Your IP :
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Author: Mike McKerns (mmckerns @caltech and @uqfoundation)
# Copyright (c) 2008-2015 California Institute of Technology.
# Copyright (c) 2016-2023 The Uncertainty Quantification Foundation.
# License: 3-clause BSD. The full license text is available at:
# - https://github.com/uqfoundation/dill/blob/master/LICENSE
dill: a utility for serialization of python objects
The primary functions in `dill` are :func:`dump` and
:func:`dumps` for serialization ("pickling") to a
file or to a string, respectively, and :func:`load`
and :func:`loads` for deserialization ("unpickling"),
similarly, from a file or from a string. Other notable
functions are :func:`~dill.dump_module` and
:func:`~dill.load_module`, which are used to save and
restore module objects, including an intepreter session.
Based on code written by Oren Tirosh and Armin Ronacher.
Extended to a (near) full set of the builtin types (in types module),
and coded to the pickle interface, by <mmckerns@caltech.edu>.
Initial port to python3 by Jonathan Dobson, continued by mmckerns.
Tested against "all" python types (Std. Lib. CH 1-15 @ 2.7) by mmckerns.
Tested against CH16+ Std. Lib. ... TBD.
from __future__ import annotations
__all__ = [
__module__ = 'dill'
import warnings
from .logger import adapter as logger
from .logger import trace as _trace
log = logger # backward compatibility (see issue #582)
import os
import sys
diff = None
_use_diff = False
OLD38 = (sys.hexversion < 0x3080000)
OLD39 = (sys.hexversion < 0x3090000)
OLD310 = (sys.hexversion < 0x30a0000)
OLD312a7 = (sys.hexversion < 0x30c00a7)
#XXX: get types from .objtypes ?
import builtins as __builtin__
from pickle import _Pickler as StockPickler, Unpickler as StockUnpickler
from pickle import GLOBAL, POP
from _thread import LockType
from _thread import RLock as RLockType
#from io import IOBase
from types import CodeType, FunctionType, MethodType, GeneratorType, \
TracebackType, FrameType, ModuleType, BuiltinMethodType
BufferType = memoryview #XXX: unregistered
ClassType = type # no 'old-style' classes
EllipsisType = type(Ellipsis)
#FileType = IOBase
NotImplementedType = type(NotImplemented)
SliceType = slice
TypeType = type # 'new-style' classes #XXX: unregistered
XRangeType = range
from types import MappingProxyType as DictProxyType, new_class
from pickle import DEFAULT_PROTOCOL, HIGHEST_PROTOCOL, PickleError, PicklingError, UnpicklingError
import __main__ as _main_module
import marshal
import gc
# import zlib
import abc
import dataclasses
from weakref import ReferenceType, ProxyType, CallableProxyType
from collections import OrderedDict
from enum import Enum, EnumMeta
from functools import partial
from operator import itemgetter, attrgetter
import importlib.machinery
import ctypes
# if using `pypy`, pythonapi is not found
IS_PYPY = not hasattr(ctypes, 'pythonapi')
except ImportError:
IS_PYPY = False
NumpyUfuncType = None
NumpyDType = None
NumpyArrayType = None
if not importlib.machinery.PathFinder().find_spec('numpy'):
raise ImportError("No module named 'numpy'")
NumpyUfuncType = True
NumpyDType = True
NumpyArrayType = True
except ImportError:
def __hook__():
global NumpyArrayType, NumpyDType, NumpyUfuncType
from numpy import ufunc as NumpyUfuncType
from numpy import ndarray as NumpyArrayType
from numpy import dtype as NumpyDType
return True
if NumpyArrayType: # then has numpy
def ndarraysubclassinstance(obj_type):
if all((c.__module__, c.__name__) != ('numpy', 'ndarray') for c in obj_type.__mro__):
return False
# anything below here is a numpy array (or subclass) instance
__hook__() # import numpy (so the following works!!!)
# verify that __reduce__ has not been overridden
if obj_type.__reduce_ex__ is not NumpyArrayType.__reduce_ex__ \
or obj_type.__reduce__ is not NumpyArrayType.__reduce__:
return False
return True
def numpyufunc(obj_type):
return any((c.__module__, c.__name__) == ('numpy', 'ufunc') for c in obj_type.__mro__)
def numpydtype(obj_type):
if all((c.__module__, c.__name__) != ('numpy', 'dtype') for c in obj_type.__mro__):
return False
# anything below here is a numpy dtype
__hook__() # import numpy (so the following works!!!)
return obj_type is type(NumpyDType) # handles subclasses
def ndarraysubclassinstance(obj): return False
def numpyufunc(obj): return False
def numpydtype(obj): return False
from types import GetSetDescriptorType, ClassMethodDescriptorType, \
WrapperDescriptorType, MethodDescriptorType, MemberDescriptorType, \
MethodWrapperType #XXX: unused
# make sure to add these 'hand-built' types to _typemap
CellType = type((lambda x: lambda y: x)(0).__closure__[0])
PartialType = type(partial(int, base=2))
SuperType = type(super(Exception, TypeError()))
ItemGetterType = type(itemgetter(0))
AttrGetterType = type(attrgetter('__repr__'))
from functools import _lru_cache_wrapper as LRUCacheType
except ImportError:
LRUCacheType = None
if not isinstance(LRUCacheType, type):
LRUCacheType = None
def get_file_type(*args, **kwargs):
open = kwargs.pop("open", __builtin__.open)
f = open(os.devnull, *args, **kwargs)
t = type(f)
return t
FileType = get_file_type('rb', buffering=0)
TextWrapperType = get_file_type('r', buffering=-1)
BufferedRandomType = get_file_type('r+b', buffering=-1)
BufferedReaderType = get_file_type('rb', buffering=-1)
BufferedWriterType = get_file_type('wb', buffering=-1)
from _pyio import open as _open
PyTextWrapperType = get_file_type('r', buffering=-1, open=_open)
PyBufferedRandomType = get_file_type('r+b', buffering=-1, open=_open)
PyBufferedReaderType = get_file_type('rb', buffering=-1, open=_open)
PyBufferedWriterType = get_file_type('wb', buffering=-1, open=_open)
except ImportError:
PyTextWrapperType = PyBufferedRandomType = PyBufferedReaderType = PyBufferedWriterType = None
from io import BytesIO as StringIO
InputType = OutputType = None
from socket import socket as SocketType
#FIXME: additionally calls ForkingPickler.register several times
from multiprocessing.reduction import _reduce_socket as reduce_socket
try: #pragma: no cover
IS_IPYTHON = __IPYTHON__ # is True
ExitType = None # IPython.core.autocall.ExitAutocall
IPYTHON_SINGLETONS = ('exit', 'quit', 'get_ipython')
except NameError:
try: ExitType = type(exit) # apparently 'exit' can be removed
except NameError: ExitType = None
import inspect
import typing
### Shims for different versions of Python and dill
class Sentinel(object):
Create a unique sentinel object that is pickled as a constant.
def __init__(self, name, module_name=None):
self.name = name
if module_name is None:
# Use the calling frame's module
self.__module__ = inspect.currentframe().f_back.f_globals['__name__']
self.__module__ = module_name # pragma: no cover
def __repr__(self):
return self.__module__ + '.' + self.name # pragma: no cover
def __copy__(self):
return self # pragma: no cover
def __deepcopy__(self, memo):
return self # pragma: no cover
def __reduce__(self):
return self.name
def __reduce_ex__(self, protocol):
return self.name
from . import _shims
from ._shims import Reduce, Getattr
### File modes
#: Pickles the file handle, preserving mode. The position of the unpickled
#: object is as for a new file handle.
#: Pickles the file contents, creating a new file if on load the file does
#: not exist. The position = min(pickled position, EOF) and mode is chosen
#: as such that "best" preserves behavior of the original file.
#: Pickles the entire file (handle and contents), preserving mode and position.
### Shorthands (modified from python2.5/lib/pickle.py)
def copy(obj, *args, **kwds):
Use pickling to 'copy' an object (i.e. `loads(dumps(obj))`).
See :func:`dumps` and :func:`loads` for keyword arguments.
ignore = kwds.pop('ignore', Unpickler.settings['ignore'])
return loads(dumps(obj, *args, **kwds), ignore=ignore)
def dump(obj, file, protocol=None, byref=None, fmode=None, recurse=None, **kwds):#, strictio=None):
Pickle an object to a file.
See :func:`dumps` for keyword arguments.
from .settings import settings
protocol = settings['protocol'] if protocol is None else int(protocol)
_kwds = kwds.copy()
_kwds.update(dict(byref=byref, fmode=fmode, recurse=recurse))
Pickler(file, protocol, **_kwds).dump(obj)
def dumps(obj, protocol=None, byref=None, fmode=None, recurse=None, **kwds):#, strictio=None):
Pickle an object to a string.
*protocol* is the pickler protocol, as defined for Python *pickle*.
If *byref=True*, then dill behaves a lot more like pickle as certain
objects (like modules) are pickled by reference as opposed to attempting
to pickle the object itself.
If *recurse=True*, then objects referred to in the global dictionary
are recursively traced and pickled, instead of the default behavior
of attempting to store the entire global dictionary. This is needed for
functions defined via *exec()*.
*fmode* (:const:`HANDLE_FMODE`, :const:`CONTENTS_FMODE`,
or :const:`FILE_FMODE`) indicates how file handles will be pickled.
For example, when pickling a data file handle for transfer to a remote
compute service, *FILE_FMODE* will include the file contents in the
pickle and cursor position so that a remote method can operate
transparently on an object with an open file handle.
