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Current File : //opt/alt/python310/lib64/python3.10/__pycache__/quopri.cpython-310.pyc


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|S|dkr|S|tkp#d|ko dknS)z�Decide whether a particular byte ordinal needs to be quoted.

    The 'quotetabs' flag indicates whether embedded tabs and spaces should be
    quoted.  Note that line-ending tabs and spaces are always encoded, as per
    RFC 1521.
    � 	�_� �~)�
isinstance�bytes�ESCAPE)�c�	quotetabs�header�r�-/opt/alt/python310/lib64/python3.10/quopri.py�needsquotings"rcCsBt|t�rt|�dks
J�t|�}ttt|dt|df�S)zQuote a single character.��)rr�len�ordr�HEX�rrrr�quote$s rFc
Cs<tdur|��}t|||d�}|�|�dS|dfdd�}d}	|��}|s'nig}	d}
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avRead 'input', apply quoted-printable encoding, and write to 'output'.

    'input' and 'output' are binary file objects. The 'quotetabs' flag
    indicates whether embedded tabs and spaces should be quoted. Note that
    line-ending tabs and spaces are always encoded, as per RFC 1521.
    The 'header' flag indicates whether we are encoding spaces as _ as per RFC
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�ior3r�getvalue)r$rrr3�infp�outfprrrrjsrcCstdur|��}t||d�}|�|�dSd}	|��}|sn�dt|�}}|dkr[||d|�dkr[d}	|d}|dkrZ||d|�dvrZ|d}|dkrZ||d|�dvsHnd}	||kr�|||d�}
dkrx|rx|d	}|d}no|
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}|d}||ksa|	s�|�|d�d}q|�r|�|�dSdS)z�Read 'input', apply quoted-printable decoding, and write to 'output'.
    'input' and 'output' are binary file objects.
    If 'header' is true, decode underscore as space (per RFC 1522).N�rrrrr s 	
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krBnntd	�d}nJdt|���|d
t|�|}q|S)z.Get the integer value of a hexadecimal number.rrArB�0rCrD�a�
rErFFznon-hex digit r)rr�repr)r$�bitsrr>rrrr<�s

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kr�|��ww|	r�|�|	�dSdS)NrrZtdz"usage: quopri [-t | -d] [file] ...z-t: quote tabsz-d: decode; default encoder9Fz-tTz-dz -t and -d are mutually exclusive�-�rbz%s: can't open (%s)
)�sys�getopt�argv�error�stderr�stdout�print�exit�stdin�buffer�open�OSErrorr#rr�close)rNrOZopts�args�msgZdecoZtabs�orH�sts�file�fprrr�main�sd���

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