Current Path : /proc/thread-self/root/lib64/python3.9/__pycache__/ |
Current File : //proc/thread-self/root/lib64/python3.9/__pycache__/smtpd.cpython-39.pyc |
a �DOg� � @ sR d Z ddlZddlZddlZddlZddlZddlZddlZddlZddl Z ddl mZ ddlm Z mZ g d�Zejd ZdZG dd� d�Ze� ad Zd ZdZd&d d�ZG dd� dej�ZG dd� dej�ZG dd� de�ZG dd� de�ZG dd� de�ZG dd� d�Z dd� Z!e"dk�rNe!� Z#e#j$Z$de$v �rje$�%d�Z&e'e$de&� e(� e)� dg�Z*e$e&d d� Z$nddl+Z*e,e*e$�Z-e-e#j.e#j/fe#j0e#j1fe#j2e#j3d �Z4e#j5�r,zddl6Z6W n, e7�y� e8d!ej9d"� e�:d� Y n0 e6�;d#�d$ Z<ze�5e<� W n, e=�y* e8d%ej9d"� e�:d� Y n0 ze�>� W n e?�yL Y n0 dS )'a� An RFC 5321 smtp proxy with optional RFC 1870 and RFC 6531 extensions. Usage: %(program)s [options] [localhost:localport [remotehost:remoteport]] Options: --nosetuid -n This program generally tries to setuid `nobody', unless this flag is set. The setuid call will fail if this program is not run as root (in which case, use this flag). --version -V Print the version number and exit. --class classname -c classname Use `classname' as the concrete SMTP proxy class. Uses `PureProxy' by default. --size limit -s limit Restrict the total size of the incoming message to "limit" number of bytes via the RFC 1870 SIZE extension. Defaults to 33554432 bytes. --smtputf8 -u Enable the SMTPUTF8 extension and behave as an RFC 6531 smtp proxy. --debug -d Turn on debugging prints. --help -h Print this message and exit. Version: %(__version__)s If localhost is not given then `localhost' is used, and if localport is not given then 8025 is used. If remotehost is not given then `localhost' is used, and if remoteport is not given, then 25 is used. � N)�warn)� get_addr_spec�get_angle_addr)�SMTPChannel� SMTPServer�DebuggingServer� PureProxy�MailmanProxyzPython SMTP proxy version 0.3c @ s e Zd Zdd� Zdd� ZdS )�Devnullc C s d S �N� ��self�msgr r �/usr/lib64/python3.9/smtpd.py�writef � z Devnull.writec C s d S r r �r r r r �flushg r z Devnull.flushN)�__name__� __module__�__qualname__r r r r r r r e s r � z, i � c C s4 t tt� tjd� |r&t |tjd� t�| � d S )N��file)�print�__doc__�globals�sys�stderr�exit)�coder r r r �usagep s r# c @ s� e Zd ZdZdZdZe�efdd��Ze dd� �Z edd d fd d�Zdd � Z dd� Ze dd� �Zejdd� �Ze dd� �Zejdd� �Ze dd� �Zejdd� �Ze dd� �Zejdd� �Ze dd� �Zejdd� �Ze dd � �Zejd!d � �Ze d"d#� �Zejd$d#� �Ze d%d&� �Zejd'd&� �Ze d(d)� �Zejd*d)� �Ze d+d,� �Zejd-d,� �Ze d.d/� �Zejd0d/� �Zd1d2� Zd3d4� Zd5d6� Zd7d8� Zd9d:� Zd;d<� Z d=d>� Z!d?d@� Z"dAdB� Z#dCdD� Z$dEdF� Z%dGdH� Z&dIdJ� Z'dKdL� Z(dMdN� Z)dOdP� Z*dQdR� Z+dS )Sr r � i c C s | S r r )�xr r r �<lambda>| r zSMTPChannel.<lambda>c C s. zt | j�� �W S ty( | j Y S 0 d S r )�max�command_size_limits�values� ValueError�command_size_limitr r r r �max_command_size_limit~ s z"SMTPChannel.max_command_size_limitNFc C s& t jj| ||d� || _|| _|| _|| _|| _|| _|rF|rFt d��|rdd| _ d| _d| _t | _nd| _ d| _td�| _d | _| �� d| _d | _| j�� t�� | _z|�� | _W nB t� y� } z(| �� |jd tjkr� W Y d }~d S d }~0 0 tdt | j�t!d � | �"d| jt#f � d S )N��map�Fdecode_data and enable_SMTPUTF8 cannot be set to True at the same timer � �.r � � .� Fr zPeer:r z 220 %s %s)$�asynchat� async_chat�__init__�smtp_server�conn�addr�data_size_limit�enable_SMTPUTF8�_decode_datar* �_emptystring�_linesep�_dotsep�NEWLINE�_newline�ord�_set_rset_state� seen_greeting� extended_smtpr( �clear�socket�getfqdn�fqdn�getpeername�peer�OSError�close�args�errnoZENOTCONNr �repr�DEBUGSTREAM�push�__version__) r Zserverr9 r: r; r. r<