Default values for keyword arguments can be set in :mod:`dill.settings`.
file = StringIO()
dump(obj, file, protocol, byref, fmode, recurse, **kwds)#, strictio)
return file.getvalue()
def load(file, ignore=None, **kwds):
Unpickle an object from a file.
See :func:`loads` for keyword arguments.
return Unpickler(file, ignore=ignore, **kwds).load()
def loads(str, ignore=None, **kwds):
Unpickle an object from a string.
If *ignore=False* then objects whose class is defined in the module
*__main__* are updated to reference the existing class in *__main__*,
otherwise they are left to refer to the reconstructed type, which may
be different.
Default values for keyword arguments can be set in :mod:`dill.settings`.
file = StringIO(str)
return load(file, ignore, **kwds)
# def dumpzs(obj, protocol=None):
# """pickle an object to a compressed string"""
# return zlib.compress(dumps(obj, protocol))
# def loadzs(str):
# """unpickle an object from a compressed string"""
# return loads(zlib.decompress(str))
### End: Shorthands ###
class MetaCatchingDict(dict):
def get(self, key, default=None):
return self[key]
except KeyError:
return default
def __missing__(self, key):
if issubclass(key, type):
return save_type
raise KeyError()
class PickleWarning(Warning, PickleError):
class PicklingWarning(PickleWarning, PicklingError):
class UnpicklingWarning(PickleWarning, UnpicklingError):
### Extend the Picklers
class Pickler(StockPickler):
"""python's Pickler extended to interpreter sessions"""
dispatch: typing.Dict[type, typing.Callable[[Pickler, typing.Any], None]] \
= MetaCatchingDict(StockPickler.dispatch.copy())
"""The dispatch table, a dictionary of serializing functions used
by Pickler to save objects of specific types. Use :func:`pickle`
or :func:`register` to associate types to custom functions.
:meta hide-value:
_session = False
from .settings import settings
def __init__(self, file, *args, **kwds):
settings = Pickler.settings
_byref = kwds.pop('byref', None)
#_strictio = kwds.pop('strictio', None)
_fmode = kwds.pop('fmode', None)
_recurse = kwds.pop('recurse', None)
StockPickler.__init__(self, file, *args, **kwds)
self._main = _main_module
self._diff_cache = {}
self._byref = settings['byref'] if _byref is None else _byref
self._strictio = False #_strictio
self._fmode = settings['fmode'] if _fmode is None else _fmode
self._recurse = settings['recurse'] if _recurse is None else _recurse
self._postproc = OrderedDict()
self._file = file
def save(self, obj, save_persistent_id=True):
# numpy hack
obj_type = type(obj)
if NumpyArrayType and not (obj_type is type or obj_type in Pickler.dispatch):
# register if the object is a numpy ufunc
# thanks to Paul Kienzle for pointing out ufuncs didn't pickle
if numpyufunc(obj_type):
def save_numpy_ufunc(pickler, obj):
logger.trace(pickler, "Nu: %s", obj)
name = getattr(obj, '__qualname__', getattr(obj, '__name__', None))
StockPickler.save_global(pickler, obj, name=name)
logger.trace(pickler, "# Nu")
# NOTE: the above 'save' performs like:
# import copy_reg
# def udump(f): return f.__name__
# def uload(name): return getattr(numpy, name)
# copy_reg.pickle(NumpyUfuncType, udump, uload)
# register if the object is a numpy dtype
if numpydtype(obj_type):
def save_numpy_dtype(pickler, obj):
logger.trace(pickler, "Dt: %s", obj)
pickler.save_reduce(_create_dtypemeta, (obj.type,), obj=obj)
logger.trace(pickler, "# Dt")
# NOTE: the above 'save' performs like:
# import copy_reg
# def uload(name): return type(NumpyDType(name))
# def udump(f): return uload, (f.type,)
# copy_reg.pickle(NumpyDTypeType, udump, uload)
# register if the object is a subclassed numpy array instance
if ndarraysubclassinstance(obj_type):
def save_numpy_array(pickler, obj):
logger.trace(pickler, "Nu: (%s, %s)", obj.shape, obj.dtype)
npdict = getattr(obj, '__dict__', None)
f, args, state = obj.__reduce__()
pickler.save_reduce(_create_array, (f,args,state,npdict), obj=obj)
logger.trace(pickler, "# Nu")
# end numpy hack
if GENERATOR_FAIL and obj_type is GeneratorType:
msg = "Can't pickle %s: attribute lookup builtins.generator failed" % GeneratorType
raise PicklingError(msg)
StockPickler.save(self, obj, save_persistent_id)
save.__doc__ = StockPickler.save.__doc__
def dump(self, obj): #NOTE: if settings change, need to update attributes
StockPickler.dump(self, obj)
dump.__doc__ = StockPickler.dump.__doc__
class Unpickler(StockUnpickler):
"""python's Unpickler extended to interpreter sessions and more types"""
from .settings import settings
_session = False
def find_class(self, module, name):
if (module, name) == ('__builtin__', '__main__'):
return self._main.__dict__ #XXX: above set w/save_module_dict
elif (module, name) == ('__builtin__', 'NoneType'):
return type(None) #XXX: special case: NoneType missing
if module == 'dill.dill': module = 'dill._dill'
return StockUnpickler.find_class(self, module, name)
def __init__(self, *args, **kwds):
settings = Pickler.settings
_ignore = kwds.pop('ignore', None)
StockUnpickler.__init__(self, *args, **kwds)
self._main = _main_module
self._ignore = settings['ignore'] if _ignore is None else _ignore
def load(self): #NOTE: if settings change, need to update attributes
obj = StockUnpickler.load(self)
if type(obj).__module__ == getattr(_main_module, '__name__', '__main__'):
if not self._ignore:
# point obj class to main
try: obj.__class__ = getattr(self._main, type(obj).__name__)
except (AttributeError,TypeError): pass # defined in a file
#_main_module.__dict__.update(obj.__dict__) #XXX: should update globals ?
return obj
load.__doc__ = StockUnpickler.load.__doc__
def dispatch_table():
"""get the dispatch table of registered types"""
return Pickler.dispatch
pickle_dispatch_copy = StockPickler.dispatch.copy()
def pickle(t, func):
"""expose :attr:`~Pickler.dispatch` table for user-created extensions"""
Pickler.dispatch[t] = func
def register(t):
"""decorator to register types to Pickler's :attr:`~Pickler.dispatch` table"""
def proxy(func):
Pickler.dispatch[t] = func
return func
return proxy
def _revert_extension():
"""drop dill-registered types from pickle's dispatch table"""
for type, func in list(StockPickler.dispatch.items()):
if func.__module__ == __name__:
del StockPickler.dispatch[type]
if type in pickle_dispatch_copy:
StockPickler.dispatch[type] = pickle_dispatch_copy[type]
def use_diff(on=True):
Reduces size of pickles by only including object which have changed.
Decreases pickle size but increases CPU time needed.
Also helps avoid some unpickleable objects.
MUST be called at start of script, otherwise changes will not be recorded.
global _use_diff, diff
_use_diff = on
if _use_diff and diff is None:
from . import diff as d
except ImportError:
import diff as d
diff = d
def _create_typemap():
import types
d = dict(list(__builtin__.__dict__.items()) + \
for key, value in d:
if getattr(value, '__module__', None) == 'builtins' \
and type(value) is type:
yield key, value
_reverse_typemap = dict(_create_typemap())
'PartialType': PartialType,
'SuperType': SuperType,
'ItemGetterType': ItemGetterType,
'AttrGetterType': AttrGetterType,
if sys.hexversion < 0x30800a2:
'CellType': CellType,
# "Incidental" implementation specific types. Unpickling these types in another
# implementation of Python (PyPy -> CPython) is not guaranteed to work
# This dictionary should contain all types that appear in Python implementations
# but are not defined in https://docs.python.org/3/library/types.html#standard-interpreter-types
_incedental_reverse_typemap = {
'FileType': FileType,
'BufferedRandomType': BufferedRandomType,
'BufferedReaderType': BufferedReaderType,
'BufferedWriterType': BufferedWriterType,
'TextWrapperType': TextWrapperType,
'PyBufferedRandomType': PyBufferedRandomType,
'PyBufferedReaderType': PyBufferedReaderType,
'PyBufferedWriterType': PyBufferedWriterType,
'PyTextWrapperType': PyTextWrapperType,
"DictKeysType": type({}.keys()),
"DictValuesType": type({}.values()),
"DictItemsType": type({}.items()),
"OdictKeysType": type(x.keys()),
"OdictValuesType": type(x.values()),
"OdictItemsType": type(x.items()),
if ExitType:
_incedental_reverse_typemap['ExitType'] = ExitType
if InputType:
_incedental_reverse_typemap['InputType'] = InputType
_incedental_reverse_typemap['OutputType'] = OutputType
import symtable
_incedental_reverse_typemap["SymtableEntryType"] = type(symtable.symtable("", "string", "exec")._table)
except: #FIXME: fails to pickle
if sys.hexversion >= 0x30a00a0:
_incedental_reverse_typemap['LineIteratorType'] = type(compile('3', '', 'eval').co_lines())
if sys.hexversion >= 0x30b00b0:
from types import GenericAlias
_incedental_reverse_typemap["GenericAliasIteratorType"] = type(iter(GenericAlias(list, (int,))))
_incedental_reverse_typemap['PositionsIteratorType'] = type(compile('3', '', 'eval').co_positions())
import winreg
_incedental_reverse_typemap["HKEYType"] = winreg.HKEYType
except ImportError:
_incedental_types = set(_incedental_reverse_typemap.values())
del x
_typemap = dict((v, k) for k, v in _reverse_typemap.items())
def _unmarshal(string):
return marshal.loads(string)
def _load_type(name):
return _reverse_typemap[name]
def _create_type(typeobj, *args):
return typeobj(*args)
def _create_function(fcode, fglobals, fname=None, fdefaults=None,
fclosure=None, fdict=None, fkwdefaults=None):
# same as FunctionType, but enable passing __dict__ to new function,
# __dict__ is the storehouse for attributes added after function creation
func = FunctionType(fcode, fglobals or dict(), fname, fdefaults, fclosure)
if fdict is not None:
func.__dict__.update(fdict) #XXX: better copy? option to copy?
if fkwdefaults is not None:
func.__kwdefaults__ = fkwdefaults
# 'recurse' only stores referenced modules/objects in fglobals,
# thus we need to make sure that we have __builtins__ as well
if "__builtins__" not in func.__globals__:
func.__globals__["__builtins__"] = globals()["__builtins__"]
# assert id(fglobals) == id(func.__globals__)
return func
class match:
Make avaialable a limited structural pattern matching-like syntax for Python < 3.10
Patterns can be only tuples (without types) currently.
