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%s filter: %s
# Filter: %s
# %s
# configured as follows:
Aspell %s. Copyright 2000-2019 by Kevin Atkinson.
converts from one encoding to another dumps, creates or merges a master, personal, or replacement dictionary. lists available dictionaries / filters / filter modes perform Unicode normalization reduce the size of a word list via affix compression -?|usage display a brief usage message -a|pipe "ispell -a" compatibility mode -c|check <file> spellchecks a file -v|version prints a version line <norm-form> normalization form to use, either none, internal, or strict [dump] config dumps the current configuration to stdout [dump] dicts | filters | modes clean [strict] cleans a word list so that every line is a valid word config <key> prints the current value of an option conv <from> <to> [<norm-form>] dump|create|merge master|personal|repl [<name>] expand [1-4] expands affix flags help display a detailed help message list produce a list of misspelled words from standard input munch generate possible root words and affixes munch-list [simple] [single|multi] [keep] norm (<norm-map> | <from> <norm-map> <to>) [<norm-form>] soundslike returns the sounds like equivalent for each word entered does not take any parameters."%expression:1" is not a valid regular expression."%mode:1" error"%mode:1" error while extend Aspell modes. (out of memory?)"%mode:1": Magic "%magic:2": bad regular expression after location specifier; regexp reports: "%regerr:3"."%mode:1": no magic expression available for magic "%magic:2"."%mode:1": no range for magic search given for magic "%magic:2"."%mode:1": no start for magic search given for magic "%magic:2"."%s" is not a regular file"%s" is not a valid flag for the "munch-list" command.# default: %file:1:<command> is one of:ASPELL_CONF env varAbortAbort This OperationAccept ChangesAddAdd LowerAffix '%aff:1' is corrupt.Affix flags found in word but no affix file given.Are you sure you want to abort (y/n)? Aspell version does not match filter's requirement.Aspell version does not match mode's requirement.Available Dictionaries:
Dictionaries can be selected directly via the "-d" or "master"
option. They can also be selected indirectly via the "lang",
"variety", and "size" options.
Available Filter Modes:
Filter Modes are reconfigured combinations of filters optimized for
files of a specific type. A mode is selected via the "mode" option.
This will happen implicitly if Aspell is able to identify the file
type from the extension, and possibility the contents, of the file.
Available Filters (and associated options):
Filters can be added or removed via the "filter" option.
BackspaceCan't merge a master word list yet. Sorry.Confused by version control.Control-AControl-BControl-CControl-DControl-EControl-FControl-HControl-KCould not open the file "%s" for readingCould not open the file "%s" for writing. File not saved.DeleteDelete the next characterDelete the previous characterDoes not contain any alphabetic characters.Empty extension at char %char:1.Empty option specifier.Empty string.EndEnterError setting filter description.Error: Error: %s
Error: Stdin not a terminal.Error: You must specify at least %d parameters for "%s".
ExitExpected language "%lang:1" but got "%prev:2".Expecting "%modekey:1" key.Filter option already exists.HTML attributes to always checkHTML tags to always skip the contents ofHomeIgnoreIgnore allIncompatible hash function.Invalid InputInvalid Option: %sInvalid UTF-8 sequence at position %ld.Invalid keymapping: %sKill all characters to the EOLLeftMissing magic mode expression.Move Back one spaceMove Forward one spaceMove to the beginning of the lineMove to the end of the lineNo word lists can be found for the language "%lang:1".Only one file name may be specified.Operation Not Supported: %what:1Option "%option:1" possibly specified prior to filter.Option modifier unknown.Possibly incorrect count.ReplaceReplace allRightSGML attributes to always checkSGML tags to always skip the contents ofSorry "create/merge personal" is currently unimplemented.
Sorry "create/merge repl" is currently unimplemented.
