Current Path : /opt/cloudlinux/venv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/dill/ |
Current File : //opt/cloudlinux/venv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/dill/_objects.py |
#!/usr/bin/env python # # Author: Mike McKerns (mmckerns @caltech and @uqfoundation) # Copyright (c) 2008-2016 California Institute of Technology. # Copyright (c) 2016-2023 The Uncertainty Quantification Foundation. # License: 3-clause BSD. The full license text is available at: # - https://github.com/uqfoundation/dill/blob/master/LICENSE """ all Python Standard Library objects (currently: CH 1-15 @ 2.7) and some other common objects (i.e. numpy.ndarray) """ __all__ = ['registered','failures','succeeds'] # helper imports import warnings; warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", category=DeprecationWarning) import sys import queue as Queue import dbm as anydbm from io import BytesIO as StringIO import re import array import collections import codecs import struct import dataclasses import datetime import calendar import weakref import pprint import decimal import numbers import functools import itertools import operator import tempfile import shelve import zlib import gzip import zipfile import tarfile import xdrlib import csv import hashlib import hmac import os import logging import logging.handlers import optparse #import __hello__ import threading import socket import contextlib try: import bz2 import sqlite3 import dbm.ndbm as dbm HAS_ALL = True except ImportError: # Ubuntu HAS_ALL = False try: #import curses #from curses import textpad, panel HAS_CURSES = True except ImportError: # Windows HAS_CURSES = False try: import ctypes HAS_CTYPES = True # if using `pypy`, pythonapi is not found IS_PYPY = not hasattr(ctypes, 'pythonapi') except ImportError: # MacPorts HAS_CTYPES = False IS_PYPY = False # helper objects class _class: def _method(self): pass # @classmethod # def _clsmethod(cls): #XXX: test me # pass # @staticmethod # def _static(self): #XXX: test me # pass class _class2: def __call__(self): pass _instance2 = _class2() class _newclass(object): def _method(self): pass # @classmethod # def _clsmethod(cls): #XXX: test me # pass # @staticmethod # def _static(self): #XXX: test me # pass class _newclass2(object): __slots__ = ['descriptor'] def _function(x): yield x def _function2(): try: raise except Exception: from sys import exc_info e, er, tb = exc_info() return er, tb if HAS_CTYPES: class _Struct(ctypes.Structure): pass _Struct._fields_ = [("_field", ctypes.c_int),("next", ctypes.POINTER(_Struct))] _filedescrip, _tempfile = tempfile.mkstemp('r') # deleted in cleanup _tmpf = tempfile.TemporaryFile('w') # objects used by dill for type declaration registered = d = {} # objects dill fails to pickle failures = x = {} # all other type objects succeeds = a = {} # types module (part of CH 8) a['BooleanType'] = bool(1) a['BuiltinFunctionType'] = len a['BuiltinMethodType'] = a['BuiltinFunctionType'] a['BytesType'] = _bytes = codecs.latin_1_encode('\x00')[0] # bytes(1) a['ClassType'] = _class a['ComplexType'] = complex(1) a['DictType'] = _dict = {} a['DictionaryType'] = a['DictType'] a['FloatType'] = float(1) a['FunctionType'] = _function a['InstanceType'] = _instance = _class() a['IntType'] = _int = int(1) a['ListType'] = _list = [] a['NoneType'] = None a['ObjectType'] = object() a['StringType'] = _str = str(1) a['TupleType'] = _tuple = () a['TypeType'] = type a['LongType'] = _int a['UnicodeType'] = _str # built-in constants (CH 4) a['CopyrightType'] = copyright # built-in types (CH 5) a['ClassObjectType'] = _newclass # <type 'type'> a['ClassInstanceType'] = _newclass() # <type 'class'> a['SetType'] = _set = set() a['FrozenSetType'] = frozenset() # built-in exceptions (CH 6) a['ExceptionType'] = _exception = _function2()[0] # string