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<&3T78Y\O_/QNS.a,AM96b@KC1>(?I#0d=!	$%LE %a %b %e %H:%M:%S %Z %Y from %.*s on %.*s%s failed: caught signal %d%s%s failed: exit code %d%s failed: unknown status 0x%x(%d minutes left to unlock)...Sorry, your time is up!
...Time is running out...
A valid context for %s could not be obtained.Access has been granted (last access was %ld seconds ago).Application needs to call libpam againAuthentication failureAuthentication information cannot be recoveredAuthentication service cannot retrieve authentication infoAuthentication service cannot retrieve user credentialsAuthentication token aging disabledAuthentication token expiredAuthentication token is no longer valid; new one requiredAuthentication token lock busyAuthentication token manipulation errorBad item passed to pam_*_item()Cannot make/remove an entry for the specified sessionChanging password for %s.Conversation errorConversation is waiting for eventCreating directory '%s'.Critical error - immediate abortCurrent %s password: Current password: Error in service moduleFailed preliminary check by password serviceFailed to load moduleFailure setting user credentialsHave exhausted maximum number of retries for serviceInsufficient credentials to access authentication dataKey creation context %s has been assigned.Last failed login:%s%s%sLast login:%s%s%sMemory buffer errorModule is unknownNIS password could not be changed.New %s password: New password: No module specific data is presentNo password has been supplied.Password change has been aborted.Password has been already used.Password has been already used. Choose another.Password: Permission deniedRetype %sRetype new %s password: Retype new password: Security context %s has been assigned.Sorry, passwords do not match.SuccessSymbol not foundSystem errorThe account is locked due to %u failed logins.The default security context is %s.The password has not been changed.The return value should be ignored by PAM dispatchThere is no default type for role %s.There was %d failed login attempt since the last successful login.There were %d failed login attempts since the last successful login.There were %d failed login attempts since the last successful login.There were too many logins for '%s'.This is not a valid security context.Unable to create and initialize directory '%s'.Unknown PAM errorUsage: %s [--dir /path/to/tally-directory] [--user username] [--reset]
User account has expiredUser credentials expiredUser not known to the underlying authentication moduleWarning: your password will expire in %d day.Warning: your password will expire in %d days.Warning: your password will expire in %d days.Welcome to your new account!Would you like to enter a different role or level?You are required to change your password immediately (administrator enforced).You are required to change your password immediately (password expired).You have mail in folder %s.You have mail.You have new mail in folder %s.You have new mail.You have no mail in folder %s.You have no mail.You have old mail in folder %s.You have old mail.You must choose a longer password.You must choose a shorter password.You must wait longer to change your password.Your account has expired; please contact your system administrator.erroneous conversation (%d)
failed to initialize PAM
failed to pam_set_item()
level:login:login: failure forking: %mrole:Project-Id-Version: Linux-PAM
Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: https://github.com/linux-pam/linux-pam/issues
PO-Revision-Date: 2020-07-20 21:29+0000
Last-Translator: Charles Lee <lchopn@gmail.com>
Language-Team: Chinese (Simplified) <https://translate.fedoraproject.org/projects/linux-pam/master/zh_CN/>
Language: zh_CN
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit
Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;
X-Generator: Weblate 4.1.1
 %a %b %e %H:%M:%S %Z %Y 从 %.*s %.*s 上%s 失败:捕获的信号 %d%s%s 失败:退出代码 %d%s 失败:未知的状态 0x%x(%d 分钟后解锁)...对不起,您的时间已经耗尽!
无法取得 %s 的有效上下文。访问已被准许(上次访问是 %ld 秒之前)。应用程序需要再次调用 libpam鉴定故障无法恢复鉴定信息鉴定服务无法检索到鉴定信息鉴定服务无法检索到用户身份凭证已禁用鉴定令牌过期处理鉴定令牌失效鉴定令牌不再有效;需要新的鉴定令牌鉴定令牌锁忙碌鉴定令牌操作错误传递至 pam_*_item() 的项目无效无法为指定的会话创建/移除项为 %s 更改 STRESS 密码。转换错误转换正在等待事件创建目录 '%s'。严重错误 - 立即中止当前的 %s 密码: 当前的密码: 服务模块存在错误密码服务初步检查失败装载模块失败设置用户身份凭证时出现故障已经超出服务重试的最多次数没有足够的身份凭证以访问鉴定数据密钥生成上下文 %s 已分配。最后一次失败的登录:%s%s%s上一次登录:%s%s%s内存缓冲区错误模块未知无法更改 NIS 密码。新的 %s 密码: 新的密码: 不存在特定于模块的数据未提供密码。密码更改已取消。密码已被使用。密码已使用。请选择其他密码。密码: 拒绝权限重新输入 %s重新输入新的 %s 密码: 重新输入新的密码: 安全上下文 %s 已指派。抱歉,密码不匹配。成功找不到符号系统错误由于 %u 次登录失败,此帐户已锁定。默认的安全上下文是 %s。密码未被更改。返回值应该被 PAM dispatch 忽略角色 %s 没有默认类型。最有一次成功登录后有 %d 次失败的登录尝试。最有一次成功登录后有 %d 次失败的登录尝试。'%s' 的登录次数过多。这不是一个有效的安全上下文。无法创建和初始化目录 '%s'。未知的 PAM 错误用法:%s [--dir /path/to/tally-directory] [--user username] [--reset]
用户帐户已失效用户身份凭证失效底层的鉴定模块无法识别用户警告:您的密码将在 %d 天后过期。警告:您的密码将在 %d 天后过期。欢迎使用新帐户!您是否愿意进入不同的角色或者级别?您必须立即更改密码(管理员强制)。您必须立即更改密码(密码已经过期)。您在文件夹 %s 中有邮件。您有邮件。您在文件夹 %s 中有新邮件。您有新邮件。您在文件夹 %s 中无邮件。您没有新邮件。您在文件夹 %s 中有旧邮件。您有旧邮件。您必须选择一个更长的密码。您必须选择较短的密码。您必须等待更长时间以更改密码。您的帐户已过期;请联系您的系统管理员。有错误的转换 (%d)
未能初始化 PAM
未能 pam_set_item()