Your IP :
* File containing the ezcConsoleTable class.
* @package ConsoleTools
* @version 1.6.1
* @copyright Copyright (C) 2005-2010 eZ Systems AS. All rights reserved.
* @license http://ez.no/licenses/new_bsd New BSD License
* @filesource
* Creating tables to be printed to the console.
* Every ezcConsoleTable object can be accessed as if it was a multidimensional,
* numerically indexed array. The first dimension represents the rows of the
* table, so $table[0] gives you access to the first row of the table, which is
* represented by a {@link ezcConsoleTableRow} object. You can access its
* properties directly, using e.g. $table[0]->format. The second dimension gives
* you direct access to the cells of your table, like $table[0][0] accesses the
* first cell in the first row of your table. You can access its properties
* diretly here, too. This works like e.g. $table[0][0]->format. Table row and
* cell objects are created on the fly, when you access them for the first time.
* You can also create them as if you simply create new array elements. E.g.
* $table[] creates a new row in the table.
* <code>
* // Initialize the console output handler
* $out = new ezcConsoleOutput();
* // Define a new format "headline"
* $out->formats->headline->color = 'red';
* $out->formats->headline->style = array( 'bold' );
* // Define a new format "sum"
* $out->formats->sum->color = 'blue';
* $out->formats->sum->style = array( 'negative' );
* // Create a new table
* $table = new ezcConsoleTable( $out, 60 );
* // Create first row and in it the first cell
* $table[0][0]->content = 'Headline 1';
* // Create 3 more cells in row 0
* for ( $i = 2; $i < 5; $i++ )
* {
* $table[0][]->content = "Headline $i";
* }
* $data = array( 1, 2, 3, 4 );
* // Create some more data in the table...
* foreach ( $data as $value )
* {
* // Create a new row each time and set it's contents to the actual value
* $table[][0]->content = $value;
* }
* // Set another border format for our headline row
* $table[0]->borderFormat = 'headline';
* // Set the content format for all cells of the 3rd row to "sum"
* $table[2]->format = 'sum';
* $table->outputTable();
* </code>
* @property ezcConsoleTableOptions $options
* Contains the options for this class.
* @property int $width
* Width of the table.
* @see ezcConsoleOutput
* @package ConsoleTools
* @version 1.6.1
* @mainclass
class ezcConsoleTable implements Countable, Iterator, ArrayAccess
* Automatically wrap text to fit into a column.
* @see ezcConsoleTable::$options
const WRAP_AUTO = 1;
* Do not wrap text. Columns will be extended to fit the largest text.
* ATTENTION: This is risky!
* @see ezcConsoleTable::$options
const WRAP_NONE = 2;
* Text will be cut to fit into a column.
* @see ezcConsoleTable::$options
const WRAP_CUT = 3;
* Align text in the default direction.
const ALIGN_DEFAULT = -1;
* Align text in cells to the right.
* Align text in cells to the left.
* Align text in cells to the center.
* The width given by settings must be used even if the data allows it smaller.
const WIDTH_FIXED = 1;
* The width given by settings is a maximum value, if data allows it, the table gets smaller.
const WIDTH_MAX = 2;
* Container to hold the properties
* @var array(string=>mixed)
protected $properties;
* The ezcConsoleOutput object to use.
* @var ezcConsoleOutput
protected $outputHandler;
* Collection of the rows that are contained in the table.
* @var array(ezcConsoleTableRow)
protected $rows;
* Tool object for multi-byte encoding safe string operations.
* @var ezcConsoleStringTool
private $stringTool;
* Creates a new table.
* @param ezcConsoleOutput $outHandler Output handler to utilize
* @param int $width Overall width of the table (chars).
* @param array $options Options
* @see ezcConsoleTable::$options
* @throws ezcBaseValueException On an invalid setting.
public function __construct( ezcConsoleOutput $outHandler, $width, $options = array() )
$this->rows = array();
$this->outputHandler = $outHandler;
$this->stringTool = new ezcConsoleStringTool();
$this->__set( 'width', $width );
if ( $options instanceof ezcConsoleTableOptions )
$this->properties['options'] = $options;
else if ( is_array( $options ) )
$this->properties['options'] = new ezcConsoleTableOptions( $options );
throw new ezcBaseValueException( "options", $options, "array" );
* Set new options.
