Current Path : /opt/imunify360/venv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/im360/model/ |
Current File : //opt/imunify360/venv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/im360/model/incident.py |
import time from typing import Dict, List from peewee import ( JOIN, Case, CharField, CompositeKey, FloatField, ForeignKeyField, IntegerField, IntegrityError, PrimaryKeyField, TextField, fn, prefetch, ) from playhouse.shortcuts import model_to_dict from defence360agent.model import Model, instance from defence360agent.model.simplification import apply_order_by from im360.contracts.config import ( ControlPanelProtector, ModsecSensor, OssecSensor, ) from im360.model.country import Country from im360.model.firewall import IPList, IPListPurpose ossec_to_modsec_severity = { 1: 7, # debug level 2: 6, 3: 5, 4: 4, # default for UI filtering 5: 4, 6: 3, 7: 3, 8: 3, 9: 3, 10: 3, 11: 3, 12: 2, 13: 2, 14: 1, 15: 0, # emergency level } class _SafeCharField(CharField): def adapt(self, value): return super().adapt(value.encode("utf-8", errors="ignore")) class Incident(Model): """Security-related events that happened on the server.""" # supplying each field with null=True to be consistent # with previously used create table sql: # CREATE TABLE incident ( # id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, # plugin TEXT, # rule TEXT, # timestamp REAL, # retries INTEGER, # severity NUMERIC, # name TEXT, # description TEXT, # abuser TEXT # ); id = IntegerField(primary_key=True, null=True) #: The name of the sensor used to detect an incident, e.g. modsec, cl_dos. plugin = CharField(null=True) #: The ID of the rule. rule = CharField(null=True) #: Timestamp when the incident happened, or at least was detected. timestamp = FloatField(null=True) #: How many times it happened - incidents are aggregated over #: a short period preserving most of the fields, except for the exact #: :attr:`timestamp` and :attr:`description`. retries = IntegerField(null=True) #: How significant the threat is. #: All plugins/sensors are brought to the scale roughly matching the `OSSEC #: classification <https://www.ossec.net/docs/manual/rules-decoders/ #: rule-levels.html#rules-classification>`_ severity = IntegerField(null=True) #: A human-readable name of the triggered rule. name = CharField(null=True) #: A detailed description of the event. description = _SafeCharField(null=True) #: The IP that has caused the incident, if applicable. abuser = CharField(null=True) #: A reference to country code and name for the IP, based on GeoDB data. country = CharField(null=True, column_name="country_id") #: A domain name related to the incident, if available. domain = TextField(null=True, default=None) class Meta: database = instance.db db_table = "incident" indexes = ((("timestamp",), False),) schema = "resident" class OrderBy: @staticmethod def severity(): max_ossec_severity = max(ossec_to_modsec_severity.keys()) ossec_cases = tuple( ( ossec, modsec + (max_ossec_severity + 1 - ossec) / (max_ossec_severity + 1), ) # sort ossec's incidents correctly when # modsec's severity equivalents equal for ossec, modsec in ossec_to_modsec_severity.items() ) return ( Case( Incident.plugin, ( ( OssecSensor.PLUGIN_ID, Case(Incident.severity, ossec_cases, 0), ), (ModsecSensor.PLUGIN_ID, Incident.severity), ), 100, ), ) # incidents without severity to the end @classmethod def _accept_severity(cls, severity): return ( ( ( (cls.plugin == OssecSensor.PLUGIN_ID) | (cls.plugin == ControlPanelProtector.PLUGIN_ID) ) & (cls.severity >= severity) ) | ( (cls.plugin == ModsecSensor.PLUGIN_ID) & (cls.severity <= ossec_to_modsec_severity[severity]) ) | cls.severity.is_null() ) @classmethod def get_sorted_incident_list( cls, since=None, to=None, by_abuser_ip=None, by_list=None, limit=None, offset=None, severity=None, by_country_code=None, by_domains=None, search=None, order_by=None, ): """ :param by_country_code: country code in form 'US => United States' :param integer since: unixtime when records is began :param integer to: unixtime when records is ended :param str by_abuser_ip: full or part of IP, used for filtering results by abuser's IP :param str by_list: List of names of the appropriate ip list. Could be 'gray', 'white', 'black'. :param int limit: limits the output with specified number of incidents. The number greater than zero :param int offset: offset for pagination :param int severity: min log level (severity) to return. :param str search: filter results by ip, name, description :param list order_by: sorting orders :param list of str by_domains: filter by panel user domains """ if to is None: to = time.time() if by_list is not None: query_IPList = IPList.select(IPList).where( (IPList.listname << {lst.upper() for lst in by_list}) & (~IPList.is_expired()) ) else: query_IPList = IPList.select(IPList).where((~IPList.is_expired())) # Remove duplicate incidents if ip is in multiple lists max_listname = query_IPList.select( IPList.ip, fn.MAX(IPList.listname).alias("listname_") ).group_by(IPList.ip) query_IPList = query_IPList.join( max_listname, JOIN.INNER, on=( (IPList.ip == max_listname.c.ip) & (IPList.listname == max_listname.c.listname_) ), ) query = ( Incident.select( Incident, query_IPList.c.listname, query_IPList.c.expiration, Country, ) .join( query_IPList, JOIN.LEFT_OUTER, on=(Incident.abuser == query_IPList.c.ip), attr="ip", ) .join( Country, JOIN.LEFT_OUTER, on=(Incident.country == Country.id) ) .where( (Incident.timestamp >= since) & cls._accept_severity(severity) & (Incident.timestamp <= to) ) .order_by(Incident.timestamp.desc()) ) if by_list is not None: query = query.where(query_IPList.c.listname.is_null(False)) if by_domains is not None: query = query.where(Incident.domain << by_domains) if search is not None: query = query.where( Incident.name.contains(search) | Incident.description.contains(search) | Incident.domain.contains(search) | Incident.abuser.contains(search) ) if by_abuser_ip is not None: query = query.where(Incident.abuser.contains(by_abuser_ip)) if by_country_code is not None: query = query.where(Country.code == by_country_code) if offset is not None: query = query.offset(offset) if limit is not None: query = query.limit(limit) if order_by is not None: query = apply_order_by(order_by, cls, query) return list(cls.mk_incident_iterator(query)) @classmethod def mk_incident_iterator(cls, query): for row in query: listname = ( row.ip.listname.lower() if getattr(row, "ip", None) else None ) purpose = ( IPListPurpose.listname2purpose(listname.upper()).value if listname else None ) incident_dict = { "id": row.id, "plugin": row.plugin, "rule": row.rule, "timestamp": row.timestamp, "times": row.retries, "severity": row.severity, "name": row.name, "description": row.description, "abuser": row.abuser, "listname": listname, "purpose": purpose, "country": model_to_dict(Country.get(id=row.country)) if row.country else {}, "domain": row.domain, } yield incident_dict @staticmethod def save_incident_list(data): # number of rows to insert in one query num_rows = 50 with instance.db.atomic(): for idx in range(0, len(data), num_rows): Incident.insert_many(data[idx : idx + num_rows]).execute() @classmethod def _add_common_filters(cls, query, kwargs): if "domain" in kwargs: query = query.where(cls.domain == kwargs["domain"]) if "ip" in kwargs: query = query.where(cls.abuser == kwargs["ip"]) if "attack_type" in kwargs: query = query.where(cls.name == kwargs["attack_type"]) if "description" in kwargs: query = query.where( cls.description.contains(kwargs["description"]) ) return query class DisabledRule(Model): """Provides a way to ignore certain rules.""" class Meta: database = instance.db db_table = "disabled_rules" indexes = ((("plugin", "rule_id"), True),) id = PrimaryKeyField() #: The name of the sensor used to detect an incident, e.g. modsec, cl_dos. plugin = CharField(null=False) #: The ID of the rule. rule_id = CharField(null=False) #: A human-readable name of the rule. #: Only used for UX, doesn't affect detection logic. name = TextField(null=False) @classmethod def as_list(cls) -> List[Dict]: return [ { cls.plugin.name: rule.plugin, cls.rule_id.name: rule.rule_id, cls.name.name: rule.name, } for rule in cls.select() ] @classmethod def is_rule_ignored(cls, plugin, rule_id, domain=None): try: dr = cls.get(plugin=plugin, rule_id=rule_id) if dr.domains: return domain in (d.domain for d in dr.domains) else: return True except cls.DoesNotExist: pass return False @classmethod def get_global_disabled(cls, plugin): query = ( cls.select(cls.rule_id) .join(DisabledRuleDomain, JOIN.LEFT_OUTER) .where( (cls.plugin == plugin) & (DisabledRuleDomain.domain >> None) ) .dicts() ) return [row["rule_id"] for row in query] @classmethod def get_domain_disabled(cls, plugin, domain): query = ( cls.select(cls.rule_id) .join(DisabledRuleDomain) .where(cls.plugin == plugin, DisabledRuleDomain.domain == domain) .dicts() ) return [row["rule_id"] for row in query] @classmethod def fetch(cls, limit, offset=0, order_by=None): rules_query = ( cls.select() .order_by(cls.plugin, cls.rule_id) .limit(limit) .offset(offset) ) if order_by is not None: rules_query = apply_order_by(order_by, cls, rules_query) domains_query = DisabledRuleDomain.select() rules_with_domains_query = prefetch(rules_query, domains_query) result = [] max_count = rules_query.count(clear_limit=True) for rule in rules_with_domains_query: item = { "plugin": rule.plugin, "id": rule.rule_id, "name": rule.name, "domains": None, } if rule.domains: item["domains"] = [d.domain for d in rule.domains] result.append(item) return max_count, result @classmethod def store(self, plugin, id, name, domains): try: inserted_id = DisabledRule.insert( plugin=plugin, rule_id=id, name=name ).execute() except IntegrityError: dr = DisabledRule.get(plugin=plugin, rule_id=id) if domains: for d in domains: DisabledRuleDomain.create_or_get( disabled_rule_id_id=dr.id, domain=d ) else: DisabledRuleDomain.delete().where( DisabledRuleDomain.disabled_rule_id_id == dr.id ).execute() else: for d in domains: DisabledRuleDomain.create( disabled_rule_id_id=inserted_id, domain=d ) class DisabledRuleDomain(Model): """Allows to disable rules for specific domains. If there are no records in this table related to :class:`DisabledRule`, then the rule is ignored for all domains. Otherwise, the rule is ignored only for domains listed. """ disabled_rule_id_id = ForeignKeyField( DisabledRule, backref="domains", on_delete="CASCADE" ) #: The domain name, for which the rule must be disabled. domain = CharField(null=False) class Meta: database = instance.db db_table = "disabled_rules_domains" primary_key = CompositeKey("disabled_rule_id_id", "domain")