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<action> is one of:

<name> is the device to create under %s
<data_device> is the data device
<hash_device> is the device containing verification data
<root_hash> hash of the root node on <hash_device>

<name> is the device to create under %s
<device> is the encrypted device
<key slot> is the LUKS key slot number to modify
<key file> optional key file for the new key for luksAddKey action

Default compiled-in dm-verity parameters:
	Hash: %s, Data block (bytes): %u, Hash block (bytes): %u, Salt size: %u, Hash format: %u

Read interrupted.
Reencryption interrupted.

WARNING: real device header has different UUID than backup!
Wipe interrupted.
Write interrupted.# Tests are approximate using memory only (no storage IO).
%s header backup of device %s created.%s header on device %s restored.%s: requires %s as arguments%s@%s's password: , set cipher to <data_device> <hash_device><device><device> <key slot><device> [--type <type>] [<name>]<device> [<key file>]<device> [<new key file>]<hash_device><name>Activating TCRYPT system encryption for partition %s.Activating temporary device using new LUKS header.Activating temporary device using old LUKS header.Activation is not supported for %d sector size.Activation of temporary devices failed.All key slots full.Allocation of aligned memory failed.An action must be specified
Argument <action> missing.Attaching loopback device failed (loop device with autoclear flag is required).Backup LUKS device header and keyslotsBoth journal encryption key file and key size options must be specified.Both key file and key size options must be specified.Can't format LOOPAES without device.Can't format LUKS without device.Can't format VERITY without device.Cannot add key slot, all slots disabled and no volume key provided.Cannot check password quality: %sCannot convert device %s which is still in use.Cannot create LUKS header: header digest failed (using hash %s).Cannot create LUKS header: reading random salt failed.Cannot create header backup file %s.Cannot create header file %s.Cannot create sftp session: Cannot determine device type. Incompatible activation of device?Cannot disable metadata locking.Cannot exclusively open %s, device in use.Cannot format device %s in use.Cannot format device %s, permission denied.Cannot format device %s.Cannot get device size.Cannot get info about device %s.Cannot init sftp session: Cannot initialize crypto RNG backend.Cannot initialize crypto backend.Cannot initialize device-mapper, running as non-root user.Cannot initialize device-mapper. Is dm_mod kernel module loaded?Cannot open device %s.Cannot open header backup file %s.Cannot open keyfile %s for write.Cannot open reencryption log file.Cannot open sftp session: Cannot open temporary LUKS device.Cannot read device %s.Cannot read header backup file %s.Cannot read keyfile from a terminal.Cannot read reencryption log file.Cannot read remote key: Cannot read requested amount of data.Cannot resize loop device.Cannot restore %s header on device %s.Cannot retrieve volume key for plain device.Cannot seek to device offset.Cannot seek to requested keyfile offset.Cannot use %s as on-disk header.Cannot use a loopback device, running as non-root user.Cannot use device %s which is in use (already mapped or mounted).Cannot use device %s, name is invalid or still in use.Cannot use device %s, permission denied.Cannot use offset with terminal input.Cannot wipe device %s.Cannot wipe header on device %s.Cannot write device %s.Cannot write header backup file %s.Cannot write reencryption log file.Cannot write to device %s, permission denied.Cannot write to keyfile %s.Command failed with code %i (%s).Command successful.Connection failed: Creation of LUKS backup headers failed.Creation of hash area failed.DM-UUID for device %s was truncated.Data area overlaps with FEC area.Data area overlaps with hash area.Decryption failed.Device %s %s%sDevice %s %s%s%s%sDevice %s already exists.Device %s has zero size.Device %s is not a block device.
Device %s is not a valid LUKS device.Device %s is not a valid LUKS2 device.Device %s is not a valid VERITY device.Device %s is not active.Device %s is still in use.Device %s is too small.Device %s or kernel does not support OPAL encryption.Device is already %s type.Device offset overflow.Device reencryption not in progress.Device size is not aligned to device logical block size.Device type is not properly initialized.Display brief usageDo you really want to change UUID of device?Dump operation is not supported for this device type.Ensure you have algif_skcipher kernel module loaded.Enter OPAL PSID: Enter VeraCrypt PIM: Enter any existing passphrase: Enter any remaining passphrase: Enter new passphrase for key slot: Enter new passphrase: Enter passphrase for %s: Enter passphrase for key slot %u: Enter passphrase to be changed: Enter passphrase to be deleted: Enter passphrase: Error during resuming device %s.Error during suspending device %s.Error during update of LUKS header on device %s.Error re-reading LUKS header after update on device %s.Error reading from RNG.Error reading keyfile %s.Error reading passphrase from terminal.Error reading passphrase.Error reading response from terminal.Failed to access temporary keystore device.Failed to acquire read lock on device %s.Failed to acquire write lock on device %s.Failed to assign keyslot %u as the new volume key.Failed to get reencryption lock.Failed to import private key (password protected?).