Inspired by the package pattern-matching-PEP634.
>>> with match(args) as m:
>>> if m.case(('x', 'y')):
>>> # use m.x and m.y
>>> elif m.case(('x', 'y', 'z')):
>>> # use m.x, m.y and m.z
Equivalent native code for Python >= 3.10:
>>> match args:
>>> case (x, y):
>>> # use x and y
>>> case (x, y, z):
>>> # use x, y and z
def __init__(self, value):
self.value = value
self._fields = None
def __enter__(self):
return self
def __exit__(self, *exc_info):
return False
def case(self, args): # *args, **kwargs):
"""just handles tuple patterns"""
if len(self.value) != len(args): # + len(kwargs):
return False
#if not all(isinstance(arg, pat) for arg, pat in zip(self.value[len(args):], kwargs.values())):
# return False
self.args = args # (*args, *kwargs)
return True
def fields(self):
# Only bind names to values if necessary.
if self._fields is None:
self._fields = dict(zip(self.args, self.value))
return self._fields
def __getattr__(self, item):
return self.fields[item]
# Version New attribute CodeType parameters
((3,11,'a'), 'co_endlinetable', 'argcount posonlyargcount kwonlyargcount nlocals stacksize flags code consts names varnames filename name qualname firstlineno linetable endlinetable columntable exceptiontable freevars cellvars'),
((3,11), 'co_exceptiontable', 'argcount posonlyargcount kwonlyargcount nlocals stacksize flags code consts names varnames filename name qualname firstlineno linetable exceptiontable freevars cellvars'),
((3,10), 'co_linetable', 'argcount posonlyargcount kwonlyargcount nlocals stacksize flags code consts names varnames filename name firstlineno linetable freevars cellvars'),
((3,8), 'co_posonlyargcount', 'argcount posonlyargcount kwonlyargcount nlocals stacksize flags code consts names varnames filename name firstlineno lnotab freevars cellvars'),
((3,7), 'co_kwonlyargcount', 'argcount kwonlyargcount nlocals stacksize flags code consts names varnames filename name firstlineno lnotab freevars cellvars'),
for version, new_attr, params in ALL_CODE_PARAMS:
if hasattr(CodeType, new_attr):
CODE_VERSION = version
CODE_PARAMS = params.split()
ENCODE_PARAMS = set(CODE_PARAMS).intersection(
['code', 'lnotab', 'linetable', 'endlinetable', 'columntable', 'exceptiontable'])
def _create_code(*args):
if not isinstance(args[0], int): # co_lnotab stored from >= 3.10
LNOTAB, *args = args
else: # from < 3.10 (or pre-LNOTAB storage)
LNOTAB = b''
with match(args) as m:
# Python 3.11/3.12a (18 members)
if m.case((
'argcount', 'posonlyargcount', 'kwonlyargcount', 'nlocals', 'stacksize', 'flags', # args[0:6]
'code', 'consts', 'names', 'varnames', 'filename', 'name', 'qualname', 'firstlineno', # args[6:14]
'linetable', 'exceptiontable', 'freevars', 'cellvars' # args[14:]
if CODE_VERSION == (3,11):
return CodeType(
args[6].encode() if hasattr(args[6], 'encode') else args[6], # code
args[14].encode() if hasattr(args[14], 'encode') else args[14], # linetable
args[15].encode() if hasattr(args[15], 'encode') else args[15], # exceptiontable
fields = m.fields
# Python 3.10 or 3.8/3.9 (16 members)
elif m.case((
'argcount', 'posonlyargcount', 'kwonlyargcount', 'nlocals', 'stacksize', 'flags', # args[0:6]
'code', 'consts', 'names', 'varnames', 'filename', 'name', 'firstlineno', # args[6:13]
'LNOTAB_OR_LINETABLE', 'freevars', 'cellvars' # args[13:]
if CODE_VERSION == (3,10) or CODE_VERSION == (3,8):
return CodeType(
args[6].encode() if hasattr(args[6], 'encode') else args[6], # code
args[13].encode() if hasattr(args[13], 'encode') else args[13], # lnotab/linetable
fields = m.fields
if CODE_VERSION >= (3,10):
fields['linetable'] = m.LNOTAB_OR_LINETABLE
fields['lnotab'] = LNOTAB if LNOTAB else m.LNOTAB_OR_LINETABLE
# Python 3.7 (15 args)
elif m.case((
'argcount', 'kwonlyargcount', 'nlocals', 'stacksize', 'flags', # args[0:5]
'code', 'consts', 'names', 'varnames', 'filename', 'name', 'firstlineno', # args[5:12]
'lnotab', 'freevars', 'cellvars' # args[12:]
if CODE_VERSION == (3,7):
return CodeType(
args[5].encode() if hasattr(args[5], 'encode') else args[5], # code
args[12].encode() if hasattr(args[12], 'encode') else args[12], # lnotab
fields = m.fields
# Python 3.11a (20 members)
elif m.case((
'argcount', 'posonlyargcount', 'kwonlyargcount', 'nlocals', 'stacksize', 'flags', # args[0:6]
'code', 'consts', 'names', 'varnames', 'filename', 'name', 'qualname', 'firstlineno', # args[6:14]
'linetable', 'endlinetable', 'columntable', 'exceptiontable', 'freevars', 'cellvars' # args[14:]
if CODE_VERSION == (3,11,'a'):
return CodeType(
args[6].encode() if hasattr(args[6], 'encode') else args[6], # code
*(a.encode() if hasattr(a, 'encode') else a for a in args[14:18]), # linetable-exceptiontable
fields = m.fields
raise UnpicklingError("pattern match for code object failed")
# The args format doesn't match this version.
fields.setdefault('posonlyargcount', 0) # from python <= 3.7
fields.setdefault('lnotab', LNOTAB) # from python >= 3.10
fields.setdefault('linetable', b'') # from python <= 3.9
fields.setdefault('qualname', fields['name']) # from python <= 3.10
fields.setdefault('exceptiontable', b'') # from python <= 3.10
fields.setdefault('endlinetable', None) # from python != 3.11a
fields.setdefault('columntable', None) # from python != 3.11a
args = (fields[k].encode() if k in ENCODE_PARAMS and hasattr(fields[k], 'encode') else fields[k]
for k in CODE_PARAMS)
return CodeType(*args)
def _create_ftype(ftypeobj, func, args, kwds):
if kwds is None:
kwds = {}
if args is None:
args = ()
return ftypeobj(func, *args, **kwds)
def _create_typing_tuple(argz, *args): #NOTE: workaround python/cpython#94245
if not argz:
return typing.Tuple[()].copy_with(())
if argz == ((),):
return typing.Tuple[()]
return typing.Tuple[argz]
def _create_lock(locked, *args): #XXX: ignores 'blocking'
from threading import Lock
lock = Lock()
if locked:
if not lock.acquire(False):
raise UnpicklingError("Cannot acquire lock")
return lock
def _create_rlock(count, owner, *args): #XXX: ignores 'blocking'
lock = RLockType()
if owner is not None:
lock._acquire_restore((count, owner))
if owner and not lock._is_owned():
raise UnpicklingError("Cannot acquire lock")
return lock
# thanks to matsjoyce for adding all the different file modes
def _create_filehandle(name, mode, position, closed, open, strictio, fmode, fdata): # buffering=0
# only pickles the handle, not the file contents... good? or StringIO(data)?
# (for file contents see: http://effbot.org/librarybook/copy-reg.htm)
# NOTE: handle special cases first (are there more special cases?)
names = {'<stdin>':sys.__stdin__, '<stdout>':sys.__stdout__,
'<stderr>':sys.__stderr__} #XXX: better fileno=(0,1,2) ?
if name in list(names.keys()):
f = names[name] #XXX: safer "f=sys.stdin"
elif name == '<tmpfile>':
f = os.tmpfile()
elif name == '<fdopen>':
import tempfile
f = tempfile.TemporaryFile(mode)
exists = os.path.exists(name)
except Exception:
exists = False
if not exists:
if strictio:
raise FileNotFoundError("[Errno 2] No such file or directory: '%s'" % name)
elif "r" in mode and fmode != FILE_FMODE:
name = '<fdopen>' # or os.devnull?
current_size = 0 # or maintain position?
