Current Path : /opt/imunify360/venv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/docutils/writers/html5_polyglot/ |
Current File : //opt/imunify360/venv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/docutils/writers/html5_polyglot/__init__.py |
# $Id: __init__.py 9272 2022-11-24 20:28:40Z milde $ # :Author: Günter Milde <milde@users.sf.net> # Based on the html4css1 writer by David Goodger. # :Maintainer: docutils-develop@lists.sourceforge.net # :Copyright: © 2005, 2009, 2015 Günter Milde, # portions from html4css1 © David Goodger. # :License: Released under the terms of the `2-Clause BSD license`_, in short: # # Copying and distribution of this file, with or without modification, # are permitted in any medium without royalty provided the copyright # notice and this notice are preserved. # This file is offered as-is, without any warranty. # # .. _2-Clause BSD license: https://opensource.org/licenses/BSD-2-Clause # Use "best practice" as recommended by the W3C: # http://www.w3.org/2009/cheatsheet/ """ Plain HyperText Markup Language document tree Writer. The output conforms to the `HTML 5` specification. The cascading style sheet "minimal.css" is required for proper viewing, the style sheet "plain.css" improves reading experience. """ __docformat__ = 'reStructuredText' import mimetypes from pathlib import Path from docutils import frontend, nodes from docutils.writers import _html_base class Writer(_html_base.Writer): supported = ('html5', 'xhtml', 'html') """Formats this writer supports.""" default_stylesheets = ['minimal.css', 'plain.css'] default_stylesheet_dirs = ['.', str(Path(__file__).parent)] default_template = Path(__file__).parent / 'template.txt' # use a copy of the parent spec with some modifications settings_spec = frontend.filter_settings_spec( _html_base.Writer.settings_spec, template=( f'Template file. (UTF-8 encoded, default: "{default_template}")', ['--template'], {'default': default_template, 'metavar': '<file>'}), stylesheet_path=( 'Comma separated list of stylesheet paths. ' 'Relative paths are expanded if a matching file is found in ' 'the --stylesheet-dirs. With --link-stylesheet, ' 'the path is rewritten relative to the output HTML file. ' '(default: "%s")' % ','.join(default_stylesheets), ['--stylesheet-path'], {'metavar': '<file[,file,...]>', 'overrides': 'stylesheet', 'validator': frontend.validate_comma_separated_list, 'default': default_stylesheets}), stylesheet_dirs=( 'Comma-separated list of directories where stylesheets are found. ' 'Used by --stylesheet-path when expanding relative path ' 'arguments. (default: "%s")' % ','.join(default_stylesheet_dirs), ['--stylesheet-dirs'], {'metavar': '<dir[,dir,...]>', 'validator': frontend.validate_comma_separated_list, 'default': default_stylesheet_dirs}), initial_header_level=( 'Specify the initial header level. Does not affect document ' 'title & subtitle (see --no-doc-title). (default: 2 for "<h2>")', ['--initial-header-level'], {'choices': '1 2 3 4 5 6'.split(), 'default': '2', 'metavar': '<level>'}), no_xml_declaration=( 'Omit the XML declaration.', ['--no-xml-declaration'], {'dest': 'xml_declaration', 'action': 'store_false'}), ) settings_spec = settings_spec + ( 'HTML5 Writer Options', '', ((frontend.SUPPRESS_HELP, # Obsoleted by "--image-loading" ['--embed-images'], {'action': 'store_true', 'validator': frontend.validate_boolean}), (frontend.SUPPRESS_HELP, # Obsoleted by "--image-loading" ['--link-images'], {'dest': 'embed_images', 'action': 'store_false'}), ('Suggest at which point images should be loaded: ' '"embed", "link" (default), or "lazy".', ['--image-loading'], {'choices': ('embed', 'link', 'lazy'), # 'default': 'link' # default set in _html_base.py }), ('Append a self-link to section headings.', ['--section-self-link'], {'default': 0, 'action': 'store_true'}), ('Do not append a self-link to section headings. (default)', ['--no-section-self-link'], {'dest': 'section_self_link', 'action': 'store_false'}), ) ) config_section = 'html5 writer' def __init__(self): self.parts = {} self.translator_class = HTMLTranslator class HTMLTranslator(_html_base.HTMLTranslator): """ This writer generates `polyglot markup`: HTML5 that is also valid XML. Safe subclassing: when overriding, treat ``visit_*`` and ``depart_*`` methods as a unit to prevent breaks due to internal changes. See the docstring of docutils.writers._html_base.HTMLTranslator for details and examples. """ # self.starttag() arguments for the main document documenttag_args = {'tagname': 'main'} # add meta tag to fix rendering in mobile browsers def __init__(self, document): super().