
Your IP :

Current Path : /usr/share/locale/zh_TW/LC_MESSAGES/
Upload File :
Current File : //usr/share/locale/zh_TW/LC_MESSAGES/make.mo

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# %u 'vpath' search paths.

# %u implicit rules, %u (%.1f%%) terminal.
# %u pattern-specific variable values
# Directories

# Files
# Finished Make data base on %s

# General ('VPATH' variable) search path:
# Implicit Rules
# Make data base, printed on %s
# No general ('VPATH' variable) search path.
# No implicit rules.
# No pattern-specific variable values.
# Pattern-specific Variable Values
# VPATH Search Paths

# Variables

# files hash-table stats:
%s No strcache buffers

%s strcache buffers: %lu (%lu) / strings = %lu / storage = %lu B / avg = %lu B

%s strcache performance: lookups = %lu / hit rate = %lu%%

Counted %d args in failed launch

This program built for %s

This program built for %s (%s)

Unhandled exception filter called from program %s
ExceptionCode = %lx
ExceptionFlags = %lx
ExceptionAddress = 0x%p
  --debug[=FLAGS]             Print various types of debugging information.
  --no-print-directory        Turn off -w, even if it was turned on implicitly.
  --no-silent                 Echo recipes (disable --silent mode).
  --trace                     Print tracing information.
  --warn-undefined-variables  Warn when an undefined variable is referenced.
  -B, --always-make           Unconditionally make all targets.
                              Change to DIRECTORY before doing anything.
  -E STRING, --eval=STRING    Evaluate STRING as a makefile statement.
  -I DIRECTORY, --include-dir=DIRECTORY
                              Search DIRECTORY for included makefiles.
  -L, --check-symlink-times   Use the latest mtime between symlinks and target.
  -O[TYPE], --output-sync[=TYPE]
                              Synchronize output of parallel jobs by TYPE.
  -R, --no-builtin-variables  Disable the built-in variable settings.
  -S, --no-keep-going, --stop
                              Turns off -k.
  -W FILE, --what-if=FILE, --new-file=FILE, --assume-new=FILE
                              Consider FILE to be infinitely new.
  -b, -m                      Ignored for compatibility.
  -d                          Print lots of debugging information.
  -e, --environment-overrides
                              Environment variables override makefiles.
  -f FILE, --file=FILE, --makefile=FILE
                              Read FILE as a makefile.
  -h, --help                  Print this message and exit.
  -i, --ignore-errors         Ignore errors from recipes.
  -j [N], --jobs[=N]          Allow N jobs at once; infinite jobs with no arg.
  -k, --keep-going            Keep going when some targets can't be made.
  -l [N], --load-average[=N], --max-load[=N]
                              Don't start multiple jobs unless load is below N.
  -n, --just-print, --dry-run, --recon
                              Don't actually run any recipe; just print them.
  -o FILE, --old-file=FILE, --assume-old=FILE
                              Consider FILE to be very old and don't remake it.
  -p, --print-data-base       Print make's internal database.
  -q, --question              Run no recipe; exit status says if up to date.
  -r, --no-builtin-rules      Disable the built-in implicit rules.
  -s, --silent, --quiet       Don't echo recipes.
  -t, --touch                 Touch targets instead of remaking them.
  -v, --version               Print the version number of make and exit.
  -w, --print-directory       Print the current directory.
  Date %s  Ignoring VPATH name '%s'.
  uid = %d, gid = %d, mode = 0%o.
 (built-in): (core dumped) (don't care) (from '%s', line %lu) (from '%s', line %lu):
 (ignored) (name might be truncated) (no default goal) (no ~ expansion) (remote) (search path) files,  impossibilities impossibilities in %lu directories.