current_size = os.path.getsize(name)
if position > current_size:
if strictio:
raise ValueError("invalid buffer size")
elif fmode == CONTENTS_FMODE:
position = current_size
# try to open the file by name
# NOTE: has different fileno
#FIXME: missing: *buffering*, encoding, softspace
if fmode == FILE_FMODE:
f = open(name, mode if "w" in mode else "w")
if "w" not in mode:
f = open(name, mode)
elif name == '<fdopen>': # file did not exist
import tempfile
f = tempfile.TemporaryFile(mode)
# treat x mode as w mode
elif fmode == CONTENTS_FMODE \
and ("w" in mode or "x" in mode):
# stop truncation when opening
flags = os.O_CREAT
if "+" in mode:
flags |= os.O_RDWR
flags |= os.O_WRONLY
f = os.fdopen(os.open(name, flags), mode)
# set name to the correct value
r = getattr(f, "buffer", f)
r = getattr(r, "raw", r)
r.name = name
assert f.name == name
f = open(name, mode)
except (IOError, FileNotFoundError):
err = sys.exc_info()[1]
raise UnpicklingError(err)
if closed:
elif position >= 0 and fmode != HANDLE_FMODE:
return f
def _create_stringi(value, position, closed):
f = StringIO(value)
if closed: f.close()
else: f.seek(position)
return f
def _create_stringo(value, position, closed):
f = StringIO()
if closed: f.close()
return f
class _itemgetter_helper(object):
def __init__(self):
self.items = []
def __getitem__(self, item):
class _attrgetter_helper(object):
def __init__(self, attrs, index=None):
self.attrs = attrs
self.index = index
def __getattribute__(self, attr):
attrs = object.__getattribute__(self, "attrs")
index = object.__getattribute__(self, "index")
if index is None:
index = len(attrs)
attrs[index] = ".".join([attrs[index], attr])
return type(self)(attrs, index)
class _dictproxy_helper(dict):
def __ror__(self, a):
return a
_dictproxy_helper_instance = _dictproxy_helper()
__d = {}
# In CPython 3.9 and later, this trick can be used to exploit the
# implementation of the __or__ function of MappingProxyType to get the true
# mapping referenced by the proxy. It may work for other implementations,
# but is not guaranteed.
MAPPING_PROXY_TRICK = __d is (DictProxyType(__d) | _dictproxy_helper_instance)
except Exception:
del __d
# _CELL_REF and _CELL_EMPTY are used to stay compatible with versions of dill
# whose _create_cell functions do not have a default value.
# _CELL_REF can be safely removed entirely (replaced by empty tuples for calls
# to _create_cell) once breaking changes are allowed.
_CELL_REF = None
def _create_cell(contents=None):
if contents is not _CELL_EMPTY:
value = contents
return (lambda: value).__closure__[0]
def _create_weakref(obj, *args):
from weakref import ref
if obj is None: # it's dead
from collections import UserDict
return ref(UserDict(), *args)
return ref(obj, *args)
def _create_weakproxy(obj, callable=False, *args):
from weakref import proxy
if obj is None: # it's dead
if callable: return proxy(lambda x:x, *args)
from collections import UserDict
return proxy(UserDict(), *args)
return proxy(obj, *args)
def _eval_repr(repr_str):
return eval(repr_str)
def _create_array(f, args, state, npdict=None):
#array = numpy.core.multiarray._reconstruct(*args)
array = f(*args)
if npdict is not None: # we also have saved state in __dict__
return array
def _create_dtypemeta(scalar_type):
if NumpyDType is True: __hook__() # a bit hacky I think
if scalar_type is None:
return NumpyDType
return type(NumpyDType(scalar_type))
def _create_namedtuple(name, fieldnames, modulename, defaults=None):
class_ = _import_module(modulename + '.' + name, safe=True)
if class_ is not None:
return class_
import collections
t = collections.namedtuple(name, fieldnames, defaults=defaults, module=modulename)
return t
def _create_capsule(pointer, name, context, destructor):
attr_found = False
# based on https://github.com/python/cpython/blob/f4095e53ab708d95e019c909d5928502775ba68f/Objects/capsule.c#L209-L231
uname = name.decode('utf8')
for i in range(1, uname.count('.')+1):
names = uname.rsplit('.', i)
module = __import__(names[0])
except ImportError:
obj = module
for attr in names[1:]:
obj = getattr(obj, attr)
capsule = obj
attr_found = True
except Exception:
if attr_found:
if _PyCapsule_IsValid(capsule, name):
return capsule
raise UnpicklingError("%s object exists at %s but a PyCapsule object was expected." % (type(capsule), name))
#warnings.warn('Creating a new PyCapsule %s for a C data structure that may not be present in memory. Segmentation faults or other memory errors are possible.' % (name,), UnpicklingWarning)
capsule = _PyCapsule_New(pointer, name, destructor)
_PyCapsule_SetContext(capsule, context)
return capsule
def _getattr(objclass, name, repr_str):
# hack to grab the reference directly
try: #XXX: works only for __builtin__ ?
attr = repr_str.split("'")[3]
return eval(attr+'.__dict__["'+name+'"]')
except Exception:
attr = objclass.__dict__
if type(attr) is DictProxyType:
attr = attr[name]
attr = getattr(objclass,name)
except (AttributeError, KeyError):
attr = getattr(objclass,name)
return attr
def _get_attr(self, name):
# stop recursive pickling
return getattr(self, name, None) or getattr(__builtin__, name)
def _import_module(import_name, safe=False):
if import_name.startswith('__runtime__.'):
return sys.modules[import_name]
elif '.' in import_name:
items = import_name.split('.')
module = '.'.join(items[:-1])
obj = items[-1]
return __import__(import_name)
return getattr(__import__(module, None, None, [obj]), obj)
except (ImportError, AttributeError, KeyError):
if safe:
return None
# https://github.com/python/cpython/blob/a8912a0f8d9eba6d502c37d522221f9933e976db/Lib/pickle.py#L322-L333
def _getattribute(obj, name):
for subpath in name.split('.'):
if subpath == '<locals>':
raise AttributeError("Can't get local attribute {!r} on {!r}"
.format(name, obj))
parent = obj
obj = getattr(obj, subpath)
except AttributeError:
raise AttributeError("Can't get attribute {!r} on {!r}"
.format(name, obj))
return obj, parent
def _locate_function(obj, pickler=None):
module_name = getattr(obj, '__module__', None)
if module_name in ['__main__', None] or \
pickler and is_dill(pickler, child=False) and pickler._session and module_name == pickler._main.__name__:
return False
if hasattr(obj, '__qualname__'):
module = _import_module(module_name, safe=True)
found, _ = _getattribute(module, obj.__qualname__)
return found is obj
except AttributeError:
return False
found = _import_module(module_name + '.' + obj.__name__, safe=True)
return found is obj
def _setitems(dest, source):
for k, v in source.items():
dest[k] = v
def _save_with_postproc(pickler, reduction, is_pickler_dill=None, obj=Getattr.NO_DEFAULT, postproc_list=None):
if obj is Getattr.NO_DEFAULT:
obj = Reduce(reduction) # pragma: no cover
if is_pickler_dill is None:
is_pickler_dill = is_dill(pickler, child=True)
if is_pickler_dill:
# assert id(obj) not in pickler._postproc, str(obj) + ' already pushed on stack!'
# if not hasattr(pickler, 'x'): pickler.x = 0
# print(pickler.x*' ', 'push', obj, id(obj), pickler._recurse)
# pickler.x += 1
if postproc_list is None:
postproc_list = []
# Recursive object not supported. Default to a global instead.
if id(obj) in pickler._postproc:
name = '%s.%s ' % (obj.__module__, getattr(obj, '__qualname__', obj.__name__)) if hasattr(obj, '__module__') else ''
warnings.warn('Cannot pickle %r: %shas recursive self-references that trigger a RecursionError.' % (obj, name), PicklingWarning)
pickler._postproc[id(obj)] = postproc_list
# TODO: Use state_setter in Python 3.8 to allow for faster cPickle implementations
pickler.save_reduce(*reduction, obj=obj)
if is_pickler_dill:
# pickler.x -= 1
# print(pickler.x*' ', 'pop', obj, id(obj))
postproc = pickler._postproc.pop(id(obj))
# assert postproc_list == postproc, 'Stack tampered!'
for reduction in reversed(postproc):
if reduction[0] is _setitems:
# use the internal machinery of pickle.py to speedup when
# updating a dictionary in postproc
dest, source = reduction[1]
if source:
# Updating with an empty dictionary. Same as doing nothing.
# pop None created by calling preprocessing step off stack
#def save_code(pickler, obj):