* This method allows you to change the options of the table.
* @param ezcConsoleTableOptions $options The options to set.
* @throws ezcBaseSettingNotFoundException
* If you tried to set a non-existent option value.
* @throws ezcBaseSettingValueException
* If the value is not valid for the desired option.
* @throws ezcBaseValueException
* If you submit neither an array nor an instance of
* ezcConsoleTableOptions.
public function setOptions( $options = array() )
if ( is_array( $options ) )
$this->properties['options']->merge( $options );
else if ( $options instanceof ezcConsoleTableOptions )
$this->properties['options'] = $options;
throw new ezcBaseValueException( "options", $options, "instance of ezcConsoleTableOptions" );
* Returns the current options.
* Returns the options currently set for this table.
* @return ezcConsoleTableOptions The current options.
public function getOptions()
return $this->properties['options'];
* Returns the table in an array.
* Returns the entire table as an array of printable lines. Each element of
* the array represents a physical line of the drawn table, including all
* borders and stuff, so you can simply print the table using
* <code>
* echo implode( "\n" , $table->getTable() ):
* </code>
* which is basically what {@link ezcConsoleTable::outputTable()} does.
* @return array An array representation of the table.
public function getTable()
return $this->generateTable();
* Output the table.
* Prints the complete table to the console.
* @return void
public function outputTable()
echo implode( PHP_EOL, $this->generateTable() );
* Returns the table in a string.
* @return string
public function __toString()
return implode( PHP_EOL, $this->generateTable() );
* Returns if the given offset exists.
* This method is part of the ArrayAccess interface to allow access to the
* data of this object as if it was an array.
* @param int $offset The offset to check.
* @return bool True when the offset exists, otherwise false.
* @throws ezcBaseValueException
* If a non numeric row ID is requested.
public function offsetExists( $offset )
if ( !is_int( $offset ) || $offset < 0 )
throw new ezcBaseValueException( 'offset', $offset, 'int >= 0' );
return isset( $this->rows[$offset] );
// From here only interface method implementations follow, which are not intended for direct usage
* Returns the element with the given offset.
* This method is part of the ArrayAccess interface to allow access to the
* data of this object as if it was an array. In case of the
* ezcConsoleTable class this method always returns a valid row object
* since it creates them on the fly, if a given item does not exist.
* @param int $offset The offset to check.
* @return ezcConsoleTableCell
* @throws ezcBaseValueException
* If a non numeric row ID is requested.
public function offsetGet( $offset )
$offset = ( $offset === null ) ? count( $this->rows ) : $offset;
if ( !is_int( $offset ) || $offset < 0 )
throw new ezcBaseValueException( 'offset', $offset, 'int >= 0 or null' );
if ( !isset( $this->rows[$offset] ) )
$this->rows[$offset] = new ezcConsoleTableRow();
return $this->rows[$offset];
* Set the element with the given offset.
* This method is part of the ArrayAccess interface to allow access to the
* data of this object as if it was an array.
* @param int $offset The offset to assign an item to.
* @param ezcConsoleTableRow $value The row to assign.
* @return void
* @throws ezcBaseValueException
* If a non numeric row ID is requested.
* @throws ezcBaseValueException
* If the provided value is not of type {@link ezcConsoleTableRow}.
public function offsetSet( $offset, $value )
if ( !( $value instanceof ezcConsoleTableRow ) )
throw new ezcBaseValueException( 'value', $value, 'ezcConsoleTableRow' );
if ( !isset( $offset ) )
$offset = count( $this );
if ( !is_int( $offset ) || $offset < 0 )
throw new ezcBaseValueException( 'offset', $offset, 'int >= 0' );
$this->rows[$offset] = $value;
* Unset the element with the given offset.
* This method is part of the ArrayAccess interface to allow access to the
* data of this object as if it was an array.
* @param int $offset The offset to unset the value for.
* @return void
* @throws ezcBaseValueException
* If a non numeric row ID is requested.
public function offsetUnset( $offset )
if ( !is_int( $offset ) || $offset < 0 )
throw new ezcBaseValueException( 'offset', $offset, 'int >= 0' );
if ( isset( $this->rows[$offset] ) )
unset( $this->rows[$offset] );
* Returns the number of cells in the row.