 so far.#  A default, MAKEFILES, or -include/sinclude makefile.#  Also makes:#  Builtin rule#  Command line target.#  Dependencies recipe running (THIS IS A BUG).#  Failed to be updated.#  File does not exist.#  File has been updated.#  File has not been updated.#  File is an intermediate prerequisite.#  File is very old.#  Implicit rule search has been done.#  Implicit rule search has not been done.#  Implicit/static pattern stem: '%s'
#  Invalid value in 'command_state' member!#  Last modified %s
#  Modification time never checked.#  Needs to be updated (-q is set).#  Phony target (prerequisite of .PHONY).#  Precious file (prerequisite of .PRECIOUS).#  Recipe currently running (THIS IS A BUG).#  Successfully updated.#  recipe to execute# %s (device %d, inode [%d,%d,%d]): # %s (device %d, inode [%d,%d,%d]): could not be opened.
# %s (device %ld, inode %ld): # %s (device %ld, inode %ld): could not be opened.
# %s (key %s, mtime %I64u): # %s (key %s, mtime %I64u): could not be opened.
# %s: could not be stat'd.
# No 'vpath' search paths.# Not a target:# hash-table stats:
# # variable set hash-table stats:
$SHELL changed (was '%s', now '%s')
%s (line %d) Bad shell context (!unixy && !batch_mode_shell)
%s current buf: size = %hu B / used = %hu B / count = %hu / avg = %u B
%s other free: total = %lu B / max = %lu B / min = %lu B / avg = %hu B
%s other used: total = %lu B / count = %lu / avg = %lu B
%s%s: %s%s: %s%s: Entering an unknown directory
%s: Entering directory '%s'
%s: Field '%s' not cached: %s%s: Interrupt/Exception caught (code = 0x%lx, addr = 0x%p)
%s: Leaving an unknown directory
%s: Leaving directory '%s'
%s: Timestamp out of range; substituting %s%s: failed to load%s: illegal option -- %c
%s: invalid option -- %c
%s: option '%c%s' doesn't allow an argument
%s: option '%s' is ambiguous
%s: option '%s' requires an argument
%s: option '--%s' doesn't allow an argument
%s: option '-W %s' doesn't allow an argument
%s: option '-W %s' is ambiguous
%s: option requires an argument -- %c
%s: target '%s' does not exist%s: unrecognized option '%c%s'
%s: unrecognized option '--%s'
%s: update target '%s' due to: %s%s: user %lu (real %lu), group %lu (real %lu)
%sBuilt for %s
%sBuilt for %s (%s)
%sLicense GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later <http://gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html>
%sThis is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it.
%sThere is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law.
%sNo rule to make target '%s'%s%sNo rule to make target '%s', needed by '%s'%s%s[%s: %s] Error %d%s%s[%u]: Entering an unknown directory
%s[%u]: Entering directory '%s'
%s[%u]: Leaving an unknown directory
%s[%u]: Leaving directory '%s'
'%s' is up to date.'override' directive*** Archive member '%s' may be bogus; not deleted*** Break.
*** Deleting file '%s'*** Deleting intermediate file '%s'*** Waiting for unfinished jobs....*** Warning: .LOW_RESOLUTION_TIME file '%s' has a high resolution time stamp*** [%s] Archive member '%s' may be bogus; not deleted*** [%s] Deleting file '%s'*** mixed implicit and normal rules: deprecated syntax-O[TYPE] (--output-sync[=TYPE]) is not configured for this build.-warning, you may have to re-enable CTRL-Y handling from DCL.
.  Stop.
.DEFAULT_GOAL contains more than one target.LIBPATTERNS element '%s' is not a pattern; using VPATH name '%s'<builtin>AbortedAccess violation: read operation at address 0x%p
Access violation: write operation at address 0x%p
Alarm clockAppend %.*s and cleanup
Append output to %s
Avoiding implicit rule recursion.
BUG: num_pattern_rules is wrong!  %u != %uBUILTIN CD %s
Bad system callBatch file contents:
	@echo off
Batch file contents:%s
Broken pipeBus errorCPU time limit exceededCannot create a temporary file
Child accessChild exitedCircular %s <- %s dependency dropped.Cleaning up temp batch file %s
Cleaning up temp batch file %s failed (%d)
Cleaning up temporary batch file %s
Collisions=%lu/%lu=%.0f%%Considering target file '%s'.
ContinuedCould not restore stderr
Could not restore stdin
Could not restore stdout
Couldn't change back to original directory.CreatePipe() failed (e=%ld)
Creating temporary batch file %s
Current timeCustoms won't export: %s
DCL: %s
