Current Path : /opt/cloudlinux/venv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/lvestats/lib/commons/ |
Current File : //opt/cloudlinux/venv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/lvestats/lib/commons/func.py |
# coding=utf-8 # # Copyright © Cloud Linux GmbH & Cloud Linux Software, Inc 2010-2019 All Rights Reserved # # Licensed under CLOUD LINUX LICENSE AGREEMENT # http://cloudlinux.com/docs/LICENSE.TXT import csv import errno import fcntl import os import pwd import tempfile import time import uuid from _socket import error as SocketError from _socket import gethostname from typing import Any from urllib.parse import urlparse from xml.dom import DOMException, minidom from xml.parsers.expat import ExpatError from sqlalchemy import engine as sqlalchemy_engine from prettytable import PrettyTable from clcommon import FormattedException, cpapi from clcommon.clcaptain import mkdir as mkdir_p from clcommon.clfunc import uid_max from clcommon.clproc import LIMIT_LVP_ID from clcommon.cpapi.cpapiexceptions import ( CPAPIExternalProgramFailed, NotSupported, ParsingError, ) from clcommon.lib import MySQLGovernor, MySQLGovException from lvestats.lib.config import USER_NOTIFICATIONS_OFF_MARKER, get_max_lve_id MAX_LVE_ID = None LVE_FILE = '/proc/lve/list' GOVERNOR_CONFIG = '/var/run/mysql-governor-config.xml' # can read all in system; present in governor-mysql >= 1.1-14 GOVERNOR_CONFIG_OLD = '/etc/container/mysql-governor.xml' # can read root only def get_current_max_lve_id(): """ Get current maximum of LVE ID """ global MAX_LVE_ID # pylint: disable=global-statement if MAX_LVE_ID is None: MAX_LVE_ID = get_max_lve_id() return MAX_LVE_ID def gcd(a, b): # returns greater common divisor while b: a, b = b, a % b return a def merge_dicts(*dicts): """ >>> merge_dicts({1: 2}, {3: 4}) {1: 2, 3: 4} >>> merge_dicts({1: '1', 2: '2'}, {2: 'two', 3: 'three'}) {1: '1', 2: 'two', 3: 'three'} """"" dic_merged = {} for dic_ in dicts: dic_merged.update(dic_) return dic_merged def get_chunks(_list, chunk_length=500): """ :type chunk_length: int :type _list: list :rtype: Generator[list] """ for i in range(0, len(_list), chunk_length): yield _list[i:i + chunk_length] class LVEVersionError(Exception): def __init__(self, message=''): Exception.__init__(self, f"Can't detect LVE version; {message}") def get_lve_version(_lve_file=LVE_FILE): """ :param str _lve_file: :return int: """ try: with open(_lve_file, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as lve_file_stream: lve_ver_str = lve_file_stream.read(5) # read only first 5 symbols try: return int(lve_ver_str.split(':')[0]) except (TypeError, IndexError, ValueError) as e: raise LVEVersionError( f"error parsing line '{lve_ver_str}' from file {_lve_file}" ) from e except (OSError, IOError) as e: raise LVEVersionError(e) from e def get_governor_mode(governor=None): """ Parse governor config file and return governor mode :type governor: MySQLGovernor :rtype: str :return: if file exists and correct: "on", "single", "off", "abusers" or "all" if governor is not installed or error occurs: "none" """ governor = governor or MySQLGovernor() try: governor_mode = governor.get_governor_mode() except MySQLGovException: governor_mode = None return governor_mode or "none" def get_governor_config_path(): # check governor installed, file GOVERNOR_CONFIG can be present after mysql-governor uninstalled """ :rtype: str|None """ if not os.path.exists('/usr/sbin/db_governor'): # this need for compatibility with mysql-governor 1.1-15 return None if os.path.exists(GOVERNOR_CONFIG): governor_config_path = GOVERNOR_CONFIG else: governor_config_path = GOVERNOR_CONFIG_OLD # config for backward compatible with governor-mysql < 1.1-14 return governor_config_path # TODO: replace with MysqlGovernor().get_governor_status_by_username def get_governor_ignore_for_user(username): """ :rtype: bool|None :type username: str """ governor_config_path = get_governor_config_path() if governor_config_path is None: return None try: governor_config = minidom.parse(governor_config_path) for user in governor_config.getElementsByTagName("user"): try: if user.attributes["name"].value == username: # mode = ”restrict|norestrict|ignore” return user.attributes["mode"].value.lower() == "ignore" except KeyError: continue except (IOError, ExpatError, DOMException): return None return False class DomainException(FormattedException): pass def get_governor_status(): """ :rtype: (str, MySQLGovException|None) """ mysql_governor = MySQLGovernor() return mysql_governor.get_governor_status() def get_reseller_domains(reseller_name): """ Get dict[user, domain], empty if cannot obtain. :param reseller_name: reseller's name :rtype: dict[str, str|None] """ try: return cpapi.reseller_domains(reseller_name) except (CPAPIExternalProgramFailed, NotSupported, AttributeError): return {} def get_aliases(username, domain, raise_exception=True): """ Get list of aliases for specified user's domain, or empty list. :type username: str :type domain: str :type raise_exception: bool :raises DomainException: if cannot obtain domains :rtype: list[str]|None """ try: user_aliases = cpapi.useraliases(username, domain) except (KeyError, IOError, TypeError, cpapi.cpapiexceptions.NotSupported, cpapi.cpapiexceptions.NoPanelUser, ParsingError) as e: if raise_exception: raise DomainException(str(e)) from e return [] else: return user_aliases def get_domains(username, raise_exception=True): """ Get list of domains for specified user, or None. :type username: str :type raise_exception: bool :raises DomainException: if cannot obtain domains :rtype: list[str]|None """ try: user_domains = cpapi.userdomains(username) except (KeyError, IOError, TypeError, cpapi.cpapiexceptions.NotSupported, cpapi.cpapiexceptions.NoPanelUser, ParsingError) as e: if raise_exception: raise DomainException(str(e)) from e return [] else: return [domain[0] for domain in user_domains] def get_domain(username): """ :param username: user name string :return: if not supported in CP, or domain name is not set: None if we can find it: domain name string :rtype: str|None :type username: str """ user_domains = get_domains(username) if len(user_domains) == 0: return None return user_domains[0] def init_database(db_engine, db_name): """ Create database :param db_engine: :param db_name: :return: """ conn = db_engine.connect() conn.execute('COMMIT') # we can't run CREATE DATABASE in one transaction conn.execute(f"CREATE DATABASE {db_name}") conn.close() def init_database_rnd(db_engine, prefix='tmp_unittest_'): """ Create database with random prefix in name Using for unittests :param db_engine: :param str prefix: :return str: """ db_name = prefix + str(uuid.uuid4())[0:8] init_database(db_engine, db_name) return db_name def drop_database(uri, force=True): """ Drop database (support MySQL and PostgresSQL) :param uri: :param force: kill all connection and locked session before drop database :return: """ uri_ = urlparse(uri) db_name = uri_.path[1:] # cut '/' on strings start if db_name: if uri_.scheme == 'sqlite': os.unlink(db_name) return True db_engine = sqlalchemy_engine.create_engine(uri_.scheme + '://' + uri_.netloc) conn = db_engine.connect() # force kill all session for dropped database if force and 'postgresql' in db_engine.name: # http://dba.stackexchange.com/questions/11893/force-drop-db-while-others-may-be-connected conn.execute(f"UPDATE pg_database SET datallowconn = 'false' where datname = '{db_name}'") pg_ver = conn.execute("SHOW server_version").fetchall()[0][0] # pg_ver here: CL - '9.6.22', Ubuntu - '12.9 (Ubuntu 12.9-0ubuntu0.20.04.1)' pg_ver = pg_ver.strip().split(' ')[0] if list(map(int, pg_ver.split('.'))) < [9, 2]: # compare versions conn.execute(f"SELECT pg_terminate_backend(procpid) FROM pg_stat_activity WHERE datname = '{db_name}'") else: conn.execute(f"SELECT pg_terminate_backend(pid) FROM pg_stat_activity WHERE datname = '{db_name}'") elif force and 'mysql' in db_engine.name: cursor = conn.execute("SHOW PROCESSLIST") for fetched in cursor.fetchall(): if fetched[3] == db_name: conn.execute(f"KILL {fetched[0]}") conn.execute("COMMIT") conn.execute(f"DROP DATABASE {db_name}") conn.close() return True def _release_line(): path = '/etc/redhat-release' if not os.path.exists(path): return '' with open(path, encoding='utf-8') as release_file: return release_file.readline() def cl_ver(release_line=None): """ Return CloudLinux version as list [major, minor] or [] if can't obtain version :param str release_line: :return list: splited version >>> cl_ver('CloudLinux Server release 5.11 (Vladislav Volkov)') [5, 11] >>> cl_ver('CloudLinux Server release 6.8 (Oleg Makarov)') [6, 8] >>> cl_ver('CloudLinux release 7.2 (Valeri Kubasov)') [7, 2] >>> cl_ver('Incorrect release line') [] """ if release_line is None: release_line = _release_line() release_line_splited = release_line.split() if 'release' in release_line_splited: ver_indx = release_line_splited.index('release') + 1 else: return [] ver_str = release_line_splited[ver_indx] ver = [] for s in ver_str.split('.'): try: ver.append(int(s)) except ValueError: pass return ver def _reseller_users(reseller=None): cplogin_reseller_ = cpapi.cpinfo(keyls=('cplogin', 'reseller')) return [cplogin for cplogin, reseller_ in cplogin_reseller_ if reseller == reseller_] def get_users_for_reseller(reseller=None): reseller_users = getattr(cpapi, 'reseller_users', _reseller_users) try: return reseller_users(reseller) except cpapi.cpapiexceptions.CPAPIException: return [] def touch(fname, times=None): """ The equivalent console touch command :param str fname: path to file :param None| tuple times: (atime, mtime) if None atime and mtime are default """ with open(fname, 'a', encoding='utf-8'): os.utime(fname, times) os.chmod(fname, 0o644) def atomic_write_csv(filename, data): """ :type data: list :type filename: str """ def csv_write(csv_file): """:type csv_file: file""" writer = csv.writer(csv_file) writer.writerows(data) _atomic_write(filename, csv_write) def atomic_write_str(filename, data): """ :type data: str :type filename: str """ def str_write(str_file): """:type str_file: file""" str_file.write(data) _atomic_write(filename, str_write) def _atomic_write(filename, write_function): """ :type write_function: (file) -> None :type filename: str """ retry_count, retry_interval = 3, 0.3 exc = None with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile('w', delete=False, dir=os.path.dirname(filename)) as f: tmp_filename = f.name write_function(f) f.flush() for _ in range(retry_count): try: os.fsync(f.fileno()) break except OSError as e: exc = e time.sleep(retry_interval) else: raise exc os.chmod(tmp_filename, 0o644) # NamedTemporaryFile creates file with 0o600 os.rename(tmp_filename, filename) class reboot_lock(object): def __init__(self, fname=None, timeout=None): self.timeout = timeout if fname is None: self.fname = reboot_lock._build_lock_filename() else: self.fname = fname self.lock = os.open(self.fname, os.O_WRONLY | os.O_CREAT, 0o600) @staticmethod def _build_lock_filename(): lock_file_dir = '/var/lve' # Create /var/lve directory if it is absent if not os.path.exists(lock_file_dir): mkdir_p(lock_file_dir) return os.path.join(lock_file_dir, 'lvestats.lock') def __enter__(self): start_time = time.time() while True: try: fcntl.flock(self.lock, fcntl.LOCK_EX | fcntl.LOCK_NB) return except IOError as e: # raise on unrelated IOErrors if e.errno != errno.EAGAIN: raise else: if self.timeout is not None and time.time() - start_time > self.timeout: return time.sleep(0.1) def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, traceback): fcntl.flock(self.lock, fcntl.LOCK_UN) os.close(self.lock) try: os.unlink(self.fname) except Exception: pass def deserialize_lve_id(serialized_value): """ Extract container_id and bool(is_reseller) from serialized value; :type serialized_value: int :rtype: tuple[int, bool] """ if serialized_value > get_current_max_lve_id() and serialized_value != LIMIT_LVP_ID: return serialized_value - get_current_max_lve_id(), True return serialized_value, False def serialize_lve_id(lve_id, lvp_id): """ Get serialized int by lvp_id and lve_id :type lvp_id: int :type lve_id: int :rtype: int """ if lve_id == LIMIT_LVP_ID and lvp_id != 0: return get_current_max_lve_id() + lvp_id return lve_id def get_hostname(): """ Get hostname using socket.gethostname; Return 'N/A' if some error happens; :return: """ try: hostname = gethostname() except SocketError: hostname = 'N/A' return hostname def skip_user_by_maxuid(user_id): """ Returns is user should be skipped due to set max uid :param user_id: user id """ return user_id > uid_max() def get_all_user_domains(username, include_aliases=True): """ Returns ALL user domains: main/sub/aliases """ domains = get_domains(username, raise_exception=False) aliases = [] if include_aliases: for domain in domains: alias = get_aliases(username, domain, raise_exception=False) if alias: aliases += alias return list(set(domains + aliases)) def normalize_domain(domain): """ Cuts extra prefix www from domain """ if domain.startswith('www.'): domain = domain[4:] return domain def user_should_be_notified(user: str) -> bool: """ Checks if notifications are turned off by user: marker file exists """ return not os.path.exists(os.path.join(pwd.getpwnam(user).pw_dir, '.lvestats', USER_NOTIFICATIONS_OFF_MARKER)) def get_ascii_table(rows: list[list[Any]], fields: list[str] | None = None, left_padding: int = 0, padding_width: int = 0) -> str: """ Prepare rows and columns names to print in console """ fields = fields or [] table = PrettyTable(fields, left_padding=left_padding, padding_width=padding_width) for field in fields: table.align[field] = "l" # align left table.add_rows(rows) return table.get_string()