# logger.trace(pickler, "Co: %s", obj)
# pickler.save_reduce(_unmarshal, (marshal.dumps(obj),), obj=obj)
# logger.trace(pickler, "# Co")
# return
# The following function is based on 'save_codeobject' from 'cloudpickle'
# Copyright (c) 2012, Regents of the University of California.
# Copyright (c) 2009 `PiCloud, Inc. <http://www.picloud.com>`_.
# License: https://github.com/cloudpipe/cloudpickle/blob/master/LICENSE
def save_code(pickler, obj):
logger.trace(pickler, "Co: %s", obj)
if hasattr(obj, "co_endlinetable"): # python 3.11a (20 args)
args = (
obj.co_lnotab, # for < python 3.10 [not counted in args]
obj.co_argcount, obj.co_posonlyargcount,
obj.co_kwonlyargcount, obj.co_nlocals, obj.co_stacksize,
obj.co_flags, obj.co_code, obj.co_consts, obj.co_names,
obj.co_varnames, obj.co_filename, obj.co_name, obj.co_qualname,
obj.co_firstlineno, obj.co_linetable, obj.co_endlinetable,
obj.co_columntable, obj.co_exceptiontable, obj.co_freevars,
elif hasattr(obj, "co_exceptiontable"): # python 3.11 (18 args)
with warnings.catch_warnings():
if not OLD312a7: # issue 597
warnings.filterwarnings('ignore', category=DeprecationWarning)
args = (
obj.co_lnotab, # for < python 3.10 [not counted in args]
obj.co_argcount, obj.co_posonlyargcount,
obj.co_kwonlyargcount, obj.co_nlocals, obj.co_stacksize,
obj.co_flags, obj.co_code, obj.co_consts, obj.co_names,
obj.co_varnames, obj.co_filename, obj.co_name, obj.co_qualname,
obj.co_firstlineno, obj.co_linetable, obj.co_exceptiontable,
obj.co_freevars, obj.co_cellvars
elif hasattr(obj, "co_linetable"): # python 3.10 (16 args)
args = (
obj.co_lnotab, # for < python 3.10 [not counted in args]
obj.co_argcount, obj.co_posonlyargcount,
obj.co_kwonlyargcount, obj.co_nlocals, obj.co_stacksize,
obj.co_flags, obj.co_code, obj.co_consts, obj.co_names,
obj.co_varnames, obj.co_filename, obj.co_name,
obj.co_firstlineno, obj.co_linetable, obj.co_freevars,
elif hasattr(obj, "co_posonlyargcount"): # python 3.8 (16 args)
args = (
obj.co_argcount, obj.co_posonlyargcount,
obj.co_kwonlyargcount, obj.co_nlocals, obj.co_stacksize,
obj.co_flags, obj.co_code, obj.co_consts, obj.co_names,
obj.co_varnames, obj.co_filename, obj.co_name,
obj.co_firstlineno, obj.co_lnotab, obj.co_freevars,
else: # python 3.7 (15 args)
args = (
obj.co_argcount, obj.co_kwonlyargcount, obj.co_nlocals,
obj.co_stacksize, obj.co_flags, obj.co_code, obj.co_consts,
obj.co_names, obj.co_varnames, obj.co_filename,
obj.co_name, obj.co_firstlineno, obj.co_lnotab,
obj.co_freevars, obj.co_cellvars
pickler.save_reduce(_create_code, args, obj=obj)
logger.trace(pickler, "# Co")
def _repr_dict(obj):
"""Make a short string representation of a dictionary."""
return "<%s object at %#012x>" % (type(obj).__name__, id(obj))
def save_module_dict(pickler, obj):
if is_dill(pickler, child=False) and obj == pickler._main.__dict__ and \
not (pickler._session and pickler._first_pass):
logger.trace(pickler, "D1: %s", _repr_dict(obj)) # obj
pickler.write(bytes('c__builtin__\n__main__\n', 'UTF-8'))
logger.trace(pickler, "# D1")
elif (not is_dill(pickler, child=False)) and (obj == _main_module.__dict__):
logger.trace(pickler, "D3: %s", _repr_dict(obj)) # obj
pickler.write(bytes('c__main__\n__dict__\n', 'UTF-8')) #XXX: works in general?
logger.trace(pickler, "# D3")
elif '__name__' in obj and obj != _main_module.__dict__ \
and type(obj['__name__']) is str \
and obj is getattr(_import_module(obj['__name__'],True), '__dict__', None):
logger.trace(pickler, "D4: %s", _repr_dict(obj)) # obj
pickler.write(bytes('c%s\n__dict__\n' % obj['__name__'], 'UTF-8'))
logger.trace(pickler, "# D4")
logger.trace(pickler, "D2: %s", _repr_dict(obj)) # obj
if is_dill(pickler, child=False) and pickler._session:
# we only care about session the first pass thru
pickler._first_pass = False
StockPickler.save_dict(pickler, obj)
logger.trace(pickler, "# D2")
def save_dict_view(dicttype):
def save_dict_view_for_function(func):
def _save_dict_view(pickler, obj):
logger.trace(pickler, "Dkvi: <%s>", obj)
mapping = obj.mapping | _dictproxy_helper_instance
pickler.save_reduce(func, (mapping,), obj=obj)
logger.trace(pickler, "# Dkvi")
return _save_dict_view
return [
(funcname, save_dict_view_for_function(getattr(dicttype, funcname)))
for funcname in ('keys', 'values', 'items')
# The following functions are based on 'cloudpickle'
# https://github.com/cloudpipe/cloudpickle/blob/5d89947288a18029672596a4d719093cc6d5a412/cloudpickle/cloudpickle.py#L922-L940
# Copyright (c) 2012, Regents of the University of California.
# Copyright (c) 2009 `PiCloud, Inc. <http://www.picloud.com>`_.
# License: https://github.com/cloudpipe/cloudpickle/blob/master/LICENSE
def save_dict_view(dicttype):
def save_dict_keys(pickler, obj):
logger.trace(pickler, "Dk: <%s>", obj)
dict_constructor = _shims.Reduce(dicttype.fromkeys, (list(obj),))
pickler.save_reduce(dicttype.keys, (dict_constructor,), obj=obj)
logger.trace(pickler, "# Dk")
def save_dict_values(pickler, obj):
logger.trace(pickler, "Dv: <%s>", obj)
dict_constructor = _shims.Reduce(dicttype, (enumerate(obj),))
pickler.save_reduce(dicttype.values, (dict_constructor,), obj=obj)
logger.trace(pickler, "# Dv")
def save_dict_items(pickler, obj):
logger.trace(pickler, "Di: <%s>", obj)
pickler.save_reduce(dicttype.items, (dicttype(obj),), obj=obj)
logger.trace(pickler, "# Di")
return (
('keys', save_dict_keys),
('values', save_dict_values),
('items', save_dict_items)
for __dicttype in (
__obj = __dicttype()
for __funcname, __savefunc in save_dict_view(__dicttype):
__tview = type(getattr(__obj, __funcname)())
if __tview not in Pickler.dispatch:
Pickler.dispatch[__tview] = __savefunc
del __dicttype, __obj, __funcname, __tview, __savefunc
def save_classobj(pickler, obj): #FIXME: enable pickler._byref
if not _locate_function(obj, pickler):
logger.trace(pickler, "C1: %s", obj)
pickler.save_reduce(ClassType, (obj.__name__, obj.__bases__,
obj.__dict__), obj=obj)
#XXX: or obj.__dict__.copy()), obj=obj) ?
logger.trace(pickler, "# C1")
logger.trace(pickler, "C2: %s", obj)
name = getattr(obj, '__qualname__', getattr(obj, '__name__', None))
StockPickler.save_global(pickler, obj, name=name)
logger.trace(pickler, "# C2")
def save_generic_alias(pickler, obj):
args = obj.__args__
if type(obj.__reduce__()) is str:
logger.trace(pickler, "Ga0: %s", obj)
StockPickler.save_global(pickler, obj, name=obj.__reduce__())
logger.trace(pickler, "# Ga0")
elif obj.__origin__ is tuple and (not args or args == ((),)):
logger.trace(pickler, "Ga1: %s", obj)
pickler.save_reduce(_create_typing_tuple, (args,), obj=obj)
logger.trace(pickler, "# Ga1")
logger.trace(pickler, "Ga2: %s", obj)
StockPickler.save_reduce(pickler, *obj.__reduce__(), obj=obj)
logger.trace(pickler, "# Ga2")
def save_lock(pickler, obj):
logger.trace(pickler, "Lo: %s", obj)
pickler.save_reduce(_create_lock, (obj.locked(),), obj=obj)
logger.trace(pickler, "# Lo")
def save_rlock(pickler, obj):
logger.trace(pickler, "RL: %s", obj)
r = obj.__repr__() # don't use _release_save as it unlocks the lock
count = int(r.split('count=')[1].split()[0].rstrip('>'))
owner = int(r.split('owner=')[1].split()[0])
pickler.save_reduce(_create_rlock, (count,owner,), obj=obj)
logger.trace(pickler, "# RL")
#@register(SocketType) #FIXME: causes multiprocess test_pickling FAIL
def save_socket(pickler, obj):
logger.trace(pickler, "So: %s", obj)
logger.trace(pickler, "# So")
def _save_file(pickler, obj, open_):
if obj.closed:
position = 0
if obj in (sys.__stdout__, sys.__stderr__, sys.__stdin__):
position = -1
position = obj.tell()
if is_dill(pickler, child=True) and pickler._fmode == FILE_FMODE:
f = open_(obj.name, "r")
fdata = f.read()
fdata = ""
if is_dill(pickler, child=True):
strictio = pickler._strictio
fmode = pickler._fmode
strictio = False
fmode = 0 # HANDLE_FMODE
pickler.save_reduce(_create_filehandle, (obj.name, obj.mode, position,
obj.closed, open_, strictio,
fmode, fdata), obj=obj)
@register(FileType) #XXX: in 3.x has buffer=0, needs different _create?