Danger signalEMT trapEmpty function nameEmpty symbol name for load: %sExecuting %s instead
Failed to load symbol %s from %s: %sFailed to open global symbol table: %sFailed to remake makefile '%s'.Failed to remake target file '%s'.
File '%s' does not exist.
File '%s' was considered already.
File size limit exceededFinished prerequisites of target file '%s'.
Finished updating file '%s'.
Floating point co-processor not availableFloating point exceptionFound an implicit rule for '%s'.
Found prerequisite '%s' as VPATH '%s'
Function name too long: %sGiving up on target file '%s'.
HangupI/O possibleIOT trapIllegal InstructionIncluded makefile '%s' was not found.Information requestInitialized accessInterruptInvalid function name: %sInvalid maximum argument count (%u) for function %sInvalid minimum argument count (%u) for function %sJobserver client (fds %d,%d)
Jobserver client (semaphore %s)
Jobserver slots limited to %d
KilledLive child %p (%s) PID %s %s
Load=%lu/%lu=%.0f%%, Loaded object %s is not declared to be GPL compatibleLoading symbol %s from %s
Looking for a rule with intermediate file '%s'.
Looking for an implicit rule for '%s'.
Looking for archive-member implicit rule for '%s'.
Make accessMakefile '%s' might loop; not remaking it.
Makefile '%s' was not foundMakefile from standard input specified twice.Making '%s' due to always-make flag.
Malformed target-specific variable definitionMember '%s'%s: %ld bytes at %ld (%ld).
Must remake target '%s'.
NoNo implicit rule found for '%s'.
No need to remake target '%s'No recipe for '%s' and no prerequisites actually changed.
No targetsNo targets specified and no makefile foundNothing to be done for '%s'.Obtained token for child %p (%s).
Parallel jobs (-j) are not supported on this platform.Power failurePrerequisite '%s' is newer than target '%s'.
Prerequisite '%s' is older than target '%s'.
Prerequisite '%s' is order-only for target '%s'.
Prerequisite '%s' of target '%s' does not exist.
Profiling timer expiredPruning file '%s'.
Putting child %p (%s) PID %s%s on the chain.
QuitRe-executing[%u]:Reading makefile '%s'Reading makefiles...
Reaping losing child %p PID %s %s
Reaping winning child %p PID %s %s
Recently tried and failed to update file '%s'.
Recipe for '%s' will be ignored in favor of the one for '%s'.Recipe for file '%s' was found by implicit rule search,Recipe has too many lines (%ud)Recipe of '%s' is being run.
Recipe was specified for file '%s' at %s:%lu,Recursive variable '%s' references itself (eventually)Rehash=%u, Rejecting impossible implicit prerequisite '%s'.
Rejecting impossible rule prerequisite '%s'.
Released token for child %p (%s).
Removing child %p PID %s%s from chain.
Removing intermediate files...
Report bugs to <bug-make@gnu.org>
Resetting to single job (-j1) mode.Resource lostSIGPHONESIGWINDSegmentation faultSkipping UTF-8 BOM in makefile '%s'
Skipping UTF-8 BOM in makefile buffer
Stem too long: '%s%.*s'.
Still updating file '%s'.
StoppedStopped (signal)Stopped (tty input)Stopped (tty output)Successfully remade target file '%s'.
Symbolic links not supported: disabling -L.Target '%s' is double-colon and has no prerequisites.
Target '%s' not remade because of errors.Target file '%s' needs to be remade under -q.
TerminatedThe 'load' operation is not supported on this platform.The prerequisites of '%s' are being made.
Trace/breakpoint trapTrying implicit prerequisite '%s'.
Trying pattern rule with stem '%.*s'.
Trying rule prerequisite '%s'.
Updating goal targets....
Updating makefiles....
Urgent I/O conditionUsage: %s [options] [target] ...
User accessUser defined signal 1User defined signal 2Using default commands for '%s'.
Using default recipe for '%s'.
