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Gkwi4qf$%>#{*Iz31S at %s$$ for the midrule at $%d of %s has no declared type$$ of %s has no declared type$%s of %s has no declared type$default%%define variable %s redefined%%empty on non-empty rule%%expect-rr applies only to GLR parsers%d nonterminal useless in grammar%d nonterminals useless in grammar%d reduce/reduce conflict%d reduce/reduce conflicts%d rule useless in grammar%d rules useless in grammar%d shift/reduce conflict%d shift/reduce conflicts%s affects only GLR parsers%s home page: <%s>.
%s must be followed by positive number%s redeclaration for %s%s redeclaration for <%s>%s: cannot open%s: invalid language%s: undefined %%define variable %s, hiding %c// Generated by %s.
// Report bugs to <%s>.
// Home page: <%s>.

Copyright (C) %d Free Software Foundation, Inc.
For complete documentation, run: info bison.
General help using GNU software: <http://www.gnu.org/gethelp/>.
GrammarMandatory arguments to long options are mandatory for short options too.
Nonterminals useless in grammarNonterminals, with rules where they appearPOSIX Yacc forbids dashes in symbol names: %sReport bugs to <%s>.
Report translation bugs to <http://translationproject.org/team/>.
Rules useless in grammarRules useless in parser due to conflictsState %dState %d Terminals unused in grammarTerminals, with rules where they appearThe same is true for optional arguments.
This is free software; see the source for copying conditions.  There is NO
Try '%s --help' for more information.
Usage: %s [OPTION]... FILE
Written by Robert Corbett and Richard Stallman.
acceptaccepted value: %sambiguous reference: %san identifier expectedbison (GNU Bison) %scannot close filecolumn number overflowconflicting outputs to file %sconflicts: %d reduce/reduce
conflicts: %d shift/reduce
conflicts: %d shift/reduce, %d reduce/reduce
deprecated directive: %s, use %sduplicated symbol name for %s ignoredempty character literalempty rule for typed nonterminal, and no actionempty rule without %%emptyerrorerror (nonassociative)
explicit type given in untyped grammarextra characters in character literalextra operand %sfatal errorgo to state %d
input/output errorinteger out of range: %sinvalid characterinvalid charactersinvalid character after \-escape: %sinvalid character in bracketed nameinvalid characters in bracketed nameinvalid directive: %sinvalid identifier: %sinvalid null characterinvalid number after \-escape: %sinvalid reference: %sinvalid value for %%define Boolean variable %sinvalid value for %%define variable %s: %sline number overflowmisleading reference: %smissing %s at end of filemissing %s at end of linemissing identifier in parameter declarationmultiple %s declarationsmultiple language declarations are invalidmultiple skeleton declarations are invalidno rules in the input grammarnonterminal useless in grammar: %sonly one %s allowed per rulepossibly meant: %cprevious declarationprevious declaration for %sprevious definitionreduce using rule %d (%s)reduce/reduce conflicts: %d found, %d expectedrefers to: %c%s at %srefusing to overwrite the input file %sresult type clash on merge function %s: <%s> != <%s>rule given for %s, which is a tokenrule is too longrule useless in grammarrule useless in parser due to conflictsshift, and go to state %d
shift/reduce conflicts: %d found, %d expectedstart symbol %s does not derive any sentencestray '%s'stray ',' treated as white spacesymbol %s given more than one literal stringsymbol %s is used, but is not defined as a token and has no rulessymbol %s redeclaredsymbol %s used more than once as a literal stringsymbol not found in production before $%d: %.*ssymbol not found in production: %.*ssyntax error after '%c', expecting integer, letter, '_', '[', or '$'the start symbol %s is a tokenthe start symbol %s is undefinedtoken for %%prec is not defined: %stoo few arguments for %s directive in skeletontoo many arguments for %s directive in skeletontype <%s> is used, but is not associated to any symboltype clash on default action: <%s> != <%s>unclosed %s directive in skeletonunexpected identifier in bracketed name: %sunset value: $$unused value: $%duseless %s for type <%s>useless associativity for %s, use %%precedenceuseless precedence and associativity for %suseless precedence for %swarningProject-Id-Version: bison 3.0.4
Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: bug-bison@gnu.org
PO-Revision-Date: 2015-08-27 16:52+0800
Last-Translator: Mingye Wang <arthur200126@gmail.com>
Language-Team: Chinese (simplified) <i18n-zh@googlegroups.com>
Language: zh_CN
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit
X-Bugs: Report translation errors to the Language-Team address.
Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;
X-Generator: Poedit 1.8.4
 位于 %s$$ 对于在 %2$s 中 $%1$d 的中段没有任何声明类型%s 中的 $$ 没有任何声明类型%2$s 中的 $%1$s 没有任何声明类型$default%%define 变量 %s 被重新定义%%empty 于非空的规则%%expect-rr 只适合 GLR 解析器%d 项非终结语词在文法中无用%d 项归约/归约冲突%d 项规则在文法中无用%d 项偏移/归约冲突%s 只影响 GLR 解析器%s 首页:<%s>。
%s 后面只能跟正数%s 重复声明了 %s%s 重复声明了 <%s>%s:无法打开%s:无效的语言%s:未定义的 %%define 变量 %s,隐藏 %c// 由 %s 生成。
// 向 <%s> 报告问题。
// 主页:<%s>。

版权所有 (C) %d Free Software Foundation, Inc.
要取得完整文档请运行:info bison。
使用 GNU 软件的一般说明:<http://www.gnu.org/gethelp/>。
非终结语词在文法中无用非终结语词,附有它们出现处的规则POSIX Yacc 禁止符号名中有破折号:%s将错误通报给 <%s>。
报告翻译错误给 <http://translationproject.org/team/zh_CN.html>。
语法中的规则无效由于冲突,解析器中的规则不起作用状态 %d状态 %d终端机在文法中未使用终结语词,附有它们出现处的规则可选项也是如此。
请尝试运行 %s --help 来获取更多信息。
用法:%s [选项]... 文件
由 Robert Corbett 和 Richard Stallman 编写。
接受被接受的值:%s模棱两可的参考:%s应有一个标识符bison (GNU Bison) %s无法关闭文件列号溢出到文件 %s 的输出冲突冲突:%d 项归约/归约
冲突:%d 项偏移/归约
冲突:%d 项偏移/归约,%d 项归约/归约
已弃用的指令:%s,应使用 %s重复的符号名称用于 %s 被忽略空的字符实字空白规则用于赋予类型的非终结语词,以及没有动作空的规则而无 %%empty错误错误 (非相联的)
在未定类型文法中给定明确的类型额外字符于字符实字额外算子 %s致命错误转到状态 %d
输入/输出错误整数超出范围:%s无效字符\-转义符号之后的无效字符:%s中括号内无效字符无效的指令:%s无效标识符:%s无效的空字符无效数字于 \-转义之后:%s无效引用:%s无效的值用于 %%define 布尔变量 %s无效的值用于 %%define 变量 %s:%s行号溢出误导的参考:%s于文件结尾缺少 %s 于列尾缺少 %s参数声明中缺少识别符多次 %s 定义多语言声明是无效的多重架构声明无效输入语法中没有规则非终结语词在文法中无用:%s每个规则只允许一个 %s可能指:%c上次声明%s 的前一个声明上次定义使用规则 %d 以归约 (%s)归约/归约冲突:找到 %d 项,预期为 %d 项参考:%c%s 于 %s拒绝覆盖输入文件 %s结果类型抵触发生于合并函数 %s:<%s>!=<%s>用于 %s 这项字组的规则规则过长语法中的规则无效由于冲突,解析器中的规则不起作用偏移,并进入状态 %d
偏移/归约冲突:找到 %d 项,预期为 %d 项启始符号 %s 不衍生任何句子零星的 %s零星的 ',' 将视为空白符号 %s 给定了超过一个实字字串符号 %s 已使用过,但是并未定义为字组也没有规则符号 %s 重复声明符号 %s 超过一次使用为实字字串在 $%d 之前的结果中找不到符号:%.*s在结果中找不到符号:%.*s语法错误发生于 %c 之后,预期为整数、字母、'_'、'[' 或 '$'起始符号 %s 是一项字组起始符号 %s 未定义用于 %%prec 的字组未定义:%s在架构中的 %s 指令参数太少在架构中的 %s 指令参数太多类型 <%s> 已使用过,但是并未与任何符号相关联类型与缺省动作相抵触:<%s> != <%s>在架构中有未关闭的 %s 指令中括号内未预期的识别名称:%s未设置的值:$$未使用的值:$%d%s 对于类型 <%s> 无作用对于 %s 无作用的顺序关联性,使用 %%precedence对于 %s 无作用的优先性与顺序关联性对于 %s 无作用的优先性警告