Current Path : /proc/thread-self/root/opt/alt/php70/usr/share/pear/File/MARC/Lint/ |
Current File : //proc/thread-self/root/opt/alt/php70/usr/share/pear/File/MARC/Lint/CodeData.php |
<?php /* vim: set expandtab shiftwidth=4 tabstop=4 softtabstop=4 foldmethod=marker: */ /** * Code Data to support Lint for MARC records * * This module is adapted from the MARC::Lint::CodeData CPAN module for Perl, * maintained by Bryan Baldus <eijabb@cpan.org> and available for download at * http://search.cpan.org/~eijabb/ * * Current MARC::Lint::CodeData version used as basis for this module: 1.37 * * PHP version 5 * * LICENSE: This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA * * @category File_Formats * @package File_MARC * @author Demian Katz <demian.katz@villanova.edu> * @author Dan Scott <dscott@laurentian.ca> * @copyright 2003-2019 Oy Realnode Ab, Dan Scott * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/lesser.html LGPL License 2.1 * @version CVS: $Id: Record.php 308146 2011-02-08 20:36:20Z dbs $ * @link http://pear.php.net/package/File_MARC */ // {{{ class File_MARC_Lint /** * Contains codes from the MARC code lists for Geographic Areas, Languages, and * Countries. * * Code data is used for validating fields 008, 040, 041, and 043. * * Also, sources for subfield 2 in 600-651 and 655. * * Note: According to the official MARC documentation, Sears is not a valid 655 * term. The code data below treats it as valid, in anticipation of a change in * the official documentation. * * @category File_Formats * @package File_MARC * @author Demian Katz <demian.katz@villanova.edu> * @author Dan Scott <dscott@laurentian.ca> * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/lesser.html LGPL License 2.1 * @link http://pear.php.net/package/File_MARC */ class File_MARC_Lint_CodeData { // {{{ properties /** * Valid Geographic Area Codes * @var array */ public $geogAreaCodes; /** * Obsolete Geographic Area Codes * @var array */ public $obsoleteGeogAreaCodes; /** * Valid Language Codes * @var array */ public $languageCodes; /** * Obsolete Language Codes * @var array */ public $obsoleteLanguageCodes; /** * Valid Country Codes * @var array */ public $countryCodes; /** * Obsolete Country Codes * @var array */ public $obsoleteCountryCodes; /** * Valid sources for fields 600-651 * @var array */ public $sources600_651; /** * Obsolete sources for fields 600-651 * @var array */ public $obsoleteSources600_651; /** * Valid sources for field 655 * @var array */ public $sources655; /** * Obsolete sources for field 655 * @var array */ public $obsoleteSources655; // }}} // {{{ Constructor: function __construct() /** * Start function * * Initialize code arrays. * * @return true */ public function __construct() { // @codingStandardsIgnoreStart // fill the valid Geographic Area Codes array $this->geogAreaCodes = explode("\t", "a------ a-af--- a-ai--- a-aj--- a-ba--- a-bg--- a-bn--- a-br--- a-bt--- a-bx--- a-cb--- a-cc--- a-cc-an a-cc-ch a-cc-cq a-cc-fu a-cc-ha a-cc-he a-cc-hh a-cc-hk a-cc-ho a-cc-hp a-cc-hu a-cc-im a-cc-ka a-cc-kc a-cc-ki