* This method is part of the Countable interface to allow the usage of
* PHP's count() function to check how many cells this row has.
* @return int Number of cells in this row.
public function count()
$keys = array_keys( $this->rows );
return count( $keys ) > 0 ? ( end( $keys ) + 1 ) : 0;
* Returns the currently selected cell.
* This method is part of the Iterator interface to allow access to the
* cells of this row by iterating over it like an array (e.g. using
* foreach).
* @return ezcConsoleTableCell The currently selected cell.
public function current()
return current( $this->rows );
* Returns the key of the currently selected cell.
* This method is part of the Iterator interface to allow access to the
* cells of this row by iterating over it like an array (e.g. using
* foreach).
* @return int The key of the currently selected cell.
public function key()
return key( $this->rows );
* Returns the next cell and selects it or false on the last cell.
* This method is part of the Iterator interface to allow access to the
* cells of this row by iterating over it like an array (e.g. using
* foreach).
* @return mixed ezcConsoleTableCell if the next cell exists, or false.
public function next()
return next( $this->rows );
* Selects the very first cell and returns it.
* This method is part of the Iterator interface to allow access to the
* cells of this row by iterating over it like an array (e.g. using
* foreach).
* @return ezcConsoleTableCell The very first cell of this row.
public function rewind()
return reset( $this->rows );
* Returns if the current cell is valid.
* This method is part of the Iterator interface to allow access to the
* cells of this row by iterating over it like an array (e.g. using
* foreach).
* @return ezcConsoleTableCell The very first cell of this row.
public function valid()
return current( $this->rows ) !== false;
* Property read access.
* @param string $key Name of the property.
* @return mixed Value of the property or null.
* @throws ezcBasePropertyNotFoundException
* If the the desired property is not found.
* @ignore
public function __get( $key )
switch ( $key )
case 'options':
case 'width':
return $this->properties[$key];
throw new ezcBasePropertyNotFoundException( $key );
* Property write access.
* @param string $key Name of the property.
* @param mixed $val The value for the property.
* @throws ezcBasePropertyNotFoundException
* If a the value for the property options is not an instance of
* @throws ezcBaseValueException
* If a the value for a property is out of range.
* @ignore
public function __set( $key, $val )
switch ( $key )
case 'options':
if ( !( $val instanceof ezcConsoleTableOptions ) )
throw new ezcBaseValueException( $key, $val, 'ezcConsoleTableOptions' );
$this->properties['options'] = $val;
case 'width':
if ( $val < 1 )
throw new ezcBaseValueException( $key, $val, 'int > 0' );
$this->properties[$key] = $val;
throw new ezcBasePropertyNotFoundException( $key );
* Property isset access.
* @param string $key Name of the property.
* @return bool True is the property is set, otherwise false.
* @ignore
public function __isset( $key )
switch ( $key )
case 'options':
case 'width':
case 'cols':
return true;
return false;
* Generate the complete table as an array.
* @return array(string) The table.
private function generateTable()
$colWidth = $this->getColWidths();
$table = array();
if ( $this->options->lineVertical !== null )
$table[] = $this->generateBorder(
( isset( $this[0] ) ? $this[0]->borderFormat : 'default' )
// Rows submitted by the user
for ( $i = 0; $i < count( $this->rows ); $i++ )
// Auto broken rows
foreach ( $this->breakRows( $this->rows[$i], $colWidth ) as $brkRow => $brkCells )
$table[] = $this->generateRow( $brkCells, $colWidth, $this->rows[$i] );
$afterBorderFormat = isset( $this->rows[$i + 1] ) && $this->rows[$i + 1]->borderFormat != 'default' ? $this->rows[$i + 1]->borderFormat : $this->rows[$i]->borderFormat;
if ( $this->options->lineVertical !== null )
$table[] = $this->generateBorder( $colWidth, $afterBorderFormat );
// Empty tables need closing border
if ( $this->options->lineVertical !== null && count( $this->rows ) == null )
$table[] = $this->generateBorder( $colWidth, 'default' );
return $table;
* Generate top/bottom borders of rows.