Virtual timer expiredWarning: File '%s' has modification time %s s in the futureWindow changedattempt to use unsupported feature: '%s'automaticbut '%s' is now considered the same file as '%s'.can't allocate %lu bytes for hash table: memory exhaustedcan't rename double-colon '%s' to single-colon '%s'can't rename single-colon '%s' to double-colon '%s'cannot enforce load limit: cannot enforce load limits on this operating systemclose: %s: %scommand linecreating jobs pipecreating jobserver semaphore: (Error %ld: %s)defaultduping jobs pipeempty string invalid as file nameempty variable nameenvironmentenvironment under -eextraneous '%s'extraneous text after '%s' directiveextraneous text after 'define' directiveextraneous text after 'endef' directivefile: invalid file operation: %sfile: missing filenamefile: too many argumentsfind_and_set_shell() path search set default_shell = %s
find_and_set_shell() setting default_shell = %s
first argument to 'word' function must be greater than 0fopen (temporary file)fwrite (temporary file)grouped targets must provide a recipeguile: Evaluating '%s'
guile: Expanding '%s'
init jobserver pipeinsufficient number of arguments (%d) to function '%s'internal error: invalid --jobserver-auth string '%s'internal error: unable to open jobserver semaphore '%s': (Error %ld: %s)invalid syntax in conditionaljob server shut downjobserver pipelinelbr$ini_control() failed with status = %dlbr$set_module() failed to extract module info, status = %dmake reaped child pid %s, still waiting for pid %s
makefilemissing 'endef', unterminated 'define'missing 'endif'missing rule before recipemissing separatormissing separator (did you mean TAB instead of 8 spaces?)missing target patternmixed implicit and normal rulesmixed implicit and static pattern rulesmultiple target patternsnono more file handles: could not duplicate stderr
no more file handles: could not duplicate stdin
no more file handles: could not duplicate stdout
non-numeric first argument to 'word' functionnon-numeric first argument to 'wordlist' functionnon-numeric second argument to 'wordlist' functiononly one 'else' per conditionalopen: %s: %sprerequisites cannot be defined in recipesprocess_easy() failed to launch process (e=%ld)
pselect jobs piperead jobs piperead: %s: %srecipe commences before first targetrelease jobserver semaphore: (Error %ld: %s)semaphore or child process wait: (Error %ld: %s)spawnvpe: environment space might be exhaustedsys$search() failed with %d
target '%s' doesn't match the target patterntarget '%s' given more than once in the same ruletarget file '%s' has both : and :: entriestarget pattern contains no '%%'the '%s%s' option requires a non-empty string argumentthe '-%c' option requires a positive integer argumenttouch archive member is not available on VMStouch: '%s' is not a valid archivetouch: Archive '%s' does not existtouch: Bad return code from ar_member_touch on '%s'touch: Member '%s' does not exist in '%s'unable to open library '%s' to lookup member status %dunimplemented on this platform: function '%s'unknown debug level specification '%s'unknown output-sync type '%s'unknown signalunlink (temporary file): unterminated call to function '%s': missing '%c'unterminated variable referencewarning:  Clock skew detected.  Your build may be incomplete.warning: -j%d forced in makefile: resetting jobserver mode.warning: -j%d forced in submake: resetting jobserver mode.warning: NUL character seen; rest of line ignoredwarning: ignoring old recipe for target '%s'warning: jobserver unavailable: using -j1.  Add '+' to parent make rule.warning: overriding group membership for target '%s'warning: overriding recipe for target '%s'warning: undefined variable '%.*s'windows32_openpipe(): process_init_fd() failed
windows32_openpipe: DuplicateHandle(Err) failed (e=%ld)
windows32_openpipe: DuplicateHandle(In) failed (e=%ld)
write error: stdoutwrite jobserverwrite: %s: %sProject-Id-Version: make 4.2.93
Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: bug-make@gnu.org
PO-Revision-Date: 2020-01-03 20:13+0800
Last-Translator: pan93412 <pan93412@gmail.com>
Language-Team: Chinese (traditional) <zh-l10n@lists.linux.org.tw>
Language: zh_TW
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit
X-Bugs: Report translation errors to the Language-Team address.
X-Generator: Lokalize 19.12.0
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Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;

