Current Path : /proc/self/root/proc/thread-self/cwd/wp-content/plugins/gosmtp/main/mailer/ |
Current File : //proc/self/root/proc/thread-self/cwd/wp-content/plugins/gosmtp/main/mailer/loader.php |
<?php namespace GOSMTP\Mailer; class Loader{ var $options; var $mailer = ''; var $url = ''; var $conn_id = 0; var $parent_log = 0; var $last_log = 0; var $headers = array(); public function __construct(){ // Load options $this->loadOptions(); } public function loadOptions(){ $options = get_option('gosmtp_options', array()); $this->options = $options; } public function getMailerOption(){ $mailer = $this->mailer; if(empty($mailer) || !isset($this->options['mailer'][$this->conn_id])){ return array(); } return $this->options['mailer'][$this->conn_id]; } public function getActiveMailer(){ if(!isset($this->options['mailer'][$this->conn_id]) || !isset($this->options['mailer'][$this->conn_id]['mail_type'])){ return 'mail'; } return $this->options['mailer'][$this->conn_id]['mail_type']; } public function getOption($key, $mailer = '', $default = ''){ $options = $this->options; if(!empty($mailer) && $mailer == $this->getActiveMailer()){ $options = $this->options['mailer'][$this->conn_id]; } if(isset($options[$key])){ return $options[$key]; } return $default; } public function save_options($options){ if(!method_exists($this, 'load_field')){ return $options; } $fields = $this->load_field(); foreach($fields as $key => $field){ $val = ''; if(!empty($_REQUEST[$this->mailer]) && isset($_REQUEST[$this->mailer][$key])){ $val = sanitize_text_field($_REQUEST[$this->mailer][$key]); } $options[$key] = $val; } return $options; } public function delete_option($key, $mailer = ''){ if(!empty($mailer) && isset($this->options['mailer'][$this->conn_id][$key])){ unset($this->options['mailer'][$this->conn_id][$key]); }elseif(isset($this->options[$key])){ unset($this->options[$key]); } update_option( 'gosmtp_options', $this->options ); } public function update_option($key, $val, $mailer=''){ if(!empty($mailer)){ if(!is_array($this->options['mailer'][$this->conn_id])){ $this->options['mailer'][$this->conn_id] = array(); } $this->options['mailer'][$this->conn_id][$key] = $val; }else{ $this->options[$key] = $val; } update_option( 'gosmtp_options', $this->options); } protected function filterRecipientsArray($args){ $recipients = []; foreach($args as $key => $recip){ $recip = array_filter($recip); if(empty($recip) || ! filter_var( $recip[0], FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL ) ){ continue; } $recipients[$key] = array( 'address' => $recip[0] ); if(!empty($recip[1])){ $recipients[$key]['name'] = $recip[1]; } } return $recipients; } public function setHeaders($headers){ foreach($headers as $header){ $name = isset($header[0]) ? $header[0] : false; $value = isset($header[1]) ? $header[1] : false; if(empty($name) || empty($value)){ continue; } $this->setHeader($name, $val); } } public function setHeader($name, $val){ $name = sanitize_text_field($name); $this->headers[$name] = WP::sanitize_value($val); } protected function getDefaultParams(){ $timeout = (int)ini_get('max_execution_time'); return [ 'timeout' => $timeout ?: 30, 'httpversion' => '1.1', 'blocking' => true, ]; } public function set_from(){ global $phpmailer, $gosmtp; $conn_id = $gosmtp->mailer->conn_id; $from_email = $phpmailer->From; $from_name = $phpmailer->FromName; // Check for force set if($conn_id === 0){ $options = $this->options; }else{ $options = $this->options['mailer'][$conn_id]; } if(!empty($options['force_from_email']) && !empty($options['from_email'])){ $from_email = $options['from_email']; } if(!empty($options['force_from_name']) && !empty($options['from_name'])){ $from_name = $options['from_name']; } try { $phpmailer->setFrom($from_email, $from_name, false); }catch( PHPMailer\PHPMailer\Exception $e ) { throw new WP_Error( 'wp_mail_failed', $e->getMessage()); } } public function get_from($from = ''){ global $phpmailer, $gosmtp; $conn_id = $gosmtp->mailer->conn_id; // Check for force set if($conn_id === 0){ $options = $this->options; }else{ $options = $this->options['mailer'][$conn_id]; } if(!empty($options['force_from_email']) && !empty($options['from_email'])){ $from = $options['from_email']; } return $from; } public function handle_response($response){ $status = false; $message = array(); if(is_wp_error($response)){ $code = $response->get_error_code(); if(!is_numeric($code)) { $code = 400; } $msg = $response->get_error_message(); $message = array( 'code' => $code, 'message' => $msg ); $this->process_response($message, $status); throw new \PHPMailer\PHPMailer\Exception($msg, $code); return; }elseif($response['status'] == true){ unset($response['status']); $message = $response; $status = true; }else{ $message = array( 'code' => $code, 'message' => __('Unable to send mail, Please check your SMTP details') ); } return $this->process_response($message, $status); } public function get_mailer_source(){ $result = []; $backtrace = debug_backtrace( DEBUG_BACKTRACE_IGNORE_ARGS ); if(empty($backtrace)){ return false; } foreach( $backtrace as $i => $item ){ if( $item['function'] == 'wp_mail' ) { $result[] = $backtrace[$i]; } } if(!isset($result[0]['file'])){ return false; } return $this->get_plugin_name($result[0]['file']); } public function process_response($message, $status){ global $phpmailer, $gosmtp; if(empty($gosmtp->options['logs']['enable_logs']) || !class_exists('\GOSMTP\Logger')){ return $status; } $logger = new \GOSMTP\Logger(); $source = $this->get_mailer_source(); if(empty($source)){ $source = __('NA'); } $headers = array( 'Reply-To' => $phpmailer->getReplyToAddresses(), 'Cc' => $phpmailer->getCcAddresses(), 'Bcc' => $phpmailer->getBccAddresses(), 'Content-Type' => $phpmailer->ContentType, ); $attachments = $phpmailer->getAttachments(); if(!empty($gosmtp->options['logs']['log_attachments'])){ $uploads_dir = wp_upload_dir(); $path = $uploads_dir['basedir'].'/gosmtp-attachments'; if( !file_exists($path) ){ mkdir($path); } if(!file_exists($path.'/index.html')){ file_put_contents($path.'/index.html', ''); } if( count($attachments) > 0 ){ foreach( $attachments as $key => $file ){ $name = $file[2]; $location = $path.'/'.$name; if(file_exists($file[0])){ // TODO check the copy function use correct if(copy($file[0], $location)){ $file[0] = $location; } } $attachments[$key] = $file; } } } $data = array( 'site_id' => get_current_blog_id(), 'to' => maybe_serialize($phpmailer->getToAddresses()), 'message_id' => $this->RandomString(16), 'from' => $phpmailer->From, 'subject' => $phpmailer->Subject, 'body' => $phpmailer->Body, 'attachments' => maybe_serialize( $attachments ), 'status' => $status ? 'sent' : 'failed', 'response' => maybe_serialize($message), 'headers' => maybe_serialize($headers), 'provider' => $this->mailer, 'source' => $source, 'created_at' => current_time( 'mysql' ) ); if($gosmtp->mailer->conn_id !== 0 && !empty($gosmtp->mailer->parent_log)){ $data['parent_id'] = $gosmtp->mailer->parent_log; $data['source'] = __('GoSMTP Pro'); } if(isset($_POST['gostmp_id'])){ $id = (int)gosmtp_optpost('gostmp_id'); $result = $logger->get_logs('records', $id); $operation = isset($_POST['operation']) ? gosmtp_optpost('operation') : false; if(!empty($operation) && !empty($result)){ if($operation == 'resend'){ $data['resent_count'] = $result[0]->resent_count + 1; }else{ $data['retries'] = $result[0]->retries + 1; } $logger->update_logs($data, $id); } }else{ $gosmtp->mailer->last_log = $logger->add_logs($data); } return $status; } public function message_formatting($msg, $key = '', $desc = ''){ $message = ''; if(!empty($key)){ $message .= $key.': '; } if(is_string($msg)){ $message .= $msg; }else{ $message .= wp_json_encode($msg); } if(!empty($desc)){ $message .= PHP_EOL .$desc; } return $message; } public function get_response_error_message($response){ if(is_wp_error($response)){ return ''; } $body = wp_remote_retrieve_body( $response ); $message = wp_remote_retrieve_response_message( $response ); $code = wp_remote_retrieve_response_code( $response ); $desc = ''; if(!empty($body)){ $desc = is_string($body) ? $body : wp_json_encode($body); } return $this->message_formatting( $message, $code, $desc ); } // Generate a random string public function RandomString($length = 10){ $characters = '0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ'; $charactersLength = strlen($characters); $randomString = ''; for($i = 0; $i < $length; $i++){ $randomString .= $characters[rand(0, $charactersLength - 1)]; } return $randomString; } public function get_plugin_name($file_path = ''){ if( empty( $file_path ) ){ return false; } if(!function_exists( 'get_plugins')){ include ABSPATH . '/wp-admin/includes/plugin.php'; } $plugins = get_plugins(); $content_dir = basename( WP_PLUGIN_DIR ); $separator = defined( 'DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR' ) ? '\\' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR : '\/'; preg_match( "/$separator$content_dir$separator(.[^$separator]+)($separator|\.php)/", $file_path , $match ); if(empty($plugins) || empty($match[1])){ return false; } $slug = $match[1]; foreach( $plugins as $plugin => $data ){ if( preg_match( "/^$slug(\/|\.php)/", $plugin ) === 1 && isset( $data['Name'] )) { return $data['Name']; } } return false; } public function get_backup_connection(){ // Is Primary email? if($this->conn_id !== 0 || empty($this->options['mailer'][0]['backup_connection'])){ return false; } return $this->options['mailer'][0]['backup_connection']; } }