Current Path : /opt/alt/python312/lib64/python3.12/__pycache__/ |
Current File : //opt/alt/python312/lib64/python3.12/__pycache__/_pyio.cpython-312.pyc |
� �8��H�*�� �p � d Z ddlZddlZddlZddlZddlZddlZddlmZ ej dv rddlmZ ndZ ddlZddlmZmZmZmZ h d�Z eed� r6ej+ ej, � ej+ ej. � d ZeZ eed � xs ej4 j6 ZeZd.d�Ze d/d�� Z d � Z! ejD Z" ejH Z$ G d� dejN �� Z(ejP jS e(� G d� de(� Z*ejT jS e*� ddl+m,Z, e*jS e,� G d� de(� Z-ejZ jS e-� G d� de-� Z. G d� de-� Z/ G d� de.� Z0 G d� de.� Z1 G d � d!e-� Z2 G d"� d#e1e0� Z3 G d$� d%e*� Z, G d&� d'e(� Z4ejh jS e4� G d(� d)ejj � Z6 G d*� d+e4� Z7 G d,� d-e7� Z8y# e#$ r e!Z"Y ��Kw xY w# e#$ r G d� de%e&� Z$Y ��Vw xY w)0z) Python implementation of the io module. � N)� allocate_lock> �win32�cygwin)�setmode)�__all__�SEEK_SET�SEEK_CUR�SEEK_END> r � � � SEEK_HOLEi �gettotalrefcountc � � | �Wt j j rd} nd} t j j rddl}|j dt |dz � | S )a A helper function to choose the text encoding. When encoding is not None, this function returns it. Otherwise, this function returns the default text encoding (i.e. "locale" or "utf-8" depends on UTF-8 mode). This function emits an EncodingWarning if *encoding* is None and sys.flags.warn_default_encoding is true. This can be used in APIs with an encoding=None parameter that pass it to TextIOWrapper or open. However, please consider using encoding="utf-8" for new APIs. N�utf-8�localer z"'encoding' argument not specified.r )�sys�flags� utf8_mode�warn_default_encoding�warnings�warn�EncodingWarning)�encoding� stacklevelr s �,/opt/alt/python312/lib64/python3.12/_pyio.py� text_encodingr + sN � � ���9�9����H��H��9�9�*�*���M�M�>�)�:��>� ;��O� c � � t | t � st j | � } t | t t t f� st d| z � �t |t � st d|z � �t |t � st d|z � �|�t |t � st d|z � �|�t |t � st d|z � �t |� }|t d� z st |� t |� kD rt d|z � �d|v } d |v } d |v }d|v }d|v } d |v }d|v }|r |rt d� �| | z |z |z dkD rt d� �| s| s|s |st d� �|r |�t d� �|r |�t d� �|r |�t d� �|r |dk( rddl }|j dt d� t | | xr dxs d| xr d xs dz |xr d xs dz |xr dxs dz | xr dxs dz ||�� }|} d}|dk( s|dk r|j � rd}d}|dk r<t } t j |j# � � j$ }|dkD r|} |dk rt d� �|dk( r|r|S t d� �| r t+ ||� }n0| s|s|r t- ||� }n| r t/ ||� }nt d |z � �|}|r|S t1 |� }t3 |||||� }|}||_ |S # t&