
Your IP :

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	^ G2cgRda=UT`E]?DJhN)%;'b*@4(9i!&MFC>ef,	%ld absolute	%ld not-standard	(same route)
  -s <source>   source ip address
  <destination> dns name or ip address

For more details see arping(8).

  tracepath [options] <destination>

  -4             use IPv4
  -6             use IPv6
  -b             print both name and ip
  -l <length>    use packet <length>
  -m <hops>      use maximum <hops>
  -n             no dns name resolution
  -p <port>      use destination <port>
  -V             print version and exit
  <destination>  dns name or ip address

For more details see tracepath(8).

  arping [options] <destination>

  -f            quit on first reply
  -q            be quiet
  -b            keep on broadcasting, do not unicast
  -D            duplicate address detection mode
  -U            unsolicited ARP mode, update your neighbours
  -A            ARP answer mode, update your neighbours
  -V            print version and exit
  -c <count>    how many packets to send
  -w <timeout>  how long to wait for a reply
  -i <interval> set interval between packets (default: 1 second)
  -I <device>   which ethernet device to use
  traceroute6 [options] <destination>

  -d            use SO_DEBUG socket option
  -i <device>   bind to <device>
  -m <hops>     use maximum <hops>
  -n            no dns name resolution
  -p <port>     use destination <port>
  -q <nprobes>  number of probes
  -r            use SO_DONTROUTE socket option
  -s <address>  use source <address>
  -v            verbose output
  -w <timeout>  time to wait for response

For more details see traceroute6(8).

host=%s rtt=%ld(%ld)ms/%ldms delta=%dms/%dms %s
unknown option %x
wrong data byte #%zu should be 0x%x but was 0x%x     Resume: pmtu %d    %1x %04x  %.4f ms  %02x  %02x %04x %1x  %1x  %02x %04x %04x %ld.%03ldms
 (BAD CHECKSUM!) (truncated) (truncated)
 from %s parse error (too short) parse error (truncated) refused time=%ld ms time=%ld.%01ld ms time=%ld.%02ld ms time=%ld.%03ld ms unexpected error in inet_ntop(%s) unknown unknown qtype(0x%02x)%2d:  no reply
%2d:  send failed
%2d?: reply received 8)
%3ld.%03ldms %d bytes from %s:%d request(s)%ld packets transmitted, %ld received%ld/%ld packets, %d%% loss%s is unreachable%sipg/ewma %d.%03d/%d.%03d ms%spipe %d%zu data bytes
%zu(%zu) bytes of data.
(New nexthop: %s)
(This broken router returned corrupted payload) , %d hops max, %d byte packets
, %g%% packet loss, +%ld corrupted, +%ld duplicates, +%ld errors, code=%d, min/avg/ewma/max = %ld.%03ld/%lu.%03ld/%d.%03d/%ld.%03ld ms, time %ldms--- %s ping statistics ---
Address unreachableBad ICMP type: %d
BroadcastDefragmentation failureDest Unreachable, Bad Code: %d
Destination Host Unknown
Destination Host Unreachable
Destination Host Unreachable for Type of Service
Destination Net Prohibited
Destination Net Unknown
Destination Net Unreachable
Destination Net Unreachable for Type of Service
Destination Port Unreachable
Destination Protocol Unreachable
Destination unreachable: Device %s not available.Echo ReplyEcho Reply
Echo RequestEcho Request
Echo replyEcho requestErrorFrag needed and DF set (mtu = %u)
Frag reassembly time exceeded
From %s icmp_seq=%u From %s: From %s: icmp_seq=%u Hop limitIDN encoding error: %sInterface "%s" is down
Interface "%s" is not ARPable
Interface "%s" is not ARPable (no ll address)
Neighbor AdvertisementNeighbor QueryNeighbor ReplyNo routeOUT-OF-RANGEPacket Too BigPacket filtered
Packet too big: mtu=%uParameter ProblemParameter problem: Port unreachablecannot flood; minimal interval allowed for user is %dmscannot set broadcastingcannot set multicast time-to-livecannot set preload to value greater than 3: %dcannot set unicast time-to-livedn_comp() returned too long resultProject-Id-Version: iputils
PO-Revision-Date: 2020-07-29 07:29+0000
Last-Translator: Qiyu Yan <yanqiyu01@gmail.com>
Language-Team: Chinese (Simplified) <https://translate.fedoraproject.org/projects/iputils/iputils/zh_CN/>
Language: zh_CN
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit
Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;
X-Generator: Weblate 4.1.1
	%ld 绝对	%ld 非标准	(同一路由)
  -s <source>   源 ip 地址
  <destination> dns 名称或者 ip 地址