services (CH 7) a['SREPatternType'] = _srepattern = re.compile('') # data types (CH 8) a['ArrayType'] = array.array("f") a['DequeType'] = collections.deque([0]) a['DefaultDictType'] = collections.defaultdict(_function, _dict) a['TZInfoType'] = datetime.tzinfo() a['DateTimeType'] = datetime.datetime.today() a['CalendarType'] = calendar.Calendar() # numeric and mathematical types (CH 9) a['DecimalType'] = decimal.Decimal(1) a['CountType'] = itertools.count(0) # data compression and archiving (CH 12) a['TarInfoType'] = tarfile.TarInfo() # generic operating system services (CH 15) a['LoggerType'] = _logger = logging.getLogger() a['FormatterType'] = logging.Formatter() # pickle ok a['FilterType'] = logging.Filter() # pickle ok a['LogRecordType'] = logging.makeLogRecord(_dict) # pickle ok a['OptionParserType'] = _oparser = optparse.OptionParser() # pickle ok a['OptionGroupType'] = optparse.OptionGroup(_oparser,"foo") # pickle ok a['OptionType'] = optparse.Option('--foo') # pickle ok if HAS_CTYPES: z = x if IS_PYPY else a z['CCharType'] = _cchar = ctypes.c_char() z['CWCharType'] = ctypes.c_wchar() # fail == 2.6 z['CByteType'] = ctypes.c_byte() z['CUByteType'] = ctypes.c_ubyte() z['CShortType'] = ctypes.c_short() z['CUShortType'] = ctypes.c_ushort() z['CIntType'] = ctypes.c_int() z['CUIntType'] = ctypes.c_uint() z['CLongType'] = ctypes.c_long() z['CULongType'] = ctypes.c_ulong() z['CLongLongType'] = ctypes.c_longlong() z['CULongLongType'] = ctypes.c_ulonglong() z['CFloatType'] = ctypes.c_float() z['CDoubleType'] = ctypes.c_double() z['CSizeTType'] = ctypes.c_size_t() del z a['CLibraryLoaderType'] = ctypes.cdll a['StructureType'] = _Struct # if not IS_PYPY: # a['BigEndianStructureType'] = ctypes.BigEndianStructure() #NOTE: also LittleEndianStructureType and UnionType... abstract classes #NOTE: remember for ctypesobj.contents creates a new python object #NOTE: ctypes.c_int._objects is memberdescriptor for object's __dict__ #NOTE: base class of all ctypes data types is non-public _CData import fractions import io from io import StringIO as TextIO # built-in functions (CH 2) a['ByteArrayType'] = bytearray([1]) # numeric and mathematical types (CH 9) a['FractionType'] = fractions.Fraction() a['NumberType'] = numbers.Number() # generic operating system services (CH 15) a['IOBaseType'] = io.IOBase() a['RawIOBaseType'] = io.RawIOBase() a['TextIOBaseType'] = io.TextIOBase() a['BufferedIOBaseType'] = io.BufferedIOBase() a['UnicodeIOType'] = TextIO() # the new StringIO a['LoggerAdapterType'] = logging.LoggerAdapter(_logger,_dict) # pickle ok if HAS_CTYPES: z = x if IS_PYPY else a z['CBoolType'] = ctypes.c_bool(1) z['CLongDoubleType'] = ctypes.c_longdouble() del z import argparse # data types (CH 8) a['OrderedDictType'] = collections.OrderedDict(_dict) a['CounterType'] = collections.Counter(_dict) if HAS_CTYPES: z = x if IS_PYPY else a z['CSSizeTType'] = ctypes.c_ssize_t() del z # generic operating system services (CH 15) a['NullHandlerType'] = logging.NullHandler() # pickle ok # new 2.7 a['ArgParseFileType'] = argparse.FileType() # pickle ok # -- pickle fails on all below here ----------------------------------------- # types module (part of CH 8) a['CodeType'] = compile('','','exec') a['DictProxyType'] = type.__dict__ a['DictProxyType2'] = _newclass.