Current Path : /usr/share/Modules/init/ |
Current File : //usr/share/Modules/init/sh |
# shellcheck shell=sh unset _mlshdbg; # disable shell debugging for the run of this init file if [ "${MODULES_SILENT_SHELL_DEBUG:-0}" = '1' ]; then # immediately disable debugging to echo the less number of line possible case "$-" in *v*x*) set +vx; _mlshdbg='vx' ;; *v*) set +v; _mlshdbg='v' ;; *x*) set +x; _mlshdbg='x' ;; *) _mlshdbg='' ;; esac; fi; # define modules runtime quarantine configuration export MODULES_RUN_QUARANTINE='LD_LIBRARY_PATH LD_PRELOAD' # setup quarantine if defined unset _mlre _mlIFS; if [ -n "${IFS+x}" ]; then _mlIFS=$IFS; fi; IFS=' '; for _mlv in ${MODULES_RUN_QUARANTINE:-}; do if [ "${_mlv}" = "${_mlv##*[!A-Za-z0-9_]}" ] && [ "${_mlv}" = "${_mlv#[0-9]}" ]; then if [ -n "$(eval 'echo ${'"$_mlv"'+x}')" ]; then _mlre="${_mlre:-}__MODULES_QUAR_${_mlv}='$(eval 'echo ${'"$_mlv"'}')' "; fi; _mlrv="MODULES_RUNENV_${_mlv}"; _mlre="${_mlre:-}${_mlv}='$(eval 'echo ${'"$_mlrv"':-}')' "; fi; done; if [ -n "${_mlre:-}" ]; then _mlre="eval ${_mlre}__MODULES_QUARANTINE_SET=1 "; fi; # define module command and surrounding initial environment (default value # for MODULESHOME, MODULEPATH, LOADEDMODULES and parse of init config files) # shellcheck disable=2086 # word splitting expected on _mlre _mlcode=$(${_mlre:-}/usr/bin/tclsh '/usr/share/Modules/libexec/modulecmd.tcl' sh autoinit) _mlret=$? # clean temp variables used to setup quarantine if [ -n "${_mlIFS+x}" ]; then IFS=$_mlIFS; unset _mlIFS; else unset IFS; fi; unset _mlre _mlv _mlrv # no environment alteration if the above autoinit command failed if [ $_mlret -eq 0 ]; then eval "$_mlcode" # if sh is bash, export functions to get them defined in sub-shells if [ "${BASH:-}" != '' ]; then export -f _module_raw export -f module if [ "$(type -t ml)" = 'function' ]; then export -f ml fi fi fi unset _mlcode _mlret # restore shell debugging options if disabled if [ -n "${_mlshdbg:-}" ]; then set -"$_mlshdbg"; unset _mlshdbg; fi; # vim:set tabstop=3 shiftwidth=3 expandtab autoindent syntax=sh :