# %u「vpath」搜尋路徑。

# %u 條隱含規則,%u (%.1f%%) 為末端。
# %u 個 pattern-specific 變數的值
# 目錄

# 檔案
# 在 %s 上完成 make 資料基礎

# 通用搜尋路徑 (「VPATH」變數):
# 隱含規則
# make 資料基礎,輸出在 %s
# 沒有通用搜尋路徑(「VPATH」變數)。
# 沒有隱含規則。
# 沒有 pattern-specific 變數的值。
# Pattern-specific 變數值
# VPATH 搜尋路徑

# 變數

# 檔案雜湊表狀態:
%s 沒有 strcache 緩衝區

%s strcache 緩衝: %lu (%lu) / 字串 = %lu / 空間 = %lu B / 平均 = %lu B

%s strcache 性能:尋找 = %lu / 命中率 = %lu%%

失敗執行中共有 %d 個參數。

該程式為 %s 編譯

該程式為 %s (%s) 編譯

從程式 %s 產生的未處理的異常過濾器
異常碼 = %lx
異常標誌 = %lx
異常位址 = 0x%p
  --debug[=旗標]               輸出各種除錯訊息。
  --no-print-directory        關閉 -w,即使 -w 預設開啟。
  --no-silent                 對方案進行回顯(停用 --silent 模式)。
  --trace                     輸出跟蹤訊息。
  --warn-undefined-variables  當引用未定義變數的時候發出警告。
  -B, --always-make           無條件製作 (make) 所有目標。
  -C 目錄, --directory=目錄    在執行前先切換到 <目錄>。
  -E 字串, --eval=字串        將 <字串> 作為 makefile 語句估值。
  -I 目錄, --include-dir=目錄  在 <目錄> 中搜尋被包含的 makefile。
  -L, --check-symlink-times   使用符號連結及符號連結目標中修改時間較晚的一個。
  -O[類型], --output-sync[=類型]
                           使用 <類型> 方式同步並行作業輸出。
  -R, --no-builtin-variables  停用內建變數設定。
  -S, --no-keep-going, --stop
                              關閉 -k。
  -W 檔案, --what-if=檔案, --new-file=檔案, --assume-new=檔案
                              將 <檔案> 當做最新。
  -b, -m                      為相容性而忽略。
  -d                          輸出大量除錯訊息。
  -e, --environment-overrides
                              環境變數覆蓋 makefile 中的變數。
  -f 檔案, --file=檔案, --makefile=檔案
                              從 <檔案> 中讀入 makefile。
  -h, --help                  輸出該訊息並離開。
  -i, --ignore-errors         忽略來自指令方案的錯誤。
  -j [N], --jobs[=N]          同時允許 N 個作業;無參數表明允許無限個作業。
  -k, --keep-going            當某些目標無法製作時仍然繼續。
  -l [N], --load-average[=N], --max-load[=N]
                              在系統負載高於 N 時不啟動多作業。
  -n, --just-print, --dry-run, --recon
  -o 檔案, --old-file=檔案, --assume-old=檔案
                              將 <檔案> 當做很舊,不必重新製作。
  -p, --print-data-base       輸出 make 的內部資料庫。
