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Current File : //opt/imunify360/venv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/Crypto/Cipher/__pycache__/AES.cpython-311.pyc


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        int AES_start_operation(const uint8_t key[],
                                size_t key_len,
                                void **pResult);
        int AES_encrypt(const void *state,
                        const uint8_t *in,
                        uint8_t *out,
                        size_t data_len);
        int AES_decrypt(const void *state,
                        const uint8_t *in,
                        uint8_t *out,
                        size_t data_len);
        int AES_stop_operation(void *state);
        zCrypto.Cipher._raw_aeszCrypto.Cipher._raw_aesni�AES�AESNIc��|�dd��}	|�d��}n#t$rtd���wxYwt|��tvrtdt|��z���|r trtj}tj}ntj
}tj}t��}|t|��tt|����|�����}|rtd|z���t!|���|��S)z}This method instantiates and returns a handle to a low-level
    base cipher. It will absorb named parameters in the process.�	use_aesniT�keyzMissing 'key' parameterz#Incorrect AES key length (%d bytes)z+Error %X while instantiating the AES cipher)�pop�KeyError�	TypeError�len�key_size�
ValueError�_raw_aesni_lib�AESNI_start_operation�AESNI_stop_operation�_raw_aes_lib�AES_start_operation�AES_stop_operationrrr�
address_ofr�get)�dict_parametersrr�start_operation�stop_operation�cipher�results       �s/builddir/build/BUILD/imunify360-venv-2.5.0/opt/imunify360/venv/lib64/python3.11/site-packages/Crypto/Cipher/AES.py�_create_base_cipherr/Ns>�� �#�#�K��6�6�I�3��!�!�%�(�(�����3�3�3��1�2�2�2�3�����3�x�x�x����>��S���I�J�J�J��9�^�9�(�>��'�<���&�:��%�8��
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���n�5�5�5s	�.�Ac�(�t|��dkrtd���|�td��}n"t|��dkrtd���t|dd�t���|��}|dd�||fS)zrDerive a tuple (r, s, nonce) for a Poly1305 MAC.

    If nonce is ``None``, a new 16-byte nonce is generated.
    � z(Poly1305 with AES requires a 32-byte keyN�z*Poly1305 with AES requires a 16-byte nonce)rr r
�new�MODE_ECB�encrypt)r�nonce�ss   r.�_derive_Poly1305_key_pairr8ms����3�x�x�2�~�~��C�D�D�D��}� ��$�$���	�U���r�	�	��E�F�F�F��C����H�h���'�'��.�.�A��r�s�s�8�Q����c�Z�d|d<ttjt||g|�Ri|��S)a�Create a new AES cipher.

        The secret key to use in the symmetric cipher.

        It must be 16 (*AES-128)*, 24 (*AES-192*) or 32 (*AES-256*) bytes long.

        For ``MODE_SIV`` only, it doubles to 32, 48, or 64 bytes.
      mode (a ``MODE_*`` constant):
        The chaining mode to use for encryption or decryption.
        If in doubt, use ``MODE_EAX``.

    Keyword Args:
      iv (bytes/bytearray/memoryview):
        (Only applicable for ``MODE_CBC``, ``MODE_CFB``, ``MODE_OFB``,
        and ``MODE_OPENPGP`` modes).

        The initialization vector to use for encryption or decryption.

        For ``MODE_CBC``, ``MODE_CFB``, and ``MODE_OFB`` it must be 16 bytes long.

        For ``MODE_OPENPGP`` mode only,
        it must be 16 bytes long for encryption
        and 18 bytes for decryption (in the latter case, it is
        actually the *encrypted* IV which was prefixed to the ciphertext).

        If not provided, a random byte string is generated (you must then
        read its value with the :attr:`iv` attribute).

      nonce (bytes/bytearray/memoryview):
        (Only applicable for ``MODE_CCM``, ``MODE_EAX``, ``MODE_GCM``,
        ``MODE_SIV``, ``MODE_OCB``, and ``MODE_CTR``).

        A value that must never be reused for any other encryption done
        with this key (except possibly for ``MODE_SIV``, see below).

        For ``MODE_EAX``, ``MODE_GCM`` and ``MODE_SIV`` there are no
        restrictions on its length (recommended: **16** bytes).

        For ``MODE_CCM``, its length must be in the range **[7..13]**.
        Bear in mind that with CCM there is a trade-off between nonce
        length and maximum message size. Recommendation: **11** bytes.

        For ``MODE_OCB``, its length must be in the range **[1..15]**
        (recommended: **15**).

        For ``MODE_CTR``, its length must be in the range **[0..15]**
        (recommended: **8**).

        For ``MODE_SIV``, the nonce is optional, if it is not specified,
        then no nonce is being used, which renders the encryption

        If not provided, for modes other than ``MODE_SIV``, a random
        byte string of the recommended length is used (you must then
        read its value with the :attr:`nonce` attribute).

      segment_size (integer):
        (Only ``MODE_CFB``).The number of **bits** the plaintext and ciphertext
        are segmented in. It must be a multiple of 8.
        If not specified, it will be assumed to be 8.

      mac_len (integer):
        (Only ``MODE_EAX``, ``MODE_GCM``, ``MODE_OCB``, ``MODE_CCM``)
        Length of the authentication tag, in bytes.

        It must be even and in the range **[4..16]**.
        The recommended value (and the default, if not specified) is **16**.

      msg_len (integer):
        (Only ``MODE_CCM``). Length of the message to (de)cipher.
        If not specified, ``encrypt`` must be called with the entire message.
        Similarly, ``decrypt`` can only be called once.

      assoc_len (integer):
        (Only ``MODE_CCM``). Length of the associated data.
        If not specified, all associated data is buffered internally,
        which may represent a problem for very large messages.

      initial_value (integer or bytes/bytearray/memoryview):
        (Only ``MODE_CTR``).
        The initial value for the counter. If not present, the cipher will
        start counting from 0. The value is incremented by one for each block.
        The counter number is encoded in big endian mode.

      counter (object):
        (Only ``MODE_CTR``).
        Instance of ``Crypto.Util.Counter``, which allows full customization
        of the counter block. This parameter is incompatible to both ``nonce``
        and ``initial_value``.

      use_aesni: (boolean):
        Use Intel AES-NI hardware extensions (default: use if available).

        an AES object, of the applicable mode.
add_aes_modes)r�sys�modules�__name__)r�mode�args�kwargss    r.r3r3s8��H#�F�?���#�+�h�/��d�L�T�L�L�L�V�L�L�Lr9r2)r2�r1)#r<�
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