']); } $GLOBALS['db_in_progress'] = ''; $schema_insert .= $crlf; for($i = $cnt_res[0]; $i >= 0; $i--){ if(time() > $GLOBALS['end']) { backuply_log('Database Backup: Short on time!'); if(empty($current_row)){ backuply_status_log('Database Backup: Closing (L'.$backuply['status']['loop'].') : '.$table . ' at row number '. $current_row . ' ' . $i); $GLOBALS['db_in_progress'] = $table; backuply_die('INCOMPLETE_DB'); die(); } $GLOBALS['database_row'] = $current_row; $GLOBALS['database_row_done'] = $i; backuply_status_log('Database Backup: Closing (L'.$backuply['status']['loop'].') : '.$table . ' at row number '. $current_row . ' ' . $i); $query_buffer = ';' . $crlf; @fwrite($handle, $query_buffer); @fclose($handle); $GLOBALS['db_in_progress'] = $table; backuply_mysql_free_result($squery); backuply_die('INCOMPLETE_DB'); die(); } // Now if 10000 rows has been processed than select next. if($count == 0){ // Now free the result for preventing memory exhaust backuply_mysql_free_result($squery); $count = 10000; $limit = $limit+10000; $sql_query = 'SELECT * FROM `'.$db . '`.`' . $table . '` LIMIT '.($limit).', 10000'; $squery= backuply_mysql_query($sql_query, $link); } $row = backuply_mysql_fetch_array($squery); // If we get empty result than break the loop if(!$row){ break; } if ($current_row == 0) { $head = backuply_PMA_exportComment() . backuply_PMA_exportComment('Dumping data for table' . ' ' . $formatted_table_name) . backuply_PMA_exportComment() . $crlf; fwrite($handle, $head); } $current_row++; if ($current_row == 1 || $new_query == 1 || !empty($GLOBALS['database_row'])) { fwrite($handle, $schema_insert .'('); $GLOBALS['database_row'] = null; }else{ fwrite($handle, ','.$crlf.'('); } $add_comma = 0; for ($j = 0; $j < $fields_cnt; $j++) { $separator = ($add_comma > 0 ? ', ' : ''); // NULL if (!isset($row[$j]) || is_null($row[$j])) { fwrite($handle, $separator . 'NULL'); // a number // timestamp is numeric on some MySQL 4.1, BLOBs are sometimes numeric } elseif ($fields_meta[$j]->numeric && $fields_meta[$j]->type != 'timestamp' && !$fields_meta[$j]->blob) { fwrite($handle, $separator . $row[$j]); } elseif ($fields_meta[$j]->type == 'bit') { fwrite($handle, $separator . backuply_PMA_printableBitValue($row[$j], $fields_meta[$j]->length)); } else { backuply_PMA_sqlAddslashes($row[$j]); fwrite($handle, $separator . '\'' . str_replace($search, $replace, $row[$j]) . '\''); } // end if if(!is_null($row[$j])){ $query_length += strlen($row[$j]); } $add_comma++; $new_query = 0; } // end for fwrite($handle, ')'); // Stop extended insert after 50K chars and open a new INSERT if($query_length > 50000){ $query_buffer = ';' . $crlf; fwrite($handle, $query_buffer); $add_comma = 0; $new_query = 1; $query_length = 0; } // Decrement till 0 so that next 10000 rows can be selected $count--; }// End of FOR if ($current_row > 0) { $query_buffer = ';' . $crlf; fwrite($handle, $query_buffer); } // Free resourses backuply_mysql_free_result($squery); $end_line = (!empty($query_buffer) ? $crlf : '' ). backuply_PMA_exportComment('--------------------------------------------------------'); fwrite($handle, $end_line); //return $query_buffer . $end_line; } function backuply_PMA_exportComment($text = '') { $crlf = "\n"; $ret = '--' . (empty($text) ? '' : ' ') . $text . $crlf; return $ret; } function backuply_PMA_exportHeader($db, $ser_ver) { $crlf = "\n"; $head = backuply_PMA_exportComment('Softaculous SQL Dump') . backuply_PMA_exportComment('http://www.softaculous.com') . backuply_PMA_exportComment() . backuply_PMA_exportComment('Host: localhost') . backuply_PMA_exportComment('Generation Time: '. date("F j, Y, g:i a") .'') . backuply_PMA_exportComment('Server version: '. $ser_ver .'') . backuply_PMA_exportComment('PHP Version' . ': ' . phpversion()) . $crlf; /* We want exported AUTO_INCREMENT fields to have still same value, do this only for recent MySQL exports */ $head .= 'SET SQL_MODE="NO_AUTO_VALUE_ON_ZERO";' . $crlf; /* Change timezone if we should export timestamps in UTC */ $head .= 'SET time_zone = "+00:00";' . $crlf . $crlf; // by default we use the connection charset $set_names = 'utf8mb4'; $head .= $crlf . '/*!40101 SET @OLD_CHARACTER_SET_CLIENT=@@CHARACTER_SET_CLIENT */;' . $crlf . '/*!40101 SET @OLD_CHARACTER_SET_RESULTS=@@CHARACTER_SET_RESULTS */;' . $crlf . '/*!40101 SET @OLD_COLLATION_CONNECTION=@@COLLATION_CONNECTION */;' . $crlf . '/*!40101 SET NAMES ' . $set_names . ' */;' . $crlf . $crlf; $head .= backuply_PMA_exportComment() . backuply_PMA_exportComment('Database: `' . $db . '`') . backuply_PMA_exportComment() . $crlf . backuply_PMA_exportComment('--------------------------------------------------------'); return $head; } function backuply_PMA_exportFooter() { $crlf = "\n"; $foot = ''; $foot .