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NetworkXError�NetworkXNoPath�NodeNotFoundzNetworkX failed to import.�)�EdgeAttrIntMax�EdgeAttrList)�
TERuletype�Type�InfoFlowAnalysis�InfoFlowStepc	@s�eZdZUdZeeed<eed<eed<d.e	eee
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�d,d-�ZdS)1rzInformation flow analysis.�_exclude�_min_weight�	_perm_maprN)�policy�perm_map�
min_weight�exclude�booleans�returncCs�t�t�|_||_||_||_||_||_d|_	d|_
zt��|_
        policy      The policy to analyze.
        perm_map    The permission map or path to the permission map file.
        minweight   The minimum permission weight to include in the analysis.
                    (default is 1)
        exclude     The types excluded from the information flow analysis.
                    (default is none)
        booleans    If None, all rules will be added to the analysis (default).
                    otherwise it should be set to a dict with keys corresponding
                    to boolean names and values of True/False. Any unspecified
                    booleans will use the policy's default values.
        TzKNetworkX is not available.  This is requried for Information Flow Analysis.z2This is typically in the python3-networkx package.N)�logging�	getLogger�__name__�logrrrrr�rebuildgraph�rebuildsubgraph�nxZDiGraph�G�copy�subG�	NameErrorZcritical)�selfrrrrr�r+�6/usr/lib64/python3.9/site-packages/setools/infoflow.py�__init__!s
zInfoFlowAnalysis.__init__)rcCs|jS�N)r�r*r+r+r,rEszInfoFlowAnalysis.min_weight)�weightrcCs.d|krdksntd��||_d|_dS)Nr�
z4Min information flow weight must be an integer 1-10.T)�
ValueErrorrr$)r*r0r+r+r,rIs�cCs|jSr.)rr/r+r+r,rRszInfoFlowAnalysis.perm_map)rrcCs||_d|_d|_dS)NT)rr#r$)r*rr+r+r,rVscCs|jSr.)rr/r+r+r,r\szInfoFlowAnalysis.exclude)�typesrcs*|r�fdd�|D��_ng�_d�_dS)Ncsg|]}�j�|��qSr+)r�lookup_type)�.0�tr/r+r,�
<listcomp>c�z,InfoFlowAnalysis.exclude.<locals>.<listcomp>T)rr$)r*r3r+r/r,r`s)�source�targetrccs�|j�|�}|j�|�}|jr&|��|j�d�||��ttt	��*|�
tj|j
        Generator which yields one shortest path between the source
        and target types (there may be more).

        source   The source type.
        target   The target type.

        Yield: generator(steps)

        steps Yield: tuple(source, target, rules)

        source   The source type for this step of the information flow.
        target   The target type for this step of the information flow.
        rules    The list of rules creating this information flow step.
        z@Generating one shortest information flow path from {0} to {1}...)r9r:N)rr4r$�_build_subgraphr"�info�formatrr
�zInfoFlowAnalysis.shortest_path�)r9r:�maxlenrccs�|dkrtd��|j�|�}|j�|�}|jr6|��|j�d�|||��tt	t
��4t�|j
        Generator which yields all paths between the source and target
        up to the specified maximum path length.  This algorithm
        tends to get very expensive above 3-5 steps, depending
        on the policy complexity.

        source    The source type.
        target    The target type.
        maxlen    Maximum length of paths.

        Yield: generator(steps)

        steps Yield: tuple(source, target, rules)

        source    The source type for this step of the information flow.
        target    The target type for this step of the information flow.
        rules     The list of rules creating this information flow step.
        rz%Maximum path length must be positive.zHGenerating all information flow paths from {0} to {1}, max length {2}...N)r2rr4r$r;r"r<r=rr
rr%Zall_simple_pathsr(r>)r*r9r:rBr@r6�pathr+r+r,�	all_paths�s
�zInfoFlowAnalysis.all_pathsccs�|j�|�}|j�|�}|jr&|��|j�d�||��ttt	��2t
�|j||�D]}|�
        Generator which yields all shortest paths between the source
        and target types.

        source   The source type.
        target   The target type.

        Yield: generator(steps)

        steps Yield: tuple(source, target, rules)

        source   The source type for this step of the information flow.
        target   The target type for this step of the information flow.
        rules    The list of rules creating this information flow step.
        zAGenerating all shortest information flow paths from {0} to {1}...N)rr4r$r;r"r<r=rr
�z#InfoFlowAnalysis.all_shortest_pathsTr)�type_�outrccs�|j�|�}|jr|��|j�d�|r,dnd|��tt��L|rR|j	�
|�}n|j	�|�}|D]\}}t|j	||�VqbWd�n1s�0YdS)a(
        Generator which yields all information flows in/out of a
        specified source type.

        source  The starting type.