Sorry I won't overwrite "%s"Sorry that is an invalid choice!Suggestion Time: %f
TeX commandsTexinfo commands to ignore the parameters ofTexinfo environments to ignoreThe Unicode code point U+%04X is unsupported.The affix flag '%aff:1' can not be applied to word "%word:2".The affix flag '%aff:1' is invalid for word "%word:2".The character '%s' (U+%02X) may not appear at the beginning of a word.The character '%s' (U+%02X) may not appear at the end of a word.The character '%s' (U+%02X) may not appear in the middle of a word.The character '%s' (U+%02X) must be followed by an alphabetic character.The character '\r' (U+0D) may not appear at the end of a word. This probably means means that the file is using MS-DOS EOL instead of Unix EOL.The condition "%cond:1" does not guarantee that "%strip:2" can always be stripped.The condition "%cond:1" is invalid.The conversion from "%encod:1" to "%encod2:2" is not supported.The directory "%dir:1" can not be opened for reading.The encoding "%encod:1" is not known.The encoding "%encod:1" is not supported.The file "%file:1" can not be openedThe file "%file:1" can not be opened for reading.The file "%file:1" can not be opened for writing.The file "%file:1" is not in the proper format.The file "%file:1" is not in the proper format. Expected the file to be in "%exp:2" not "%got:3".The file "%filter:1" does not contain any filters.The file name "%file:1" is invalid.The filter "%filter:1" does not exist.The key "%key:1" does not take any parameters when prefixed by a "clear-".The key "%key:1" does not take any parameters when prefixed by a "dont-" or "disable-".The key "%key:1" does not take any parameters when prefixed by a "reset-".The key "%key:1" does not take any parameters when prefixed by an "enable-".The key "%key:1" is not %accepted:2 and is thus invalid.The key "%key:1" is not a boolean.The key "%key:1" is not a list.The key "%key:1" is not a string.The key "%key:1" is not an integer.The key "%key:1" is unknown.The language "%lang:1" is not known.The language "%lang:1" is not supported.The main word list is unavailable.The method "%what:1" is unimplemented in "%where:2".The personal word list is unavailable.The required field "name" is missing.The session word list is unavailable.The soundslike "%sl:2" is not known.The string "%str:1" is invalid.The total length is larger than 240 characters.The total word length, with soundslike data, is larger than 240 characters.The value "%value:2" is not %accepted:3 and is thus invalid for the key "%key:1".The value for option "%key:1" can not be changed.The word "%word:1" is invalid.There must be at least one "add" line.This could also mean that the file "%s" could not be opened for reading or does not exist.This is probably because: Time to load word list: Unhandled Error: Unicode normalization form: none, nfd, nfc, compUnicode normalization required for current langUnknown Action: %sUnknown mode description key "%key:1".Unknown mode: "%mode:1".Usage: aspell [options] <command>Use option modifiers only within named option.Version specifier missing key: "aspell".WARNING: Unable to enter Nroff mode: %s