= $crlf . '/*!40101 SET CHARACTER_SET_CLIENT=@OLD_CHARACTER_SET_CLIENT */;' . $crlf . '/*!40101 SET CHARACTER_SET_RESULTS=@OLD_CHARACTER_SET_RESULTS */;' . $crlf . '/*!40101 SET COLLATION_CONNECTION=@OLD_COLLATION_CONNECTION */;' . $crlf; return $foot; } function backuply_PMA_sversion($link){ // Get version $version = backuply_mysql_query('SELECT VERSION()', $link); $version = backuply_mysql_fetch_assoc($version); // Explode to extract version $version = explode('-', $version['VERSION()']); return $version[0]; } function backuply_PMA_printableBitValue($value, $length){ // if running on a 64-bit server or the length is safe for decbin() if (PHP_INT_SIZE == 8 || $length < 33) { $printable = decbin($value); } else { // FIXME: does not work for the leftmost bit of a 64-bit value $i = 0; $printable = ''; while ($value >= pow(2, $i)) { ++$i; } if ($i != 0) { --$i; } while ($i >= 0) { if ($value - pow(2, $i) < 0) { $printable = '0' . $printable; } else { $printable = '1' . $printable; $value = $value - pow(2, $i); } --$i; } $printable = strrev($printable); } $printable = str_pad($printable, $length, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT); return $printable; } function backuply_mysql_connect($host, $user, $pass, $newlink = false){ if(extension_loaded('mysqli')){ //To handle connection if user passes a custom port along with the host as localhost:6446 $exh = explode(':', $host); if(!empty($exh[1])){ $sock = null; $port = $exh[1]; // This is when the db connection is made using socket. if(!is_numeric($exh[1])){ $sock = $exh[1]; $port = null; } $sconn = @mysqli_connect($exh[0], $user, $pass, '', $port, $sock); }else{ $sconn = @mysqli_connect($host, $user, $pass); } }else{ //echo 'mysql'; $sconn = @mysql_connect($host, $user, $pass, $newlink); } if(empty($sconn)){ backuply_status_log(mysqli_connect_error(), 'error'); } return $sconn; } function backuply_mysql_select_db($db, $conn){ if(extension_loaded('mysqli')){ $return = @mysqli_select_db($conn, $db); }else{ $return = @mysql_select_db($db, $conn); } return $return; } function backuply_mysql_query($query, $conn){ if(extension_loaded('mysqli')){ $return = @mysqli_query($conn, $query); }else{ $return = @mysql_query($query, $conn); } return $return; } function backuply_mysql_fetch_array($result){ if(is_bool($result)){ return false; } if(extension_loaded('mysqli')){ $return = @mysqli_fetch_array($result); }else{ $return = @mysql_fetch_array($result); } return $return; } function backuply_mysql_fetch_assoc($result){ if(is_bool($result)){ return $result; } if(extension_loaded('mysqli')){ $return = @mysqli_fetch_assoc($result); }else{ $return = @mysql_fetch_assoc($result); } return $return; } function backuply_mysql_fetch_row($result){ if(is_bool($result)){ return false; } if(extension_loaded('mysqli')){ $return = @mysqli_fetch_row($result); }else{ $return = @mysql_fetch_row($result); } return $return; } function backuply_mysql_field_flags($result, $i){ if(!extension_loaded('mysqli')){ return mysql_field_flags($result, $i); } $f = mysqli_fetch_field_direct($result, $i); $type = $f->type; $charsetnr = $f->charsetnr; $f = $f->flags; $flags = ''; if ($f & MYSQLI_UNIQUE_KEY_FLAG) { $flags .= 'unique '; } if ($f & MYSQLI_NUM_FLAG) { $flags .= 'num '; } if ($f & MYSQLI_PART_KEY_FLAG) { $flags .= 'part_key '; } if ($f & MYSQLI_SET_FLAG) { $flags .= 'set '; } if ($f & MYSQLI_TIMESTAMP_FLAG) { $flags .= 'timestamp '; } if ($f & MYSQLI_AUTO_INCREMENT_FLAG) { $flags .= 'auto_increment '; } if ($f & MYSQLI_ENUM_FLAG) { $flags .= 'enum '; } // See http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/6.0/en/c-api-datatypes.html: // to determine if a string is binary, we should not use MYSQLI_BINARY_FLAG // but instead the charsetnr member of the MYSQL_FIELD // structure. Watch out: some types like DATE returns 63 in charsetnr // so we have to check also the type. // Unfortunately there is no equivalent in the mysql extension. if (($type == MYSQLI_TYPE_TINY_BLOB || $type == MYSQLI_TYPE_BLOB || $type == MYSQLI_TYPE_MEDIUM_BLOB || $type == MYSQLI_TYPE_LONG_BLOB || $type == MYSQLI_TYPE_VAR_STRING || $type == MYSQLI_TYPE_STRING) && 63 == $charsetnr ) { $flags .= 'binary '; } if ($f & MYSQLI_ZEROFILL_FLAG) { $flags .= 'zerofill '; } if ($f & MYSQLI_UNSIGNED_FLAG) { $flags .= 'unsigned '; } if ($f & MYSQLI_BLOB_FLAG) { $flags .= 'blob '; } if ($f & MYSQLI_MULTIPLE_KEY_FLAG) { $flags .= 'multiple_key '; } if ($f & MYSQLI_UNIQUE_KEY_FLAG) { $flags .= 'unique_key '; } if ($f & MYSQLI_PRI_KEY_FLAG) { $flags .= 'primary_key '; } if ($f & MYSQLI_NOT_NULL_FLAG) { $flags .= 'not_null '; } return trim($flags); } function backuply_mysql_num_rows($result){ if(is_bool($result)){ return false; } if(extension_loaded('mysqli')){ $return = @mysqli_num_rows($result); }else{ $return = @mysql_num_rows($result); } return $return; } function backuply_mysql_num_fields($result){ if(is_bool($result)){ return false; } if(extension_loaded('mysqli')){ $return = @mysqli_num_fields($result); }else{ $return = @mysql_num_fields($result); } return $return; } function backuply_mysql_free_result($result){ if(is_bool($result)){ return false; } if(extension_loaded('mysqli')){ $return = @mysqli_free_result($result); }else{ $return = @mysql_free_result($result); } return $return; } function backuply_getFieldsMeta($result){ // Build an associative array for a type look up if(is_bool($result)){ return false; } if(!defined('MYSQLI_TYPE_VARCHAR')){ define('MYSQLI_TYPE_VARCHAR', 15); } $typeAr = array(); $typeAr[MYSQLI_TYPE_DECIMAL] = 'real'; $typeAr[MYSQLI_TYPE_NEWDECIMAL] = 'real'; $typeAr[MYSQLI_TYPE_BIT] = 'int'; $typeAr[MYSQLI_TYPE_TINY] = 'int'; $typeAr[MYSQLI_TYPE_SHORT] = 'int'; $typeAr[MYSQLI_TYPE_LONG] = 'int'; $typeAr[MYSQLI_TYPE_FLOAT] = 