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Current File : //usr/lib64/python3.9/site-packages/setools/__pycache__/userquery.cpython-39.opt-1.pyc


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ee�ZdS)�N)�Iterable�)�CriteriaDescriptor�CriteriaSetDescriptor)�	MatchName)�User)�PolicyQuery)�match_regex_or_set�match_level�match_rangecs�eZdZUdZedd�ZdZeed<dZ	eed<dZ
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<dd��fdd�Zeed�dd�Z�ZS)�	UserQueryaf
    Query SELinux policy users.

    policy            The policy to query.

    Keyword Parameters/Class attributes:
    name            The user name to match.
    name_regex      If true, regular expression matching
                    will be used on the user names.
    roles           The attribute to match.
    roles_equal     If true, only types with role sets
                    that are equal to the criteria will
                    match.  Otherwise, any intersection
                    will match.
    roles_regex     If true, regular expression matching
                    will be used on the role names instead
                    of set logic.
    level           The criteria to match the user's default level.
    level_dom       If true, the criteria will match if it dominates
                    the user's default level.
    level_domby     If true, the criteria will match if it is dominated
                    by the user's default level.
    level_incomp    If true, the criteria will match if it is incomparable
                    to the user's default level.
    range_          The criteria to match the user's range.
    range_subset    If true, the criteria will match if it is a subset
                    of the user's range.
    range_overlap   If true, the criteria will match if it overlaps
                    any of the user's range.
    range_superset  If true, the criteria will match if it is a superset
                    of the user's range.
    range_proper    If true, use proper superset/subset operations.
                    No effect if not using set operations.
    Zlookup_level)Zlookup_functionF�	level_dom�level_domby�level_incompZlookup_range�
range_overlap�range_subset�range_superset�range_proper�roles_regexZlookup_role�roles_equalN)�returncs(tt|�j|fi|��t�t�|_dS)N)�superr�__init__�loggingZ	getLogger�__name__�log)�self�policy�kwargs��	__class__��7/usr/lib64/python3.9/site-packages/setools/userquery.pyrCszUserQuery.__init__ccs�|j�d�|��|�|j�|j�d�|��|j�d�|��|j�d�|��|j��D]|}|�|�snq^|jr�t	|j|j|j
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|j|j|j|j|j�s�q^|jr�t|j|j|j|j|j|j�s�q^|Vq^dS)z*Generator which yields all matching users.z'Generating user results from {0.policy}z?Roles: {0.roles!r}, regex: {0.roles_regex}, eq: {0.roles_equal}zXLevel: {0.level!r}, dom: {0.level_dom}, domby: {0.level_domby}, incomp: {0.level_incomp}z�Range: {0.range_!r}, subset: {0.range_subset}, overlap: {0.range_overlap}, superset: {0.range_superset}, proper: {0.range_proper}N)r�info�formatZ_match_name_debug�debugrZusersZ_match_name�rolesr	rr�levelr
Z	mls_levelr
rr�range_rZ	mls_rangerrrr)r�userr!r!r"�resultsGsN
__module__�__qualname__�__doc__rr'r
__classcell__r!r!rr"rs
r)r�re�typingrZdescriptorsrrZmixinsrZ	policyrepr�queryr�utilr	r
rrr!r!r!r"�<module>s