__dict__ a['EllipsisType'] = Ellipsis a['ClosedFileType'] = open(os.devnull, 'wb', buffering=0).close() a['GetSetDescriptorType'] = array.array.typecode a['LambdaType'] = _lambda = lambda x: lambda y: x #XXX: works when not imported! a['MemberDescriptorType'] = _newclass2.descriptor if not IS_PYPY: a['MemberDescriptorType2'] = datetime.timedelta.days a['MethodType'] = _method = _class()._method #XXX: works when not imported! a['ModuleType'] = datetime a['NotImplementedType'] = NotImplemented a['SliceType'] = slice(1) a['UnboundMethodType'] = _class._method #XXX: works when not imported! d['TextWrapperType'] = open(os.devnull, 'r') # same as mode='w','w+','r+' d['BufferedRandomType'] = open(os.devnull, 'r+b') # same as mode='w+b' d['BufferedReaderType'] = open(os.devnull, 'rb') # (default: buffering=-1) d['BufferedWriterType'] = open(os.devnull, 'wb') try: # oddities: deprecated from _pyio import open as _open d['PyTextWrapperType'] = _open(os.devnull, 'r', buffering=-1) d['PyBufferedRandomType'] = _open(os.devnull, 'r+b', buffering=-1) d['PyBufferedReaderType'] = _open(os.devnull, 'rb', buffering=-1) d['PyBufferedWriterType'] = _open(os.devnull, 'wb', buffering=-1) except ImportError: pass # other (concrete) object types z = d if sys.hexversion < 0x30800a2 else a z['CellType'] = (_lambda)(0).__closure__[0] del z a['XRangeType'] = _xrange = range(1) a['MethodDescriptorType'] = type.__dict__['mro'] a['WrapperDescriptorType'] = type.__repr__ #a['WrapperDescriptorType2'] = type.__dict__['__module__']#XXX: GetSetDescriptor a['ClassMethodDescriptorType'] = type.__dict__['__prepare__'] # built-in functions (CH 2) _methodwrap = (1).__lt__ a['MethodWrapperType'] = _methodwrap a['StaticMethodType'] = staticmethod(_method) a['ClassMethodType'] = classmethod(_method) a['PropertyType'] = property() d['SuperType'] = super(Exception, _exception) # string services (CH 7) _in = _bytes a['InputType'] = _cstrI = StringIO(_in) a['OutputType'] = _cstrO = StringIO() # data types (CH 8) a['WeakKeyDictionaryType'] = weakref.WeakKeyDictionary() a['WeakValueDictionaryType'] = weakref.WeakValueDictionary() a['ReferenceType'] = weakref.ref(_instance) a['DeadReferenceType'] = weakref.ref(_class()) a['ProxyType'] = weakref.proxy(_instance) a['DeadProxyType'] = weakref.proxy(_class()) a['CallableProxyType'] = weakref.proxy(_instance2) a['DeadCallableProxyType'] = weakref.proxy(_class2()) a['QueueType'] = Queue.Queue() # numeric and mathematical types (CH 9) d['PartialType'] = functools.partial(int,base=2) a['IzipType'] = zip('0','1') a['ChainType'] = itertools.chain('0','1') d['ItemGetterType'] = operator.itemgetter(0) d['AttrGetterType'] = operator.attrgetter('__repr__') # file and directory access (CH 10) _fileW = _cstrO # data persistence (CH 11) if HAS_ALL: x['ConnectionType'] = _conn = sqlite3.connect(':memory:') x['CursorType'] = _conn.cursor() a['ShelveType'] = shelve.Shelf({}) # data compression and archiving (CH 12) if HAS_ALL: x['BZ2FileType'] = bz2.BZ2File(os.devnull) x['BZ2CompressorType'] = bz2.BZ2Compressor() x['BZ2DecompressorType'] = bz2.BZ2Decompressor() #x['ZipFileType'] = _zip = zipfile.ZipFile(os.devnull,'w') #_zip.write(_tempfile,'x') [causes annoying warning/error printed on import] #a['ZipInfoType'] = _zip.getinfo('x') a['TarFileType'] = tarfile.open(fileobj=_fileW,mode='w') # file formats (CH 13) x['DialectType'] = csv.get_dialect('excel') a['PackerType'] = xdrlib.Packer() # optional operating system services (CH 16) a['LockType'] = threading.Lock() a['RLockType'] = threading.RLock() # generic operating system services (CH 15) # also closed/open and r/w/etc... a['NamedLoggerType'] = _logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) #a['FrozenModuleType'] = __hello__ #FIXME: prints "Hello world..." # interprocess communication (CH 17) x['SocketType'] = _socket = socket.socket() x['SocketPairType'] = socket.socketpair()[0] # python runtime services (CH 27) a['GeneratorContextManagerType'] = contextlib.contextmanager(max)([1]) try: # ipython __IPYTHON__ is True # is ipython except NameError: # built-in constants (CH 4) a['QuitterType'] = quit d['ExitType'] = a['QuitterType'] try: # numpy #FIXME: slow... 0.05 to 0.1 sec to import numpy from numpy import ufunc as _numpy_ufunc from numpy import array as _numpy_array from numpy import int32 as _numpy_int32 