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d��Zejeeeefdd�dd��Zeeed�dd��Zejeeeefdd�dd��Zeed�dd�Z�ZS)�IbpkeyconQuerya 
    Infiniband pkey context query.

    policy          The policy to query.

    Keyword Parameters/Class attributes:
    subnet_prefix   A subnet prefix to match.
    pkeys           A 2-tuple of the pkey range to match. (Set both to
                    the same value for a single pkey)
    pkeys_subset    If true, the criteria will match if it is a subset
                    of the ibpkeycon's range.
    pkeys_overlap   If true, the criteria will match if it overlaps
                    any of the ibpkeycon's range.
    pkeys_superset  If true, the criteria will match if it is a superset
                    of the ibpkeycon's range.
    pkeys_proper    If true, use proper superset/subset operations.
                    No effect if not using set operations.
    user            The criteria to match the context's user.
    user_regex      If true, regular expression matching
                    will be used on the user.
    role            The criteria to match the context's role.
    role_regex      If true, regular expression matching
                    will be used on the role.
    type_           The criteria to match the context's type.
    type_regex      If true, regular expression matching
                    will be used on the type.
    range_          The criteria to match the context's range.
    range_subset    If true, the criteria will match if it is a subset
                    of the context's range.
    range_overlap   If true, the criteria will match if it overlaps
                    any of the context's range.
    range_superset  If true, the criteria will match if it is a superset
                    of the context's range.
    range_proper    If true, use proper superset/subset operations.
                    No effect if not using set operations.
    N�_subnet_prefix�_pkeysF�pkeys_subset�
pkeys_overlap�pkeys_superset�pkeys_propercs(tt|�j|fi|��t�t�|_dS�N)�superr
�__init__�loggingZ	getLogger�__name__�log)�self�policy�kwargs��	__class__��</usr/lib64/python3.9/site-packages/setools/ibpkeyconquery.pyr>szIbpkeyconQuery.__init__)�returncCs|jSr)r�rrrr �pkeysBszIbpkeyconQuery.pkeys)�valuer!cCs�|durvt|�}|jdks$|jdkr2td�|���|jdksF|jdkrTtd�|���|j|jkrntd�|���||_nd|_dS)Nrz.Pkeys must be positive: {0.low:#x}-{0.high:#x}i��z/Pkeys maximum is 0xffff: {0.low:#x}-{0.high:#x}zGThe low pkey must be smaller than the high pkey: {0.low:#x}-{0.high:#x})r
pending_pkeysrrr r#Fs$����cCs|jSr)rr"rrr �
subnet_prefix\szIbpkeyconQuery.subnet_prefixcCs|rt|�|_nd|_dSr)rr)rr$rrr r'`sccs�|j�d�|��|j�d�|��|j�d�|��|�|j�|j��D]V}|jdurh|j|jkrhqL|jr�t	|j|j|j
|j|j|j
�s�qL|�|j�s�qL|VqLdS)z/Generator which yields all matching ibpkeycons.z,Generating ibpkeycon results from {0.policy}z Subnet Prefix: {0.subnet_prefix}z~Pkeys: {0.pkeys}, overlap: {0.pkeys_overlap}, subset: {0.pkeys_subset}, superset: {0.pkeys_superset}, proper: {0.pkeys_proper}N)r�infor&�debugZ_match_context_debugrZ
ibpkeyconsr'r#rrrrrZ_match_context�context)rZpkrrr �resultsgs*
��zIbpkeyconQuery.results)r�
__module__�__qualname__�__doc__rrr�__annotations__rr
r�boolrrrr�propertyr#�setterr�intr'r�strrr	r+�
__classcell__rrrr r
&r
)Z	ipaddressrr�typingrrrrZmixinsrZ	policyrepr	r
�queryr�utilrr
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