Warning: %s Skipping string.
Warning: %s Skipping word.
Warning: Removing inapplicable affix '%s' from word %s.
Warning: Removing invalid affix '%s' from word %s.
With: Wrong endian order.Wrong soundslike version.Wrong soundslike.You must specify a file name.You must specify a parameter for "%s".You must specify an actionYy[options] is any of the following:a number between 0 and 1a positive integera string of 'o','O','p',or 'P'add or removes a filterattempts to clean words so that they are validavoid lossy conversions when normalizationbase name of the main dictionary to usebooleancharacters to insert when a word is splitcheck TeX commentscheck if affix flags are validcheck if words are validcompute soundslike on demand rather than storingconsider camel case words legalconsider run-together words legalcontext delimiters (separated by spaces)create a backup file by appending ".bak"create dictionary aliasescreate missing root/affix combinationsdeprecated, use lang insteaddlopen returned "%return:1".either "true" or "false"email quote charactersenable Unicode normalizationenable warningsencoding to expect data to be inenter Email mode.enter HTML mode.enter Markdown mode.enter Nroff mode.enter TeX mode.experimental filter for hiding delimited contextsextra dictionaries to useextra information for the word listfilter for Markdown/CommonMark documentsfilter for dealing with HTML documentsfilter for dealing with Nroff documentsfilter for dealing with TeX/LaTeX documentsfilter for dealing with Texinfo documentsfilter for dealing with generic SGML/XML documentsfilter for skipping quoted text in email messagesfilter modefilter to skip URL like constructsignore accents when checking words -- CURRENTLY IGNOREDignore case when checking wordsignore commands to store replacement pairsignore words <= n charsin the form "<name> <value>"indicator for affix flags in word lists -- CURRENTLY IGNOREDintegeris not one of the allowed typeskeyboard definition to use for typo analysiskeymapping for check mode: "aspell" or "ispell"language codelistlocation for personal fileslocation of language data fileslocation of local language data fileslocation of main configuration filelocation of the main word listmain configuration filemaximum number that can be strung togetherminimal length of interior wordsmode for checking C++ comments and string literalsmode for checking HTML documentsmode for checking Markdown/CommonMark documentsmode for checking Nroff documentsmode for checking Perl comments and string literalsmode for checking TeX/LaTeX documentsmode for checking Texinfo documentsmode for checking generic SGML/XML documentsmode for skipping quoted text in email messagesmode to check any lines starting with a #mode to disable all filtersmode to skip URL like constructs (default mode)no longer