
Your IP :

Current Path : /opt/cloudlinux/venv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/prospector/tools/pycodestyle/
Upload File :
Current File : //opt/cloudlinux/venv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/prospector/tools/pycodestyle/__init__.py

import codecs
import os
import re

from pep8ext_naming import NamingChecker
from pycodestyle import PROJECT_CONFIG, USER_CONFIG, BaseReport, StyleGuide, register_check

from prospector.finder import FileFinder
from prospector.message import Location, Message
from prospector.tools.base import ToolBase

__all__ = ("PycodestyleTool",)

class ProspectorReport(BaseReport):
    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
        self._prospector_messages = []

    def error(self, line_number, offset, text, check):
        code = super().error(
        if code is None:
            # The error pycodestyle found is being ignored, let's move on.

        # Get a clean copy of the message text without the code embedded.
        text = text[5:]

        # mixed indentation (E101) is a file global message
        if code == "E101":
            line_number = None

        # Record the message using prospector's data structures.
        location = Location(
            character=(offset + 1),
        message = Message(
            # TODO: legacy output naming


    def get_messages(self):
        return self._prospector_messages

class ProspectorStyleGuide(StyleGuide):
    def __init__(self, config, found_files, *args, **kwargs):
        self._config = config
        self._files = found_files
        self._module_paths = found_files.python_modules

        # Override the default reporter with our custom one.
        kwargs["reporter"] = ProspectorReport

        super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)

    def excluded(self, filename, parent=None):
        if super().excluded(filename, parent):
            return True

        # If the file survived pycodestyle's exclusion rules, check it against
        # prospector's patterns.
        fullpath = self._config.workdir / (parent or "") / filename
        if fullpath.is_dir():
            return False

        return fullpath not in self._module_paths

class PycodestyleTool(ToolBase):
    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
        self.checker = None

    def configure(self, prospector_config, found_files: FileFinder):
        # figure out if we should use a pre-existing config file
        # such as setup.cfg or tox.ini
        external_config = None

        # 'none' means we ignore any external config, so just carry on
        use_config = False

        if prospector_config.use_external_config("pycodestyle"):
            use_config = True

            paths = [os.path.join(prospector_config.workdir, name) for name in PROJECT_CONFIG]
            ext_loc = prospector_config.external_config_location("pycodestyle")
            if ext_loc is not None:
                paths = [ext_loc] + paths

            for conf_path in paths:
                if os.path.exists(conf_path) and os.path.isfile(conf_path):
                    # this file exists - but does it have pep8 or pycodestyle config in it?
                    # TODO: Remove this
                    header = re.compile(r"\[(pep8|pycodestyle)\]")
                    with codecs.open(conf_path) as conf_file:
                        if any(header.search(line) for line in conf_file.readlines()):
                            external_config = conf_path

        # need to convert to strings rather than Path objects for compatibility with pycodestyle
        check_paths = [str(f.absolute()) for f in found_files.python_modules]

        # check_paths = [found_files.to_absolute_path(p) for p in check_paths]

        # Instantiate our custom pycodestyle checker.
        self.checker = ProspectorStyleGuide(
            config=prospector_config, paths=check_paths, found_files=found_files, config_file=external_config
        if not use_config or external_config is None:
            configured_by = None
            # This means that we don't have existing config to use.
            # Make sure pycodestyle's code ignores are fully reset to zero before
            # adding prospector-flavoured configuration.
            self.checker.options.select = ()
            self.checker.options.ignore = tuple(prospector_config.get_disabled_messages("pycodestyle"))

            if "max-line-length" in prospector_config.tool_options("pycodestyle"):
                self.checker.options.max_line_length = prospector_config.tool_options("pycodestyle")["max-line-length"]
            configured_by = "Configuration found at %s" % external_config

        # if we have a command line --max-line-length argument, that
        # overrules everything
        max_line_length = prospector_config.max_line_length
        if max_line_length is not None:
            self.checker.options.max_line_length = max_line_length

        return configured_by, []

    def run(self, _):
        report = self.checker.check_files()
        return report.get_messages()

# Load pep8ext_naming into pycodestyle's configuration.