__init__(document) self.meta.append('<meta name="viewport" ' 'content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1" />\n') # <acronym> tag obsolete in HTML5. Use the <abbr> tag instead. def visit_acronym(self, node): # @@@ implementation incomplete ("title" attribute) self.body.append(self.starttag(node, 'abbr', '')) def depart_acronym(self, node): self.body.append('</abbr>') # no standard meta tag name in HTML5, use separate "author" meta tags # https://www.w3.org/TR/html5/document-metadata.html#standard-metadata-names def visit_authors(self, node): self.visit_docinfo_item(node, 'authors', meta=False) for subnode in node: self.meta.append('<meta name="author" content=' f'"{self.attval(subnode.astext())}" />\n') def depart_authors(self, node): self.depart_docinfo_item() # use the <figcaption> semantic tag. def visit_caption(self, node): if isinstance(node.parent, nodes.figure): self.body.append('<figcaption>\n') self.body.append(self.starttag(node, 'p', '')) def depart_caption(self, node): self.body.append('</p>\n') # <figcaption> is closed in depart_figure(), as legend may follow. # use HTML block-level tags if matching class value found supported_block_tags = {'ins', 'del'} def visit_container(self, node): # If there is exactly one of the "supported block tags" in # the list of class values, use it as tag name: classes = node['classes'] tags = [cls for cls in classes if cls in self.supported_block_tags] if len(tags) == 1: node.html5tagname = tags[0] classes.remove(tags[0]) else: node.html5tagname = 'div' self.body.append(self.starttag(node, node.html5tagname, CLASS='docutils container')) def depart_container(self, node): self.body.append(f'</{node.html5tagname}>\n') # no standard meta tag name in HTML5, use dcterms.rights # see https://wiki.whatwg.org/wiki/MetaExtensions def visit_copyright(self, node): self.visit_docinfo_item(node, 'copyright', meta=False) self.meta.append('<meta name="dcterms.rights" ' f'content="{self.attval(node.astext())}" />\n') def depart_copyright(self, node): self.depart_docinfo_item() # no standard meta tag name in HTML5, use dcterms.date def visit_date(self, node): self.visit_docinfo_item(node, 'date', meta=False) self.meta.append('<meta name="dcterms.date" ' f'content="{self.attval(node.astext())}" />\n') def depart_date(self, node): self.depart_docinfo_item() # use new HTML5 <figure> and <figcaption> elements def visit_figure(self, node): atts = {} if node.get('width'): atts['style'] = f"width: {node['width']}" if node.get('align'): atts['class'] = f"align-{node['align']}" self.body.append(self.starttag(node, 'figure', **atts)) def depart_figure(self, node): if len(node) > 1: self.body.append('</figcaption>\n') self.body.append('</figure>\n') # use HTML5 <footer> element def visit_footer(self, node): self.context.append(len(self.body)) def depart_footer(self, node): start = self.context.pop() footer = [self.starttag(node, 'footer')] footer.extend(self.body[start:]) footer.append('</footer>\n') self.footer.extend(footer) self.body_suffix[:0] = footer del self.body[start:] # use HTML5 <header> element def visit_header(self, node): self.context.append(len(self.body)) def depart_header(self, node): start = self.context.pop() header = [self.starttag(node, 'header')] header.extend(self.body[start:]) header.append('</header>\n') self.body_prefix.extend(header) self.header.extend(header) del self.body[start:] # MIME types supported by the HTML5 <video> element videotypes = ('video/mp4', 'video/webm', 'video/ogg') def visit_image(self, node): atts = {} uri = node['uri'] mimetype = mimetypes.guess_type(uri)[0] if mimetype not in self.videotypes: return super().visit_image(node) # image size if 'width' in node: atts['width'] = node['width'].replace('px', '') if 'height' in node: atts['height'] = node['height'].replace('px', '') if 'align' in node: atts['class'] = f"align-{node['align']}" if 'controls' in node['classes']: atts['controls'] = 'controls' node['classes'].remove('controls') atts['title'] = node.get('alt', uri) if getattr(self.settings, 'image_loading', None) == 'lazy': atts['loading'] = 'lazy' # No newline in inline context or if surrounded by <a>...