def save_file(pickler, obj):
logger.trace(pickler, "Fi: %s", obj)
f = _save_file(pickler, obj, open)
logger.trace(pickler, "# Fi")
return f
if PyTextWrapperType:
def save_file(pickler, obj):
logger.trace(pickler, "Fi: %s", obj)
f = _save_file(pickler, obj, _open)
logger.trace(pickler, "# Fi")
return f
# The following two functions are based on 'saveCStringIoInput'
# and 'saveCStringIoOutput' from spickle
# Copyright (c) 2011 by science+computing ag
# License: http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
if InputType:
def save_stringi(pickler, obj):
logger.trace(pickler, "Io: %s", obj)
if obj.closed:
value = ''; position = 0
value = obj.getvalue(); position = obj.tell()
pickler.save_reduce(_create_stringi, (value, position, \
obj.closed), obj=obj)
logger.trace(pickler, "# Io")
def save_stringo(pickler, obj):
logger.trace(pickler, "Io: %s", obj)
if obj.closed:
value = ''; position = 0
value = obj.getvalue(); position = obj.tell()
pickler.save_reduce(_create_stringo, (value, position, \
obj.closed), obj=obj)
logger.trace(pickler, "# Io")
if LRUCacheType is not None:
from functools import lru_cache
def save_lru_cache(pickler, obj):
logger.trace(pickler, "LRU: %s", obj)
if OLD39:
kwargs = obj.cache_info()
args = (kwargs.maxsize,)
kwargs = obj.cache_parameters()
args = (kwargs['maxsize'], kwargs['typed'])
if args != lru_cache.__defaults__:
wrapper = Reduce(lru_cache, args, is_callable=True)
wrapper = lru_cache
pickler.save_reduce(wrapper, (obj.__wrapped__,), obj=obj)
logger.trace(pickler, "# LRU")
def save_super(pickler, obj):
logger.trace(pickler, "Su: %s", obj)
pickler.save_reduce(super, (obj.__thisclass__, obj.__self__), obj=obj)
logger.trace(pickler, "# Su")
def save_instancemethod0(pickler, obj):
code = getattr(obj.__func__, '__code__', None)
if code is not None and type(code) is not CodeType \
and getattr(obj.__self__, obj.__name__) == obj:
# Some PyPy builtin functions have no module name
logger.trace(pickler, "Me2: %s", obj)
# TODO: verify that this works for all PyPy builtin methods
pickler.save_reduce(getattr, (obj.__self__, obj.__name__), obj=obj)
logger.trace(pickler, "# Me2")
logger.trace(pickler, "Me1: %s", obj)
pickler.save_reduce(MethodType, (obj.__func__, obj.__self__), obj=obj)
logger.trace(pickler, "# Me1")
def save_instancemethod0(pickler, obj):
logger.trace(pickler, "Me1: %s", obj)
pickler.save_reduce(MethodType, (obj.__func__, obj.__self__), obj=obj)
logger.trace(pickler, "# Me1")
if not IS_PYPY:
def save_wrapper_descriptor(pickler, obj):
logger.trace(pickler, "Wr: %s", obj)
pickler.save_reduce(_getattr, (obj.__objclass__, obj.__name__,
obj.__repr__()), obj=obj)
logger.trace(pickler, "# Wr")
def save_wrapper_descriptor(pickler, obj):
logger.trace(pickler, "Wr: %s", obj)
pickler.save_reduce(_getattr, (obj.__objclass__, obj.__name__,
obj.__repr__()), obj=obj)
logger.trace(pickler, "# Wr")
def save_cell(pickler, obj):
f = obj.cell_contents
except ValueError: # cell is empty
logger.trace(pickler, "Ce3: %s", obj)
# _shims._CELL_EMPTY is defined in _shims.py to support PyPy 2.7.
# It unpickles to a sentinel object _dill._CELL_EMPTY, also created in
# _shims.py. This object is not present in Python 3 because the cell's
# contents can be deleted in newer versions of Python. The reduce object
# will instead unpickle to None if unpickled in Python 3.
# When breaking changes are made to dill, (_shims._CELL_EMPTY,) can
# be replaced by () OR the delattr function can be removed repending on
# whichever is more convienient.
pickler.save_reduce(_create_cell, (_shims._CELL_EMPTY,), obj=obj)
# Call the function _delattr on the cell's cell_contents attribute
# The result of this function call will be None
pickler.save_reduce(_shims._delattr, (obj, 'cell_contents'))
# pop None created by calling _delattr off stack
logger.trace(pickler, "# Ce3")
if is_dill(pickler, child=True):
if id(f) in pickler._postproc:
# Already seen. Add to its postprocessing.
postproc = pickler._postproc[id(f)]
# Haven't seen it. Add to the highest possible object and set its
# value as late as possible to prevent cycle.
postproc = next(iter(pickler._postproc.values()), None)
if postproc is not None:
logger.trace(pickler, "Ce2: %s", obj)
# _CELL_REF is defined in _shims.py to support older versions of
# dill. When breaking changes are made to dill, (_CELL_REF,) can
# be replaced by ()
pickler.save_reduce(_create_cell, (_CELL_REF,), obj=obj)
postproc.append((_shims._setattr, (obj, 'cell_contents', f)))
logger.trace(pickler, "# Ce2")
logger.trace(pickler, "Ce1: %s", obj)
pickler.save_reduce(_create_cell, (f,), obj=obj)
logger.trace(pickler, "# Ce1")
def save_dictproxy(pickler, obj):
logger.trace(pickler, "Mp: %s", _repr_dict(obj)) # obj
mapping = obj | _dictproxy_helper_instance
pickler.save_reduce(DictProxyType, (mapping,), obj=obj)
logger.trace(pickler, "# Mp")
def save_dictproxy(pickler, obj):
logger.trace(pickler, "Mp: %s", _repr_dict(obj)) # obj
pickler.save_reduce(DictProxyType, (obj.copy(),), obj=obj)
logger.trace(pickler, "# Mp")
def save_slice(pickler, obj):
logger.trace(pickler, "Sl: %s", obj)
pickler.save_reduce(slice, (obj.start, obj.stop, obj.step), obj=obj)
logger.trace(pickler, "# Sl")
def save_singleton(pickler, obj):
logger.trace(pickler, "Si: %s", obj)
pickler.save_reduce(_eval_repr, (obj.__repr__(),), obj=obj)
logger.trace(pickler, "# Si")
def _proxy_helper(obj): # a dead proxy returns a reference to None
"""get memory address of proxy's reference object"""
_repr = repr(obj)
try: _str = str(obj)
except ReferenceError: # it's a dead proxy
return id(None)
if _str == _repr: return id(obj) # it's a repr
try: # either way, it's a proxy from here
address = int(_str.rstrip('>').split(' at ')[-1], base=16)
except ValueError: # special case: proxy of a 'type'
if not IS_PYPY:
address = int(_repr.rstrip('>').split(' at ')[-1], base=16)
objects = iter(gc.get_objects())
for _obj in objects:
if repr(_obj) == _str: return id(_obj)
# all bad below... nothing found so throw ReferenceError
msg = "Cannot reference object for proxy at '%s'" % id(obj)
raise ReferenceError(msg)
return address
def _locate_object(address, module=None):
"""get object located at the given memory address (inverse of id(obj))"""
special = [None, True, False] #XXX: more...?
for obj in special:
if address == id(obj): return obj
if module:
objects = iter(module.__dict__.values())
else: objects = iter(gc.get_objects())
for obj in objects:
if address == id(obj): return obj
# all bad below... nothing found so throw ReferenceError or TypeError
try: address = hex(address)
except TypeError:
raise TypeError("'%s' is not a valid memory address" % str(address))
raise ReferenceError("Cannot reference object at '%s'" % address)
def save_weakref(pickler, obj):
refobj = obj()
logger.trace(pickler, "R1: %s", obj)
#refobj = ctypes.pythonapi.PyWeakref_GetObject(obj) # dead returns "None"
pickler.save_reduce(_create_weakref, (refobj,), obj=obj)
logger.trace(pickler, "# R1")
def save_weakproxy(pickler, obj):
# Must do string substitution here and use %r to avoid ReferenceError.
logger.trace(pickler, "R2: %r" % obj)
refobj = _locate_object(_proxy_helper(obj))
pickler.save_reduce(_create_weakproxy, (refobj, callable(obj)), obj=obj)
logger.trace(pickler, "# R2")
def _is_builtin_module(module):
if not hasattr(module, "__file__"): return True
if module.__file__ is None: return False
# If a module file name starts with prefix, it should be a builtin
# module, so should always be pickled as a reference.
names = ["base_prefix", "base_exec_prefix", "exec_prefix", "prefix", "real_prefix"]
rp = os.path.realpath
# See https://github.com/uqfoundation/dill/issues/566
return (
module.__file__.startswith(getattr(sys, name))
or rp(module.__file__).startswith(rp(getattr(sys, name)))
for name in names
if hasattr(sys, name)
or module.__file__.endswith(EXTENSION_SUFFIXES)
or 'site-packages' in module.__file__
def _is_imported_module(module):
return getattr(module, '__loader__', None) is not None or module in sys.modules.values()
def save_module(pickler, obj):
if False: #_use_diff:
if obj.__name__.split('.', 1)[0] != "dill":
changed = diff.whats_changed(obj, seen=pickler._diff_cache)[0]
except RuntimeError: # not memorised module, probably part of dill
logger.trace(pickler, "M2: %s with diff", obj)
logger.info("Diff: %s", changed.keys())
pickler.save_reduce(_import_module, (obj.__name__,), obj=obj,
logger.trace(pickler, "# M2")
logger.trace(pickler, "M1: %s", obj)
pickler.save_reduce(_import_module, (obj.__name__,), obj=obj)
logger.trace(pickler, "# M1")
builtin_mod = _is_builtin_module(obj)
is_session_main = is_dill(pickler, child=True) and obj is pickler._main
if (obj.__name__ not in ("builtins", "dill", "dill._dill") and not builtin_mod
or is_session_main):
logger.trace(pickler, "M1: %s", obj)
# Hack for handling module-type objects in load_module().
mod_name = obj.__name__ if _is_imported_module(obj) else '__runtime__.%s' % obj.__name__
# Second references are saved as __builtin__.__main__ in save_module_dict().
main_dict = obj.__dict__.copy()
for item in ('__builtins__', '__loader__'):
main_dict.pop(item, None)
for item in IPYTHON_SINGLETONS: #pragma: no cover
if getattr(main_dict.get(item), '__module__', '').startswith('IPython'):
del main_dict[item]
pickler.save_reduce(_import_module, (mod_name,), obj=obj, state=main_dict)
logger.trace(pickler, "# M1")
elif obj.__name__ == "dill._dill":
logger.trace(pickler, "M2: %s", obj)
pickler.save_global(obj, name="_dill")
logger.trace(pickler, "# M2")
logger.trace(pickler, "M2: %s", obj)
pickler.save_reduce(_import_module, (obj.__name__,), obj=obj)
logger.trace(pickler, "# M2")