a['NumpyUfuncType'] = _numpy_ufunc a['NumpyArrayType'] = _numpy_array a['NumpyInt32Type'] = _numpy_int32 except ImportError: pass # numeric and mathematical types (CH 9) a['ProductType'] = itertools.product('0','1') # generic operating system services (CH 15) a['FileHandlerType'] = logging.FileHandler(os.devnull) a['RotatingFileHandlerType'] = logging.handlers.RotatingFileHandler(os.devnull) a['SocketHandlerType'] = logging.handlers.SocketHandler('localhost',514) a['MemoryHandlerType'] = logging.handlers.MemoryHandler(1) # data types (CH 8) a['WeakSetType'] = weakref.WeakSet() # 2.7 # generic operating system services (CH 15) [errors when dill is imported] #a['ArgumentParserType'] = _parser = argparse.ArgumentParser('PROG') #a['NamespaceType'] = _parser.parse_args() # pickle ok #a['SubParsersActionType'] = _parser.add_subparsers() #a['MutuallyExclusiveGroupType'] = _parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group() #a['ArgumentGroupType'] = _parser.add_argument_group() # -- dill fails in some versions below here --------------------------------- # types module (part of CH 8) d['FileType'] = open(os.devnull, 'rb', buffering=0) # same 'wb','wb+','rb+' # built-in functions (CH 2) # Iterators: a['ListIteratorType'] = iter(_list) # empty vs non-empty a['SetIteratorType'] = iter(_set) #XXX: empty vs non-empty #FIXME: list_iterator a['TupleIteratorType']= iter(_tuple) # empty vs non-empty a['XRangeIteratorType'] = iter(_xrange) # empty vs non-empty a["BytesIteratorType"] = iter(b'') a["BytearrayIteratorType"] = iter(bytearray(b'')) z = x if IS_PYPY else a z["CallableIteratorType"] = iter(iter, None) del z x["MemoryIteratorType"] = iter(memoryview(b'')) a["ListReverseiteratorType"] = reversed([]) X = a['OrderedDictType'] d["OdictKeysType"] = X.keys() d["OdictValuesType"] = X.values() d["OdictItemsType"] = X.items() a["OdictIteratorType"] = iter(X.keys()) #FIXME: list_iterator del X #FIXME: list_iterator a['DictionaryItemIteratorType'] = iter(type.__dict__.items()) a['DictionaryKeyIteratorType'] = iter(type.__dict__.keys()) a['DictionaryValueIteratorType'] = iter(type.__dict__.values()) if sys.hexversion >= 0x30800a0: a["DictReversekeyiteratorType"] = reversed({}.keys()) a["DictReversevalueiteratorType"] = reversed({}.values()) a["DictReverseitemiteratorType"] = reversed({}.items()) try: import symtable #FIXME: fails to pickle x["SymtableEntryType"] = symtable.symtable("", "string", "exec")._table except ImportError: pass if sys.hexversion >= 0x30a00a0 and not IS_PYPY: x['LineIteratorType'] = compile('3', '', 'eval').co_lines() if sys.hexversion >= 0x30b00b0: from types import GenericAlias d["GenericAliasIteratorType"] = iter(GenericAlias(list, (int,))) x['PositionsIteratorType'] = compile('3', '', 'eval').co_positions() # data types (CH 8) a['PrettyPrinterType'] = pprint.PrettyPrinter() # numeric and mathematical types (CH 9) a['CycleType'] = itertools.cycle('0') # file and directory access (CH 10) a['TemporaryFileType'] = _tmpf # data compression and archiving (CH 12) x['GzipFileType'] = gzip.GzipFile(fileobj=_fileW) # generic operating system services (CH 15) a['StreamHandlerType'] = logging.StreamHandler() # numeric and mathematical types (CH 9) a['PermutationsType'] = itertools.permutations('0') a['CombinationsType'] = itertools.combinations('0',1) a['RepeatType'] = itertools.repeat(0) a['CompressType'] = itertools.compress('0',[1]) #XXX: ...and etc # -- dill fails on all below here ------------------------------------------- # types module (part of CH 8) x['GeneratorType'] = _generator = _function(1) #XXX: priority x['FrameType'] = _generator.gi_frame #XXX: inspect.currentframe() x['TracebackType'] = _function2()[1] #(see: inspect.getouterframes,getframeinfo) # other (concrete) object types # (also: Capsule / CObject ?) # built-in functions (CH 2) # built-in