Current Path : /opt/alt/python312/lib64/python3.12/__pycache__/ |
Current File : //opt/alt/python312/lib64/python3.12/__pycache__/warnings.cpython-312.pyc |
� � �(�k��� �8 � d Z ddlZg d�Zd0d�Zd1d�Zd� Zd� ZeZd� ZeZ d � Z d ed ddfd�Zeddfd �Z d� Zd� Z G d� de� Zd� Zd� Zd� Zd� Zd� Zd� Zd� Zd� Zd2dd�d�Z d3d�Z G d� d e� Z G d!� d"e� Zd#Zefej@ d$�d%�Z!d&� Z" dd'l#m$Z$m%Z%m&Z&mZmZm'Z' e%Z(e&Z)d(Z* eejZ � e*sA e.ed+� s8 ed)e/d,d�-� e d.e/d�/� e d.e0d�/� e d.e1d�/� e d.e2d�/� [*y# e+$ r g Z$d)Z(i Z)da,d*� Z'dZ*Y �kw xY w)4z&Python part of the warnings subsystem.� N)�warn� warn_explicit�showwarning� formatwarning�filterwarnings�simplefilter� resetwarnings�catch_warningsc �: � t | |||||� }t |� y)�7Hook to write a warning to a file; replace if you like.N)�WarningMessage�_showwarnmsg_impl)�message�category�filename�lineno�file�line�msgs �//opt/alt/python312/lib64/python3.12/warnings.pyr r s � � ��(�H�f�d�D� I�C��c�� c �8 � t | |||d|� }t |� S )�.Function to format a warning the standard way.N)r �_formatwarnmsg_impl)r r r r r r s r r r s! � � ��(�H�f�d�D� I�C��s�#�#r c � � | j }|�t j }|�y t | � } |j |� y # t $ r Y y w xY w�N)r �sys�stderr�_formatwarnmsg�write�OSError)r r �texts r r r sP � ��8�8�D��|��z�z���<� ��#��D� �� � �4���� �� �s �A � A�Ac �v � | j j }| j � d| j � d|� d| j � d�}| j �;| j dk7 r, dd l}|j | j | j � }n| j }|r|j � }|d|z z }| j �� dd l} |j � }|j | j � }|�u|dz }|D ]i }|d |j �d |j �d�z } �'|j |j |j � }nd }|s�R|j � }|d|z z }�k |S |r||� d�z }|S # t $ r d }d }Y ��w xY w# t $ r d}d }Y ��w xY w# t $ r d}d }Y ��w xY w# t $ r d }Y �qw xY w) N�:z: � r r z %s Fz-Object allocated at (most recent call last): z File "z ", lineno z %s z<: Enable tracemalloc to get the object allocation traceback )r �__name__r r r r � linecache�getline� Exception�strip�source�tracemalloc� is_tracing�get_object_traceback) r r �sr'