# The following function is based on '_extract_class_dict' from 'cloudpickle'
# Copyright (c) 2012, Regents of the University of California.
# Copyright (c) 2009 `PiCloud, Inc. <http://www.picloud.com>`_.
# License: https://github.com/cloudpipe/cloudpickle/blob/master/LICENSE
def _get_typedict_type(cls, clsdict, attrs, postproc_list):
"""Retrieve a copy of the dict of a class without the inherited methods"""
if len(cls.__bases__) == 1:
inherited_dict = cls.__bases__[0].__dict__
inherited_dict = {}
for base in reversed(cls.__bases__):
to_remove = []
for name, value in dict.items(clsdict):
base_value = inherited_dict[name]
if value is base_value:
except KeyError:
for name in to_remove:
dict.pop(clsdict, name)
if issubclass(type(cls), type):
clsdict.pop('__dict__', None)
clsdict.pop('__weakref__', None)
# clsdict.pop('__prepare__', None)
return clsdict, attrs
def _get_typedict_abc(obj, _dict, attrs, postproc_list):
if hasattr(abc, '_get_dump'):
(registry, _, _, _) = abc._get_dump(obj)
register = obj.register
postproc_list.extend((register, (reg(),)) for reg in registry)
elif hasattr(obj, '_abc_registry'):
registry = obj._abc_registry
register = obj.register
postproc_list.extend((register, (reg,)) for reg in registry)
raise PicklingError("Cannot find registry of ABC %s", obj)
if '_abc_registry' in _dict:
_dict.pop('_abc_registry', None)
_dict.pop('_abc_cache', None)
_dict.pop('_abc_negative_cache', None)
# _dict.pop('_abc_negative_cache_version', None)
_dict.pop('_abc_impl', None)
return _dict, attrs
def save_type(pickler, obj, postproc_list=None):
if obj in _typemap:
logger.trace(pickler, "T1: %s", obj)
# if obj in _incedental_types:
# warnings.warn('Type %r may only exist on this implementation of Python and cannot be unpickled in other implementations.' % (obj,), PicklingWarning)
pickler.save_reduce(_load_type, (_typemap[obj],), obj=obj)
logger.trace(pickler, "# T1")
elif obj.__bases__ == (tuple,) and all([hasattr(obj, attr) for attr in ('_fields','_asdict','_make','_replace')]):
# special case: namedtuples
logger.trace(pickler, "T6: %s", obj)
obj_name = getattr(obj, '__qualname__', getattr(obj, '__name__', None))
if obj.__name__ != obj_name:
if postproc_list is None:
postproc_list = []
postproc_list.append((setattr, (obj, '__qualname__', obj_name)))
if not obj._field_defaults:
_save_with_postproc(pickler, (_create_namedtuple, (obj.__name__, obj._fields, obj.__module__)), obj=obj, postproc_list=postproc_list)
defaults = [obj._field_defaults[field] for field in obj._fields if field in obj._field_defaults]
_save_with_postproc(pickler, (_create_namedtuple, (obj.__name__, obj._fields, obj.__module__, defaults)), obj=obj, postproc_list=postproc_list)
logger.trace(pickler, "# T6")
# special cases: NoneType, NotImplementedType, EllipsisType, EnumMeta
elif obj is type(None):
logger.trace(pickler, "T7: %s", obj)
#XXX: pickler.save_reduce(type, (None,), obj=obj)
pickler.write(GLOBAL + b'__builtin__\nNoneType\n')
logger.trace(pickler, "# T7")
elif obj is NotImplementedType:
logger.trace(pickler, "T7: %s", obj)
pickler.save_reduce(type, (NotImplemented,), obj=obj)
logger.trace(pickler, "# T7")
elif obj is EllipsisType:
logger.trace(pickler, "T7: %s", obj)
pickler.save_reduce(type, (Ellipsis,), obj=obj)
logger.trace(pickler, "# T7")
elif obj is EnumMeta:
logger.trace(pickler, "T7: %s", obj)
pickler.write(GLOBAL + b'enum\nEnumMeta\n')
logger.trace(pickler, "# T7")
_byref = getattr(pickler, '_byref', None)
obj_recursive = id(obj) in getattr(pickler, '_postproc', ())
incorrectly_named = not _locate_function(obj, pickler)
if not _byref and not obj_recursive and incorrectly_named: # not a function, but the name was held over
if postproc_list is None:
postproc_list = []
# thanks to Tom Stepleton pointing out pickler._session unneeded
logger.trace(pickler, "T2: %s", obj)
_dict, attrs = _get_typedict_type(obj, obj.__dict__.copy(), None, postproc_list) # copy dict proxy to a dict
#print (_dict)
#print ("%s\n%s" % (type(obj), obj.__name__))
#print ("%s\n%s" % (obj.__bases__, obj.__dict__))
slots = _dict.get('__slots__', ())
if type(slots) == str:
# __slots__ accepts a single string
slots = (slots,)
for name in slots:
_dict.pop(name, None)
if isinstance(obj, abc.ABCMeta):
logger.trace(pickler, "ABC: %s", obj)
_dict, attrs = _get_typedict_abc(obj, _dict, attrs, postproc_list)
logger.trace(pickler, "# ABC")
qualname = getattr(obj, '__qualname__', None)
if attrs is not None:
for k, v in attrs.items():
postproc_list.append((setattr, (obj, k, v)))
# TODO: Consider using the state argument to save_reduce?
if qualname is not None:
postproc_list.append((setattr, (obj, '__qualname__', qualname)))
if not hasattr(obj, '__orig_bases__'):
_save_with_postproc(pickler, (_create_type, (
type(obj), obj.__name__, obj.__bases__, _dict
)), obj=obj, postproc_list=postproc_list)
# This case will always work, but might be overkill.
_metadict = {
'metaclass': type(obj)
if _dict:
_dict_update = PartialType(_setitems, source=_dict)
_dict_update = None
_save_with_postproc(pickler, (new_class, (
obj.__name__, obj.__orig_bases__, _metadict, _dict_update
)), obj=obj, postproc_list=postproc_list)
logger.trace(pickler, "# T2")
obj_name = getattr(obj, '__qualname__', getattr(obj, '__name__', None))
logger.trace(pickler, "T4: %s", obj)
if incorrectly_named:
"Cannot locate reference to %r." % (obj,),
if obj_recursive:
"Cannot pickle %r: %s.%s has recursive self-references that "
"trigger a RecursionError." % (obj, obj.__module__, obj_name),
#print (obj.__dict__)
#print ("%s\n%s" % (type(obj), obj.__name__))
#print ("%s\n%s" % (obj.__bases__, obj.__dict__))
StockPickler.save_global(pickler, obj, name=obj_name)
logger.trace(pickler, "# T4")
def save_property(pickler, obj):
logger.trace(pickler, "Pr: %s", obj)
pickler.save_reduce(type(obj), (obj.fget, obj.fset, obj.fdel, obj.__doc__),
logger.trace(pickler, "# Pr")
def save_classmethod(pickler, obj):
logger.trace(pickler, "Cm: %s", obj)
orig_func = obj.__func__
# if type(obj.__dict__) is dict:
# if obj.__dict__:
# state = obj.__dict__
# else:
# state = None
# else:
# state = (None, {'__dict__', obj.__dict__})
pickler.save_reduce(type(obj), (orig_func,), obj=obj)
logger.trace(pickler, "# Cm")
def save_function(pickler, obj):
if not _locate_function(obj, pickler):
if type(obj.__code__) is not CodeType:
# Some PyPy builtin functions have no module name, and thus are not
# able to be located
module_name = getattr(obj, '__module__', None)
if module_name is None:
module_name = __builtin__.__name__
module = _import_module(module_name, safe=True)
_pypy_builtin = False
found, _ = _getattribute(module, obj.__qualname__)
if getattr(found, '__func__', None) is obj:
_pypy_builtin = True
except AttributeError:
if _pypy_builtin:
logger.trace(pickler, "F3: %s", obj)
pickler.save_reduce(getattr, (found, '__func__'), obj=obj)
logger.trace(pickler, "# F3")
logger.trace(pickler, "F1: %s", obj)
_recurse = getattr(pickler, '_recurse', None)
_postproc = getattr(pickler, '_postproc', None)
_main_modified = getattr(pickler, '_main_modified', None)
_original_main = getattr(pickler, '_original_main', __builtin__)#'None'
postproc_list = []
if _recurse:
# recurse to get all globals referred to by obj
from .detect import globalvars
globs_copy = globalvars(obj, recurse=True, builtin=True)
# Add the name of the module to the globs dictionary to prevent
# the duplication of the dictionary. Pickle the unpopulated
# globals dictionary and set the remaining items after the function
# is created to correctly handle recursion.
globs = {'__name__': obj.__module__}
globs_copy = obj.__globals__
# If the globals is the __dict__ from the module being saved as a
# session, substitute it by the dictionary being actually saved.
if _main_modified and globs_copy is _original_main.__dict__:
globs_copy = getattr(pickler, '_main', _original_main).__dict__
globs = globs_copy
# If the globals is a module __dict__, do not save it in the pickle.
elif globs_copy is not None and obj.__module__ is not None and \
getattr(_import_module(obj.__module__, True), '__dict__', None) is globs_copy:
globs = globs_copy
globs = {'__name__': obj.__module__}
if globs_copy is not None and globs is not globs_copy:
