Your IP :
* @author Niels A.D.
* @author Todd Burry <todd@vanillaforums.com>
* @copyright 2010 Niels A.D., 2014 Todd Burry
* @license http://opensource.org/licenses/LGPL-2.1 LGPL-2.1
* @package pQuery
use pagelayerQuery\IQuery;
* A jQuery-like object for php.
class pagelayerQuery implements ArrayAccess, IteratorAggregate, IQuery {
/// Properties ///
* @var IQuery[]
protected $nodes = array();
/// Methods ///
public function __construct($nodes = array()) {
$this->nodes = $nodes;
public function addClass($classname) {
foreach ($this->nodes as $node) {
return $this;
public function after($content) {
foreach ($this->nodes as $node) {
return $this;
public function append($content) {
foreach ($this->nodes as $node) {
return $this;
public function attr($name, $value = null) {
if (empty($this->nodes) && $value === null)
return '';
foreach ($this->nodes as $node) {
if ($value === null)
return $node->attr($name);
$value = str_replace('<', '<', $value);
$value = str_replace('>', '>', $value);
$node->attr($name, $value);
return $this;
public function before($content) {
foreach ($this->nodes as $node) {
return $this;
public function clear() {
foreach ($this->nodes as $node) {
return $this;
* Get the count of matched elements.
* @return int Returns the count of matched elements.
public function count() {
return count($this->nodes);
* Format/beautify a DOM.
* @param pagelayerQuery\DomNode $dom The dom to format.
* @param array $options Extra formatting options. See {@link pagelayerQuery\HtmlFormatter::$options}.
* @return bool Returns `true` on sucess and `false` on failure.
// public static function format($dom, $options = array()) {
// $formatter = new pagelayerQuery\HtmlFormatter($options);
// return $formatter->format($dom);
// }
public function getIterator() {
return new ArrayIterator($this->nodes);
public function hasClass($classname) {
foreach ($this->nodes as $node) {
if ($node->hasClass($classname))
return true;
return false;
public function html($value = null) {
if (empty($this->nodes) && $value === null)
return '';
foreach ($this->nodes as $node) {
if ($value === null)
return $node->html();
return $this;
public function offsetExists($offset){
return isset($this->nodes[$offset]);
public function offsetGet($offset) {
return isset($this->nodes[$offset]) ? $this->nodes[$offset] : null;
public function offsetSet($offset, $value) {
if (is_null($offset) || !isset($this->nodes[$offset])) {
throw new \BadMethodCallException("You are not allowed to add new nodes to the pQuery object.");
} else {
public function offsetUnset($offset) {
if (isset($this->nodes[$offset])) {
* Query a file or url.
* @param string $path The path to the url.
* @param resource $context A context suitable to be passed into {@link file_get_contents}
* @return pagelayerQuery\DomNode Returns the root dom node for the html file.
public static function parseFile($path, $context = null) {
$html_str = file_get_contents($path, false, $context);
return static::parseStr($html_str);
* Query a string of html.
* @param string $html
* @return pagelayerQuery\DomNode Returns the root dom node for the html string.
public static function parseStr($html) {
$parser = new pagelayerQuery\Html5Parser($html);
return $parser->root;
public function prepend($content = null) {
foreach ($this->nodes as $node) {
return $this;
public function prop($name, $value = null) {
if (empty($this->nodes) && $value === null)
return '';
foreach ($this->nodes as $node) {
if ($value === null)
return $node->prop($name);
$node->prop($name, $value);
return $this;
public function remove($selector = null) {
foreach ($this->nodes as $node) {
if ($selector === null)
$this->nodes = array();
return $this;
public function removeAttr($name) {
foreach ($this->nodes as $node) {
return $this;
public function removeClass($classname) {
foreach ($this->nodes as $node) {
return $this;
public function replaceWith($content) {
foreach ($this->nodes as &$node) {
$node = $node->replaceWith($content);
return $this;
public function tagName($value = null) {
foreach ($this->nodes as $node) {
if ($value === null)
return $node->tagName();
return $this;
public function text($value = null) {
if (empty($this->nodes) && $value === null)
return '';
foreach ($this->nodes as $node) {
if ($value === null)
return $node->text();
return $this;
public function toggleClass($classname, $switch = null) {
foreach ($this->nodes as $node) {
$node->toggleClass($classname, $switch);
return $this;
public function unwrap() {
foreach ($this->nodes as $node) {
return $this;
public function val($value = null) {
if (empty($this->nodes) && $value === null)
return '';
foreach ($this->nodes as $node) {
if ($value === null)
return $node->val();
return $this;
public function wrap($wrapping_element) {
foreach ($this->nodes as $node) {
return $this;
public function wrapInner($wrapping_element) {
foreach ($this->nodes as $node) {
return $this;