Current Path : /lib/rpm/lua/fedora/srpm/ |
Current File : //lib/rpm/lua/fedora/srpm/go.lua |
-- Copyright (c) 2017-2019 Nicolas Mailhot <nim@fedoraproject.org> -- -- This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify -- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by -- the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or -- (at your option) any later version. -- -- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, -- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of -- MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the -- GNU General Public License for more details. -- -- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License -- along with this program. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. -- -- SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later -- This file contains Lua code used in rpm macros needed to create and process -- source rpm (srpm) Go (golang) packages. -- -- The resulting code must not use any package except redhat-rpm-macros -- Sanitize a Go import path that can then serve as rpm package name -- Mandatory parameter: a Go import path local function rpmname(goipath, compatid) -- lowercase and end with '/' local goname = string.lower(rpm.expand(goipath) .. "/") -- remove eventual protocol prefix goname = string.gsub(goname, "^http(s?)://", "") -- remove eventual .git suffix goname = string.gsub(goname, "%.git/+", "") -- remove eventual git. prefix goname = string.gsub(goname, "^git%.", "") -- remove FQDN root (.com, .org, etc) -- will also remove vanity FQDNs such as "tools" goname = string.gsub(goname, "^([^/]+)%.([^%./]+)/", "%1/") -- add golang prefix goname = "golang-" .. goname -- compat naming additions local compatid = string.lower(rpm.expand(compatid)) if (compatid ~= nil) and (compatid ~= "") then goname = "compat-" .. goname .. "-" .. compatid end -- special-case x.y.z number-strings as that’s an exception in our naming -- guidelines repeat goname, i = string.gsub(goname, "(%d)%.(%d)", "%1:%2") until i == 0 -- replace various separators rpm does not like with - goname = string.gsub(goname, "[%._/%-~]+", "-") -- because of the Azure sdk goname = string.gsub(goname, "%-for%-go%-", "-") -- Tokenize along - separators and remove duplicates to avoid -- golang-foo-foo-bar-foo names local result = "" local tokens = {} tokens["go"] = true for token in string.gmatch(goname, "[^%-]+") do if not tokens[token] then result = result .. "-" .. token tokens[token] = true end end -- reassemble the string, restore x.y.z runs, convert the vx.y.z -- Go convention to x.y.z as prefered in rpm naming result = string.gsub(result, "^-", "") result = string.gsub(result, ":", ".") -- some projects have a name that end up in a number, and *also* add release -- numbers on top of it, keep a - prefix before version strings result = string.gsub(result, "%-v([%.%d]+)$", "-%1") result = string.gsub(result, "%-v([%.%d]+%-)", "-%1") if rpm.expand("%{?go_use_new_versioning}") ~= "" then -- according to the guidelines, if the base package name does not end with -- a digit, the version MUST be directly appended to the package name with -- no intervening separator. -- If the base package name ends with a digit, a single underscore (_) MUST -- be appended to the name, and the version MUST be appended to that, in -- order to avoid confusion over where the name ends and the version begins. result = string.gsub(result, "([^-]*)(%-)([%.%d]+)$", function(prior, hyphen, version) if string.find(prior, "%d$") then return prior .. "_" .. version else return prior .. version end end) end return(result) end -- The gometa macro main processing function -- See the documentation in the macros.go-srpm file for argument description local function meta(suffix, verbose, informative, silent) local fedora = require "fedora.common" local forge = require "fedora.srpm.forge" local zsuffix = "" if (suffix ~= "") then zsuffix = " -z " .. suffix end local ismain = (suffix == "") or (suffix == "0") if ismain then fedora.zalias({"forgeurl", "goipath", "gocid", "goname", "gourl", "gosource"}, verbose) end local spec = {} for _, v in ipairs({'goipath', 'forgeurl'}) do spec[v] = rpm.expand("%{?" .. v .. suffix .. "}") end -- All the Go packaging automation relies on goipath being set if (spec["goipath"] == "") then rpm.expand("%{error:Please set the Go import path in the %%{goipath" .. suffix .. "} variable before calling %%gometa" .. zsuffix .. "!