Failed to load key in kernel keyring.Failed to open file %s in read-only mode.Failed to open key file.Failed to open temporary keystore device.Failed to parse arguments.
Failed to read JSON file.Failed to read LUKS2 requirements.Failed to reload device %s.Failed to set pbkdf parameters.Failed to setup dm-crypt key mapping for device %s.
Check that kernel supports %s cipher (check syslog for more info).Failed to stat key file.Failed to swap new key slot.Failed to write JSON file.Fatal error during RNG initialisation.Generating key (%d%% done).
Generic options:Hash algorithm %s is not available.Hash algorithm %s not supported.Hash area overflow.Hash area overlaps with FEC area.Header backup file does not contain compatible LUKS header.Header detected but device %s is too small.Help options:IO error during reencryption.IO error while decrypting keyslot.IO error while encrypting keyslot.Ignored unknown flag %s.Illegal operation with reencryption in-progress.Incompatible loop-AES keyfile detected.Incorrect OPAL Admin key.Incorrect OPAL PSID.Incorrect root hash specified for verity device.Incorrect volume key specified for plain device.Invalid PIM value: 0.Invalid PIM value: outside of range.Invalid PIM value: parse error.Invalid device %s.Invalid key size.Invalid plain crypt parameters.Invalid salt string specified.Journal encryption algorithm must be specified if journal encryption key is used.Journal integrity algorithm must be specified if journal integrity key is used.Kernel keyring is not supported by the kernel.Key file can be used only with --key-slot or with exactly one key slot active.Key processing error (using hash %s).Key size in XTS mode must be 256 or 512 bits.Key size must be a multiple of 8 bitsKey slot %d active, purge first.Key slot %d is full, please select another one.Key slot %d is invalid, please select between 0 and %d.Key slot %d is invalid.Key slot is invalid.Keyslot %i: bogus partition signature.Keyslot %i: offset repaired (%u -> %u).Keyslot %i: salt wiped.Keyslot %i: stripes repaired (%u -> %u).LUKS hash %s is invalid.LUKS keyslot %u is invalid.LUKS2 reencryption recovery failed.Locking aborted. The locking path %s/%s is unusable (%s is not a directory).Locking aborted. The locking path %s/%s is unusable (not a directory or missing).Log file %s exists, resuming reencryption.
Marking LUKS1 device %s unusable.Maximum keyfile size exceeded.N/ANew LUKS header for device %s created.No decryption in progress, provided UUID can be used only to resume suspended decryption process.No key available with this passphrase.No known problems detected for LUKS header.Non standard key size, manual repair required.Non standard keyslots alignment, manual repair required.Not compatible PBKDF options.Not compatible PBKDF2 options (using hash algorithm %s).Not enough memory.
OPAL support is disabled in libcryptsetup.Only one --key-file argument is allowed.Only one of --use-[u]random options is allowed.Operation aborted, keyslots were NOT wiped.
Operation aborted, the keyslot was NOT wiped.
Operation aborted.
Option --header-backup-file is required.Option --key-file is required.Option --priority, --label or --subsystem is missing.Out of memory while reading passphrase.PBKDF2 hash algorithm %s not available, skipping.PBKDF2 iteration value overflow.Passphrases do not match.Password quality check failed:
 %sPassword quality check failed: Bad passphrase (%s)Path to the key file on the remote serverPlease use gpg --decrypt <KEYFILE> | cryptsetup --keyfile=- ...