  -q, --question              不執行任何方案;離開狀態說明是否已全部更新。
  -r, --no-builtin-rules      停用內建隱含規則。
  -s, --silent, --quiet       不輸出方案指令。
  -t, --touch                 touch 目標(更新修改時間)而不是重新製作它們。
  -v, --version               輸出 make 的版本號並離開。
  -w, --print-directory       輸出目前目錄。
  日期 %s  忽略 VPATH 名稱「%s」。
  uid = %d,gid = %d,mode = 0%o。
 (內建): (已傾印核心) (不用理) (從「%s」,行 %lu) (從「%s」,行 %lu):
 (已忽略) (名稱可能被截斷) (沒有預設目標) (沒有 ~ 展開) (遠端) (搜尋路徑) 檔案,  不可能 不可能在 %lu 目錄中。
 迄今為止。#  預設的、MAKEFILES 指定的、-include/sinclude 包含的 makefile。#  還要製作:#  內建規則#  指令列目標。#  正在執行的依賴性方案 (這是 BUG)。#  更新失敗。#  檔案不存在。#  檔案已經被更新。#  檔案尚未被更新。#  檔案是一個中間前提。#  檔案非常陳舊。#  對隱含規則的搜尋已完成。#  對隱含規則的搜尋尚未完成。#  隱含/靜態模式主幹:「%s」
# 「command_state」成員中存在無效的值!#  最近更新 %s
#  從不檢查修改時間。#  需要更新 (用 -q 設定)。#  假目標 (.PHONY 的前提)。#  重要檔案 (.PRECIOUS 的前提)。#  正在執行的方案 (這是 BUG)。#  更新成功。#  要執行的方案# %s (裝置 %d,i-節點 [%d,%d,%d]):# %s (裝置 %d,i-節點 [%d,%d,%d]):無法打開。
# %s (裝置 %ld,i-節點 %ld):# %s (裝置 %ld,i-節點 %ld):無法打開。
# %s (關鍵字 %s,修改時間 %I64u):# %s (關鍵字 %s,修改時間 %I64u):無法打開。
# %s:無法對其進行 stat 動作。
# 沒有「vpath」搜尋路徑。# 不是一個目標:# 雜湊表統計資料:
# # 變數的雜湊表狀態:
$SHELL 已改變 (原為「%s」,現為「%s」)
%s (行 %d) 錯誤的 shell 上下文 (!unixy && !batch_mode_shell)
%s 目前緩衝: 尺寸 = %hu B / 已用 = %hu B / 數量 = %hu / 平均 = %u B
%s 其他空餘: 總共 = %lu B / 最大 = %lu B / 最小 = %lu B / 平均 = %hu B
%s 其他已用: 總共 = %lu B / 數量 = %lu / 平均 = %lu B
%s%s: %s%s: %s%s: 進入一個未知的目錄
%s: 進入目錄「%s」
%s:欄位「%s」未被快取:%s%s:捕獲中斷/異常 (程式碼 = 0x%lx, 位址 = 0x%p)
%s: 離開一個未知的目錄
%s: 離開目錄「%s」
%s:時間標記超出範圍;正在取代 %s%s: 載入失敗%s:選項無效 ─ %c
%s:無效選項 -- %c
%s:選項「-W %s」不允許給出參數
%s:選項「-W %s」含義不清
%s:選項需要一個參數 -- %c
%s: 目標檔案「%s」不存在%s:無法識別的選項「%c%s」
%s:更新「%s」,因為:%s%s: 使用者 %lu (真實使用者 %lu), 組 %lu (真實組 %lu)
%s為 %s 編譯
%s為 %s (%s) 編譯
%s授權條款:GPLv3+:GNU 通用公共授權條款第 3 版或更新版本<http://gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html>。
%s沒有規則可製作目標「%s」%s%s沒有規則可製作目標「%s」,由「%s」%s 需求%s[%s:%s] 錯誤 %d%s%s[%u]: 進入一個未知的目錄
%s[%u]: 進入目錄「%s」
%s[%u]: 離開一個未知的目錄
%s[%u]: 離開目錄「%s」
「%s」已是最新。「override」指令*** 封存成員「%s」可能是假的;未刪除*** 中斷。