types (CH 5) # string services (CH 7) x['StructType'] = struct.Struct('c') x['CallableIteratorType'] = _srepattern.finditer('') x['SREMatchType'] = _srepattern.match('') x['SREScannerType'] = _srepattern.scanner('') x['StreamReader'] = codecs.StreamReader(_cstrI) #XXX: ... and etc # python object persistence (CH 11) # x['DbShelveType'] = shelve.open('foo','n')#,protocol=2) #XXX: delete foo if HAS_ALL: z = a if IS_PYPY else x z['DbmType'] = dbm.open(_tempfile,'n') del z # x['DbCursorType'] = _dbcursor = anydbm.open('foo','n') #XXX: delete foo # x['DbType'] = _dbcursor.db # data compression and archiving (CH 12) x['ZlibCompressType'] = zlib.compressobj() x['ZlibDecompressType'] = zlib.decompressobj() # file formats (CH 13) x['CSVReaderType'] = csv.reader(_cstrI) x['CSVWriterType'] = csv.writer(_cstrO) x['CSVDictReaderType'] = csv.DictReader(_cstrI) x['CSVDictWriterType'] = csv.DictWriter(_cstrO,{}) # cryptographic services (CH 14) x['HashType'] = hashlib.md5() if (sys.hexversion < 0x30800a1): x['HMACType'] = hmac.new(_in) else: x['HMACType'] = hmac.new(_in, digestmod='md5') # generic operating system services (CH 15) if HAS_CURSES: pass #x['CursesWindowType'] = _curwin = curses.initscr() #FIXME: messes up tty #x['CursesTextPadType'] = textpad.Textbox(_curwin) #x['CursesPanelType'] = panel.new_panel(_curwin) if HAS_CTYPES: x['CCharPType'] = ctypes.c_char_p() x['CWCharPType'] = ctypes.c_wchar_p() x['CVoidPType'] = ctypes.c_void_p() if sys.platform[:3] == 'win': x['CDLLType'] = _cdll = ctypes.cdll.msvcrt else: x['CDLLType'] = _cdll = ctypes.CDLL(None) if not IS_PYPY: x['PyDLLType'] = _pydll = ctypes.pythonapi x['FuncPtrType'] = _cdll._FuncPtr() x['CCharArrayType'] = ctypes.create_string_buffer(1) x['CWCharArrayType'] = ctypes.create_unicode_buffer(1) x['CParamType'] = ctypes.byref(_cchar) x['LPCCharType'] = ctypes.pointer(_cchar) x['LPCCharObjType'] = _lpchar = ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_char) x['NullPtrType'] = _lpchar() x['NullPyObjectType'] = ctypes.py_object() x['PyObjectType'] = ctypes.py_object(lambda :None) z = a if IS_PYPY else x z['FieldType'] = _field = _Struct._field z['CFUNCTYPEType'] = _cfunc = ctypes.CFUNCTYPE(ctypes.c_char) if sys.hexversion < 0x30c00b3: x['CFunctionType'] = _cfunc(str) del z # numeric and mathematical types (CH 9) a['MethodCallerType'] = operator.methodcaller('mro') # 2.6 # built-in types (CH 5) x['MemoryType'] = memoryview(_in) # 2.7 x['MemoryType2'] = memoryview(bytearray(_in)) # 2.7 d['DictItemsType'] = _dict.items() # 2.7 d['DictKeysType'] = _dict.keys() # 2.7 d['DictValuesType'] = _dict.values() # 2.7 # generic operating system services (CH 15) a['RawTextHelpFormatterType'] = argparse.RawTextHelpFormatter('PROG') a['RawDescriptionHelpFormatterType'] = argparse.RawDescriptionHelpFormatter('PROG') a['ArgDefaultsHelpFormatterType'] = argparse.ArgumentDefaultsHelpFormatter('PROG') z = a if IS_PYPY else x z['CmpKeyType'] = _cmpkey = functools.cmp_to_key(_methodwrap) # 2.7, >=3.2 z['CmpKeyObjType'] = _cmpkey('0') #2.7, >=3.2 del z # oddities: removed, etc x['BufferType'] = x['MemoryType'] from dill._dill import _testcapsule if _testcapsule is not None: d['PyCapsuleType'] = _testcapsule del _testcapsule if hasattr(dataclasses, '_HAS_DEFAULT_FACTORY'): a['DataclassesHasDefaultFactoryType'] = dataclasses._HAS_DEFAULT_FACTORY if hasattr(dataclasses, 'MISSING'): a['DataclassesMissingType'] = dataclasses.MISSING if hasattr(dataclasses, 'KW_ONLY'): a['DataclassesKWOnlyType'] = dataclasses.KW_ONLY if hasattr(dataclasses, '_FIELD_BASE'): a['DataclassesFieldBaseType'] = dataclasses._FIELD # -- cleanup ---------------------------------------------------------------- a.update(d) # registered also succeed if sys.platform[:3] == 'win': os.close(_filedescrip) # required on win32 os.remove(_tempfile) # EOF