usednot a version numbernum chars that can appear before the quote charone of ultra, fast, normal, slow, or bad-spellerspartially expand affixes for better suggestionspath(s) aspell looks for filterspersonal configuration filepersonal dictionary file nameprefix directoryremove invalid affix flagsreplacements list file namereverse the order of the suggest listsave replacement pairs on save allsearch order for modulessearch path for word list information filesset module nameset the prefix based on executable locationsize of the word listskip invalid wordsstringsuggest possible replacementssuggestion modeswaps visible and invisible texttime load time and suggest time in pipe modeuse affix compression when creating dictionariesuse byte offsets instead of character offsetsuse personal, replacement & session dictionariesuse replacement tables, override sug-mode defaultuse typo analysis, override sug-mode defaultProject-Id-Version: aspell-0.60.8-pre2
Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: kevina@gnu.org
POT-Creation-Date: 2019-10-12 18:20-0400
PO-Revision-Date: 2019-09-24 10:51-0400
Last-Translator: Boyuan Yang <073plan@gmail.com>
Language-Team: Chinese (simplified) <i18n-zh@googlegroups.com>
Language: zh_CN
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit
Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;
X-Bugs: Report translation errors to the Language-Team address.
X-Generator: Poedit 2.2.3
%s 过滤器: %s
# 过滤器: %s
# %s
# 配置如下:
Aspell %s. 版权所有 2000-2019 Kevin Atkinson。
从一种编码转换到另一个 转储,创建或合并主字典,个人字典,或置换字典。 列出可用的字典/过滤器/过滤器模式 执行Unicode正规化 通过词缀压缩减少一个单词表的大小 -?|usage 显示简明用法消息 -a|pipe “ispell -a”兼容模式 -c|check <文件> 对一个文件进行拼写检查 -v|version 打印一行版本信息 <norm-form> 要使用的规范化形式,可以为none,internal,或 strict [dump] config 转储当前配置到标准输出 [dump] dicts | filters | modes clean [strict] 清除一个单词表,使每行都是一个合法单词 config <key> 打印某个选项的当前值 conv <from> <to> [<norm-form>] dump|create|merge master|personal|repl [<name>] expand [1-4] 扩展词缀标志 help 显示详尽帮助消息 list 从标准输入产生一个拼写错误的单词表 munch 产生可能的词根和词缀 munch-list [simple] [single|multi] [keep] norm (<norm-map> | <from> <norm-map> <to>) [<norm-form>] soundslike 返回每个输入单词近似的声音不带任何参数。“%expression:1”不是一个合法的正则表达式。“%mode:1”错误扩展 Aspell 模式时“%mode:1”出错。(内存不足?)“%mode:1”: 魔法“%magic:2”: 在位置说明符后出现错误的正则表达式; 正则表达式输出:“%regerr:3”。“%mode:1”: 没有可用的魔法“%magic:2”的魔法表达式。“%mode:1”: 用于魔法“%magic:2”的魔法搜索没有指定范围。“%mode:1”: 用于魔法“%magic:2”的魔法搜索没有开始。 “%s”不是一个普通文件“%s”不是一个合法的“munch-list”命令标志。# 默认:%file:1:<命令>是以下之一:ASPELL_CONF 环境变量中止取消本次操作接受改变添加添加更少词缀 '%aff:1' 被损坏。在单词中发现词缀标志,但没有给出词缀文件。您确定要中止吗(y/n)?Aspell 版本不匹配过滤器的需求。Aspell 版本与模式的要求不符。可用字典:
也可以间接通过“lang”,“variety”, 和“size”选项来选择它们。
通过“模式”选项来选择一个模式。如果 Aspell 能够通过
退格键抱歉,当前无法合并一个主单词表。版本控制混乱。Ctrl-ACtrl-BCtrl-CCtrl-DCtrl-ECtrl-FCtrl-HCtrl-K无法打开文件“%s”进行读取无法打开文件“%s”进行写入。文件未保存。删除删除下一个字符删除前一个字符不包含任何字母字符。在字符 %char:1 处的扩展为空。空白选项说明符。空白字符串。行末回车键设置过滤器描述出错。错误:错误:%s