*** 正在刪除檔案「%s」*** 正在刪除中間檔案「%s」*** 正在等待未完成的作業....*** 警告: .LOW_RESOLUTION_TIME 檔案 `%s' 有一個高精度的的時間標誌*** [%s] 封存成員「%s」可能是假的;未刪除*** [%s] 正在刪除檔案「%s」*** 隱含和普通規則混合:已棄用的語法-O[類型] (--output-sync[=類型]) 並未設定入此 make 構建。-警告, 你可能必須從 DCL 重新啟用 CTRL-Y 處理。
。 停止。
.DEFAULT_GOAL 包含多餘一個目標.LIBPATTERNS 的元素「%s」不是一個模式;使用 VPATH 名稱「%s」<內建>取消存取衝突:位址 0x%p 處的讀取動作
存取衝突:位址 0x%p 處的寫入動作
鬧鐘追加 %.*s 並清理
將輸出追加到 %s
BUG:num_pattern_rules 出錯!%u != %uBUILTIN CD %s
	@echo off
管線損壞匯流排錯誤到達 CPU 時間上限無法建立暫存檔
子程序 權限子程序退出放棄循環依賴 %s <- %s 。正在清除暫時批次檔 %s
清理暫時批次檔 %s 失敗 (%d)
正在清除暫時批次檔 %s
無法回到原始目錄。CreatePipe() 失敗 (e=%ld)
正在建立暫時批檔案 %s
危險訊號EMT 陷阱空函數名要載入的符號名為空:%s執行 %s 作為替代
從 %2$s 載入符號 %1$s 失敗:%3$s打開全域符號表失敗:%s重新執行 makefile「%s」失敗。重新製作目標檔案「%s」失敗。
前提「%s」在 VPATH「%s」中發現
掛斷可能 I/OIOT 陷阱無效指令找不到被引入的 makefile「%s」。資訊請求初始化成功中止無效的函數名稱:%s函數「%2$s」的最多參數數量 (%1$u) 無效函數「%2$s」的最少參數數量 (%1$u) 無效Jobserver 客戶端(檔案描述符 %d,%d)
Jobserver 客戶端(訊號量 %s)
Jobserver 槽位數限制為 %d
強制結束使用中子程序 %p (%s) PID %s %s
負載=%lu/%lu=%.0f%%, 已載入的物件 %s 未聲明為 GPL 相容正從 %2$s 載入符號 %1$s
Make 權限Makefile「%s」可能循環;不會重新執行它。
找不到 makefile「%s」兩次指明來自標準輸入的 makefile。由於 always-make 標誌所以製作「%s」。
針對目標的純量定義格式錯誤成員「%s」%s: %ld 位元組於 %ld (%ld)。
無目標沒有指明目標並且找不到 makefile對「%s」無需做任何事。取得至處理程序 %p (%s) 的標記。
本平台不支援並行作業 (-j)。電源錯誤前提「%s」比目標「%s」新。
前提「%s」對目標「%s」來說僅用於指定執行順序 (order-only) 。
將子程序 %p (%s) PID %s%s 放入鏈。
結束重新執行[%u]:正在讀入 makefile「%s」正在讀入 makefile...
正在中止失敗的子程序 %p PID %s %s
正在中止獲勝的子程序 %p PID %s %s
「%s」的指令方案被忽略,轉而使用「%s」的。關於檔案「%s」的指令方案透過隱含規則搜尋而找到,指令方案行數太多 (%ud)「%s」的指令方案正在被執行。
關於檔案「%s」的指令方案在 %s:%lu 處指定,遞迴變數「%s」(最終將會)引用自身重新雜湊=%u, 拒絕不可能的隱含前提「%s」。
為子程序 %p (%s) 釋放憑證 (token)。
從鏈中刪除子程序 %p PID %s%s。
報告錯誤到 <bug-make@gnu.org>
重設為單作業模式 (-j1)。資源遺失SIGPHONESIGWIND分割錯誤跳過 Makefile「%s」中的 UTF-8 BOM
跳過 Makefile 緩衝區中的 UTF-8 BOM
停止停止(信號)停止(tty 輸入)停止(tty 輸出)重新製作目標檔案「%s」成功。
不支援符號連結:停用 -L。目標「%s」是雙冒號目標並且沒有前提。
由於錯誤目標「%s」並未重新製作。目標檔案「%s」需要以 -q 選項重新製作。
追蹤 / 斷點陷阱嘗試隱含前提「%s」。
正在更新 makefile....
緊急 I/O 條件用法:%s [選項] [目標] ...
使用者權限使用者定義信號 1使用者定義信號 2使用關於「%s」的預設指令。