* @param array(int) $colWidth Array of column width.
* @param string $format Format name.
* @return string The Border string.
private function generateBorder( $colWidth, $format )
$border = '';
foreach ( $colWidth as $col => $width )
$border .= ( $this->options->lineHorizontal !== null ? $this->properties['options']->corner : '' )
. str_repeat(
$width + (
2 * iconv_strlen( $this->properties['options']->colPadding, 'UTF-8' )
$border .= ( $this->options->lineHorizontal !== null ? $this->properties['options']->corner : '' );
return $this->formatText( $border, $format );
* Generate a single physical row.
* This method generates the string for a single physical table row.
* @param array(string) $cells Cells of the row.
* @param array(int) $colWidth Calculated columns widths.
* @param ezcConsoleTableRow $row The row to generate.
* @return string The row.
private function generateRow( $cells, $colWidth, $row )
$rowData = '';
for ( $cell = 0; $cell < count( $colWidth ); $cell++ )
$align = $this->determineAlign( $row, $cell );
$format = $this->determineFormat( $row, $cell );
$borderFormat = $this->determineBorderFormat( $row );
$data = isset( $cells[$cell] ) ? $cells[$cell] : '';
$rowData .= $this->formatText(
$rowData .= $this->properties['options']->colPadding;
$rowData .= $this->formatText(
$this->stringTool->strPad( $data, $colWidth[$cell], ' ', $align ),
$rowData .= $this->properties['options']->colPadding;
$rowData .= $this->formatText( $this->properties['options']->lineHorizontal, $row->borderFormat );
return $rowData;
* Determine the alignment of a cell.
* Walks the inheritance path upwards to determine the alignment of a
* cell. Checks first, if the cell has it's own alignment (apart from
* ezcConsoleTable::ALIGN_DEFAULT). If not, checks the row for an
* alignment setting and uses the default alignment if not found.
* @param ezcConsoleTableRow $row The row this cell belongs to.
* @param int $cellId Index of the desired cell.
* @return int An alignement constant (ezcConsoleTable::ALIGN_*).
private function determineAlign( $row, $cellId = 0 )
return ( $row[$cellId]->align !== ezcConsoleTable::ALIGN_DEFAULT
? $row[$cellId]->align
: ( $row->align !== ezcConsoleTable::ALIGN_DEFAULT
? $row->align
: ( $this->properties['options']->defaultAlign !== ezcConsoleTable::ALIGN_DEFAULT
? $this->properties['options']->defaultAlign
: ezcConsoleTable::ALIGN_LEFT ) ) );
* Determine the format of a cells content.
* Walks the inheritance path upwards to determine the format of a
* cells content. Checks first, if the cell has it's own format (apart
* from 'default'). If not, checks the row for a format setting and
* uses the default format if not found.
* @param ezcConsoleTableRow $row The row this cell belongs to.
* @param int $cellId Index of the desired cell.
* @return string A format name.
private function determineFormat( $row, $cellId )
return ( $row[$cellId]->format != 'default'
? $row[$cellId]->format
: ( $row->format !== 'default'
? $row->format
: $this->properties['options']->defaultFormat ) );
* Determine the format of a rows border.
* Walks the inheritance path upwards to determine the format of a
* rows border. Checks first, if the row has it's own format (apart
* from 'default'). If not, uses the default format.
* @param ezcConsoleTableRow $row The row this cell belongs to.
* @return string A format name.
private function determineBorderFormat( $row )
return $row->borderFormat !== 'default'
? $row->borderFormat
: $this->properties['options']->defaultBorderFormat;
* Returns auto broken rows from an array of cells.
* The data provided by a user may not fit into a cell calculated by the
* class. In this case, the data can be automatically wrapped. The table
* row then spans over multiple physical console lines.
* @param array(string) $cells Array of cells in one row.
* @param array(int) $colWidth Columns widths array.
