Current Path : /proc/thread-self/root/lib64/python3.9/__pycache__/ |
Current File : //proc/thread-self/root/lib64/python3.9/__pycache__/_markupbase.cpython-39.pyc |
a �DOg9 � @ sV d Z ddlZe�d�jZe�d�jZe�d�Ze�d�Ze�d�Z[G dd � d �Z dS ) z�Shared support for scanning document type declarations in HTML and XHTML. This module is used as a foundation for the html.parser module. It has no documented public API and should not be used directly. � Nz[a-zA-Z][-_.a-zA-Z0-9]*\s*z(\'[^\']*\'|"[^"]*")\s*z--\s*>z ]\s*]\s*>z]\s*>c @ s� e Zd ZdZdd� Zdd� Zdd� Zdd � Zd d� ZdZ d d� Z d#dd�Zd$dd�Zdd� Z dd� Zdd� Zdd� Zdd� Zdd� Zd d!� Zd"S )%� ParserBaseziParser base class which provides some common support methods used by the SGML/HTML and XHTML parsers.c C s | j tu rtd��d S )Nz)_markupbase.ParserBase must be subclassed)� __class__r �RuntimeError��self� r �#/usr/lib64/python3.9/_markupbase.py�__init__ s �zParserBase.__init__c C s t d��d S )Nz.subclasses of ParserBase must override error())�NotImplementedError)r �messager r r �error s �zParserBase.errorc C s d| _ d| _d S )N� r ��lineno�offsetr r r r �reset$ s zParserBase.resetc C s | j | jfS )z&Return current line number and offset.r r r r r �getpos( s zParserBase.getposc C sb ||kr|S | j }|�d||�}|rN| j| | _|�d||�}||d | _n| j| | | _|S )N� r )�rawdata�countr �rindexr )r �i�jr Znlines�posr r r � updatepos0 s zParserBase.updatepos� c C s� | j }|d }|||� dks&J d��|||d � dkrB|d S |||d � dv rZdS t|�}|||d � dkr�| �|�S || d kr�| �|�S | �||�\}}|d k r�|S |dkr�d| _||k �r�|| }|dk�r||d |� }|dk�r| �|� n | �|� |d S |d v �r<t||�}|�s2dS |� � }n�|dv �rX| �||�\} }nt|| jv �rn|d }n^|d k�r�|dk�r�| � |d |�}n$|dv �r�| �d| � n | �d� n| �d|| � |d k r�|S q�dS )N� �<!z$unexpected call to parse_declarationr �>)�-r ���z--�[r Zdoctyper z"'Z4abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ> �attlist�elementZlinktype�linkz&unsupported '[' char in %s declarationz"unexpected '[' char in declarationz!unexpected %r char in declaration)r �len� parse_comment�parse_marked_section� _scan_name�_decl_othercharsZhandle_decl�unknown_decl�_declstringlit_match�end�_parse_doctype_subsetr ) r r r r �nZdecltype�c�data�m�namer r r �parse_declaration@ s\ �zParserBase.parse_declarationr c C s� | j }|||d � dks"J d��| �|d |�\}}|dk rB|S |dv r\t�||d �}n8|dv rvt�||d �}n| �d||d |� � d }|s�dS |r�|�d�}| �||d |� � |�d�S ) N� z<![z)unexpected call to parse_marked_section()r > �ignoreZrcdataZincludeZcdataZtemp> �elseZendif�ifz+unknown status keyword %r in marked sectionr ) r r( �_markedsectionclose�search�_msmarkedsectioncloser �startr* r, )r r �reportr ZsectNamer �matchr r r r'