a-cc-kn a-cc-kr a-cc-ku a-cc-kw a-cc-lp a-cc-mh a-cc-nn a-cc-pe a-cc-sh a-cc-sm a-cc-sp a-cc-ss a-cc-su a-cc-sz a-cc-ti a-cc-tn a-cc-ts a-cc-yu a-ccg-- a-cck-- a-ccp-- a-ccs-- a-ccy-- a-ce--- a-ch--- a-cy--- a-em--- a-gs--- a-ii--- a-io--- a-iq--- a-ir--- a-is--- a-ja--- a-jo--- a-kg--- a-kn--- a-ko--- a-kr--- a-ku--- a-kz--- a-le--- a-ls--- a-mk--- a-mp--- a-my--- a-np--- a-nw--- a-ph--- a-pk--- a-pp--- a-qa--- a-si--- a-su--- a-sy--- a-ta--- a-th--- a-tk--- a-ts--- a-tu--- a-uz--- a-vt--- a-ye--- aa----- ab----- ac----- ae----- af----- ag----- ah----- ai----- ak----- am----- an----- ao----- aopf--- aoxp--- ap----- ar----- as----- at----- au----- aw----- awba--- awgz--- ay----- az----- b------ c------ cc----- cl----- d------ dd----- e------ e-aa--- e-an--- e-au--- e-be--- e-bn--- e-bu--- e-bw--- e-ci--- e-cs--- e-dk--- e-er--- e-fi--- e-fr--- e-ge--- e-gi--- e-gr--- e-gw--- e-gx--- e-hu--- e-ic--- e-ie--- e-it--- e-kv--- e-lh--- e-li--- e-lu--- e-lv--- e-mc--- e-mm--- e-mo--- e-mv--- e-ne--- e-no--- e-pl--- e-po--- e-rb--- e-rm--- e-ru--- e-sm--- e-sp--- e-sw--- e-sz--- e-uk--- e-uk-en e-uk-ni e-uk-st e-uk-ui e-uk-wl e-un--- e-ur--- e-urc-- e-ure-- e-urf-- e-urk-- e-urn-- e-urp-- e-urr-- e-urs-- e-uru-- e-urw-- e-vc--- e-xn--- e-xo--- e-xr--- e-xv--- e-yu--- ea----- eb----- ec----- ed----- ee----- el----- en----- eo----- ep----- er----- es----- ev----- ew----- f------ f-ae--- f-ao--- f-bd--- f-bs--- f-cd--- f-cf--- f-cg--- f-cm--- f-cx--- f-dm--- f-ea--- f-eg--- f-et--- f-ft--- f-gh--- f-gm--- f-go--- f-gv--- f-iv--- f-ke--- f-lb--- f-lo--- f-ly--- f-mg--- f-ml--- f-mr--- f-mu--- f-mw--- f-mz--- f-ng--- f-nr--- f-pg--- f-rh--- f-rw--- f-sa--- f-sd--- f-sf--- f-sg--- f-sh--- f-sj--- f-sl--- f-so--- f-sq--- f-ss--- f-sx--- f-tg--- f-ti--- f-tz--- f-ua--- f-ug--- f-uv--- f-za--- fa----- fb----- fc----- fd----- fe----- ff----- fg----- fh----- fi----- fl----- fn----- fq----- fr----- fs----- fu----- fv----- fw----- fz----- h------ i------ i-bi--- i-cq--- i-fs--- i-hm--- i-mf--- i-my--- i-re--- i-se--- i-xa--- i-xb--- i-xc--- i-xo--- l------ ln----- lnaz--- lnbm--- lnca--- lncv--- lnfa--- lnjn--- lnma--- lnsb--- ls----- lsai--- lsbv--- lsfk--- lstd--- lsxj--- lsxs--- m------ ma----- mb----- me----- mm----- mr----- n------ n-cn--- n-cn-ab n-cn-bc n-cn-mb n-cn-nf n-cn-nk n-cn-ns n-cn-nt n-cn-nu n-cn-on n-cn-pi n-cn-qu n-cn-sn n-cn-yk n-cnh-- n-cnm-- n-cnp-- n-gl--- n-mx--- n-us--- n-us-ak n-us-al n-us-ar n-us-az n-us-ca n-us-co n-us-ct n-us-dc n-us-de n-us-fl n-us-ga n-us-hi n-us-ia n-us-id n-us-il n-us-in n-us-ks n-us-ky n-us-la n-us-ma n-us-md n-us-me n-us-mi n-us-mn n-us-mo n-us-ms n-us-mt n-us-nb n-us-nc n-us-nd n-us-nh n-us-nj n-us-nm n-us-nv n-us-ny n-us-oh n-us-ok n-us-or n-us-pa n-us-ri n-us-sc n-us-sd n-us-tn n-us-tx n-us-ut n-us-va n-us-vt n-us-wa n-us-wi n-us-wv n-us-wy