</a>. if (isinstance(node.parent, nodes.TextElement) or (isinstance(node.parent, nodes.reference) and not isinstance(node.parent.parent, nodes.TextElement))): suffix = '' else: suffix = '\n' fallback = node.get('alt', uri) self.body.append( self.starttag(node, "video", suffix, src=uri, **atts) + f'<a href="{uri}">{fallback}</a>{suffix}</video>{suffix}') def depart_image(self, node): pass # use HTML text-level tags if matching class value found supported_inline_tags = {'code', 'kbd', 'dfn', 'samp', 'var', 'bdi', 'del', 'ins', 'mark', 'small', 'b', 'i', 'q', 's', 'u'} # Use `supported_inline_tags` if found in class values def visit_inline(self, node): classes = node['classes'] tags = [cls for cls in self.supported_inline_tags if cls in classes] if len(tags): node.html5tagname = tags[0] classes.remove(tags[0]) elif (classes == ['ln'] and isinstance(node.parent, nodes.literal_block) and 'code' in node.parent.get('classes')): if self.body[-1] == '<code>': del self.body[-1] else: self.body.append('</code>') node.html5tagname = 'small' else: node.html5tagname = 'span' self.body.append(self.starttag(node, node.html5tagname, '')) def depart_inline(self, node): self.body.append(f'</{node.html5tagname}>') if (node.html5tagname == 'small' and node.get('classes') == ['ln'] and isinstance(node.parent, nodes.literal_block)): self.body.append(f'<code data-lineno="{node.astext()}">') del node.html5tagname # place inside HTML5 <figcaption> element (together with caption) def visit_legend(self, node): if not isinstance(node.parent[1], nodes.caption): self.body.append('<figcaption>\n') self.body.append(self.starttag(node, 'div', CLASS='legend')) def depart_legend(self, node): self.body.append('</div>\n') # <figcaption> closed in visit_figure() # use HTML text-level tags if matching class value found def visit_literal(self, node): classes = node['classes'] tags = [cls for cls in self.supported_inline_tags if cls in classes] if len(tags): tagname = tags[0] classes.remove(tags[0]) else: tagname = 'span' if tagname == 'code': self.body.append(self.starttag(node, 'code', '')) return self.body.append( self.starttag(node, tagname, '', CLASS='docutils literal')) text = node.astext() # remove hard line breaks (except if in a parsed-literal block) if not isinstance(node.parent, nodes.literal_block): text = text.replace('\n', ' ') # Protect text like ``--an-option`` and the regular expression # ``[+]?(\d+(\.\d*)?|\.\d+)`` from bad line wrapping for token in self.words_and_spaces.findall(text): if token.strip() and self.in_word_wrap_point.search(token): self.body.append( f'<span class="pre">{self.encode(token)}</span>') else: self.body.append(self.encode(token)) self.body.append(f'</{tagname}>') # Content already processed: raise nodes.SkipNode def depart_literal(self, node): # skipped unless literal element is from "code" role: self.body.append('</code>') # Meta tags: 'lang' attribute replaced by 'xml:lang' in XHTML 1.1 # HTML5/polyglot recommends using both def visit_meta(self, node): if node.hasattr('lang'): node['xml:lang'] = node['lang'] self.meta.append(self.emptytag(node, 'meta', **node.non_default_attributes())) def depart_meta(self, node): pass # no standard meta tag name in HTML5 def visit_organization(self, node): self.visit_docinfo_item(node, 'organization', meta=False) def depart_organization(self, node): self.depart_docinfo_item() # use the new HTML5 element <section> def visit_section(self, node): self.section_level += 1 self.body.append( self.starttag(node, 'section')) def depart_section(self, node): self.section_level -= 1 self.body.append('</section>\n') # use the new HTML5 element <aside> def visit_sidebar(self, node): self.body.append( self.starttag(node, 'aside', CLASS='sidebar')) self.in_sidebar = True def depart_sidebar(self, node): self.body.append('</aside>\n') self.in_sidebar = False # Use new HTML5 element <aside> or <nav> # Add class value to <body>, if there is a ToC in the document # (see responsive.css how this is used for a navigation sidebar). def visit_topic(self, node): atts = {'classes': ['topic']} if 'contents' in node['classes']: node.html_tagname = 'nav' del atts['classes'] if isinstance(node.parent, nodes.document): atts['role'] = 'doc-toc' self.body_prefix[0] = '</head>\n<body class="with-toc">\n' elif 'abstract' in node['classes']: node.html_tagname = 'div' atts['role'] = 'doc-abstract' elif 'dedication' in node['classes']: node.html_tagname = 'div' atts['role'] = 'doc-dedication' else: node.html_tagname = 'aside' self.body.append(self.starttag(node, node.html_tagname, **atts)) def depart_topic(self, node): self.body.append(f'</{node.html_tagname}>\n') del node.html_tagname # append self-link def section_title_tags(self, node): start_tag, close_tag = super().section_title_tags(node) ids = node.parent['ids'] if (ids and getattr(self.settings, 'section_self_link', None) and not isinstance(node.parent, nodes.document)): self_link = ('<a class="self-link" title="link to this section"' f' href="#{ids[0]}"></a>') close_tag = close_tag.replace('</h', self_link + '</h') return start_tag, close_tag