Current Path : /opt/imunify360/venv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/async_lru/ |
Current File : //opt/imunify360/venv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/async_lru/__init__.py |
import asyncio import dataclasses import sys from asyncio.coroutines import _is_coroutine # type: ignore[attr-defined] from functools import _CacheInfo, _make_key, partial, partialmethod from typing import ( Any, Callable, Coroutine, Generic, Hashable, Optional, OrderedDict, Set, Type, TypedDict, TypeVar, Union, cast, final, overload, ) if sys.version_info >= (3, 11): from typing import Self else: from typing_extensions import Self __version__ = "2.0.3" __all__ = ("alru_cache",) _T = TypeVar("_T") _R = TypeVar("_R") _Coro = Coroutine[Any, Any, _R] _CB = Callable[..., _Coro[_R]] _CBP = Union[_CB[_R], "partial[_Coro[_R]]", "partialmethod[_Coro[_R]]"] @final class _CacheParameters(TypedDict): typed: bool maxsize: Optional[int] tasks: int closed: bool @final @dataclasses.dataclass class _CacheItem(Generic[_R]): fut: "asyncio.Future[_R]" later_call: Optional[asyncio.Handle] def cancel(self) -> None: if self.later_call is not None: self.later_call.cancel() self.later_call = None @final class _LRUCacheWrapper(Generic[_R]): def __init__( self, fn: _CB[_R], maxsize: Optional[int], typed: bool, ttl: Optional[float], ) -> None: try: self.__module__ = fn.__module__ except AttributeError: pass try: self.__name__ = fn.__name__ except AttributeError: pass try: self.__qualname__ = fn.__qualname__ except AttributeError: pass try: self.__doc__ = fn.__doc__ except AttributeError: pass try: self.__annotations__ = fn.__annotations__ except AttributeError: pass try: self.__dict__.update(fn.__dict__) except AttributeError: pass # set __wrapped__ last so we don't inadvertently copy it # from the wrapped function when updating __dict__ self._is_coroutine = _is_coroutine self.__wrapped__ = fn self.__maxsize = maxsize self.__typed = typed self.__ttl = ttl self.__cache: OrderedDict[Hashable, _CacheItem[_R]] = OrderedDict() self.__closed = False self.__hits = 0 self.__misses = 0 self.__tasks: Set["asyncio.Task[_R]"] = set() def cache_invalidate(self, /, *args: Hashable, **kwargs: Any) -> bool: key = _make_key(args, kwargs, self.__typed) cache_item = self.__cache.pop(key, None) if cache_item is None: return False else: cache_item.cancel() return True def cache_clear(self) -> None: self.__hits = 0 self.__misses = 0 self.__cache.clear() self.__tasks.clear() async def cache_close(self, *, wait: bool = False) -> None: self.__closed = True tasks = list(self.__tasks) if not tasks: return if not wait: for task in tasks: if not task.done(): task.cancel() await asyncio.gather(*tasks, return_exceptions=True) def cache_info(self) -> _CacheInfo: return _CacheInfo( self.__hits, self.__misses, self.__maxsize, len(self.__cache), ) def cache_parameters(self) -> _CacheParameters: return _CacheParameters( maxsize=self.__maxsize, typed=self.__typed, tasks=len(self.__tasks), closed=self.__closed, ) def _cache_hit(self, key: Hashable) -> None: self.__hits += 1 self.__cache.move_to_end(key) def _cache_miss(self, key: Hashable) -> None: self.__misses += 1 def _task_done_callback( self, fut: "asyncio.Future[_R]", key: Hashable, task: "asyncio.Task[_R]" ) -> None: self.__tasks.remove(task) cache_item = self.__cache.get(key) if self.__ttl is not None and cache_item is not None: loop = asyncio.get_running_loop() cache_item.later_call = loop.call_later( self.__ttl, self.__cache.pop, key, None ) if task.cancelled(): fut.cancel() return exc = task.exception() if exc is not None: fut.set_exception(exc) return fut.set_result(task.result()) async def __call__(self, /, *fn_args: Any, **fn_kwargs: Any) -> _R: if self.