n-usa-- n-usc-- n-use-- n-usl-- n-usm-- n-usn-- n-uso-- n-usp-- n-usr-- n-uss-- n-ust-- n-usu-- n-xl--- nc----- ncbh--- nccr--- nccz--- nces--- ncgt--- ncho--- ncnq--- ncpn--- nl----- nm----- np----- nr----- nw----- nwaq--- nwaw--- nwbb--- nwbf--- nwbn--- nwcj--- nwco--- nwcu--- nwdq--- nwdr--- nweu--- nwgd--- nwgp--- nwhi--- nwht--- nwjm--- nwla--- nwli--- nwmj--- nwmq--- nwna--- nwpr--- nwsc--- nwsd--- nwsn--- nwst--- nwsv--- nwtc--- nwtr--- nwuc--- nwvb--- nwvi--- nwwi--- nwxa--- nwxi--- nwxk--- nwxm--- p------ pn----- po----- poas--- pobp--- poci--- pocw--- poea--- pofj--- pofp--- pogg--- pogu--- poji--- pokb--- poki--- poln--- pome--- pomi--- ponl--- ponn--- ponu--- popc--- popl--- pops--- posh--- potl--- poto--- pott--- potv--- poup--- powf--- powk--- pows--- poxd--- poxe--- poxf--- poxh--- ps----- q------ r------ s------ s-ag--- s-bl--- s-bo--- s-ck--- s-cl--- s-ec--- s-fg--- s-gy--- s-pe--- s-py--- s-sr--- s-uy--- s-ve--- sa----- sn----- sp----- t------ u------ u-ac--- u-at--- u-at-ac u-at-ne u-at-no u-at-qn u-at-sa u-at-tm u-at-vi u-at-we u-atc-- u-ate-- u-atn-- u-cs--- u-nz--- w------ x------ xa----- xb----- xc----- xd----- zd----- zju---- zma---- zme---- zmo---- zne---- zo----- zpl---- zs----- zsa---- zsu---- zur---- zve----"); // fill the obsolete Geographic Area Codes array $this->obsoleteGeogAreaCodes = explode("\t", "t-ay--- e-ur-ai e-ur-aj nwbc--- e-ur-bw f-by--- pocp--- e-url-- cr----- v------ e-ur-er et----- e-ur-gs pogn--- nwga--- nwgs--- a-hk--- ei----- f-if--- awiy--- awiw--- awiu--- e-ur-kz e-ur-kg e-ur-lv e-ur-li a-mh--- cm----- e-ur-mv n-usw-- a-ok--- a-pt--- e-ur-ru pory--- nwsb--- posc--- a-sk--- posn--- e-uro-- e-ur-ta e-ur-tk e-ur-un e-ur-uz a-vn--- a-vs--- nwvr--- e-urv-- a-ys---"); // fill the valid Language Codes array $this->languageCodes = explode("\t", " aar abk ace ach ada ady afa afh afr ain aka akk alb ale alg alt amh ang anp apa ara arc arg arm arn arp art arw asm ast ath aus ava ave awa aym aze bad bai bak bal bam ban baq bas bat bej bel bem ben ber bho bih bik bin bis bla bnt bos bra bre btk bua bug bul bur byn cad cai car cat cau ceb cel cha chb che chg chi chk chm chn cho chp chr chu chv chy cmc cop cor cos cpe cpf cpp cre crh crp csb cus cze dak dan dar day del den dgr din div doi dra dsb dua dum dut dyu dzo efi egy eka elx eng enm epo est ewe ewo fan fao fat fij fil fin fiu fon fre frm fro frr frs fry ful fur gaa gay gba gem geo ger gez gil gla gle glg glv gmh goh gon gor got grb grc gre grn gsw guj gwi hai hat hau haw heb her hil him hin hit hmn hmo hrv hsb hun hup iba ibo ice ido iii ijo iku ile ilo ina inc ind ine inh ipk ira iro ita jav jbo jpn jpr jrb kaa kab kac kal kam kan kar kas kau kaw kaz kbd kha khi khm kho kik kin kir kmb kok kom kon kor kos kpe krc krl kro kru kua kum kur kut lad lah lam lao lat lav lez lim lin lit lol loz ltz lua lub lug lui lun luo lus mac mad mag mah mai mak mal man mao map mar mas may mdf mdr men mga mic min mis mkh mlg mlt mnc mni mno moh mon mos mul mun mus mwl mwr myn myv nah nai nap nau nav nbl nde ndo nds nep new nia nic niu nno nob nog non nor nqo nso nub nwc nya nym nyn nyo nzi oci oji ori orm osa oss ota oto paa pag pal pam pan pap pau peo per phi phn pli pol pon por pra pro pus que raj rap rar roa roh rom rum run rup rus sad sag sah sai sal sam san sas sat scn sco sel