Current Path : /opt/cloudlinux/venv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/astroid/ |
Current File : //opt/cloudlinux/venv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/astroid/__init__.py |
# Licensed under the LGPL: https://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/lgpl-2.1.en.html # For details: https://github.com/PyCQA/astroid/blob/main/LICENSE # Copyright (c) https://github.com/PyCQA/astroid/blob/main/CONTRIBUTORS.txt """Python Abstract Syntax Tree New Generation. The aim of this module is to provide a common base representation of python source code for projects such as pychecker, pyreverse, pylint... Well, actually the development of this library is essentially governed by pylint's needs. It mimics the class defined in the python's _ast module with some additional methods and attributes. New nodes instances are not fully compatible with python's _ast. Instance attributes are added by a builder object, which can either generate extended ast (let's call them astroid ;) by visiting an existent ast tree or by inspecting living object. Methods are added by monkey patching ast classes. Main modules are: * nodes and scoped_nodes for more information about methods and attributes added to different node classes * the manager contains a high level object to get astroid trees from source files and living objects. It maintains a cache of previously constructed tree for quick access * builder contains the class responsible to build astroid trees """ import functools import tokenize from importlib import import_module # isort: off # We have an isort: off on '__version__' because the packaging need to access # the version before the dependencies are installed (in particular 'wrapt' # that is imported in astroid.inference) from astroid.__pkginfo__ import __version__, version from astroid.nodes import node_classes, scoped_nodes # isort: on from astroid import inference, raw_building from astroid.astroid_manager import MANAGER from astroid.bases import BaseInstance, BoundMethod, Instance, UnboundMethod from astroid.brain.helpers import register_module_extender from astroid.builder import extract_node, parse from astroid.const import BRAIN_MODULES_DIRECTORY, PY310_PLUS, Context, Del, Load, Store from astroid.exceptions import ( AstroidBuildingError, AstroidBuildingException, AstroidError, AstroidImportError, AstroidIndexError, AstroidSyntaxError, AstroidTypeError, AstroidValueError, AttributeInferenceError, BinaryOperationError, DuplicateBasesError, InconsistentMroError, InferenceError, InferenceOverwriteError, MroError, NameInferenceError, NoDefault, NotFoundError, OperationError, ParentMissingError, ResolveError, StatementMissing, SuperArgumentTypeError, SuperError, TooManyLevelsError, UnaryOperationError, UnresolvableName, UseInferenceDefault, ) from astroid.inference_tip import _inference_tip_cached, inference_tip from astroid.objects import ExceptionInstance # isort: off # It's impossible to import from astroid.nodes with a wildcard, because # there is a cyclic import that prevent creating an __all__ in astroid/nodes # and we need astroid/scoped_nodes and astroid/node_classes to work. So # importing with a wildcard would clash with astroid/nodes/scoped_nodes # and astroid/nodes/node_classes. from astroid.nodes import ( # pylint: disable=redefined-builtin (Ellipsis) CONST_CLS, AnnAssign, Arguments, Assert, Assign, AssignAttr, AssignName, AsyncFor, AsyncFunctionDef, AsyncWith, Attribute, AugAssign, Await, BinOp, BoolOp, Break, Call, ClassDef, Compare, Comprehension, ComprehensionScope, Const, Continue, Decorators, DelAttr, Delete, DelName, Dict, DictComp, DictUnpack, Ellipsis, EmptyNode, EvaluatedObject, ExceptHandler, Expr, ExtSlice, For, FormattedValue, FunctionDef, GeneratorExp, Global, If, IfExp, Import, ImportFrom, Index, JoinedStr, Keyword, Lambda, List, ListComp, Match, MatchAs, MatchCase, MatchClass, MatchMapping, MatchOr, MatchSequence, MatchSingleton, MatchStar, MatchValue, Module, Name, NamedExpr, NodeNG, Nonlocal, Pass, Raise, Return, Set, SetComp, Slice, Starred, Subscript, TryExcept, TryFinally, TryStar, Tuple, UnaryOp, Unknown, While, With, Yield, YieldFrom, are_exclusive, builtin_lookup, unpack_infer, function_to_method, ) # isort: on from astroid.util import Uninferable # Performance hack for tokenize. See https://bugs.python.org/issue43014 # Adapted from https://github.com/PyCQA/pycodestyle/pull/993 if ( not PY310_PLUS and callable(getattr(tokenize, "_compile", None)) and getattr(tokenize._compile, "__wrapped__", None) is None # type: ignore[attr-defined] ): tokenize._compile = functools.lru_cache()(tokenize._compile) # type: ignore[attr-defined] # load brain plugins for module in BRAIN_MODULES_DIRECTORY.iterdir(): if module.suffix == ".py": import_module(f"astroid.brain.{module.stem}")