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    Query the Type Enforcement rules.

    policy            The policy to query.

    Keyword Parameters/Class attributes:
    ruletype          The list of rule type(s) to match.
    source            The name of the source type/attribute to match.
    source_indirect   If true, members of an attribute will be
                      matched rather than the attribute itself.
                      Default is true.
    source_regex      If true, regular expression matching will
                      be used on the source type/attribute.
                      Obeys the source_indirect option.
                      Default is false.
    target            The name of the target type/attribute to match.
    target_indirect   If true, members of an attribute will be
                      matched rather than the attribute itself.
                      Default is true.
    target_regex      If true, regular expression matching will
                      be used on the target type/attribute.
                      Obeys target_indirect option.
                      Default is false.
    tclass            The object class(es) to match.
    tclass_regex      If true, use a regular expression for
                      matching the rule's object class.
                      Default is false.
    perms             The set of permission(s) to match.
    perms_equal       If true, the permission set of the rule
                      must exactly match the permissions
                      criteria.  If false, any set intersection
                      will match.
                      Default is false.
    perms_regex       If true, regular expression matching will be used
                      on the permission names instead of set logic.
                      Default is false.
    perms_subset      If true, the rule matches if the permissions criteria
                      is a subset of the rule's permission set.
                      Default is false.
    default           The name of the default type to match.
    default_regex     If true, regular expression matching will be
                      used on the default type.
                      Default is false.
    boolean           The set of boolean(s) to match.
    boolean_regex     If true, regular expression matching will be
                      used on the booleans.
                      Default is false.
    boolean_equal     If true, the booleans in the conditional
                      expression of the rule must exactly match the
                      criteria.  If false, any set intersection
                      will match.  Default is false.
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 cs(tt|�j|fi|��t�t�|_dSr )�superr�__init__�loggingZ	getLogger�__name__�log)r!�policy�kwargs��	__class__r"r#r0oszTERuleQuery.__init__c	csH|j�d�|��|j�d�|��|j�d�|��|j�d�|��|�|j�|�|j�|j�d�|��|j�d�|��|j�d�|��|j��D�]�}|jr�|j|jvr�q�|j	r�t
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"r)r1�typingrrrrr�rr	Zdescriptorsr
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