'real'; $typeAr[MYSQLI_TYPE_DOUBLE] = 'real'; $typeAr[MYSQLI_TYPE_NULL] = 'null'; $typeAr[MYSQLI_TYPE_TIMESTAMP] = 'timestamp'; $typeAr[MYSQLI_TYPE_LONGLONG] = 'int'; $typeAr[MYSQLI_TYPE_INT24] = 'int'; $typeAr[MYSQLI_TYPE_DATE] = 'date'; $typeAr[MYSQLI_TYPE_TIME] = 'time'; $typeAr[MYSQLI_TYPE_DATETIME] = 'datetime'; $typeAr[MYSQLI_TYPE_YEAR] = 'year'; $typeAr[MYSQLI_TYPE_NEWDATE] = 'date'; $typeAr[MYSQLI_TYPE_ENUM] = 'unknown'; $typeAr[MYSQLI_TYPE_SET] = 'unknown'; $typeAr[MYSQLI_TYPE_TINY_BLOB] = 'blob'; $typeAr[MYSQLI_TYPE_MEDIUM_BLOB] = 'blob'; $typeAr[MYSQLI_TYPE_LONG_BLOB] = 'blob'; $typeAr[MYSQLI_TYPE_BLOB] = 'blob'; $typeAr[MYSQLI_TYPE_VAR_STRING] = 'string'; $typeAr[MYSQLI_TYPE_STRING] = 'string'; $typeAr[MYSQLI_TYPE_VARCHAR] = 'string'; // for Drizzle // MySQL returns MYSQLI_TYPE_STRING for CHAR // and MYSQLI_TYPE_CHAR === MYSQLI_TYPE_TINY // so this would override TINYINT and mark all TINYINT as string // https://sourceforge.net/p/phpmyadmin/bugs/2205/ //$typeAr[MYSQLI_TYPE_CHAR] = 'string'; $typeAr[MYSQLI_TYPE_GEOMETRY] = 'geometry'; $typeAr[MYSQLI_TYPE_BIT] = 'bit'; $fields = mysqli_fetch_fields($result); // this happens sometimes (seen under MySQL 4.0.25) if (!is_array($fields)) { return false; } foreach ($fields as $k => $field) { $fields[$k]->_type = $field->type; $fields[$k]->type = $typeAr[$field->type]; $fields[$k]->_flags = $field->flags; $fields[$k]->flags = backuply_mysql_field_flags($result, $k); // Enhance the field objects for mysql-extension compatibilty //$flags = explode(' ', $fields[$k]->flags); //array_unshift($flags, 'dummy'); $fields[$k]->multiple_key = (int) (bool) ($fields[$k]->_flags & MYSQLI_MULTIPLE_KEY_FLAG); $fields[$k]->primary_key = (int) (bool) ($fields[$k]->_flags & MYSQLI_PRI_KEY_FLAG); $fields[$k]->unique_key = (int) (bool) ($fields[$k]->_flags & MYSQLI_UNIQUE_KEY_FLAG); $fields[$k]->not_null = (int) (bool) ($fields[$k]->_flags & MYSQLI_NOT_NULL_FLAG); $fields[$k]->unsigned = (int) (bool) ($fields[$k]->_flags & MYSQLI_UNSIGNED_FLAG); $fields[$k]->zerofill = (int) (bool) ($fields[$k]->_flags & MYSQLI_ZEROFILL_FLAG); $fields[$k]->numeric = (int) (bool) ($fields[$k]->_flags & MYSQLI_NUM_FLAG); $fields[$k]->blob = (int) (bool) ($fields[$k]->_flags & MYSQLI_BLOB_FLAG); } return $fields; } function backuply_rmdir_recursive_fn($path){ $path = (substr($path, -1) == '/' || substr($path, -1) == '\\' ? $path : $path.'/'); backuply_resetfilelist(); $files = backuply_filelist_fn($path, 1, 0, 'all'); $files = (!is_array($files) ? array() : $files); //First delete the files only foreach($files as $k => $v){ @chmod($k, 0777); if(file_exists($k) && is_file($k) && @filetype($k) == "file"){ @unlink($k); } } @clearstatcache(); $folders = backuply_filelist_fn($path, 1, 1, 'all'); $folders = (!is_array($folders) ? array() : $folders); @krsort($folders); //Now Delete the FOLDERS foreach($folders as $k => $v){ @chmod($k, 0777); if(is_dir($k)){ @rmdir($k); } } @rmdir($path); @clearstatcache(); } // To delete any file created while backing up function backuply_clean_on_stop() { global $data, $backuply; backuply_status_log('Stopping your backup', 'info'); if(!isset($data['name'])) { return; } $ext = !empty($data['ext']) ? $data['ext'] : 'tar.gz'; //backuply_rmdir_recursive_fn(BACKUPLY_BACKUP_DIR.'backups/tmp'); // clean the tmp files backuply_clean($data); // Delete the tar file with dot at the start if(file_exists($data['path'] . '/.' . $data['name'] .'.'. $ext)) { @unlink($data['path'] . '/.' . $data['name'] .'.'. $ext); } // Deletes File from remote if(!empty($backuply['status']['remote_file_path'])){ backuply_log('Removing remote file'); @unlink($backuply['status']['remote_file_path']); @unlink($backuply['status']['successfile']); } backuply_status_log('Cleaning the backup folder', 'info', -1); $backup_info_dir = backuply_glob('backups_info'); if(empty($backup_info_dir)){ return; } // Delete the Info file if(file_exists($backup_info_dir .'/'. $data['name'] . '.php')) { @unlink($backup_info_dir . '/' . $data['name'] . '.php'); } } // To check if backup has been stopped function backuply_backup_stop_checkpoint() { global $data, $wpdb, $backuply; $query = 'SELECT * FROM `'.$wpdb->prefix.'options` WHERE `option_name` = "backuply_backup_stopped"'; $result = $wpdb->get_results($query); if(!empty($result[0]->option_value)) { delete_option('backuply_backup_stopped'); backuply_clean_on_stop(); backuply_status_log('Backup Successfully Stopped', 'success'); unset($backuply['status']['incomplete_upload']); backuply_die('stopped'); } } //Updates the Status in the data base to be used when incomplete function backuply_update_status(){ global $data, $backuply; //An array to store only the required fields in sql. if(isset($backuply['status']['successfile']) && !isset($GLOBALS['successfile'])) { $GLOBALS['successfile'] = $backuply['status']['successfile']; } if(!isset($backuply['status']['incomplete_upload']) && empty($GLOBALS['end_file']) && empty($GLOBALS['db_in_progress'])){ return; } $backuply['status']['name'] = $data['name']; $backuply['status']['last_file'] = !empty($GLOBALS['end_file']) ? $GLOBALS['end_file'] : ''; $backuply['status']['added_file_count'] = !empty($GLOBALS['added_file_count']) ? $GLOBALS['added_file_count'] : 