Current Path : /opt/cloudlinux/venv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/ |
Current File : //opt/cloudlinux/venv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/cldetectlib.py |
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # CLDETECT python lib # # Copyright © Cloud Linux GmbH & Cloud Linux Software, Inc 2010-2019 All Rights Reserved # # Licensed under CLOUD LINUX LICENSE AGREEMENT # http://cloudlinux.com/docs/LICENSE.TXT # Detection: # # Control Panel name & version # Control Panel name # Control Panel admin email # CXS is installed # mod_suphp is enabled for easyapache on cPanel # get apache gid # Detect LiteSpeed # Detect PostGreSQL # Detect admin user for DirectAdmin control panel # Detect CloudLinux instalation process # Detect Nagios # Detect if cloudlinux=yes is present for DirectAdmin # Get fs.enforce_symlinksifowner from /etc/sysctl.conf # Detect suEXEC # Detect suPHP # Check suEXEC or suPHP for SecureLVE jail # Check /etc/ssh/sshd_config for UsePAM yes # Separate functions for detect machines: is_da, is_isp, etc # Detect cagefs installed import os import pwd import re import subprocess import sys from configparser import ConfigParser, NoSectionError, NoOptionError from clcommon import cpapi from clcommon.sysctl import SysCtlConf, SYSCTL_CL_CONF_FILE # Control panel name CP_NAME = None # Control panel version CP_VERSION = None # If CP_NAME is "ISPManager" and CP_VERSION is "5.xx" ISP5 Type: "Master" or "Node". # else - always None CP_ISP_TYPE = None CP_ADMIN_EMAIL = None NAGIOS_GID = 0 APACHE_GID = 48 APACHE_UNAME = 'apache' LITESPEED_CONFIG_FILE = '/usr/local/lsws/conf/httpd_config.xml' LITESPEED_OPEN_CONFIG_FILE = '/usr/local/lsws/conf/httpd_config.conf' LITESPEED_VERSION_FILE = '/usr/local/lsws/VERSION' POSTGRE_SERVER_FILE = None POSTGRE_SYSTEMD_PATH = '/usr/lib/systemd/system/postgresql.service' POSTGRE_INITD_PATH = '/etc/rc.d/init.d/postgresql' CL_SETUP_LOCK_FILE = '/var/lock/cldeploy.lck' CL_CONFIG_FILE = '/etc/sysconfig/cloudlinux' USEPAM_FILE = '/etc/ssh/sshd_config' SUEXEC_ENABLED = None SUPHP_ENABLED = None SHARED_PRO_EDITION_HUMAN_READABLE = 'CloudLinux OS Shared Pro' SHARED_EDITION_HUMAN_READABLE = 'CloudLinux OS Shared' SOLO_EDITION_HUMAN_READABLE = 'CloudLinux OS Solo' if os.path.isfile(POSTGRE_SYSTEMD_PATH): POSTGRE_SERVER_FILE = POSTGRE_SYSTEMD_PATH else: POSTGRE_SERVER_FILE = POSTGRE_INITD_PATH def is_ea4(): if os.path.exists('/etc/cpanel/ea4/is_ea4'): return True return False # This function get CP name and CP version def getCP(): global CP_NAME global CP_VERSION global CP_ISP_TYPE CP_NAME = 'Unknown' CP_VERSION = '0' CP_ISP_TYPE = None #################################################################### # Try to detect panels, supported by CL and custom panel with cpapi plugin try: panel_data = cpapi.get_cp_description() CP_NAME = panel_data['name'] CP_VERSION = panel_data['version'] CP_ISP_TYPE = panel_data['additional_info'] except Exception: pass # Try to detect some other panels without retrieving info about them #################################################################### # H-Sphere try: with open('/hsphere/shared/version', encoding='utf-8') as f: data = f.read() release = re.findall(r'Release:\s+(.+)', data)[0] version = re.findall(r'Version:\s+(.+)', data)[0] CP_NAME = 'H-Sphere' CP_VERSION = f'{release}.{version}' return True except Exception: pass #################################################################### # HostingNG check if os.path.isfile('/lib64/libnss_ng.so'): CP_NAME = 'HostingNG' CP_VERSION = 'none' return True #################################################################### # CentOS Web Panel check if os.path.isdir('/usr/local/cwpsrv'): CP_NAME = 'CentOS_WEB_Panel' CP_VERSION = 'none' return True # Atomia check: (what is atomia you can see at www.atomia.com) # Atomia is more than just CP inside the CloudLinux, # So we just check presence of Atomia program agent # by its footprints - config files, which agent created. if