退出语言应为“%lang:1”但实际是“%prev:2”。应为“%modekey:1”键。过滤器选项已经存在。总是检查的 HTML 属性总是忽略其内容的 HTML 标签行首忽略全部忽略不兼容的散列(hash)函数。无效输入无效选项:%s位置 %ld 处的 UTF-8 序列无效。无效的键盘映射: %s去掉到行末的所有字符左缺少魔法模式表达式。向后移动一个空格向前移动一个空格移动到行的开头移动到行的结束没有找到语言“%lang:1”的单词表。只可指定一个文件名。不支持的操作:%what:1选项“%option:1”可能在过滤器前指定。未知选项修正器。可能计数不正确。替换全部替换右总是检查的 SGML 属性总是忽略其内容的 SGML 标签抱歉,当前没有实现“创建/合并个人”。
抱歉,当前没有实现“创建/合并 repl”。
TeX 命令要忽略参数的 Texinfo 命令要忽略的 Texinfo 环境不支持的 Unicode 码点 U+%04X 。词缀标志‘%aff:1’不能应用于单词“%word:2”。词缀标志‘%aff:1’对单词“%word:2”无效。字符 '%s' (U+%02X) 不会出现在单词的开始。字符 '%s' (U+%02X) 不能出现在单词的结束。字符 '%s' (U+%02X) 不能出现在单词的中间。字符 '%s' (U+%02X) 后必须是一个字母字符。字符 '
' (U+0D) 不能出现在单词的结束。也许是使用了MS-DOS结束符,而不是Unix结束符。条件“%cond:1”不能保证“%strip:2“总能被截取。条件“%cond:1”无效。不支持从“%encod:1”转换到“%encod2:2”。无法打开文件“%dir:1”进行读取。编码“%encod:1”为未知。不支持编码“%encod:1”。无法打开文件“%file:1”无法打开文件“%file:1”进行读取。无法打开文件“%file:1”进行写入。文件“%file:1”格式不正确。文件“%file:1”格式不正确。文件应在“%exp:2”中,而不是“%got:3”。文件“%filter:1”不包含任何过滤器。文件“%file:1”无效。过滤器“%filter:1”不存在。当键“%key:1”前缀为“clear-”时不带任何参数。当键“%key:1”前缀为“dont-”或“disable-”时不带任何参数。当键“%key:1”前缀为“reset-”时不带任何参数。当键“%key:1”前缀为“enable-”时不带任何参数。键“%key:1”不能 %accepted:2 所以不合法。键“%key:1”不是一个布尔值。键“%key:1”不是一个列表。键“%key:1”不是一个字符串。键“%key:1”不是一个整数。键“%key:1”是未知的。语言“%lang:1”为未知。不支持语言“%lang:1”。主词汇表是不可用的。方法“%what:1”在“%where:2”中没有实现。个人词汇表不可用。缺少所需的字段“名称”。会话词汇表不可用。soundslike “%sl:2”未知。字符串“%str:1”无效。总长度超过了 240 个字符。带 soundslike 数据的总单词长度大于 240 个字符。值“%value:2”不能 %accepted:3 所以“%key:1”不合法。选项“%key:1”的值不能改变。单词“%word:1”无效。必须有至少一行“添加”行。这也可能意味着文件“%s”无法打开读取或不存在。这可能是因为:加载单词表的时间:无法处理的错误:Unicode 规范化形式: none, nfd, nfc, comp当前语言所需的 Unicode 规范化未知操作:%s未知的模式描述键“%key:1”。未知模式:“%mode:1”。用法:aspell [选项] <命令>仅在命名选项使用选项修正器。版本说明缺少键值:“aspell”。警告:无法进入 Nroff 模式:%s
警告:%s 将跳过字符串。
警告:%s 将跳过单词。
警告:将要删除单词 %2$s中不可用的词缀 '%1$s'。
警告:将要从单词 %2$s 中删除非法的词缀 '%1$s'。
使用:错误的字节序。错误的 soundslike 版本。错误的 soundslike。您必须指定一个文件名。您必须为“%s”指定一个参数。您必须指定一项操作Yy[选项]是以下之一:一个 0 到 1 之间的数一个正整数'o','O','p',或 'P' 组成的一个字符串添加或移除一个过滤器尝试清理单词以确保它们有效规范化时避免有损转换要使用的主词典的基名布尔型当一个单词被分割时插入的字符检查 TeX 注释检查词缀标志是否有效检查单词是否有效需要时计算 soundslike,而不是存储将驼峰式大小写单词视为正确考虑同时出现单词的语法正确性上下文分隔符(由空格分隔)创建附带“.bak”的备份文件创建目录别名创建丢失的根/词缀组合已弃用,请改用 langdlopen 返回了“%return:1”。“true”或“false”电子邮件引号字符启用 Unicode 规范化允许警告数据应使用的编码进入邮件模式。进入 HTML 模式。进入 Markdown 模式。进入 Nroff 模式。进入 TeX 模式。隐藏分隔的上下文的实验性过滤器要使用的外部词典单词表的额外信息用于处理 Markdown/CommonMark 文档的过滤器处理 HTML 文档的过滤器用于处理 Nroff 文档的过滤器用于处理 TeX/LaTeX 文档的过滤器用于处理 Texinfo 文档的过滤器用于处理通用 SGML/XML 文档的过滤器电子邮件消息中跳过引用文字的过滤器过滤器模式跳过类似 URL 结构的过滤器单词检查时忽略声调 - 当前已忽略检查单词时忽略大小写忽略保存替换配对的命令忽略 <= n 个字符的词以“<名字> <值>”的形式在单词表中词缀标志的指示 - 目前已忽略整型不是允许的类型之一。用于错字分析的键盘定义检查模式的键盘映射:“aspell”或“ispell”语言代码列表个人文件的位置语言数据文件的位置本地语言数据文件的位置主配置文件的位置主单词表的位置主配置文件可以串在一起的最大数目内部单词的最小长度用于检查 C++ 注释和字符串字面值的模式查看 HTML 文档的模式检查 Markdown/CommonMark 文档的模式检查 Nroff 文档的模式检查 Perl 注释和字符串字面值的模式检查 TeX/LaTeX 文档的模式检查 Texinfo 文档的模式检查通用 SGML/XML 文档的模式在电子邮件中跳过引用文字的模式检查任何以 # 开头的行的模式禁用所有过滤器的模式跳过类似 URL 结构的模式(缺省模式)不再使用不是版本号可以出现在引号字符前的数字字符ultra、fast、normal、slow 或 bad-spellers 其中之一部分扩展词缀以得到更好的建议aspell 查找过滤器的路径个人配置文件个人词典文件名前缀目录移除不合法的词缀标志替换列表文件名反向排序建议列表保存所有同时保存替换配对搜索模块的顺序单词表信息文件的搜索路径设置模块名称根据可执行文件的位置设置前缀单词表的大小跳过无效单词字符串建议可能的替换建议模式交换可见和不可见的文本计算管道模式下的加载时间和建议时间创建字典时使用词缀压缩使用字节偏移量而非字符偏移量使用个人,替换和会话词典使用替换表,覆盖 sug-mode 默认值使用错字分析,覆盖 sug-mode 默认值