__closed: raise RuntimeError(f"alru_cache is closed for {self}") loop = asyncio.get_running_loop() key = _make_key(fn_args, fn_kwargs, self.__typed) cache_item = self.__cache.get(key) if cache_item is not None: if not cache_item.fut.done(): self._cache_hit(key) return await asyncio.shield(cache_item.fut) exc = cache_item.fut._exception if exc is None: self._cache_hit(key) return cache_item.fut.result() else: # exception here cache_item = self.__cache.pop(key) cache_item.cancel() fut = loop.create_future() coro = self.__wrapped__(*fn_args, **fn_kwargs) task: asyncio.Task[_R] = loop.create_task(coro) self.__tasks.add(task) task.add_done_callback(partial(self._task_done_callback, fut, key)) self.__cache[key] = _CacheItem(fut, None) if self.__maxsize is not None and len(self.__cache) > self.__maxsize: dropped_key, cache_item = self.__cache.popitem(last=False) cache_item.cancel() self._cache_miss(key) return await asyncio.shield(fut) def __get__( self, instance: _T, owner: Optional[Type[_T]] ) -> Union[Self, "_LRUCacheWrapperInstanceMethod[_R, _T]"]: if owner is None: return self else: return _LRUCacheWrapperInstanceMethod(self, instance) @final class _LRUCacheWrapperInstanceMethod(Generic[_R, _T]): def __init__( self, wrapper: _LRUCacheWrapper[_R], instance: _T, ) -> None: try: self.__module__ = wrapper.__module__ except AttributeError: pass try: self.__name__ = wrapper.__name__ except AttributeError: pass try: self.__qualname__ = wrapper.__qualname__ except AttributeError: pass try: self.__doc__ = wrapper.__doc__ except AttributeError: pass try: self.__annotations__ = wrapper.__annotations__ except AttributeError: pass try: self.__dict__.update(wrapper.__dict__) except AttributeError: pass # set __wrapped__ last so we don't inadvertently copy it # from the wrapped function when updating __dict__ self._is_coroutine = _is_coroutine self.__wrapped__ = wrapper.__wrapped__ self.__instance = instance self.__wrapper = wrapper def cache_invalidate(self, /, *args: Hashable, **kwargs: Any) -> bool: return self.__wrapper.cache_invalidate(self.__instance, *args, **kwargs) def cache_clear(self) -> None: self.__wrapper.cache_clear() async def cache_close( self, *, cancel: bool = False, return_exceptions: bool = True ) -> None: await self.__wrapper.cache_close() def cache_info(self) -> _CacheInfo: return self.__wrapper.cache_info() def cache_parameters(self) -> _CacheParameters: return self.__wrapper.cache_parameters() async def __call__(self, /, *fn_args: Any, **fn_kwargs: Any) -> _R: return await self.__wrapper(self.__instance, *fn_args, **fn_kwargs) def _make_wrapper( maxsize: Optional[int], typed: bool, ttl: Optional[float] = None, ) -> Callable[[_CBP[_R]], _LRUCacheWrapper[_R]]: def wrapper(fn: _CBP[_R]) -> _LRUCacheWrapper[_R]: origin = fn while isinstance(origin, (partial, partialmethod)): origin = origin.func if not asyncio.iscoroutinefunction(origin): raise RuntimeError(f"Coroutine function is required, got {fn!r}") # functools.partialmethod support if hasattr(fn, "_make_unbound_method"): fn = fn._make_unbound_method() return _LRUCacheWrapper(cast(_CB[_R], fn), maxsize, typed, ttl) return wrapper @overload def alru_cache( maxsize: Optional[int] = 128, typed: bool = False, *, ttl: Optional[float] = None, ) -> Callable[[_CBP[_R]], _LRUCacheWrapper[_R]]: ... @overload def alru_cache( maxsize: _CBP[_R], /, ) -> _LRUCacheWrapper[_R]: ... def alru_cache( maxsize: Union[Optional[int], _CBP[_R]] = 128, typed: bool = False, *, ttl: Optional[float] = None, ) -> Union[Callable[[_CBP[_R]], _LRUCacheWrapper[_R]], _LRUCacheWrapper[_R]]: if maxsize is None or isinstance(maxsize, int): return _make_wrapper(maxsize, typed, ttl) else: fn = cast(_CB[_R], maxsize) if callable(fn) or hasattr(fn, "_make_unbound_method"): return _make_wrapper(128, False, None)(fn) raise NotImplementedError(f"{fn!r} decorating is not supported")