# In the case that the globals are copied, we need to ensure that
# the globals dictionary is updated when all objects in the
# dictionary are already created.
glob_ids = {id(g) for g in globs_copy.values()}
for stack_element in _postproc:
if stack_element in glob_ids:
_postproc[stack_element].append((_setitems, (globs, globs_copy)))
postproc_list.append((_setitems, (globs, globs_copy)))
closure = obj.__closure__
state_dict = {}
for fattrname in ('__doc__', '__kwdefaults__', '__annotations__'):
fattr = getattr(obj, fattrname, None)
if fattr is not None:
state_dict[fattrname] = fattr
if obj.__qualname__ != obj.__name__:
state_dict['__qualname__'] = obj.__qualname__
if '__name__' not in globs or obj.__module__ != globs['__name__']:
state_dict['__module__'] = obj.__module__
state = obj.__dict__
if type(state) is not dict:
state_dict['__dict__'] = state
state = None
if state_dict:
state = state, state_dict
_save_with_postproc(pickler, (_create_function, (
obj.__code__, globs, obj.__name__, obj.__defaults__,
), state), obj=obj, postproc_list=postproc_list)
# Lift closure cell update to earliest function (#458)
if _postproc:
topmost_postproc = next(iter(_postproc.values()), None)
if closure and topmost_postproc:
for cell in closure:
possible_postproc = (setattr, (cell, 'cell_contents', obj))
except ValueError:
# Change the value of the cell
# pop None created by calling preprocessing step off stack
logger.trace(pickler, "# F1")
logger.trace(pickler, "F2: %s", obj)
name = getattr(obj, '__qualname__', getattr(obj, '__name__', None))
StockPickler.save_global(pickler, obj, name=name)
logger.trace(pickler, "# F2")
if HAS_CTYPES and hasattr(ctypes, 'pythonapi'):
_PyCapsule_New = ctypes.pythonapi.PyCapsule_New
_PyCapsule_New.argtypes = (ctypes.c_void_p, ctypes.c_char_p, ctypes.c_void_p)
_PyCapsule_New.restype = ctypes.py_object
_PyCapsule_GetPointer = ctypes.pythonapi.PyCapsule_GetPointer
_PyCapsule_GetPointer.argtypes = (ctypes.py_object, ctypes.c_char_p)
_PyCapsule_GetPointer.restype = ctypes.c_void_p
_PyCapsule_GetDestructor = ctypes.pythonapi.PyCapsule_GetDestructor
_PyCapsule_GetDestructor.argtypes = (ctypes.py_object,)
_PyCapsule_GetDestructor.restype = ctypes.c_void_p
_PyCapsule_GetContext = ctypes.pythonapi.PyCapsule_GetContext
_PyCapsule_GetContext.argtypes = (ctypes.py_object,)
_PyCapsule_GetContext.restype = ctypes.c_void_p
_PyCapsule_GetName = ctypes.pythonapi.PyCapsule_GetName
_PyCapsule_GetName.argtypes = (ctypes.py_object,)
_PyCapsule_GetName.restype = ctypes.c_char_p
_PyCapsule_IsValid = ctypes.pythonapi.PyCapsule_IsValid
_PyCapsule_IsValid.argtypes = (ctypes.py_object, ctypes.c_char_p)
_PyCapsule_IsValid.restype = ctypes.c_bool
_PyCapsule_SetContext = ctypes.pythonapi.PyCapsule_SetContext
_PyCapsule_SetContext.argtypes = (ctypes.py_object, ctypes.c_void_p)
_PyCapsule_SetDestructor = ctypes.pythonapi.PyCapsule_SetDestructor
_PyCapsule_SetDestructor.argtypes = (ctypes.py_object, ctypes.c_void_p)
_PyCapsule_SetName = ctypes.pythonapi.PyCapsule_SetName
_PyCapsule_SetName.argtypes = (ctypes.py_object, ctypes.c_char_p)
_PyCapsule_SetPointer = ctypes.pythonapi.PyCapsule_SetPointer
_PyCapsule_SetPointer.argtypes = (ctypes.py_object, ctypes.c_void_p)
_testcapsule = _PyCapsule_New(
ctypes.cast(_PyCapsule_New, ctypes.c_void_p),
PyCapsuleType = type(_testcapsule)
def save_capsule(pickler, obj):
logger.trace(pickler, "Cap: %s", obj)
name = _PyCapsule_GetName(obj)
#warnings.warn('Pickling a PyCapsule (%s) does not pickle any C data structures and could cause segmentation faults or other memory errors when unpickling.' % (name,), PicklingWarning)
pointer = _PyCapsule_GetPointer(obj, name)
context = _PyCapsule_GetContext(obj)
destructor = _PyCapsule_GetDestructor(obj)
pickler.save_reduce(_create_capsule, (pointer, name, context, destructor), obj=obj)
logger.trace(pickler, "# Cap")
_incedental_reverse_typemap['PyCapsuleType'] = PyCapsuleType
_reverse_typemap['PyCapsuleType'] = PyCapsuleType
_testcapsule = None
# A quick fix for issue #500
# This should be removed when a better solution is found.
if hasattr(dataclasses, "_HAS_DEFAULT_FACTORY_CLASS"):
def save_dataclasses_HAS_DEFAULT_FACTORY_CLASS(pickler, obj):
logger.trace(pickler, "DcHDF: %s", obj)
pickler.write(GLOBAL + b"dataclasses\n_HAS_DEFAULT_FACTORY\n")
logger.trace(pickler, "# DcHDF")
if hasattr(dataclasses, "MISSING"):
def save_dataclasses_MISSING_TYPE(pickler, obj):
logger.trace(pickler, "DcM: %s", obj)
pickler.write(GLOBAL + b"dataclasses\nMISSING\n")
logger.trace(pickler, "# DcM")
if hasattr(dataclasses, "KW_ONLY"):
def save_dataclasses_KW_ONLY_TYPE(pickler, obj):
logger.trace(pickler, "DcKWO: %s", obj)
pickler.write(GLOBAL + b"dataclasses\nKW_ONLY\n")
logger.trace(pickler, "# DcKWO")
if hasattr(dataclasses, "_FIELD_BASE"):
def save_dataclasses_FIELD_BASE(pickler, obj):
logger.trace(pickler, "DcFB: %s", obj)
pickler.write(GLOBAL + b"dataclasses\n" + obj.name.encode() + b"\n")
logger.trace(pickler, "# DcFB")
# quick sanity checking
def pickles(obj,exact=False,safe=False,**kwds):
Quick check if object pickles with dill.
If *exact=True* then an equality test is done to check if the reconstructed
object matches the original object.
If *safe=True* then any exception will raised in copy signal that the
object is not picklable, otherwise only pickling errors will be trapped.
Additional keyword arguments are as :func:`dumps` and :func:`loads`.
if safe: exceptions = (Exception,) # RuntimeError, ValueError
exceptions = (TypeError, AssertionError, NotImplementedError, PicklingError, UnpicklingError)
pik = copy(obj, **kwds)
#FIXME: should check types match first, then check content if "exact"
#FIXME: should be "(pik == obj).all()" for numpy comparison, though that'll fail if shapes differ
result = bool(pik.all() == obj.all())
except (AttributeError, TypeError):
warnings.filterwarnings('ignore') #FIXME: be specific
result = pik == obj
if warnings.filters: del warnings.filters[0]
if hasattr(result, 'toarray'): # for unusual types like sparse matrix
result = result.toarray().all()
if result: return True
if not exact:
result = type(pik) == type(obj)
if result: return result
# class instances might have been dumped with byref=False
return repr(type(pik)) == repr(type(obj)) #XXX: InstanceType?
return False
except exceptions:
return False
def check(obj, *args, **kwds):
Check pickling of an object across another process.
*python* is the path to the python interpreter (defaults to sys.executable)
Set *verbose=True* to print the unpickled object in the other process.
Additional keyword arguments are as :func:`dumps` and :func:`loads`.
# == undocumented ==
# python -- the string path or executable name of the selected python
# verbose -- if True, be verbose about printing warning messages
# all other args and kwds are passed to dill.dumps #FIXME: ignore on load
verbose = kwds.pop('verbose', False)
python = kwds.pop('python', None)
if python is None:
import sys
python = sys.executable
# type check
isinstance(python, str)
import subprocess
fail = True
_obj = dumps(obj, *args, **kwds)
fail = False
if fail and verbose:
print("DUMP FAILED")
#FIXME: fails if python interpreter path contains spaces
# Use the following instead (which also processes the 'ignore' keyword):
# ignore = kwds.pop('ignore', None)
# unpickle = "dill.loads(%s, ignore=%s)"%(repr(_obj), repr(ignore))
# cmd = [python, "-c", "import dill; print(%s)"%unpickle]
# msg = "SUCCESS" if not subprocess.call(cmd) else "LOAD FAILED"
msg = "%s -c import dill; print(dill.loads(%s))" % (python, repr(_obj))
msg = "SUCCESS" if not subprocess.call(msg.split(None,2)) else "LOAD FAILED"
if verbose:
# use to protect against missing attributes
def is_dill(pickler, child=None):
"check the dill-ness of your pickler"
if child is False or not hasattr(pickler.__class__, 'mro'):
return 'dill' in pickler.__module__
return Pickler in pickler.__class__.mro()
def _extend():
"""extend pickle with all of dill's registered types"""
# need to have pickle not choke on _main_module? use is_dill(pickler)
for t,func in Pickler.dispatch.items():
StockPickler.dispatch[t] = func
except Exception: #TypeError, PicklingError, UnpicklingError
logger.trace(pickler, "skip: %s", t)
del diff, _use_diff, use_diff