Print package versionProvided UUID is invalid.Public key authentication error: Really try to repair LUKS device header?Reduce size must be multiple of 512 bytes sector.Reencryption metadata is invalid.Reencryption of device with integrity profile is not supported.Reencryption will change: %s%s%s%s%s%s.Repair failed.Repairing keyslots.Requested LUKS hash %s is not supported.Requested PBKDF type is not supported for LUKS1.Requested data integrity options are not supported.Requested deferred flag is not supported.Requested dm-crypt performance options are not supported.Requested dm-verity FEC options are not supported.Requested dm-verity data corruption handling options are not supported.Requested dm-verity tasklets option is not supported.Requested header backup file %s already exists.Requested maximum PBKDF memory cost is too high (maximum is %d kilobytes).Requested offset is beyond real size of device %s.Requested sector_size option is not supported.Required kernel crypto interface not available.Restore LUKS device header and keyslotsResult of benchmark is not reliable.Resume is not supported for device %s.Resume suspended LUKS deviceRunning in FIPS mode.Server not known: Show debug messagesShow this help messageShows more detailed error messagesSuspend is not supported for device %s.System is out of entropy while generating volume key.
Please move mouse or type some text in another window to gather some random events.
This function is not supported without TCRYPT header load.This is the last keyslot. Device will become unusable after purging this key.This operation is not supported for %s crypt device.This operation is not supported for this device type.This operation is supported only for LUKS device.This operation is supported only for LUKS2 device.This operation will erase all keyslots on device %s.
Device will become unusable after this operation.This will overwrite data on %s irrevocably.UUID is not supported for this crypt type.Unable to move keyslot area.Unable to move keyslot area. Not enough space.Underlying device for crypt device %s disappeared.Unknown PBKDF type %s.Unknown RNG quality requested.Unknown action.Unknown crypt device type %s requested.Unknown dm target type.Unmet LUKS2 requirements detected.Unsupported LUKS version %d.Unsupported VERITY FEC offset.Unsupported VERITY block size.Unsupported VERITY hash offset.Unsupported VERITY hash type %d.Unsupported VERITY version %d.Unsupported encryption sector size.Username used for the remote serverVERITY header corrupted.Verification of data area failed.Verification of root hash failed.Verify passphrase: Volume %s is already suspended.Volume %s is not active.Volume %s is not suspended.Volume key buffer too small.Volume key does not match the volume.Volume key is too small for encryption with integrity extensions.WARNING: The --hash parameter is being ignored in plain mode with keyfile specified.
WARNING: The --keyfile-size option is being ignored, the read size is the same as the encryption key size.
Writing LUKS header to disk.Wrong LUKS UUID format provided.Wrong log format.[OPTION...] <action> <action-specific>add key to LUKS devicealready contains LUKS header. Replacing header will destroy existing keyslots.benchmark cipherchanges supplied key or key file of LUKS deviceclose device (remove mapping)convert LUKS from/to LUKS2 formatdevice already exists or device is busydoes not contain LUKS header. Replacing header can destroy data on that device.dump LUKS partition informationdump TCRYPT device informationerase all keyslots (remove encryption key)format deviceformats a LUKS deviceno permission or bad passphraseopen device as <name>out of memoryprint UUID of LUKS devicereencrypt LUKS2 deviceremoves supplied key or key file from LUKS deviceresize active deviceset hash to show active device statusshow device statusshow on-disk informationtests <device> for LUKS partition headertry to repair on-disk metadataunknown errorverify devicevolume keywipes key with number <key slot> from LUKS devicewrong device or file specifiedwrong or missing parametersProject-Id-Version: cryptsetup 2.7.0-rc0
Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: cryptsetup@lists.linux.dev
PO-Revision-Date: 2023-12-01 10:37-0500
Last-Translator: Boyuan Yang <073plan@gmail.com>
Language-Team: Chinese (simplified) <i18n-zh@googlegroups.com>
Language: zh_CN
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
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<动作> 为其中之一:

<名称> 是在 %s 下要创建的设备
<数据设备> 就是数据设备
<哈希设备> 是含有验证信息的设备
<根哈希值> 是 <哈希设备> 根节点的哈希值

<name> 为要在 %s 创建的设备
<device> 为加密设备
<key slot> 为需要更改的 LUKS 密钥槽
<key file> 提供给 luksAddKey 动作的密钥文件

编译时决定的默认 dm-verify 参数:
	哈希: %s, 数据块 (字节): %u, 哈希块 (字节): %u, 盐大小: %u, 哈希格式: %u


警告: 真实设备标头 UUID 和备份不符!
