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Current File : //opt/imunify360/venv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/charset_normalizer/utils.py

    import unicodedata2 as unicodedata
except ImportError:
    import unicodedata  # type: ignore[no-redef]

import importlib
import logging
from codecs import IncrementalDecoder
from encodings.aliases import aliases
from functools import lru_cache
from re import findall
from typing import List, Optional, Set, Tuple, Union

from _multibytecodec import MultibyteIncrementalDecoder  # type: ignore

from .constant import (

def is_accentuated(character: str) -> bool:
        description = unicodedata.name(character)  # type: str
    except ValueError:
        return False
    return (
        "WITH GRAVE" in description
        or "WITH ACUTE" in description
        or "WITH CEDILLA" in description
        or "WITH DIAERESIS" in description
        or "WITH CIRCUMFLEX" in description
        or "WITH TILDE" in description

def remove_accent(character: str) -> str:
    decomposed = unicodedata.decomposition(character)  # type: str
    if not decomposed:
        return character

    codes = decomposed.split(" ")  # type: List[str]

    return chr(int(codes[0], 16))

def unicode_range(character: str) -> Optional[str]:
    Retrieve the Unicode range official name from a single character.
    character_ord = ord(character)  # type: int

    for range_name, ord_range in UNICODE_RANGES_COMBINED.items():
        if character_ord in ord_range:
            return range_name

    return None

def is_latin(character: str) -> bool:
        description = unicodedata.name(character)  # type: str
    except ValueError:
        return False
    return "LATIN" in description

def is_ascii(character: str) -> bool:
    except UnicodeEncodeError:
        return False
    return True

def is_punctuation(character: str) -> bool:
    character_category = unicodedata.category(character)  # type: str

    if "P" in character_category:
        return True

    character_range = unicode_range(character)  # type: Optional[str]

    if character_range is None:
        return False

    return "Punctuation" in character_range

def is_symbol(character: str) -> bool:
    character_category = unicodedata.category(character)  # type: str

    if "S" in character_category or "N" in character_category:
        return True

    character_range = unicode_range(character)  # type: Optional[str]

    if character_range is None:
        return False

    return "Forms" in character_range

def is_emoticon(character: str) -> bool:
    character_range = unicode_range(character)  # type: Optional[str]

    if character_range is None:
        return False

    return "Emoticons" in character_range

def is_separator(character: str) -> bool:
    if character.isspace() or character in {"|", "+", ",", ";", "<", ">"}:
        return True

    character_category = unicodedata.category(character)  # type: str

    return "Z" in character_category

def is_case_variable(character: str) -> bool:
    return character.islower() != character.isupper()

def is_private_use_only(character: str) -> bool:
    character_category = unicodedata.category(character)  # type: str

    return character_category == "Co"

def is_cjk(character: str) -> bool:
        character_name = unicodedata.name(character)
    except ValueError:
        return False

    return "CJK" in character_name

def is_hiragana(character: str) -> bool:
        character_name = unicodedata.name(character)
    except ValueError:
        return False

    return "HIRAGANA" in character_name

def is_katakana(character: str) -> bool:
        character_name = unicodedata.name(character)
    except ValueError:
        return False

    return "KATAKANA" in character_name

def is_hangul(character: str) -> bool:
        character_name = unicodedata.name(character)
    except ValueError:
        return False

    return "HANGUL" in character_name

def is_thai(character: str) -> bool:
        character_name = unicodedata.name(character)
    except ValueError:
        return False

    return "THAI" in character_name

def is_unicode_range_secondary(range_name: str) -> bool:
    return any(keyword in range_name for keyword in UNICODE_SECONDARY_RANGE_KEYWORD)

def any_specified_encoding(sequence: bytes, search_zone: int = 4096) -> Optional[str]:
    Extract using ASCII-only decoder any specified encoding in the first n-bytes.
    if not isinstance(sequence, bytes):
        raise TypeError

    seq_len = len(sequence)  # type: int

    results = findall(
        sequence[: min(seq_len, search_zone)].decode("ascii", errors="ignore"),
    )  # type: List[str]

    if len(results) == 0:
        return None

    for specified_encoding in results:
        specified_encoding = specified_encoding.lower().replace("-", "_")

        for encoding_alias, encoding_iana in aliases.items():
            if encoding_alias == specified_encoding:
                return encoding_iana
            if encoding_iana == specified_encoding:
                return encoding_iana

    return None

def is_multi_byte_encoding(name: str) -> bool:
    Verify is a specific encoding is a multi byte one based on it IANA name
    return name in {
    } or issubclass(
        importlib.import_module("encodings.{}".format(name)).IncrementalDecoder,  # type: ignore

def identify_sig_or_bom(sequence: bytes) -> Tuple[Optional[str], bytes]:
    Identify and extract SIG/BOM in given sequence.

    for iana_encoding in ENCODING_MARKS:
        marks = ENCODING_MARKS[iana_encoding]  # type: Union[bytes, List[bytes]]

        if isinstance(marks, bytes):
            marks = [marks]

        for mark in marks:
            if sequence.startswith(mark):
                return iana_encoding, mark

    return None, b""

def should_strip_sig_or_bom(iana_encoding: str) -> bool:
    return iana_encoding not in {"utf_16", "utf_32"}

def iana_name(cp_name: str, strict: bool = True) -> str:
    cp_name = cp_name.lower().replace("-", "_")

    for encoding_alias, encoding_iana in aliases.items():
        if cp_name in [encoding_alias, encoding_iana]:
            return encoding_iana

    if strict:
        raise ValueError("Unable to retrieve IANA for '{}'".format(cp_name))

    return cp_name

def range_scan(decoded_sequence: str) -> List[str]:
    ranges = set()  # type: Set[str]

    for character in decoded_sequence:
        character_range = unicode_range(character)  # type: Optional[str]

        if character_range is None:


    return list(ranges)

def cp_similarity(iana_name_a: str, iana_name_b: str) -> float:

    if is_multi_byte_encoding(iana_name_a) or is_multi_byte_encoding(iana_name_b):
        return 0.0

    decoder_a = importlib.import_module("encodings.{}".format(iana_name_a)).IncrementalDecoder  # type: ignore
    decoder_b = importlib.import_module("encodings.{}".format(iana_name_b)).IncrementalDecoder  # type: ignore

    id_a = decoder_a(errors="ignore")  # type: IncrementalDecoder
    id_b = decoder_b(errors="ignore")  # type: IncrementalDecoder

    character_match_count = 0  # type: int

    for i in range(255):
        to_be_decoded = bytes([i])  # type: bytes
        if id_a.decode(to_be_decoded) == id_b.decode(to_be_decoded):
            character_match_count += 1

    return character_match_count / 254

def is_cp_similar(iana_name_a: str, iana_name_b: str) -> bool:
    Determine if two code page are at least 80% similar. IANA_SUPPORTED_SIMILAR dict was generated using
    the function cp_similarity.
    return (
        iana_name_a in IANA_SUPPORTED_SIMILAR
        and iana_name_b in IANA_SUPPORTED_SIMILAR[iana_name_a]

def set_logging_handler(
    name: str = "charset_normalizer",
    level: int = logging.INFO,
    format_string: str = "%(asctime)s | %(levelname)s | %(message)s",
) -> None:

    logger = logging.getLogger(name)

    handler = logging.StreamHandler()