0; $backuply['status']['backup_db'] = $data['backup_db']; $backuply['status']['backup_dir'] = $data['backup_dir']; $backuply['status']['successfile'] = isset($GLOBALS['successfile']) ? $GLOBALS['successfile'] : ''; $backuply['status']['database_row'] = !empty($GLOBALS['database_row']) ? $GLOBALS['database_row'] : ''; $backuply['status']['database_row_done'] = !empty($GLOBALS['database_row_done']) ? $GLOBALS['database_row_done'] : ''; $backuply['status']['backup_tables'] = !empty($GLOBALS['backup_tables']) ? $GLOBALS['backup_tables'] : array(); $backuply['status']['db_in_progress'] = !empty($GLOBALS['db_in_progress']) ? $GLOBALS['db_in_progress'] : ''; //Store the $backuply['status'] variable in sql. update_option('backuply_status', $backuply['status']); } function backuply_info_json(&$info_data = []){ global $data, $can_write, $backuply; //Get the current Users Information $current_user = wp_get_current_user(); if(!function_exists('get_home_path')){ include_once backuply_cleanpath(ABSPATH) . '/wp-admin/includes/file.php'; } //Store all needed information for the info file $info_data = array(); $info_data['name'] = $GLOBALS['data']['name']; $info_data['backup_dir'] = $GLOBALS['data']['backup_dir']; $info_data['backup_db'] = $GLOBALS['data']['backup_db']; $info_data['email'] = $current_user->user_email; $info_data['date_time'] = date("Y-m-d H:i:a"); $info_data['btime'] = time(); $info_data['auto_backup'] = isset($data['auto_backup']) ? $data['auto_backup'] : false; $info_data['ext'] = 'tar.gz'; $info_data['size'] = isset($backuply['status']['remote_file_path']) ? filesize($backuply['status']['remote_file_path']) : (isset($GLOBALS['successfile']) ? filesize($GLOBALS['successfile']) : false); $info_data['backup_site_url'] = get_site_url(); $info_data['backup_site_path'] = backuply_cleanpath(get_home_path()); if(isset($data['backup_location']) && !empty($data['backup_location'])){ $info_data['backup_location'] = $data['backup_location']; } if(!empty($backuply['status']['backup_note'])){ $info_data['backup_note'] = esc_html($backuply['status']['backup_note']); } //Encode the Data and store it in a file return "<?php exit();?>\n".json_encode($info_data, JSON_PRETTY_PRINT); } // Uploads the backup log file function backuply_upload_log() { global $backuply, $data; $backuply['status']['successfile'] = BACKUPLY_BACKUP_DIR . $data['name'] . '_log.php'; // Upload the info file as well $GLOBALS['start_pos'] = 0; unset($backuply['status']['init_data']); unset($backuply['status']['proto']); $backuply['status']['proto_file_size'] = filesize($backuply['status']['successfile']); $remote_fp = fopen(dirname($backuply['status']['remote_file_path']).'/'.$data['name'].'.log', 'ab'); fwrite($remote_fp, file_get_contents($backuply['status']['successfile'])); fclose($remote_fp); } function backuply_die($txt){ global $data, $can_write, $backuply; $email = get_option('backuply_notify_email_address'); $site_url = get_site_url(); backuply_update_status(); //Updates the Globals in the Status // Was there an error ? if(!empty($GLOBALS['error'])){ // Deletes File from remote if(!empty($backuply['status']['remote_file_path'])){ backuply_log('Removing remote file'); @unlink($backuply['status']['remote_file_path']); @unlink($backuply['status']['successfile']); } $error = $GLOBALS['error']; $error_string = '<b>Below are the error(s) :</b> <br />'; foreach($error as $ek => $ev){ $error_string .= '* '.$ev.'<br />'; } backuply_status_log($error_string, 'info', 100); // Notify user about the backup failure $mail = array(); $mail['to'] = $email; $mail['subject'] = 'Backup of your WordPress installation failed - Backuply'; $mail['headers'] = "Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8\r\n"; $mail['message'] = 'Hi, <br><br> The last backup of your WordPress installation was failed. <br> Installation URL : '.$site_url.' <br> '.$error_string.' <br><br> Regards,<br> Backuply'; // Send Email if(!empty($mail['to'])){ wp_mail($mail['to'], $mail['subject'], $mail['message'], $mail['headers']); } backuply_status_log('Backup failed', 'error', 100); backuply_report_error($GLOBALS['error']); if($timestamp = wp_next_scheduled('backuply_timeout_check', array('is_restore' => false))) { wp_unschedule_event($timestamp, 'backuply_timeout_check', array('is_restore' => false)); } delete_option('backuply_status'); backuply_clean($data); backuply_copy_log_file(false); // For Last Log File die(); } if($txt == 'DONE'){ backuply_backup_stop_checkpoint(); $backups_info_dir = backuply_glob('backups_info'); //Create & store the file in the backups_info folder $file = fopen($backups_info_dir . '/' . $GLOBALS['data']['name'] . '.php', 'w'); fwrite($file, backuply_info_json($info_data)); @fclose($file); // Send the mail if(!empty($email)){ //backuply_log(' email to : '.$email); //$backup_path = (!empty($GLOBALS['is_remote']) ? '/'.$GLOBALS['data']['name'] : $GLOBALS['successfile'] ); if(!empty($GLOBALS['is_remote'])){ $backup_location = 'Backup Location : '.$GLOBALS['is_remote_loc']['name']; $backup_path = '/'.$GLOBALS['data']['name']; }else{ $backup_location = ''; $backup_path = $GLOBALS['successfile']; } $mail = array(); $mail['to'] = $email; $mail['subject'] = 'Backup of your WordPress installation - Backuply'; $mail['message'] = 'Hi, The backup of your WordPress installation was completed successfully. The details are as follows : Installation Path : '.