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�@spdZddlZddlZzddlZWney:ddlZYn0dd�Zdd�Zdd�Zd	d
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d�ZdS)zShared AIX support functions.�NcCs@tjdkrdnd}|dkr|nd}d�|d|d|d||�S)	Ni���� �@r�'zaix-{:1x}{:1d}{:02d}-{:04d}-{}��)�sys�maxsize�format)Zvrtl�bdZ_sz�_bd�r�1/opt/alt/python39/lib64/python3.9/_aix_support.py�_aix_tagsrcCs2|�d�dd�\}}}t|d�t|�t|�gS)N�.����)�split�int)�vrmf�v�rZtlrrr
�	_aix_vrtlsrcCsRt�gd��}|�d�}|���d�}|ddkr>t|d�nd}t|d�|fS)a(
    Return a Tuple[str, int] e.g., ['', 1806]
    The fileset bos.rte represents the current AIX run-time level. It's VRMF and
    builddate reflect the current ABI levels of the runtime environment.
    If no builddate is found give a value that will satisfy pep425 related queries
subprocessZcheck_output�decode�striprr�str)�outrrrr
�_aix_bos_rtes
    AIX filesets are identified by four decimal values: V.R.M.F.
    V (version) and R (release) can be retreived using ``uname``
    Since 2007, starting with AIX 5.3 TL7, the M value has been
    included with the fileset bos.rte and represents the Technology
    Level (TL) of AIX. The F (Fix) value also increases, but is not
    relevant for comparing releases and binary compatibility.
    For binary compatibility the so-called builddate is needed.
    Again, the builddate of an AIX release is associated with bos.rte.
    AIX ABI compatibility is described  as guaranteed at: https://www.ibm.com/    support/knowledgecenter/en/ssw_aix_72/install/binary_compatability.html

    For pep425 purposes the AIX platform tag becomes:
    "aix-{:1x}{:1d}{:02d}-{:04d}-{}".format(v, r, tl, builddate, bitsize)
    e.g., "aix-6107-1415-32" for AIX 6.1 TL7 bd 1415, 32-bit
    and, "aix-6107-1415-64" for AIX 6.1 TL7 bd 1415, 64-bit
rrr
�aix_platform.s
r cCs t�d�}|std��t|d�S)NZBUILD_GNU_TYPEzBUILD_GNU_TYPE is not defined)r)�	sysconfig�get_config_var�
ValueErrorr)Zgnu_typerrr
r$c	CsHt�d�}zt|�}Wn$ttfy:td|����Yn0tt�|�S)zD
    Return the platform_tag of the system Python was built on.
AIX_BUILDDATEz)AIX_BUILDDATE is not defined or invalid: )r!r"rr#�	TypeErrorrr$)Z
build_daterrr
�aix_buildtagNs
�r&)�__doc__rr!r�ImportErrorZ_bootsubprocessrrrr r$r&rrrr