写入被打断。# 测试仅使用内存(无存储 IO)。
已创建 %s 标头备份(对应设备 %s)。已恢复 %s 标头(在设备 %s 上)。%s: 需要 %s 作为参数%s@%s 的密码:,设定密文为 <数据设备> <哈希设备><设备><设备> <密钥槽><设备> [--type <类型>] [<名称>]<设备> [<密钥文件>]<设备> [<新密钥文件>]<哈希设备><名称>正在为分区 %s 激活 TCRYPT 系统加密。正使用新 LUKS 标头激活临时设备。正使用旧 LUKS 标头激活临时设备。扇区大小为 %d 时不支持激活。激活临时设备失败。密钥槽全都满了。分配对齐内存失败。必须指定一个操作
缺失参数 <动作>。连接回环设备失败(需要有 autoclear 旗标的回环设备)。备份 LUKS 设备标头和密钥槽日志加密密钥文件和密钥大小选项均必须指定。密钥文件和密钥大小选项均必须指定。无法在没有设备的情况下格式化 LOOPAES。无法在没有设备的情况下格式化 LUKS。无法在没有设备的情况下格式化 VERIFY。无法添加密钥槽,所有密钥槽已禁用且未提供卷密钥。无法检查密码质量:%s无法转换正在使用的设备 %s。无法创建 LUKS 标头:标头摘要失败(正在使用哈希 %s)。无法创建 LUKS 标头:读取随机盐失败。无法创建标头备份文件 %s。无法创建标头文件 %s。无法创建 sftp 会话:无法确定设备类型。不兼容的设备激活?无法禁用元数据锁定。无法独占打开 %s,设备正在使用中。无法格式化正在使用的设备 %s。无法格式化设备 %s,权限被拒绝。无法格式化设备 %s。无法获取设备大小。无法获取有关设备 %s 的信息。无法初始化 sftp 会话:无法初始化加密随机数生成器后端。无法初始化加密后端。无法初始化设备映射器,正作为非 root 用户运行。无法初始化设备映射器。dm_mod 内核模块装载了吗?无法打开设备 %s。无法打开备份标头文件 %s。无法打开密钥文件 %s 以供写入。无法打开重加密日志文件。无法打开 sftp 会话:无法打开临时 LUKS 设备。无法读取设备 %s。无法读取标头备份文件 %s。无法从终端读取密钥文件。无法读取重加密日志文件。无法读取密钥文件:无法读取请求量的数据。无法改变回环设备大小。无法恢复 %s 标头(在设备 %s 上)。无法获取普通设备的卷密钥。无法寻找到设备偏移位置。无法寻找 (seek) 到请求的密钥文件偏移量。无法将 %s 作为磁盘上的标头使用。无法使用回环设备,正作为非 root 用户运行。无法使用正被使用的设备 %s(已被映射或挂载)。无法使用设备 %s,名称无效或它正被使用。无法使用设备 %s,权限被拒绝。不能将偏移量用于终端输入。无法擦除设备 %s。无法将设备 %s 上的标头擦除。无法写入设备 %s。无法写入标头备份文件 %s。无法写入重加密日志文件。无法写入到设备 %s,访问被拒绝。无法写入密钥文件 %s。命令失败,代码 %i(%s)。命令成功。连接失败:LUKS 备份标头创建失败。创建哈希区失败。设备 %s 的 DM-UUID 被截断。数据区域重叠覆盖了 FEC 区域。数据区域重叠覆盖了哈希区域。解密失败。设备 %s %s%s设备 %s %s%s%s%s设备 %s 已存在。设备 %s 大小为零。设备 %s 不是块设备。
%s 不是有效的 LUKS 设备。设备 %s 不是有效的 LUKS2 设备。%s 不是有效的 VERITY 设备。设备 %s 未激活。设备 %s 仍在使用。设备 %s 太小。设备 %s 或内核不支持 OPAL 加密。设备已为 %s 类型。设备偏移量溢出。未在进行设备重加密。设备的大小没有和设备逻辑块大小对齐。设备类型未正确初始化。显示简短用法你真的想改变设备的 UUID 吗?不支持在此类设备上执行导出操作。请确定您已载入内核模块 algif_skcipher。输入 OPAL PSID:输入 VeraCrypt PIM: 输入任意已存在的口令: 输入任意剩余的口令: 输入密钥槽的新口令: 输入新口令: 输入 %s 的口令:输入密钥槽 %u 的口令: 输入要更改的口令: 输入要移除的口令: 输入口令:恢复设备 %s 时出错。挂起设备 %s 时出错。更新设备 %s 上的 LUKS 标头时出错。在更新设备 %s 后重新读取 LUKS 标头失败。从随机数生成器(RNG)读取时出错。读取密钥文件 %s 出错。从终端读取口令时出错。读取口令出错。从终端读取响应时失败。访问临时密钥存储设备失败。无法获取设备 %s 的读取锁。无法获取设备 %s 上的写入锁。将密钥槽 %u 指定为新卷密钥的操作失败。获取重加密锁失败。导入私钥失败(存在密码保护?)。
