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G8MkKmHlZS.API_6eD4o--http-port cannot be used with --dbus-service--list can only be used with --session or --systemA database path must be specifiedAdditional / third party commands are:Available tracker3 commands are:CLASSCLASS/PROPERTYClassesClosing connection…Connects to a DBus serviceConnects to a remote serviceCould not create tree: class properties query failedCould not create tree: subclass query failedCould not establish a connection to TrackerCould not find indexed propertiesCould not find notify classesCould not find property for class prefix, e.g. :Resource in “rdfs:Resource”Could not get UTF-8 path from pathCould not get namespace prefixesCould not list class prefixesCould not list classesCould not list named graphsCould not list propertiesCould not own DBus nameCould not read fileCould not run importCould not run queryCould not run updateCould not search classesCould not search propertiesCreate a SPARQL endpointCreating HTTP endpoint at %s…Creating endpoint at %s…Creating in-memory databaseDBus name lostDBus service nameDIRDescribe subclasses, superclasses (can be used with -s to highlight parts of the tree and -p to show properties)DoneEmpty result setExport data from a Tracker databaseFILEFailed to initialize data managerFile and query can not be used togetherGet help on how to use Tracker and any of these commandsHTTP portIRIImport data into a Tracker databaseIndexesList SPARQL endpoints available in DBusListening to SPARQL commands. Press Ctrl-C to stop.Location of the databaseNAMENamed graphsNew database created. Use the “--dbus-service” option to share this database on a message bus.No class prefixes were foundNo classes were foundNo classes were found to match search termNo error givenNo graphs were foundNo indexes were foundNo namespace prefixes were foundNo namespace prefixes were returnedNo notifies were foundNo properties were foundNo properties were found to match search termNo results found matching your queryNoneNotifiesOne “ontology” or “ontology-path” option should be providedOpening database at %s…Output TriG format which includes named graph informationPROPERTYPath to use to run a query from filePath to use to run a query or update from filePrefixesPropertiesQuery and update the index using SPARQL or search, list and tree the ontologyQuery the database at the lowest level using SQLRemote service URIResultsRetrieve all named graphsRetrieve class prefixesRetrieve classesRetrieve classes which notify changes in the database (CLASS is optional)Retrieve indexes used in database to improve performance (PROPERTY is optional)Retrieve properties for a class, prefixes can be used too (e.g. rdfs:Resource)Returns the full namespace for a class.Returns the shorthand for a class (e.g. nfo:FileDataObject).SPARQLSPARQL querySQLSQL querySearch for a class or property and display more information (e.g. Document)See “tracker3 help <command>” to read about a specific subcommand.Specify a path to an ontology to be used in this endpointSpecify one “--database”, “--dbus-service” or “--remote-service” optionSpecify the DBus name of this endpointSpecify the ontology name used in this endpointThe --list-properties argument can only be empty when used with the --tree argumentThis is used with --query and for database updates only.Unable to retrieve namespace prefixesUnrecognized optionsUse session busUse system busVersionWhether to only allow HTTP connections in the loopback devicefailed to exec “%s”: %sthe|a|an“%s” is not a tracker3 command. See “tracker3 --help”Project-Id-Version: tracker master
Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/tracker/issues
PO-Revision-Date: 2021-04-17 17:23+0800
Last-Translator: Chao-Hsiung Liao <j_h_liau@yahoo.com.tw>
Language-Team: Chinese <zh-l10n@linux.org.tw>
Language: zh_TW
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--http-port 不能與 --dbus-service 一起使用--list 僅可以搭配 --session 或 --system 使用必須指定資料庫路徑額外 / 第三方指令有:可用的 tracker3 指令有:CLASSCLASS/PROPERTY類別關閉連線中…連接至 DBus 服務連接至遠端服務無法建立樹狀圖:類別屬性查詢失敗無法建立樹狀圖:子類別查詢失敗無法建立連線至 Tracker找不到索引的屬性找不到通知類別找不到類別前綴,例如:「rdfs:Resource」中的資源無法從路徑取得 UTF-8 路徑無法取得命名空間前綴無法列出類別前綴無法列出類別無法列出命名的圖表無法列出屬性無法擁有 DBus 名稱無法讀取檔案無法執行匯入無法執行查詢無法執行更新無法搜尋類別無法搜尋屬性建立 SPARQL 端點正建立 HTTP 端點於  %s…建立位於 %s 的端點中…建立記憶體內的資料庫DBus 名稱遺失DBus 服務名稱DIR描述子類別、母類別 (可以加上 -s 強調顯示樹狀部分,-p 可顯示屬性)完成清空結果從 Tracker 資料庫中匯出資料FILE無法初始化資料管理員檔案與查詢不能同時使用取得如何使用 Tracker 與任何這些指令的協助HTTP 連接埠IRI將資料匯入 Tracker 資料庫中索引列出 DBus 中可用的 SPARQL 端點聆聽 SPARQL 指令中。請按 Ctrl-C 停止。資料庫的位置NAME命名的圖表已建立新資料庫。請使用「--dubs-service」選項來與訊息匯流排分享此資料庫。找不到類別前綴找不到類別找不到符合搜尋語詞的類別沒有錯誤訊息找不到圖表找不到索引找不到命名空間前綴未傳回命名空間前綴找不到通知找不到屬性找不到符合搜尋語詞的屬性找不到符合您查詢的結果沒有通知應該提供一個「ontology」或「ontology-path」選項開啟位於 %s 的資料庫中…輸出 TriG 格式,它包含命名的圖表資訊PROPERTY用來從檔案執行查詢的路徑用來執行查詢或從檔案更新的路徑前綴屬性使用 SPARQL 查詢與更新索引,或搜尋、列出資料本體的樹狀圖使用 SQL 查詢最低階的資料庫遠端服務 URI結果取回所有命名的圖表取回類別前綴取回類別取回資料庫中通知有變更的類別 (CLASS 是選擇性的)取回用於資料庫的索引以增進效能 (PROPERTY 為選用性)取回類別的屬性,也可以使用前綴 (例如 rdfs:Resource)傳回類別的完整命名空間。傳回某類別之縮寫 (例如 nfo:FileDataObject)。SPARQLSPARQL 查詢SQLSQL 查詢搜尋類別或屬性並顯示更多資訊 (例如:文件)請查閱「tracker3 help <command>」以了解指定子指令的資訊。指定此端點要使用的 ontology 路徑指定「--database」、「--dbus-service」、「--remote-service」之一的選項指定此端點的 DBus 名稱指定此端點使用的 ontology 名稱--list-properties 引數與 --tree 引數一起使用時只能為空這只能用於 --query 與資料庫的更新。無法取回命名空間前綴無法辨識的選項使用工作階段匯流排使用系統匯流排版本是否僅允許在迴路裝置中連接 HTTP無法執行「%s」:%sthe|a|an「%s」不是 tracker3 指令。請查閱「tracker3 --help」