了解更多信息请参阅 arping(8).

  tracepath [options] <destination>

  -4             使用 IPv4
  -6             使用 IPv6
  -b             同时显示名称和 ip
  -l <length>    指定包长度为 <length>
  -m <hops>     指定最大跃点数为 <hops>
  -n             不进行名称解析
  -p <port>      目标端口号 <port>
  -V             显示版本信息并退出
  <destination>  目标主机 dns 名称或 ip 地址

了解更多信息请参阅 tracepath(8).

  arping [options] <destination>

  -f             收到回复就退出
  -q            不要打印信息
  -b            始终使用广播而不是单拨
  -D            重复地址检测模式
  -U           主动 ARP 模式, 更新邻居 ARP 表
  -A            主动 ARP 模式, 更新邻居 ARP 表
  -V            显示版本号然后退出
  -c <count>    指定发送多少个包
  -w <timeout>  指定等待超时时间
  -i <interval> 设置两个包之间的间隔时间 (默认: 1 秒)
  -I <device>   指定使用的设备
  traceroute6 [选项] <目的主机>

  -d            使用 SO_DEBUG 套接字选项
  -i <device>   指定使用的设备
  -m <hops>     指定最高跃点数
  -n            不解析 DNS 名称
  -p <port>     指定目标主机端口
  -q <nprobes>  指定探测次数
  -r            使用 SO_DONTROUTE 套接字选项
  -s <address>  指定源地址
  -v            详细输出
  -w <timeout>  等待响应的时间

For more details see traceroute6(8).

主机=%s 来回延迟=%ld(%ld)毫秒/%ld毫秒 相差=%d毫秒/%d毫秒 %s
未知选项: %x
错误的数据比特数 #%zu 预期为 0x%x 但实际接收到 0x%x     回程: 路径MTU %d    %1x %04x  %.4f 毫秒  %02x  %02x %04x %1x  %1x  %02x %04x %04x %ld.%03ld毫秒
 (CHECKSUM 错误) (已截断) (已截断)
 来自 %s 解析错误 (太短) 解析错误 (被截断) 被拒绝 时间=%ld 毫秒 时间=%ld.%01ld 毫秒 时间=%ld.%02ld 毫秒 时间=%ld.%03ld 毫秒 在 inet_ntop(%s) 发生未预期的错误 未知 未知的 qtype(0x%02x)%2d:  无应答
%2d:  发送失败
%2d?: 回复已接收 8)
%3ld.%03ld 毫秒 %d 比特,来自 %s:%d 请求已发送 %ld 个包, 已接收 %ld 个包%ld/%ld 个包,%d%% 丢失%s 不可达%sipg/ewma %d.%03d/%d.%03d 毫秒%s 管道 %d%zu 比特的数据
%zu(%zu) 比特的数据。
(新的下一跳: %s)
(这条损坏的路由返回了错误的数据) , 最大 %d 跃点, %d 比特的包
, %g%% 包丢失, +%ld 损坏, +%ld 重复, +%ld 错误, 代码=%d, 最小/平均/移动平均/最大 = %ld.%03ld/%lu.%03ld/%d.%03d/%ld.%03ld 毫秒, 耗时 %ld 毫秒--- %s ping 统计 ---
地址不可达错误的 ICMP 类型:%d
对于此 ToS 而言目标主机不可达
对于此 ToS 而言目标网络不可达
目标不可达: 设备 %s 不可用.Echo 应答Echo 应答
Echo 请求Echo 请求
Echo 应答Echo 请求错误需要分段但是设置了 DF (mtu = %u)
来自 %s icmp_seq=%u 来自%s : 来自 %s: icmp_seq=%u 跃点数上限IDN 编码错误:%s网络接口 “%s” 已停止
网络接口 “%s” 不适用 ARP
网络接口 “%s” 不适用 ARP(没有 ll 地址)
数据包太大:MTU=%u参数问题参数问题: 端口不可达不能 ping flood,对于用户而言最小的 ping 间隔时间是 %d毫秒不能设置广播不能设置多播 TTL不能将 preload 设置到 3 以上的 %d不能设置单拨的 TTLdn_comp() 的返回太长