os.path.isfile('/etc/httpd/conf.d/atomia-pa-apache.conf') or\ os.path.isdir('/storage/configuration/cloudlinux'): CP_NAME = 'Atomia_agent' CP_VERSION = 'none' return True # Cyber Panel if os.path.isdir('/usr/local/CyberCP'): CP_NAME = 'Cyberpanel' CP_VERSION = 'none' return True # Planet Hoster if os.path.isdir('/var/phmgr'): CP_NAME = 'PlaneHoster' CP_VERSION = 'none' return True # Vesta CP, check it`s main dir # can install from https://vestacp.com/install/ if os.path.isdir('/usr/local/vesta'): CP_NAME = 'Vesta' CP_VERSION = 'none' return True # we can check is VirtualminWebmin installed, by checking license file # file is always present, license serial and key # are predefined in the beginning of the installation script if os.path.isfile('/etc/virtualmin-license'): CP_NAME = 'VirtualminWebmin' CP_VERSION = 'none' return True if os.path.isfile('/usr/local/webuzo/universal.php'): CP_NAME = 'Webuzo' CP_VERSION = 'none' return True # No panel detected return False # Get params value from file def get_param_from_file(file_name, param_name, separator=None, default_val=''): try: with open(file_name, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as f: content = f.readlines() except IOError: return default_val for line in content: line = line.strip() if line.startswith(param_name): lineParts = line.split(separator) if (len(lineParts) == 2) and (lineParts[0].strip() == param_name): return lineParts[1].strip() return default_val # This function get CP name only def getCPName(): global CP_NAME if CP_NAME: return CP_NAME # cPanel check if os.path.isfile('/usr/local/cpanel/cpanel'): CP_NAME = 'cPanel' # Plesk check elif os.path.isfile('/usr/local/psa/version'): CP_NAME = 'Plesk' # DirectAdmin check elif os.path.isfile('/usr/local/directadmin/directadmin'): CP_NAME = 'DirectAdmin' # ISPmanager v4 or v5 check elif os.path.isfile('/usr/local/ispmgr/bin/ispmgr') or os.path.isdir('/usr/local/mgr5'): CP_NAME = 'ISPManager' # InterWorx check elif os.path.isdir('/usr/local/interworx'): CP_NAME = 'InterWorx' # HSphere check elif os.path.isdir('/hsphere/shared'): CP_NAME = 'H-Sphere' elif os.path.isfile('/lib64/libnss_ng.so'): CP_NAME = 'HostingNG' # CentOS Web Panel check elif os.path.isdir('/usr/local/cwpsrv'): CP_NAME = 'CentOS_WEB_Panel' elif os.path.isfile('/etc/httpd/conf.d/atomia-pa-apache.conf')\ or os.path.isdir('/storage/configuration/cloudlinux'): CP_NAME = 'Atomia_agent' elif os.path.isdir('/usr/local/vesta'): CP_NAME = 'Vesta' elif os.path.isfile('/etc/virtualmin-license'): CP_NAME = 'VirtualminWebmin' elif os.path.isdir('/var/phmgr'): CP_NAME = 'PlaneHoster' elif os.path.isdir('/usr/local/CyberCP'): CP_NAME = 'Cyberpanel' elif os.path.isfile('/usr/local/webuzo/universal.php'): CP_NAME = 'Webuzo' else: # detect custom panel name panel_data = cpapi.get_cp_description() if panel_data: # Panel detected CP_NAME = panel_data['name'] else: CP_NAME = 'Unknown' return CP_NAME def add_server_stats(status_report): """ Add server statistics to status_report dict :param status_report: dict to add statistics to :type status_report: dict """ from clcommon import ClPwd # pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel res = {} cp_name = getCPName() if cp_name != 'Unknown': res['cp'] = cp_name if cp_name == 'Plesk': clpwd = ClPwd(10000) else: clpwd = ClPwd() d = clpwd.get_uid_dict() users = 0 sys_users = { 'nfsnobody', 'avahi-autoipd', 'exim', 'clamav', 'varnish', 'nagios', 'saslauth', 'mysql', 'lsadm', 'systemd-bus-proxy', 'systemd-network', 'polkitd', 'firebird', 'nginx', 'dovecot', 'dovenull', 'roundcube_sysuser', 'cpanel', 'cpanelhorde', 'cpanelphpmyadmin', 'cpanelphppgadmin', 'cpanelroundcube', 'mailman', 'cpaneleximfilter', 'cpanellogaholic', 'cpanellogin', 'munin', 'cpaneleximscanner', 'cpanelphpgadmin', 'cpses', 'cpanelconnecttrack', 'cpanelrrdtool', 'admin', 'webapps', 'apache', 'diradmin', 'majordomo', 'viapm', 'iworx', 'iworx-web', 'iworx-pma', 'iworx-backup', 'iworx-horde', 'iworx-roundcube', 'iworx-sqmail', 'iworx_support_user', 'psaadm', 'popuser', 