Current Path : /proc/thread-self/root/lib/python3.9/site-packages/up2date_client/ |
Current File : //proc/thread-self/root/lib/python3.9/site-packages/up2date_client/up2dateErrors.py |
# # Client code for Update Agent # Copyright (c) 1999--2016 Red Hat, Inc. Distributed under GPLv2. # # Author: Preston Brown <pbrown@redhat.com> # Adrian Likins <alikins@redhat.com # Cristian Gafton <gafton@redhat.com> # # # In addition, as a special exception, the copyright holders give # permission to link the code of portions of this program with the # OpenSSL library under certain conditions as described in each # individual source file, and distribute linked combinations # including the two. # You must obey the GNU General Public License in all respects # for all of the code used other than OpenSSL. If you modify # file(s) with this exception, you may extend this exception to your # version of the file(s), but you are not obligated to do so. If you # do not wish to do so, delete this exception statement from your # version. If you delete this exception statement from all source # files in the program, then also delete it here. import gettext t = gettext.translation('rhn-client-tools', fallback=True) # Python 3 translations don't have a ugettext method if not hasattr(t, 'ugettext'): t.ugettext = t.gettext _ = t.ugettext import OpenSSL from rhn.i18n import ustr from up2date_client import config from up2date_client import up2dateLog from up2date_client.pkgplatform import getPlatform import sys sys.path = sys.path[1:] + sys.path[:1] try: from yum.Errors import YumBaseError as PmBaseError except ImportError: try: from dnf.exceptions import Error as PmBaseError except ImportError: class PmBaseError(Exception): def __init__(self, errmsg): self.value = errmsg def __getattr__(self, name): raise AttributeError(_("class %s has no attribute '%s'") % (self.__class__.__name__, name)) def __setattr__(self, name, value): if name in ['errmsg', 'value']: self.__dict__['value'] = value else: self.__dict__[name] = value class Error(PmBaseError): """base class for errors""" premsg = '' def __init__(self, errmsg): errmsg = ustr(errmsg) PmBaseError.__init__(self, errmsg) self.value = 'rhn-plugin: ' + self.premsg + errmsg self.log = up2dateLog.initLog() def __repr__(self): self.log.log_me(self.value) return self.value def __getattr__(self, name): """ Spacewalk backend still use errmsg, let have errmsg as alias to value """ if name == 'errmsg': return self.value else: if hasattr(PmBaseError, '__getattr__'): # rhel5 has no __getattribute__() return PmBaseError.__getattr__(self, name) else: if name in self.__dict__: return self.__dict__[name] else: raise AttributeError(_("class %s has no attribute '%s'") % (self.__class__.__name__, name)) def __setattr__(self, name, value): """ Spacewalk backend still use errmsg, let have errmsg as alias to value """ if name == 'errmsg': self.__dict__['value'] = value else: if hasattr(PmBaseError, '__setattr__'): # rhel5 has no __setattr__() PmBaseError.__setattr__(self, name, value) else: self.__dict__[name] = value class DebAndSuseRepoError(Error): pass try: from yum.Errors import RepoError except ImportError: try: from dnf.exceptions import RepoError except ImportError: RepoError = DebAndSuseRepoError class RpmError(Error): """rpm itself raised an error condition""" premsg = _("RPM error. The message was:\n") class RhnServerException(Error): pass class PasswordError(RhnServerException): """Raise when the server responds with that a password is incorrect""" premsg = _("Password error. The message was:\n") class DependencyError(Error): """Raise when a rpm transaction set has a dependency error""" premsg = _("RPM dependency error. The message was:\n") def __init__(self, msg, deps=None): Error.__init__(self, msg) # just tag on the whole deps tuple, so we have plenty of info # to play with self.deps = deps class CommunicationError(RhnServerException): """Indicates a problem doing xml-rpc http communication with the server""" premsg = _("Error communicating with server. "\ "The message was:\n") class FileNotFoundError(Error): """ Raise when a package or header that is requested returns a 404 error code""" premsg = _("File Not Found: \n") class DelayError(RhnServerException): """ Raise when the expected response from a xml-rpc call exceeds a timeout""" premsg = _("Delay error from server. The message was:\n") class RpmRemoveError(Error): """ Raise when we can't remove a package for some reason (failed deps, etc)""" def __init__(self, args): Error.