$GLOBALS['data']['softpath'].' Installation URL : '.$site_url.' Backup Path : '.$backup_path.' '.$backup_location.' Regards, Backuply'; wp_mail($mail['to'], $mail['subject'], $mail['message']); //backuply_log(' mail data : '. var_export($mail, 1)); } backuply_status_log('Total files added to the backup are ' . $GLOBALS['added_file_count']); backuply_status_log('Archive created with a file size of '. backuply_format_size($info_data['size']) , 'info', 100); update_option('backuply_last_backup', time(), false); backuply_status_log('Backup Successfully Completed', 'success', 100); backuply_copy_log_file(false); // For Last Log File backuply_copy_log_file(false, $info_data['name']); // Log file for that specific backup if(isset($backuply['status']['remote_file_path'])) { backuply_upload_log(); } // To update the storage data on creation of Backup. if(!empty($backuply['status']['remote_file_path']) && strpos($backuply['status']['remote_file_path'], 'bcloud://') !== FALSE){ $args = ['bcloud']; $schedule_time = wp_next_scheduled('backuply_update_quota', $args); // Check functions.php function backuply_delete_backup for more info. if(empty($schedule_time)){ wp_schedule_single_event(time() + 10, 'backuply_update_quota', $args); } } if(!empty($backuply['status']['backup_rotation'])){ if(!function_exists('backuply_backup_rotation') && !defined('BACKUPLY_PRO') && file_exists(BACKUPLY_DIR . '/main/bcloud-cron.php')){ include_once(BACKUPLY_DIR . '/main/bcloud-cron.php'); } // The functions file of Pro Will already be included so we dont need to include it again. // Just in case it wont be included we have to add this check. if(function_exists('backuply_backup_rotation')){ backuply_backup_rotation(); } } } if(strpos($txt, 'INCOMPLETE') !== FALSE) { backuply_log('Going to next loop - '.($backuply['status']['loop'] + 1)); if(file_exists($backuply['zipfile'])){ backuply_status_log('Current size of the backup is : '.backuply_format_size(filesize($backuply['zipfile'])), 'adding', 65); } backuply_backup_curl('backuply_curl_backup'); die(); } if($txt === 'incomplete_upload' || isset($backuply['status']['incomplete_upload'])) { update_option('backuply_status', $backuply['status']); backuply_backup_curl('backuply_curl_upload'); die(); } if($timestamp = wp_next_scheduled('backuply_timeout_check', array('is_restore' => false))) { wp_unschedule_event($timestamp, 'backuply_timeout_check', array('is_restore' => false)); } delete_option('backuply_status'); backuply_clean($data); die(); } // Clean the Backup files function backuply_clean($data){ if(isset($GLOBALS['bfh']) && $GLOBALS['bfh']) { foreach($GLOBALS['bfh'] as $v){ if(!empty($v) && is_resource($v)){ @fclose($v); } } } // Delete tmp/ folder only if the process was completed if(empty($GLOBALS['end_file'])){ backuply_rmdir_recursive_fn($data['path'].'/tmp/'.$data['name']); } return false; } // Requests backup via curl function backuply_backup_curl($action) { global $data; // Note: A user was having a non zero user ID from a WP Cron request // So this unsets the user id to 0(logged out ID) // Some plugin was causing this dont have more info as user didnt gave access. if(!empty($data['auto_backup']) && !empty(get_current_user_id())){ wp_set_current_user(0); } $nonce = wp_create_nonce('backuply_nonce'); if(empty($nonce)) { backuply_kill_process(); return; } $url = site_url() . '/?action='.$action.'&security='. $nonce; backuply_status_log('About to call self to prevent timeout', 'info'); $args = array( 'timeout' => 5, 'blocking' => false, 'sslverify' => false, 'user-agent' => 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36', 'headers' => [ 'Cache-Control' => 'max-age=0, no-cache', ] ); if(!empty($_COOKIE[LOGGED_IN_COOKIE])){ $args['cookies'] = array(LOGGED_IN_COOKIE => $_COOKIE[LOGGED_IN_COOKIE]); } wp_remote_get($url, $args); die(); } function backuply_remote_upload($finished = false){ global $backuply, $error; // Do we have a remote file ? if(empty($backuply['status']['successfile']) || !file_exists($backuply['status']['successfile'])){ $error['fopen_failed'] = 'Upload Failed! Because the file is not present on the server'; unset($backuply['status']['incomplete_upload']); backuply_die('upload_failed'); } if(empty($backuply['status']['init_pos'])){ $backuply['status']['init_pos'] = 0; } $GLOBALS['start_pos'] = $backuply['status']['init_pos']; $backuply['status']['proto_file_size'] = filesize($backuply['status']['successfile']); // This code uses PHP's Stream API, which allows handling various storage mechanisms transparently. // Documentation: https://www.php.net/manual/en/class.streamwrapper.php // // The fopen() function internally calls stream_open(), which is implemented by the specific stream wrapper // associated with the given file path. For eg: if you are using OneDrive, check /lib/onedrive.php for its implementation. // // Similarly, other file functions like fwrite(), fread(), etc., have corresponding stream functions. // You can refer to the provided link for details on how they work. $remote_fp = fopen($backuply['status']['remote_file_path'], 'ab'); if($remote_fp == false){ $error['fopen_failed'] = 'Unable to open the remote location for writing the backup data. Please make sure the Backup Location details and credentials are correct !'; unset($backuply['status']['incomplete_upload']); backuply_die('fopen_failed'); } backuply_status_log('Upload Start Position (L'.