在内核密钥环中加载密钥失败。以只读模式打开文件 %s 失败。打开 (open) 密钥文件失败。打开临时密钥存储设备失败。解析参数失败。
读取 JSON 文件失败。读取 LUKS2 需求时失败。重新加载设备 %s 失败。设置 pbkdf 参数失败。为设备 %s 配置 dm-crypt 键映射失败。
请确认内核支持 %s 加密(查看系统日志 (syslog) 以获取更多信息)。获取 (stat) 密钥文件信息失败。交换新密钥槽失败。写入 JSON 文件失败。随机数生成器初始化时发生致命错误。正生成密钥(%d%% 已完成)
通用选项:哈希算法 %s 不可用。不支持哈希算法 %s。哈希区域溢出。哈希区域重叠覆盖了 FEC 区域。标头备份文件不包含兼容的 LUKS 标头。检测到标头但设备 %s 太小。帮助选项:重加密时发生 IO 错误。解密密钥槽时发生输入输出错误。加密密钥槽时发生输入输出错误。已忽略未知旗标 %s。正在进行重加密中的非法操作。探测到不兼容的 loop-AES 密钥文件。OPAL 管理密钥不正确。不正确的 OPAL PSID。为 verity 设备指定的根 hash 不正确。为普通设备指定的卷密钥有误。无效的 PIM 值:0。无效的 PIM 值:超出范围。无效的 PIM 值:解析错误。设备 %s 无效。无效的密钥大小。无效的纯加密选项。指定了无效的盐字串。如果使用了日志加密密钥,则必须指定日志加密算法。如果使用了日志加密密钥,则必须指定日志完整性校验算法。该内核不支持内核密钥环。密钥文件只能在指定 --key-slot 时或有且只有一个槽启用时使用。密钥处理错误(使用散列 %s)。XTS 模式的密钥大小必须是 256 或 512 位。密钥尺寸必须是 8 的倍数密钥槽 %d 已激活,请先清除。密钥槽 %d 满了,请选择另一个。密钥槽 %d 无效,请选择 0 到 %d 间的数字。密钥槽 %d 无效。密钥槽无效。密钥槽 %i:虚假的分区签名。密钥槽 %i: 偏移已修复 (%u -> %u)。密钥槽 %i: 已清除盐。密钥槽 %i:已修复条带(%u -> %u)。LUKS 哈希值 %s 无效。LUKS 密钥槽 %u 无效。LUKS2 重加密恢复失败。锁定中止。锁定路径 %s/%s 不可用(%s 不是目录)。锁定中止。锁定路径 %s/%s 不可用(不是一个目录或缺失)。日志文件 %s 存在,继续重加密。
正在标记 LUKS1 设备 %s 为不可用状态。超出最大密钥文件大小。不可用已创建设备 %s 的新 LUKS 标头。没有正在进行中的解密操作,提供的 UUID 仅能用于继续已挂起的解密操作。此口令无可用的密钥。未在 LUKS 标头发现已知问题。不标准的密钥大小,需要手动修复。不标准的密钥槽对齐,需要手动修复。PBKDF2 选项不兼容。PBKDF2 选项不兼容(正在使用哈希算法 %s)。内存不足。
OPAL 支持在 libcryptsetup 中被禁用。只允许存在一个 --key-file 选项。--use-[u]random 选项只能用一处。操作已中止,密钥槽没有被擦除。
必须指定 --header-backup-file 选项。需要选项 --key-file。选项 --priority、--label 或 --subsystem 缺失。读取密码时内存耗尽。PBKDF2 哈希算法 %s 不可用,将跳过。PBKDF2 迭代值溢出。口令不匹配。密码质量检查失败:
 %s密码质量检查失败:无效密码 (%s)远程服务器上密钥文件的路径请使用 gpg --decrypt <密钥文件> | cryptsetup --keyfile=- ...