sem sga sgn shn sid sin sio sit sla slo slv sma sme smi smj smn smo sms sna snd snk sog som son sot spa srd srn srp srr ssa ssw suk sun sus sux swa swe syc syr tah tai tam tat tel tem ter tet tgk tgl tha tib tig tir tiv tkl tlh tli tmh tog ton tpi tsi tsn tso tuk tum tup tur tut tvl twi tyv udm uga uig ukr umb und urd uzb vai ven vie vol vot wak wal war was wel wen wln wol xal xho yao yap yid yor ypk zap zbl zen zha znd zul zun zxx zza"); // fill the obsolete Language Codes array $this->obsoleteLanguageCodes = explode("\t", "ajm esk esp eth far fri gag gua int iri cam kus mla max mol lan gal lap sao gae scc scr sho snh sso swz tag taj tar tru tsw"); // fill the valid Country Codes array $this->countryCodes = explode("\t", "aa abc aca ae af ag ai aj aku alu am an ao aq aru as at au aw ay azu ba bb bcc bd be bf bg bh bi bl bm bn bo bp br bs bt bu bv bw bx ca cau cb cc cd ce cf cg ch ci cj ck cl cm co cou cq cr ctu cu cv cw cx cy dcu deu dk dm dq dr ea ec eg em enk er es et fa fg fi fj fk flu fm fp fr fs ft gau gb gd gh gi gl gm go gp gr gs gt gu gv gw gy gz hiu hm ho ht hu iau ic idu ie ii ilu inu io iq ir is it iv iy ja ji jm jo ke kg kn ko ksu ku kv kyu kz lau lb le lh li lo ls lu lv ly mau mbc mc mdu meu mf mg miu mj mk ml mm mnu mo mou mp mq mr msu mtu mu mv mw mx my mz na nbu ncu ndu ne nfc ng nhu nik nju nkc nl nmu nn no np nq nr nsc ntc nu nuc nvu nw nx nyu nz ohu oku onc oru ot pau pc pe pf pg ph pic pk pl pn po pp pr pw py qa qea quc rb re rh riu rm ru rw sa sc scu sd sdu se sf sg sh si sj sl sm sn snc so sp sq sr ss st stk su sw sx sy sz ta tc tg th ti tk tl tma tnu to tr ts tu tv txu tz ua uc ug uik un up utu uv uy uz vau vb vc ve vi vm vp vra vtu wau wea wf wiu wj wk wlk ws wvu wyu xa xb xc xd xe xf xga xh xj xk xl xm xn xna xo xoa xp xr xra xs xv xx xxc xxk xxu ye ykc za "); // fill the obsolete Country Codes array $this->obsoleteCountryCodes = explode("\t", "ai air ac ajr bwr cn cz cp ln cs err gsr ge gn hk iw iu jn kzr kgr lvr lir mh mvr nm pt rur ry xi sk xxr sb sv tar tt tkr unr uk ui us uzr vn vs wb ys yu "); // the codes cash, lcsh, lcshac, mesh, nal, and rvm are covered by 2nd // indicators in 600-655 // they are only used when indicators are not available $this->sources600_651 = explode("\t", "aass aat abne aedoml afo afset agrifors agrovoc agrovocf agrovocs aiatsisl aiatsisp aiatsiss aktp albt allars apaist armac asft ashlnl asrcrfcd asrcseo asrctoa asth ated atg atla aucsh bare barn bhb bella bet bhammf bhashe bib1814 bibalex biccbmc bicssc bidex bisacsh bisacmt bisacrt bjornson blcpss blmlsh blnpn bokbas bt btr cabt cash cbk cck ccsa cct ccte cctf cdcng ceeus chirosh cht ciesiniv cilla collett conorsi csahssa csalsct csapa csh csht cstud czenas czmesh dacs dbn dcs ddcri ddcrit ddcut dissao dit dltlt dltt drama dtict ebfem eclas eet eflch eks embiaecid embne emnmus ept erfemn ericd est eum eurovocen eurovocfr eurovocsl fast fes finmesh fire fmesh fnhl francis fssh galestne gccst gcipmedia gcipplatform gem gemet georeft gnd gnis gst gtt hamsun hapi hkcan helecon henn hlasstg hoidokki hrvmesh