'psaftp', 'drweb', 'sw-cp-server', 'horde_sysuser' } for pw_entries in d.values(): found = False for entry in pw_entries: if entry.pw_name in sys_users: found = True break if not found: users += 1 res['users'] = users status_report['cln'] = res # Control Panel admin email def getCPAdminEmail(): global CP_ADMIN_EMAIL if CP_ADMIN_EMAIL: return CP_ADMIN_EMAIL if not os.path.isfile(CL_CONFIG_FILE): print('Error: missing ' + CL_CONFIG_FILE + ' config file.') sys.exit(1) try: parser = ConfigParser(interpolation=None, strict=False) parser.read(CL_CONFIG_FILE) if parser.get('license_check', 'EMAIL').strip().find('@') != -1: CP_ADMIN_EMAIL = parser.get('license_check', 'EMAIL').strip() else: try: getCPName() get_email_script = parser.get('license_check', CP_NAME + '_getemail_script') if not os.path.isfile(get_email_script): raise FileNotFoundError with subprocess.Popen( [get_email_script], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, text=True, ) as proc: out, _ = proc.communicate() CP_ADMIN_EMAIL = out.strip() except (NoSectionError, NoOptionError, FileNotFoundError): CP_ADMIN_EMAIL = 'root@localhost.localdomain' return CP_ADMIN_EMAIL except Exception: print('Error: bad ' + CL_CONFIG_FILE + ' config file.') sys.exit(1) # Check is CXS installed def CXS_check(): return os.path.isdir('/etc/cxs') # Check is mod_suphp is enabled in easyapache on cPanel # TODO check cagefs_posteasyapache_hook.sh for suPHP check via /usr/local/cpanel/bin/rebuild_phpconf --available def mod_suPHP_check(): getCPName() if CP_NAME != 'cPanel': return False return os.path.isfile('/usr/local/apache/modules/mod_suphp.so') # Get Apache gid def get_apache_gid(): getCPName() global APACHE_GID global APACHE_UNAME if CP_VERSION == '0': return False if CP_NAME == 'cPanel': APACHE_UNAME = 'nobody' if CP_NAME == 'H-Sphere': APACHE_UNAME = 'httpd' # line 24 | APACHE_UNAME = 'apache' - for others control panel (DA,ISP,IWorx,Plesk) try: APACHE_GID = pwd.getpwnam(APACHE_UNAME).pw_gid except Exception: pass return True # Detect LiteSpeed def detect_litespeed(): """ LiteSpeed can be enterprise or open source, and each of them stores config in different formats So this checker will search for one of them """ return detect_enterprise_litespeed() or detect_open_litespeed() def detect_enterprise_litespeed(): """ Detects LSWS Enterprise presence """ return os.path.isfile(LITESPEED_CONFIG_FILE) def detect_open_litespeed(): """ Detects OpenLiteSpeed presence """ return os.path.isfile(LITESPEED_OPEN_CONFIG_FILE) def get_litespeed_version(): """ Determine Litespeed version. Works for both LSWS Enterprise and OpenLiteSpeed. """ try: # Content of LITESPEED_VERSION_FILE: '5.4.12' with open(LITESPEED_VERSION_FILE, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as f: return f.read().strip() except (FileNotFoundError, OSError, IOError): return '' # Detect PostGreSQL def detect_postgresql(): return os.path.isfile(POSTGRE_SERVER_FILE) # Detect DirectAdmin admin user def detect_DA_admin(): getCPName() if CP_NAME != 'DirectAdmin': return False try: with open('/usr/local/directadmin/conf/directadmin.conf', encoding='utf-8') as f: out = f.read() return out.split('admindir=')[1].split('\n')[0].split('/')[-1].strip() except Exception: return 'admin' # Detect CloudLinux instalation process def check_CL_installing(): if not os.path.isfile(CL_SETUP_LOCK_FILE): return False try: with open(CL_SETUP_LOCK_FILE, encoding='utf-8') as f: pid = int(f.read()) return os.path.isdir(f'/proc/{pid}') except Exception: return False # Detect Nagios def get_nagios(): if not os.path.isdir('/usr/local/nagios'): return False global NAGIOS_GID try: NAGIOS_GID = pwd.getpwnam('nagios').pw_gid return True except Exception: return False # Detect if cloudlinux=yes is present for DirectAdmin def da_check_options(): check_result = get_param_from_file('/usr/local/directadmin/custombuild/options.conf', 'cloudlinux', '=') return check_result == 'yes' def get_symlinksifowner(): """get fs.enforce_symlinksifowner from sysctl conf""" sysctl = SysCtlConf(config_file=SYSCTL_CL_CONF_FILE, mute_errors=False) value = sysctl.get('fs.enforce_symlinksifowner') return int(value) if value is not None else value # Get suEXEC status def get_suEXEC_status(): global SUEXEC_ENABLED if SUEXEC_ENABLED is None: detect_suEXEC_suPHP() return SUEXEC_ENABLED # Get suPHP status(): def get_suPHP_status(): global SUPHP_ENABLED if SUPHP_ENABLED is None: detect_suEXEC_suPHP() return SUPHP_ENABLED # Detect suEXEC and suPHP def detect_suEXEC_suPHP(): global SUEXEC_ENABLED global SUPHP_ENABLED # This helps us to avoid double check when we checks both suEXEC and suPHP SUEXEC_ENABLED = False SUPHP_ENABLED = False modules = get_apache_modules() if modules is None: return SUEXEC_ENABLED = 'suexec_module' in modules SUPHP_ENABLED = 'suphp_module' in modules def get_apache_modules(): # path to httpd is the same on the panels bin_exec = "/usr/sbin/httpd" try: with subprocess.Popen( [bin_exec, '-M'], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, text=True, ) as proc: out, _ = proc.communicate() modules = [] out = out.split('\n') # clean the output from 1st line 'Loaded modules' for line in out[1:]: if not line: continue # core_module (static) so_module (static) http_module (static) mpm_worker_module (shared)... # --> ['core_module', 'so_module', 'http_module', 'mpm_worker_module'] try: mod = line.strip().split(' ')[0] except IndexError: mod = '' if mod == '': continue modules.append(mod) return modules except (OSError, IOError): return None def execute(command): """ Executes command with bash interpreter """ with subprocess.Popen( command, shell=True, executable='/bin/bash', stdout=subprocess.PIPE, text=True, bufsize=-1 ) as proc: return proc.communicate()[0] # check suPHP or suEXEC binary for jail def check_binary_has_jail(location): try: if is_ea4(): result = execute('/usr/bin/strings ' + str(location[getCPName() + '_ea4']) + ' | grep jail') else: result = execute('/usr/bin/strings ' + str(location[getCPName()]) + ' | grep jail') return result.find('jail error') != -1 except KeyError: return None except (IOError, OSError): return False # Check sshd -T output for usepam yes def check_SSHd_UsePAM(): try: result = execute('/usr/sbin/sshd -T | grep usepam') return result.find('usepam yes') != -1 except (IOError, OSError): return None def init_cp_name(): if CP_NAME is None: getCPName() # NOTE: This section of code is deprecated and should not be added to. # Detect DirectAdmin machine def is_da(): init_cp_name() return CP_NAME == 'DirectAdmin' # Detect ISP Manager machine def is_ispmanager(): init_cp_name() return CP_NAME == 'ISPManager' # Detect ISP Manager v5 machine type: "Master" or "Node" # If not ISP5 - always None def ispmanager5_type(): init_cp_name() return CP_ISP_TYPE # Detect ISP Manager v5 machine is Master def ispmanager5_is_master(): return CP_ISP_TYPE == "Master" # Detect cPanel machine def is_cpanel(): init_cp_name() return CP_NAME == 'cPanel' # Detect Plesk machine def is_plesk(): init_cp_name() return CP_NAME == 'Plesk' # Detect InterWorx machine def is_internetworx(): init_cp_name() return CP_NAME == 'InterWorx' # Detect H-Sphere machine def is_hsphere(): init_cp_name() return CP_NAME == 'H-Sphere' # Detect HostingNG machine def is_hostingng(): init_cp_name() return CP_NAME == 'HostingNG' # Detect unknown machine def is_unknown(): init_cp_name() return CP_NAME == 'Unknown' def is_openvz(): """ Returns 0 if there is no openvz, otherwise returns node id """ pid = os.getpid() with open(f'/proc/{pid}/status', encoding='utf-8') as f: for line in f: if line.startswith('envID:'): env_id = line.split(':')[1].strip() return int(env_id) return 0 # no openvz found def is_cagefs_installed(): return os.path.exists('/usr/sbin/cagefsctl') def get_boolean_param(file_name, param_name, separator='=', default_val=True): config_val = get_param_from_file(file_name, param_name, separator, default_val=None) if config_val is None: return default_val return config_val.lower() in ('true', '1', 'yes', 'on')