$backuply['status']['loop'].') : '.$backuply['status']['init_pos']); $backuply['status']['chunk'] = 262144; // 2MB $file_size = filesize($backuply['status']['successfile']); $chunks = ceil($file_size / $backuply['status']['chunk']); $chunk_no = isset($backuply['status']['chunk_no']) ? $backuply['status']['chunk_no'] : 1; while($chunk_no <= $chunks) { $backuply['status']['chunk_no'] = $chunk_no; if(!empty($error)) { backuply_die('uploaderror'); } // Timeout check if(time() + 5 > $GLOBALS['end']) { backuply_log('Upload: Short on time!'); $backuply['status']['incomplete_upload'] = true; if(!isset($backuply['status']['init_data'])) { $backuply['status']['init_data'] = $backuply['status']['protocol']; }; backuply_status_log('Upload Time Closing (L'.$backuply['status']['loop'].') : '.$backuply['status']['init_pos']); @fclose($remote_fp); backuply_die('incomplete_upload'); die(); } backuply_backup_stop_checkpoint(); // For last chunk if($chunk_no == $chunks) { $backuply['status']['chunk'] = $file_size - $backuply['status']['init_pos']; unset($backuply['status']['incomplete_upload']); } $content = file_get_contents($backuply['status']['successfile'], false, null, $backuply['status']['init_pos'], $backuply['status']['chunk']); $clen = strlen($content); if(!empty($content)){ fwrite($remote_fp, $content, $clen); // Write to the stream // If we had to retry then we should use the start_pos to update init_pos if(!empty($backuply['status']['upload_retry'])){ $backuply['status']['init_pos'] = $GLOBALS['start_pos']; // Update length $backuply['status']['upload_retry'] = false; } else { $backuply['status']['init_pos'] += $clen; // Update Length } } $content = ''; backuply_status_log('Uploaded till (L'.$backuply['status']['loop'].') : '.$backuply['status']['init_pos'].' / '.$file_size); //Updating the UI status log $percentage = ($chunk_no / $chunks) * 100; backuply_status_log('<div class="backuply-upload-progress"><span class="backuply-upload-progress-bar" style="width:'.round($percentage).'%;"></span><span class="backuply-upload-size">'.round($percentage).'%</span></div>', 'uploading', 73); $chunk_no++; } @fclose($remote_fp); // If we are done, lets delete this file if(!isset($backuply['status']['incomplete_upload'])){ // Delete local file @unlink($backuply['status']['successfile']); if(empty($error)){ $info_file = backuply_info_json(); // Upload the info file as well $GLOBALS['start_pos'] = 0; unset($backuply['status']['init_data']); unset($backuply['status']['proto']); $backuply['status']['proto_file_size'] = strlen($info_file); $remote_fp = fopen(dirname($backuply['status']['remote_file_path']).'/'.$GLOBALS['data']['name'].'.info', 'ab'); fwrite($remote_fp, $info_file); fclose($remote_fp); } backuply_die('DONE'); } backuply_die('incomplete_upload'); } ##################################################### # BACKUP LOGIC STARTS HERE ! ##################################################### global $user, $globals, $can_write, $error, $backuply; // Check if we can write $can_write = backuply_can_create_file(); if(empty($can_write)){ $error[] = __('Cannot write a temporary file !', 'backuply'); backuply_die('cannot_write'); } // Retrieve all the information from the form $data = array(); if(empty($backuply['excludes'])){ $backuply['excludes'] = []; } //Exclude the "backuply" folder $backuply['excludes']['exact'][] = backuply_cleanpath(BACKUPLY_BACKUP_DIR); //Exclude the "ai1wm-backups" & the "updraft" folder $backuply['excludes']['exact'][] = backuply_cleanpath(WP_CONTENT_DIR . '/ai1wm-backups'); $backuply['excludes']['exact'][] = backuply_cleanpath(WP_CONTENT_DIR . '/updraft'); if(!empty($backuply['excludes']['exact'])) { foreach($backuply['excludes']['exact'] as $exact_path){ $backuply['excludes']['exact'][] = backuply_cleanpath($exact_path); } } //Create the filename $server_name = !empty($_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']) ? wp_kses_post(wp_unslash($_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'])) : ''; $data['name'] = !isset($backuply['status']['name']) ? (defined('SITEPAD') ? 'sp_' : 'wp_').$server_name.'_'.date('Y-m-d_H-i-s') : $backuply['status']['name']; //The path where all backups are stored $backups_dir = backuply_glob('backups'); $data['path'] = backuply_cleanpath($backups_dir); //Create the tmp folder if(!is_dir($data['path'].'/tmp/'.$data['name'])) { mkdir($data['path'].'/tmp/'.$data['name'], 0755, true); } //Check if the user wants to backup the database //$data['backup_db'] = isset($backuply['status']['backup_db']) ? 