__init__(self, "") self.args = args for key in self.args.keys(): self.args[key] = ustr(self.args[key]) self.value = self.value + "%s failed because of %s\n" % ( key, self.args[key]) self.data = self.args def __repr__(self): return self.value class NoLogError(Error): def __init__(self, msg): msg = ustr(msg) self.value = self.premsg + msg def __repr__(self): return self.value class AbuseError(Error): pass class AuthenticationTicketError(NoLogError, RhnServerException): pass class AuthenticationError(NoLogError): pass class ValidationError(NoLogError, RhnServerException): """indicates an error during server input validation""" premsg = _("Error validating data at server:\n") class InvalidRegistrationNumberError(ValidationError): pass class RegistrationDeniedError(RhnServerException): def __init__(self): RhnServerException.__init__(self, self.changeExplanation()) def __repr__(self): return self.value def changeExplanation(self): return _(""" CloudLinux Network Classic is not supported. To register with CloudLinux Subscription Management please run: subscription-manager register --auto-attach Get more information at www.cloudlinux.com """) class InvalidProductRegistrationError(NoLogError): """indicates an error during server input validation""" premsg = _("The installation number is invalid") class OemInfoFileError(NoLogError): premsg = _("Error parsing the oemInfo file at field:\n") class NoBaseChannelError(NoLogError, RhnServerException): """No valid base channel was found for this system""" pass class UnknownMethodException(NoLogError, RhnServerException): pass class RhnUuidUniquenessError(NoLogError, RhnServerException): pass class ServerCapabilityError(Error): def __init__(self, msg, errorlist=None): Error.__init__(self, msg) self.errorlist = [] if errorlist: self.errorlist=errorlist def __repr__(self): return self.value class NoChannelsError(NoLogError): pass class NetworkError(Error): """ some generic network error occurred, e.g. connection reset by peer """ premsg = _("Network error: ") class SSLCertificateVerifyFailedError(RepoError, Error): def __init__(self): # Need to override __init__ because the base class requires a message arg # and this exception shouldn't. up2dateConfig = config.initUp2dateConfig() certFile = up2dateConfig['sslCACert'] f = open(certFile, "r") buf = f.read() f.close() tempCert = OpenSSL.crypto.load_certificate(OpenSSL.crypto.FILETYPE_PEM, buf) if tempCert.has_expired(): RepoError.__init__(self ,"The certificate %s is expired. Please ensure you have the correct" " certificate and your system time is correct." % certFile) else: RepoError.__init__(self, "The SSL certificate failed verification.") __getattr__ = Error.__getattr__ class SSLCertificateFileNotFound(Error): pass class AuthenticationOrAccountCreationError(ValidationError): """Class that can represent different things depending on context: While logging in with an existing user it represents a username or password being incorrect. While creating a new account, it represents the username already being taken or the user not being allowed to create an account. Optimally these different things would be different exceptions, but there are single fault codes the server can return to the client that can mean more than one of them so we have no way of knowing which is actually intended. """ pass class NotEntitlingError(Error): pass class InvalidProtocolError(Error): pass class UnableToCreateUser(NoLogError): pass class ActivationKeyUsageLimitError(NoLogError): pass class LoginMinLengthError(NoLogError): pass class PasswordMinLengthError(NoLogError): pass class PasswordMaxLengthError(NoLogError): pass class InsuffMgmntEntsError(RhnServerException): def __init__(self, msg ): RhnServerException.__init__(self, self.changeExplanation(msg)) def __repr__(self): return self.value def changeExplanation(self, msg): newExpln = _(""" Your organization does not have enough Management entitlements to register this system to CloudLinux Network. Please notify your organization administrator of this error. You should be able to register this system after your organization frees existing or purchases additional entitlements. Additional entitlements may be purchased by your organization administrator by logging into CloudLinux Network and visiting A common cause of this error code is due to having mistakenly setup an Activation Key which is set as the universal default. If an activation key is set on the account as a universal default, you can disable this key and retry to avoid requiring a Management entitlement.""") term = "Explanation:" loc = msg.rindex(term) + len(term) return msg[:loc] + newExpln class NoSystemIdError(NoLogError): pass class InvalidRedirectionError(NoLogError): """ Raise when redirect requests could'nt return a package""" pass