        Keyword Parameters:
        out     If true, information flows out of the type will
                be returned.  If false, information flows in to the
                type will be returned.  Default is true.

        Yield: generator(steps)

        steps   A generator that returns the tuple of
                source, target, and rules for each
                information flow.
        z(Generating all information flows {0} {1}zout ofZintoN)
rr4r$r;r"r<r=rr	r(Z	out_edgesZin_edgesr)r*rFrGr@Zflowsr9r:r+r+r,�	infoflows�s
        Get the information flow graph statistics.

        Return: str
Graph nodes: z
Graph edges: )r#�_build_graphr%�number_of_nodesr&�number_of_edgesr/r+r+r,�	get_stats�s

�zInfoFlowAnalysis.get_stats)rCrccs4tdt|��D] }t|j||d||�VqdS)a�
        Generator which returns the source, target, and associated rules
        for each information flow step.

        path   A list of graph node names representing an information flow path.

        Yield: tuple(source, target, rules)

        source  The source type for this step of the information flow.
        target  The target type for this step of the information flow.
        rules   The list of rules creating this information flow step.
        rN)�range�lenrr()r*rCr@r+r+r,Z__generate_stepssz!InfoFlowAnalysis.__generate_stepscCs*|j��d�|j�|j_|j�|j�|j�d�|j��|j�	�D]�}|j
tjkrXqF|j�
tt|��\}}t�|j��|j���D]`\}}||kr�|r�t|j||dd�}|j�|�||_|r�t|j||dd�}|j�|�||_q�qFd|_d|_|j�d�|j�d�t�|j�t�|j���dS)NzInformation flow graph for {0}.z+Building information flow graph from {0}...T)�createFz*Completed building information flow graph.z$Graph stats: nodes: {0}, edges: {1}.)r&�clearr=r�namerZ
map_policyr"r<ZterulesZruletyperZallowZrule_weightrr�	itertools�productr9�expandr:r�rules�appendr0r#r$�debugr%rJrK)r*�ruleZrweightZwweightr@r6�edger+r+r,rI.s2

�zInfoFlowAnalysis._build_graphc	s��jr����j�d��j�d��j���j�d��j���j�d��jdu���fdd��j	�
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�|�d�_�j�d	��j�d
���dS)Nz%Building information flow subgraph...zExcluding {0!r}zMin weight {0}z(Exclude disabled conditional policy: {0}csg|]}|�jvr|�qSr+)r)r5�nr/r+r,r7\r8z4InfoFlowAnalysis._build_subgraph.<locals>.<listcomp>rFz-Completed building information flow subgraph.z'Subgraph stats: nodes: {0}, edges: {1}.)r#rIr"r<rWr=rrrr&�nodesZsubgraphr'r(Zedgesrr0rVZremove_edges_fromrUZenabled�remover$r%rJrK)	r*r[Zdelete_listr@r6rYZ	rule_listrXZ


�z InfoFlowAnalysis._build_subgraph)rNN)rA)T)r!�
__module__�__qualname__�__doc__rr�__annotations__�intrrrrr�strr�boolr-�propertyr�setterrr�InfoFlowPathr?rDrErHrLr>rIr;r+r+r+r,rsF
��$""�)�# ' #c@sFeZdZdZed�Zed�Zd
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    A graph edge.  Also used for returning information flow steps.

    graph       The NetworkX graph.
    source      The source type of the edge.
    target      The target type of the edge.

    Keyword Parameters:
    create      (T/F) create the edge if it does not exist.
                The default is False.
    rUZcapacityFN)r9r:rOrcCsP||_||_||_|j�||�sL|rD|jj||dd�d|_d|_ntd��dS)Nr)r0z$InfoFlowStep does not exist in graph)r&r9r:Zhas_edgeZadd_edgerUr0r2)r*Zgraphr9r:rOr+r+r,r-�szInfoFlowStep.__init__cs4t|t�r&�fdd�t|�d��D�S��|�SdS)Ncsg|]}��|��qSr+)�_index_to_item)r5�ir/r+r,r7�r8z,InfoFlowStep.__getitem__.<locals>.<listcomp>rA)�
zInfoFlowStep.__getitem__cCs.|dkr|jS|dkr|jStd�|���dS)z'Return source or target based on index.rrz,Invalid index (edges only have 2 items): {0}N)r9r:�

contextlibr�typingrrrrrrZnetworkxr%Znetworkx.exceptionr	r
r�ImportErrorr r!rWZdescriptorsr
rZpermmaprZ	policyreprrrr�__all__rfrrr+r+r+r,�<module>s" r