1 : 0; $data['backup_db'] = !empty($backuply['status']['backup_db']) ? $backuply['status']['backup_db'] : false; $data['auto_backup'] = isset($backuply['status']['auto_backup']) ? $backuply['status']['auto_backup'] : false; // Setting upload try if(empty($backuply['status']['upload_try'])){ $backuply['status']['upload_try'] = 0; } $backuply['status']['upload_retry'] = false; //Database Information $data['softdb'] = $wpdb->dbname; $data['softdbhost'] = $wpdb->dbhost; $data['softdbuser'] = $wpdb->dbuser; $data['softdbpass'] = $wpdb->dbpassword; //Check if the user wants to backup the directories $data['backup_dir'] = !empty($backuply['status']['backup_dir']) ? $backuply['status']['backup_dir'] : 0; //The directory path that needs to be backed up $data['softpath'] = backuply_cleanpath(ABSPATH); // Get backuply core file index as well as additional files for backup $data['fileindex'] = backuply_core_fileindex(); $data['additional_files_for_backup'] = get_option('backuply_additional_fileindex'); $data['exclude_db'] = !empty($backuply['excludes']['db']) ? $backuply['excludes']['db'] : array(); // Data used to resume backup of database. $GLOBALS['database_row'] = !empty($backuply['status']['database_row']) ? $backuply['status']['database_row'] : null; $GLOBALS['database_row_done'] = !empty($backuply['status']['database_row_done']) ? $backuply['status']['database_row_done'] : null; $GLOBALS['backup_tables'] = !empty($backuply['status']['backup_tables']) ? $backuply['status']['backup_tables'] : array(); $GLOBALS['db_in_progress'] = !empty($backuply['status']['db_in_progress']) ? $backuply['status']['db_in_progress'] : ''; backuply_backup_stop_checkpoint(); // We need to stop execution in 25 secs.. We will be called again if the process is incomplete // Set default value //$keepalive = 25; $GLOBALS['end'] = (int) time() + $keepalive; $name = $data['name']; $tmpdir = $data['path'].'/tmp'; // For libraries which are creating copies here and then uploading ! $GLOBALS['local_dest'] = $data['path']; $GLOBALS['is_remote'] = 0; $backuply['status']['loop'] = (empty($backuply['status']['loop'])) ? 1 : ($backuply['status']['loop'] + 1); if(!empty($remote_location)){ $GLOBALS['is_remote'] = 1; $GLOBALS['is_remote_loc'] = $remote_location; $path = $remote_location['full_backup_loc']; $backuply['status']['remote_file_path'] = $path.'/'.$name.'.tar.gz'; $backuply['status']['protocol'] = $remote_location['protocol']; $data['backup_location'] = $remote_location['id']; // Server Side Encryption for AWS if('aws' == $remote_location['protocol'] && isset($remote_location['aws_sse'])){ $backuply['status']['aws_sse'] = $remote_location['aws_sse']; } backuply_stream_wrapper_register($remote_location['protocol'], $remote_location['protocol']); } $path = $data['path']; $zipfile = $path.'/.'.$name.'.tar.gz'; $backuply['zipfile'] = $zipfile; $successfile = $path.'/'.$name.'.tar.gz'; $GLOBALS['doing_soft_files'] = 0; $f_list = $pre_soft_list = $post_soft_list = array(); // Files/Folder which has to be added to the tar.gz // Empty last file everytime as a precaution $GLOBALS['added_file_count'] = !empty($backuply['status']['added_file_count']) ? $backuply['status']['added_file_count'] : ''; $GLOBALS['last_file'] = ''; $GLOBALS['last_file'] = !empty($backuply['status']['last_file']) ? $backuply['status']['last_file'] : ''; if(!empty($GLOBALS['last_file'])){ $GLOBALS['last_file'] = rawurldecode($GLOBALS['last_file']); // If the last file is the DB file, we need to skip to start the loop for the next file because we dont add the db file in the tar list once the SQL file is backed up $GLOBALS['last_file'] = strpos($GLOBALS['last_file'], 'softsql.sql') !== FALSE ? '' : $GLOBALS['last_file']; } $GLOBALS['init_pos'] = 0; //Sets the Position of pointer in the file if(isset($backuply['status']['init_pos']) && $backuply['status']['init_pos']) { $GLOBALS['init_pos'] = (int) $backuply['status']['init_pos']; } // Resume uploads - Calls for upload start in the remote upload option. This is subsequent loops if(!empty($backuply['status']['init_data'])) { backuply_log('Resuming upload'); backuply_remote_upload(); die(); } // Save the version @file_put_contents($data['path'].'/tmp/'.$data['name'].'/softver.txt', BACKUPLY_VERSION); $GLOBALS['replace']['from']['softver'] = $data['path'].'/tmp/'.$data['name'].'/softver.txt'; $GLOBALS['replace']['to']['softver'] = 'softver.txt'; // Save the info file data @file_put_contents($data['path'].'/tmp/'.$data['name'].'/'.$data['name'].'.php', backuply_info_json()); $GLOBALS['replace']['from']['backupinfo'] = $data['path'].'/tmp/'.$data['name'].'/'.$data['name'].'.php'; $GLOBALS['replace']['to']['backupinfo'] = $data['name'] . '.php'; //Backup the DATABASE if(!empty($data['backup_db']) && !empty($data['softdb']) && empty($backuply['status']['backup_db_done'])){ // Store the progress backuply_status_log('Starting to Backup Database', 'info', 20); $dbfile = $data['path'].'/tmp/'.$data['name'].'/softsql.sql'; backuply_status_log('Creating softsql', 'working', 23); $pre_soft_list[] = $dbfile; $GLOBALS['replace']['from']['softsql'] = $dbfile; $GLOBALS['replace']['to']['softsql'] = 'softsql.sql'; $dbuser = $data['softdbuser']; $dbpass = $data['softdbpass']; $sql_conn = backuply_mysql_connect($data['softdbhost'], $dbuser, $dbpass); if(!$sql_conn){ //$error['mysql_connect'] = 'Cannot connect mysql.'; $GLOBALS['error']['mysql_connect'] = __('Cannot connect to mysql.', 'backuply'); backuply_die('conn'); } $sel = backuply_mysql_select_db($data['softdb'], $sql_conn); if(!