Current Path : /proc/thread-self/root/lib64/python3.9/importlib/__pycache__/ |
Current File : //proc/thread-self/root/lib64/python3.9/importlib/__pycache__/abc.cpython-39.opt-1.pyc |
a �DOgL: � @ s� d Z ddlmZ ddlmZ ddlmZ zddlZW n4 eyh Z zejdkrP� dZW Y dZ[n dZ[0 0 zddl Z W n ey� eZ Y n0 ddl Z ddlZddlm Z mZ d d � ZG dd� de jd �ZG dd� de�Zeeejejejej� G dd� de�Zeeej� G dd� de jd �ZG dd� de�ZG dd� de�Zeeejej� G dd� de�Zeeej� G dd� dejee�Zeeejej � G dd� dej!ee�Z!ee!ej� G dd� de jd �Z"ee"ej� eG d d!� d!e ��Z#G d"d#� d#e"�Z$dS )$z(Abstract base classes related to import.� )� _bootstrap)�_bootstrap_external)� machinery� N�_frozen_importlib)�Protocol�runtime_checkablec G sZ |D ]P}| � |� td urztt|j�}W n tyH tt|j�}Y n0 | � |� qd S �N)�registerr �getattr�__name__�AttributeError�_frozen_importlib_external)�abstract_cls�classes�cls� frozen_cls� r �%/usr/lib64/python3.9/importlib/abc.py� _register s r c @ s e Zd ZdZejddd��ZdS )�Findera< Legacy abstract base class for import finders. It may be subclassed for compatibility with legacy third party reimplementations of the import system. Otherwise, finder implementations should derive from the more specific MetaPathFinder or PathEntryFinder ABCs. Deprecated since Python 3.3 Nc C s dS )z�An abstract method that should find a module. The fullname is a str and the optional path is a str or None. Returns a Loader object or None. Nr )�self�fullname�pathr r r �find_module+ s zFinder.find_module)N)r � __module__�__qualname__�__doc__�abc�abstractmethodr r r r r r s r )� metaclassc @ s e Zd ZdZdd� Zdd� ZdS )�MetaPathFinderz8Abstract base class for import finders on sys.meta_path.c C s<