Current Path : /usr/lib64/python3.9/xml/sax/__pycache__/ |
Current File : //usr/lib64/python3.9/xml/sax/__pycache__/_exceptions.cpython-39.opt-1.pyc |
a �DOg� � @ s� d Z ddlZejdd� dkr*ddlmZ [G dd� de�ZG dd � d e�ZG d d� de�ZG dd � d e�ZG dd� de�Z dS )z!Different kinds of SAX Exceptions� N� �java)� Exceptionc @ s: e Zd ZdZd dd�Zdd� Zdd� Zd d � Zdd� ZdS )�SAXExceptiona� Encapsulate an XML error or warning. This class can contain basic error or warning information from either the XML parser or the application: you can subclass it to provide additional functionality, or to add localization. Note that although you will receive a SAXException as the argument to the handlers in the ErrorHandler interface, you are not actually required to raise the exception; instead, you can simply read the information in it.Nc C s || _ || _t�| |� dS )zUCreates an exception. The message is required, but the exception is optional.N)�_msg� _exceptionr �__init__)�self�msg� exception� r �+/usr/lib64/python3.9/xml/sax/_exceptions.pyr s zSAXException.__init__c C s | j S )z$Return a message for this exception.�r �r r r r � getMessage s zSAXException.getMessagec C s | j S )z9Return the embedded exception, or None if there was none.)r r r r r �getException s zSAXException.getExceptionc C s | j S )�0Create a string representation of the exception.r r r r r �__str__"