虛擬計時器過期警告:檔案「%s」的修改時間在未來 %s 秒後已變更視窗試圖使用不支援的功能:「%s」自動但「%s」現在被看做「%s」的同一個檔案。無法為雜湊表分配 %lu 位元組: 記憶體耗盡無法將雙冒號「%s」重新命名為單冒號「%s」無法將單冒號「%s」重新命名為雙冒號「%s」無法實施負載限制:無法在本作業系統中實施負載限制close:%s:%s指令列正在建立作業管道正建立 jobserver 訊號量:(錯誤 %ld:%s)預設正在複製作業管道空字串是無效的檔案名空變數名環境-e 指定的環境變數不該出現的「%s」在「%s」指令之後含有不該出現的文字「endef」指令後含有不該出現的文字「endef」指令後含有不該出現的文字file:無效檔案(file)動作:%sfile:缺少檔案名file:太多參數find_and_set_shell() 路徑搜尋結果設定 default_shell = %s
find_and_set_shell() 設定 default_shell = %s
「word」函數的第一個參數必須大於 0fopen (暫存檔)fwrite (暫存檔)成組的目標必須提供一個方案guile: 正求值 '%s'
guile: 正展開 '%s'
創始化作業伺服器管道函數「%2$s」的參數數量 (%1$d) 不夠內部錯誤:無效 --jobserver-auth 驗證字串「%s」內部錯誤:無法打開 jobserver 訊號量「%s」:(錯誤 %ld:%s)條件中含有無效語法作業伺服器關閉作業伺服器管道lbr$ini_control() 失敗,返回狀態 = %dlbr$set_modules() 取得模組訊息失敗,返回狀態 = %dmake 已中止的子程序 pid %s,仍在等待 pid %s
makefile遺漏「endef」,未終止的「define」遺漏「endif」方案之前遺漏了規則缺少分隔符缺少分隔符 (你大概想用 TAB,而不是八個空格)無目標符合混合的隱含和普通規則混合的隱含和靜態模式規則多個目標符合無沒有剩餘的檔案處理器: 無法複製標準錯誤
沒有剩餘的檔案處理器: 無法複製標準輸入
沒有剩餘的檔案處理器: 無法複製標準輸出
「word」函數的第一個參數不是數字「wordlist」函數的第一個參數不是數字「wordlist」函數的第二個參數不是數字每個條件只能有一個「else」open: %s: %s依賴無法在方案腳本中定義process_easy() 啟動處理程序失敗 (e=%ld)
pselect 作業管道讀取作業管道read:%s:%s方案在第一個目標前開始釋放 jobserver 訊號量:(錯誤 %ld:%s)訊號量或子程序等待:(錯誤 %ld:%s)spawnvpe: 環境變數空間可能會耗盡sys$search() 失敗並返回 %d
目標「%s」不符合目標模式目標「%s」在同一個規則中給出了多次目標檔案「%s」含有 : 和 :: 兩種條目目標模式不含有「%%」「%s%s」選項需要非空字串參數「-%c」選項需要正整數參數VMS 系統上不支援 touch 封存成員touch:「%s」不是有效的封存檔案touch:封存檔案「%s」不存在touch:「%s」上的 ar_member_touch 的返回碼不當touch:在「%2$s」中不存在成員「%1$s」無法打開函式庫「%s」以尋找成員,狀態 %d在本平台上未實現:函數「%s」未知的除錯級別定義「%s」不明輸出同步類型「%s」未知的訊號刪除 (暫存檔):對函數「%s」的未終止的呼叫:遺漏「%c」未終止的變數引用警告:檢測到時鐘錯誤。您的構建版本可能是不完整的。警告: 子 make 中強制 -j%d: 重設 jobserver 模式。警告: 子 make 中強制 -j%d: 重設 jobserver 模式。警告:遇到了 NUL 字元;忽略行的剩餘部分警告:忽略關於目標「%s」的舊方案警告: jobserver 不可用: 正使用 -j1。添加「+」到父 make 的規則。警告:覆蓋關於目標「%s」的組成員警告:覆蓋關於目標「%s」的方案警告:未定義的變數「%.*s」windows32_openpipe(): process_init_fd() 失敗
windows32_openpipe: DuplicateHandle(Err) 失敗 (e=%ld)
windows32_openpipe: DuplicateHandle(In) 失敗 (e=%ld)
寫錯誤: 標準輸出寫入作業伺服器write: %s: %s