打印软件包版本提供的 UUID 无效。公钥认证错误:确定要尝试修复 LUKS 设备标头吗?缩减大小必须为 512 字节扇区的倍数。重加密元数据无效。不支持带有完整性 profile 信息的设备的重加密。重加密会改变:%s%s%s%s%s%s。修复失败。正在修复密钥槽。不支持请求的 LUKS 哈希 %s。请求的 PBKDF 类型不被 LUKS1 支持。不支持请求的数据完整性选项。不支持请求的推迟(deferred)标记。不支持请求的 dm-crypt 性能选项。不支持请求的 dm-verity FEC 选项。不支持请求的 dm-verity 数据损坏处理选项。不支持请求的 dm-verity FEC 选项。请求的标头备份文件 %s 已存在。请求的最大 PBKDF 内存开销过大(最大为 %d 千字节)。请求的偏移量超出设备 %s 的真实大小。不支持请求的 sector_size 选项。无法找到所需的内核加密接口。恢复 LUKS 设备标头和密钥槽测试结果不可靠。设备 %s 不支持恢复。恢复已挂起的 LUKS 设备在 FIPS 模式下运行。服务器未知:显示调试信息显示此帮助显示更详细的错误信息设备 %s 不支持挂起。系统在生成卷密钥时熵不足。
未载入 TCRYPT 标头时不支持此功能。这是最后一个密钥槽。设备在清空此密钥后将不可用。不支持在 %s 加密设备上执行此操作。不支持在这类设备上执行此操作。此操作只适用 LUKS 设备。此操作只适用 LUKS2 设备。该操作将清空设备 %s 上所有的密钥槽。
设备在此操作后将不可用。这将覆盖 %s 上的数据,该动作不可取消。此加密类型不支持 UUID。无法移动密钥槽区域。无法移动密钥槽区域。空间不足。加密设备 %s 下层的设备消失了。未知的 PBKDF 类型 %s。未知的随机数生成器质量请求。未知动作。请求了未知的加密设备类型 %s。未知的 dm 目标类型。探测到未满足的 LUKS2 需求。不支持的 LUKS 版本 %d。不支持的 VERITY 哈希偏移量。不支持的 VERITY 块大小。不支持的 VERITY 哈希偏移量。不支持的 VERITY 哈希类型 %d。不支持的 VERITY 版本 %d。不支持的加密扇区大小。为远程服务器使用的用户名VERITY 标头损坏。数据区检验失败。根哈希值检验失败。确认密码:卷 %s 已挂起。卷 %s 未激活。卷 %s 未挂起。卷密钥缓冲区太小。卷密钥与卷不匹配。卷密钥对于带完整性校验扩展的加密而言过小。警告:在纯文本模式下指定密钥文件时将忽略参数 --hash。
警告:将忽略参数 --keyfile-size,读取大小应与加密密钥大小一致。
正在将 LUKS 标头写入磁盘。提供了错误的 LUKS UUID 格式。错误的日志格式。[选项…] <动作> <动作特定参数>向 LUKS 设备添加密钥已包含 LUKS 标头。替换标头将损毁已存在的密钥槽。测试密文更改 LUKS 设备中指定的密钥或密钥文件关闭设备(移除映射)在 LUKS 和 LUKS2 格式之间转换设备已存在或设备正忙不包含 LUKS 标头。替换标头可能损毁设备上的数据。调出 LUKS 分区信息调出 TCRYPT 设备信息清空所有密钥槽(移除加密密钥)格式化设备格式化一个 LUKS 设备无权限或口令错误以 <名称> 打开设备内存耗尽输出 LUKS 设备的 UUID(唯一标识符)重加密 LUKS2 设备移除 LUKS 设备中指定的密钥或密钥文件改变活动设备大小。设置哈希值为 显示已激活的设备信息显示设备状态显示磁盘上的信息从 <device> 探测 LUKS 分区标头尝试修复磁盘上的元数据未知错误验证设备卷密钥从 LUKS 设备清理标号为 <key slot> 的密钥指定了错误的设备或文件错误或缺失的参数PRIu64Device %s is too small. (LUKS1 requires at least % bytes.)设备 %s 过小。(LUKS1 需要至少 % 字节。)