* @return array(string) Physical rows generated out of this row.
private function breakRows( $cells, $colWidth )
$rows = array();
// Iterate through cells of the row
foreach ( $colWidth as $cell => $width )
$data = $cells[$cell]->content;
// Physical row id, start with 0 for each row
$row = 0;
// Split into multiple physical rows if manual breaks exist
$dataLines = explode( "\n", $data );
foreach ( $dataLines as $dataLine )
// Does the physical row fit?
if ( iconv_strlen( $dataLine, 'UTF-8' ) > ( $colWidth[$cell] ) )
switch ( $this->properties['options']->colWrap )
case ezcConsoleTable::WRAP_AUTO:
$subLines = explode(
$this->stringTool->wordwrap( $dataLine, $colWidth[$cell], "\n", true )
foreach ( $subLines as $lineNo => $line )
$rows[$row++][$cell] = $line;
case ezcConsoleTable::WRAP_CUT:
$rows[$row++][$cell] = iconv_substr( $dataLine, 0, $colWidth[$cell], 'UTF-8' );
case ezcConsoleTable::WRAP_NONE:
$rows[$row++][$cell] = $dataLine;
$rows[$row++][$cell] = $dataLine;
return $rows;
* Determine width of each single column.
* @return void
private function getColWidths()
if ( is_array( $this->properties['options']->colWidth ) )
return $this->properties['options']->colWidth;
// Determine number of columns:
$colCount = 0;
foreach ( $this->rows as $row )
$colCount = max( sizeof( $row ), $colCount );
if ( $colCount === 0 )
return array( $this->width );
$borderWidth = iconv_strlen(
// Subtract border and padding chars from global width
$globalWidth = $this->width
- (
// Per column: 2 * border padding + 1 border
$colCount * (
2 * iconv_strlen( $this->properties['options']->colPadding, 'UTF-8' )
+ $borderWidth
// 1 Additional border
) - $borderWidth;
// Width of a column if each is made equal
$colNormWidth = round( $globalWidth / $colCount );
$colMaxWidth = array();
// Determine the longest data for each column
foreach ( $this->rows as $row => $cells )
foreach ( $cells as $col => $cell )
$contentLength = 0;
foreach ( explode( PHP_EOL, $cell->content ) as $contentRow )
$contentLength = max(
iconv_strlen( $contentRow, 'UTF-8' )
$colMaxWidth[$col] = isset( $colMaxWidth[$col] ) ? max( $colMaxWidth[$col], $contentLength ) : $contentLength;
$colWidth = array();
$colWidthOverflow = array();
$spareWidth = 0;
// Make columns best fit
foreach ( $colMaxWidth as $col => $maxWidth )
// Does the largest data of the column fit into the average size
// + what we have in spare from earlier columns?
if ( $maxWidth <= ( $colNormWidth + $spareWidth ) )
// We fit in, make the column as large as necessary
$colWidth[$col] = $maxWidth;
$spareWidth += ( $colNormWidth - $maxWidth );
// Does not fit, use maximal possible width
$colWidth[$col] = $colNormWidth + $spareWidth;
$spareWidth = 0;
// Store overflow for second processing step
$colWidthOverflow[$col] = $maxWidth - $colWidth[$col];
// Do we have spare to give to the columns again?
if ( $spareWidth > 0 )
// Second processing step
if ( count( $colWidthOverflow ) > 0 )
$overflowSum = array_sum( $colWidthOverflow );
foreach ( $colWidthOverflow as $col => $overflow );
$colWidth[$col] += floor( $overflow / $overflowSum * $spareWidth );
elseif ( $this->properties['options']->widthType === ezcConsoleTable::WIDTH_FIXED )
$widthSum = array_sum( $colWidth );
foreach ( $colWidth as $col => $width )
$colWidth[$col] += floor( $width / $widthSum * $spareWidth );
// Finally sanitize values from rounding issues, if necessary
if ( ( $colSum = array_sum( $colWidth ) ) != $globalWidth && $this->properties['options']->widthType === ezcConsoleTable::WIDTH_FIXED )
$colWidth[count( $colWidth ) - 1] -= $colSum - $globalWidth;
return $colWidth;
* Returns the given $text formatted with $format.
* In case $useFormats is set to false in the output handler, the text is
* returned as given, without any formatting.
* @param string $text
* @param string $format
* @return string
private function formatText( $text, $format )
if ( $this->outputHandler->options->useFormats )
return $this->outputHandler->formatText( $text, $format );
return $text;