huc humord iaat ibsen ica icpsr idas idsbb idszbz idszbzes idszbzna idszbzzg idszbzzh idszbzzk iescs iest ilot ilpt inist inspect ipat ipsp isis itglit itoamc itrt jhpb jhpk jlabsh juho jupo jurivoc kaa kaba kao kassu kauno kaunokki kdm khib kito kitu kkts koko kssbar kta kto ktpt ktta kubikat kula kulo kupu lacnaf lapponica larpcal lcac lcdgt lcmpt lcsh lcshac lcstt lctgm lemac lemb liito liv lnmmbr local ltcsh lua maaq maotao mar masa mech mero mesh mipfesd mmm mpirdes msc msh mtirdes musa muso muzeukc muzeukn muzvukci naf nal nalnaf nasat nbdbt nbiemnfag ncjt ndlsh netc ndllsh nicem nimacsc nlgaf nlgkk nlgsh nlmnaf no-ubo-mr noraf noram norbok normesh noubomn noubojur nsbncf nskps ntcpsc ntcsd ntids ntissc nzggn nznb odlt ogst onet opms ordnok pascal pepp peri pha pkk pleiades pmbok pmcsg pmont pmt poliscit popinte precis prvt psychit puho quiding qlsp qrma qrmak qtglit raam ram rasuqam renib reo rero rerovoc rma rpe rswk rswkaf rugeo rurkp rvm rvmgd samisk sanb sao sbiao sbt scbi scgdst scisshl scot sears sfit sgc sgce shbe she shsples sigle sipri sk skon slem smda snt socio solstad sosa spines ssg sthus stw swd swemesh taika tasmas taxhs tbit tbjvp tekord tero tesa tesbhaecid test tgn tha thema thesoz thia tho thub tips tisa tlka tlsh toit trfarn trfbmb trfgr trfoba trfzb trt trtsa tsht tsr ttka ttll tucua udc ukslc ulan umitrist unbisn unbist unescot usaidt valo vcaadu vffyl vmj waqaf watrest wgst wot wpicsh ysa yso"); $this->obsoleteSources600_651 = explode("\t", "cash lcsh lcshac mesh nal nobomn noubojor reroa rvm"); $this->sources655 = explode("\t", "aat afset aiatsisl aiatsisp aiatsiss aktp alett amg asrcrfcd asrcseo asrctoa asth aucsh barn barngf bib1814 bibalex biccbmc bidex bgtchm bisacsh bisacmt bisacrt bjornson bt cash chirosh cct cdcng cjh collett conorsi csht czenas dacs dcs dct ddcut eet eflch embne emnmus ept erfemn ericd estc eurovocen eurovocsl fast fbg fgtpcm finmesh fire ftamc galestne gatbeg gem gmd gmgpc gnd gsafd gst gtlm hamsun hapi hkcan hoidokki ica ilot isbdcontent isbdmedia itglit itrt jhpb jhpk kkts lacnaf lcgft lcmpt lcsh lcshac lcstt lctgm lemac lobt local maaq mar marccategory marcform marcgt marcsmd mech mesh migfg mim msh muzeukc muzeukn muzeukv muzvukci nal nalnaf nbdbgf nbiemnfag ndlsh netc ngl nimafc nlgaf nlgkk nlgsh nlmnaf nmc no-ubo-mr noraf noram nsbncf ntids nzcoh nzggn nznb onet opms ordnok pkk pmcsg pmt proysen quiding qlsp qrmak qtglit raam radfg rasuqam rbbin rbgenr rbmscv rbpap rbpri rbprov rbpub rbtyp rdabf rdabs rdacarrier rdaco rdacontent rdacpc rdact rdafnm rdafs rdaft rdagen rdagrp rdagw rdalay rdamat rdamedia rdamt rdapf rdapm rdapo rdarm rdarr rdaspc rdatc rdatr rdavf reo rerovoc reveal rma rswk rswkaf rugeo rvm rvmgf sao saogf scbi sears sgc sgce sgp sipri skon snt socio spines ssg stw swd swemesh tbit thema tesa tgfbne thesoz tho thub toit tsht tucua ukslc ulan vgmsgg vgmsng vmj waqaf"); $this->obsoleteSources655 = explode("\t", "cash ftamc lcsh lcshac marccarrier marccontent marcmedia mesh nal reroa rvm"); // @codingStandardsIgnoreEnd } // }}} } // }}}