$sel){ //$error['mysql_sel_db'] = 'Could not select the database'; $GLOBALS['error']['mysql_sel_db'] = __('Could not select the database.', 'backuply'); backuply_die('conn'); } $host = $data['softdbhost']; $user = $data['softdbuser']; $pass = $data['softdbpass']; $db = $data['softdb']; //include_once('mysql_functions.php'); backuply_backup_stop_checkpoint(); if(!backuply_mysql_fn($host, $user, $pass, $db, $dbfile)){ //$error[] = 'Back up was not successful'; $GLOBALS['error'][] = __('Back up was unsuccessful.', 'backuply'); backuply_die('conn'); } if(!file_exists($dbfile)){ //$error['backup_db'] = 'Could not create sql file from database.'; $GLOBALS['error']['backup_db'] = __('Could not create sql file from database.', 'backuply'); backuply_die('error'); } $backuply['status']['backup_db_done'] = 1; backuply_status_log('Creation of SQL dump completed', 'working', 24); } //Backup the DIRECTORY if(!empty($data['backup_dir'])){ // Store the progress backuply_status_log('Backing up your Wordpress Install', 'info', empty($data['backup_db']) ? 31 : 39); backuply_backup_stop_checkpoint(); if(!empty($data['fileindex'])){ $_root_filelist = backuply_filelist_fn(backuply_cleanpath($data['softpath']), 0); $root_filelist = array(); // Lets get the full paths in fileindex $full_fileindex = array(); foreach($data['fileindex'] as $sfk => $sfv){ $full_fileindex[] = trim(backuply_cleanpath($data['softpath'])).'/'.$sfv; } // Add additional files in fileindex if selected by user if(!empty($data['additional_files_for_backup'])){ foreach($data['additional_files_for_backup'] as $sfk => $sfv){ $full_fileindex[] = trim(backuply_cleanpath($data['softpath'])).'/'.$sfv; } } foreach($_root_filelist as $rk => $rv){ $tmp_rk = backuply_cleanpath($rk); $tmp_rv = $rv; // Do we need to exclude the files ? if(!in_array(trim($tmp_rk), $full_fileindex)){ continue; } $tmp_rv['path'] = backuply_cleanpath($rv['path']); $root_filelist[$tmp_rk] = $tmp_rv; } $final_filelist = array_keys($root_filelist); foreach($final_filelist as $fk => $fv){ $f_list[] = $fv; } }else{ // Adding the directory in $f_list to add to tar $f_list[] = $data['softpath'].'/'; } // File Permission $GLOBALS['bfh']['softperms'] = @fopen($data['path'].'/tmp/'.$data['name'].'/softperms.txt', 'a'); $GLOBALS['replace']['from']['softperms'] = $data['path'].'/tmp/'.$data['name'].'/softperms.txt'; $GLOBALS['replace']['to']['softperms'] = 'softperms.txt'; //Did it open the File Stream if(!$GLOBALS['bfh']['softperms']){ $GLOBALS['error'][] = __('There were errors while trying to make a file of permissions', 'backuply'); backuply_die('permdir'); } backuply_backup_stop_checkpoint(); // The directory itself @fwrite($GLOBALS['bfh']['softperms'], '/ '.@substr(sprintf('%o', fileperms($data['softpath'])), -4)."\n"); } // This is done at the end to make sure we have added all possible replace paths before the softpath if(!empty($data['backup_dir'])){ $GLOBALS['replace']['from']['softpath'] = $data['softpath'].'/'; $GLOBALS['replace']['to']['softpath'] = ''; } // Now we will have to add the permission file to the end os an array of directory list. if(!empty($GLOBALS['bfh']['softperms'])){ $GLOBALS['post_soft_list'][] = $data['path'].'/tmp/'.$data['name'].'/softperms.txt'; } $GLOBALS['post_soft_list'][] = $data['path'].'/tmp/'.$data['name'].'/softver.txt'; $GLOBALS['post_soft_list'][] = $data['path'].'/tmp/'.$data['name'].'/'.$data['name'].'.php'; if(empty($GLOBALS['error']) && (!empty($f_list) || !empty($post_soft_list) || !empty($pre_soft_list))){ // Set default values $GLOBALS['start'] = 0; $GLOBALS['end_file'] = ''; $GLOBALS['pre_soft_list'] = $pre_soft_list; backuply_backup_stop_checkpoint(); if(empty($backuply['status']['loop'])){ backuply_status_log('Starting to create archive', 'info', 60); } else { backuply_status_log('Adding to the archive', 'info', 60); } if(!backuply_tar_archive($zipfile, $f_list, true)){ backuply_clean($data); //backuply_log('The backup utility could not back up the files.'); $GLOBALS['error']['backup_dir'] = __('The backup utility could not back up the files.', 'backuply'); @unlink($zipfile); backuply_die('failbackup'); } } if(!empty($GLOBALS['error'])){ backuply_die('failbackup'); } //@print_r($GLOBALS['error']); // CHMOD it to something Safe @chmod($zipfile, 0600); // if(empty($remote_location)){ // schown($zipfile); // } backuply_clean($data); // Is the backup tar process INCOMPLETE ? if(!empty($GLOBALS['end_file'])){ //fwrite($file, "\n end file ke check me gya \n"); //echo $data['name']."+".$GLOBALS['end_file']."+".$GLOBALS['progress']; $data['last_file'] = $GLOBALS['end_file']; //Let the script know that the process is still incomplete. backuply_die('INCOMPLETE'); // Backup tar is created, lets upload if its a remote backup OR simple finish the whole process for a local backup }else{ // Rename the ZIP file @rename($zipfile, $successfile); backuply_backup_stop_checkpoint(); $backuply['status']['successfile'] = $successfile; //Send the users email address & the plugin directory path $GLOBALS['data'] = $data; // Lets upload as this is a remote backup if(isset($backuply['status']['remote_file_path'])) { backuply_log('Starting to upload file to the selected remote location'); backuply_remote_upload(); die(); } //Delete the backup information from sql if(!isset($backuply['status']['incomplete_upload'])){ delete_option('backuply_status'); } //fwrite($file, "\n deleted backuply_status \n"); backuply_die('DONE', $l_file = '', BACKUPLY_BACKUP_DIR); }