}") end local cleangoipath = string.gsub(spec["goipath"], "^http(s?)://", "") cleangoipath = string.gsub(cleangoipath, "/+$", "") if (cleangoipath ~= spec["goipath"]) then fedora.explicitset(goipath .. suffix, cleangoipath) end if (spec["forgeurl"] == "") then fedora.safeset("forgeurl" .. suffix, "https://%{goipath" .. suffix .. "}",verbose) end forge.meta(suffix, verbose, informative, silent) fedora.safeset("gourl" .. suffix, "%{forgeurl" .. suffix .. "}",verbose) if (rpm.expand("%{?forgesource" .. suffix .. "}") ~= "") then fedora.safeset("gosource" .. suffix, "%{forgesource" .. suffix .. "}",verbose) else fedora.safeset("gosource" .. suffix, "%{gourl" .. suffix .. "}/%{archivename" .. suffix .. "}.%{archiveext" .. suffix .. "}",verbose) end fedora.safeset( "goname" .. suffix, rpmname("%{goipath" .. suffix .. "}", "%{?gocid" .. suffix .. "}") ,verbose) fedora.zalias({"forgeurl","goname","gourl","gosource"},verbose) -- Final spec variable summary if the macro was called with -i if informative then rpm.expand("%{echo:Packaging variables read or set by %%gometa}") fedora.echovars({"goipath","goname","gourl","gosource"}, suffix) end end -- Pivot variable definitions for each kind of Go package local pivot = {devel = "goipaths", alt = "goaltipaths"} -- Default argument flag for each kind of list local listflags = {goipaths = "-i", goipathsex = "-t", goextensions = "-e"} -- Convert a space-separated list of import paths to a table indexed by their -- rpmname version, to handle upstreams that play naming games local function indexedgoipaths(goipaths, gocid) local go = require "fedora.srpm.go" local giptable = {} for goipath in string.gmatch(rpm.expand(goipaths), "[^%s,]+") do local key = go.rpmname(goipath, gocid) if (not string.match(key, "^compat-")) then key = "compat-" .. key end if (giptable[key] == nil) then giptable[key] = {} end table.insert(giptable[key], goipath) end return giptable end -- Create fallbacks to goipath variables if godevelipath variables are missing local function develenvinit() local fedora = require "fedora.common" if (next(fedora.getsuffixes("goipaths")) == nil) then for _, suffix in pairs(fedora.getsuffixes("goipath")) do fedora.safeset("goipaths" .. suffix, "%{goipath" .. suffix .. "}") end end end -- Set rpm variables related to the processing of a golang-*-devel subpackage local function develenv(suffix, verbose) local fedora = require "fedora.common" local go = require "fedora.srpm.go" local ismain = (suffix == "") or (suffix == "0") if ismain then fedora.zalias( {"goipath", "gocid", "gofilelist", "godevelname", "godevelcid", "godevelfilelist", "godevelsummary", "godeveldescription", "godevelheader", "goextensions", "gosupfiles", "gosupfilesex", "goipaths", "goipathsex", "golicenses", "golicensesex", "godocs", "godocsex"}, verbose) end for list, flag in pairs(listflags) do local l = rpm.expand("%{?" .. list .. suffix .. "}") if (l ~= "") then l = string.gsub(" " .. l, "%s+%" .. flag .. "%s+", " ") l = string.gsub(l, "%s+", " ") l = string.gsub(l, "^ ", "") l = string.gsub(l, " $", "") if (list ~= "goipaths") then l = string.gsub(l, "([^%s]+)", flag .. " %1") end fedora.explicitset(list .. suffix, l) end end local goipaths = rpm.expand("%{?goipaths" .. suffix .. "}") local goipath = string.match(goipaths, "[^%s]+") fedora.safeset("godevelcid" .. suffix, "%{?gocid" .. suffix .. "}", verbose) local rpmname = go.rpmname(goipath, "%{?godevelcid" .. suffix .. "}") fedora.safeset("godevelname" .. suffix, rpmname .. "-devel", verbose) fedora.safeset("godevelfilelist" .. suffix, rpmname .. "-%{gofilelist}", verbose) fedora.safeset("godevelsummary" .. suffix, "%{summary}", verbose) fedora.safeset("godeveldescription" .. suffix, "%{?common_description}", verbose) local postdescr = "\n\nThis package contains the source code needed for building packages that reference " .. "the following Go import paths:" postdescr = postdescr .. string.gsub(goipaths, "([^%s]+)", "\n – %1") fedora.explicitset("currentgodeveldescription", "%{expand:%{godeveldescription" .. suffix .. "}" .. postdescr .. "}", verbose) fedora.setcurrent({"godevelname", "godevelcid", "godevelfilelist", "godevelsummary", "godevelheader", "goextensions", "gosupfiles", "gosupfilesex", "goipaths", "goipathsex", "golicenses", "golicensesex", "godocs", "godocsex"}, suffix, verbose) if ismain then fedora.zalias( {"godevelname", "godevelcid", "godevelfilelist", "godevelsummary", "godeveldescription"}, verbose) end end -- Set rpm variables related to the processing of a compat-golang-*-devel subpackage local function altenv(suffix, rpmname, goaltipaths, verbose) local fedora = require "fedora.common" local go = require "fedora.srpm.go" local ismain = (suffix == "") or (suffix == "0") if ismain then fedora.zalias( {"goipath", "gocanonipath", "goaltdescription", "goaltsummary", "goaltheader"}, verbose) end fedora.safeset("gocanonipath" .. suffix, "%{goipath" .. suffix .. "}", verbose) fedora.safeset("goaltsummary" .. suffix, "%{summary}", verbose) fedora.safeset("goaltdescription" .. suffix, "%{?common_description}", verbose) fedora.setcurrent( {"gocanonipath", "goaltcid", "goaltsummary"}, suffix, verbose) local postdescr = "\n\nThis package provides symbolic links that alias the following Go import paths " .. "to %{currentgocanonipath}:" local posthead = "" for _, goaltipath in ipairs(goaltipaths) do postdescr = postdescr .. "\n – " .. goaltipath posthead = "\nObsoletes: " .. go.rpmname(goaltipath, "") .. "-devel < %{version}-%{release}" end postdescr = postdescr .. "\n\nAliasing Go import paths via symbolic links or http redirects is fragile. " .. "If your Go code depends on this package, you should patch it to import " .. "directly %{currentgocanonipath}." fedora.explicitset("currentgoaltdescription", "%{expand:%{?goaltdescription" .. suffix .. "}" .. postdescr .. "}", verbose) fedora.explicitset("currentgoaltheader", "%{expand:%{?goaltheader" .. suffix .. "}" .. posthead .. "}", verbose) fedora.explicitset("currentgoaltname", rpmname .. "-devel", verbose) fedora.explicitset("currentgoaltfilelist", rpmname .. "-%{gofilelist}", verbose) if ismain then fedora.zalias( {"gocanonipath", "goaltsummary", "goaltdescription"}, verbose) end end -- Create a single %package section for a known kind of Go subpackage local function singlepkg(kind, suffix, verbose) local fedora = require "fedora.common" if (kind == "devel") then develenv(suffix, verbose) print( rpm.expand( "%package -n %{currentgodevelname}\n" .. "Summary: %{currentgodevelsummary}\n" .. "BuildRequires: go-rpm-macros\n" .. "BuildArch: noarch\n" .. "%{?currentgodevelheader}\n" .. "%description -n %{currentgodevelname}\n") .. fedora.wordwrap("%{?currentgodeveldescription}") .. "\n") elseif (kind == "alt") then local ismain = (suffix == "") or (suffix == "0") if ismain then fedora.zalias({"goaltipaths","gocid","goaltcid"}, verbose) end fedora.safeset("goaltcid" .. suffix, "%{?gocid" .. suffix .. "}", verbose) if ismain then fedora.zalias({"goaltcid"}, verbose) end for rpmname, goaltipaths in pairs(indexedgoipaths("%{goaltipaths" .. suffix .. "}", "%{goaltcid" .. suffix .. "}")) do altenv(suffix, rpmname, goaltipaths, verbose) print( rpm.expand( "%package -n %{currentgoaltname}\n" .. "Summary: %{currentgoaltsummary}\n" .. "BuildRequires: go-rpm-macros\n" .. "BuildArch: noarch\n" .. "%{?currentgoaltheader}\n" .. "%description -n %{currentgoaltname}\n") .. fedora.wordwrap("%{?currentgoaltdescription}") .. "\n") end else rpm.expand("%{error:Unknown kind of Go subpackage: " .. kind .. "}") end end -- Create one or all %package sections for a known kind of go subpackage local function pkg(kind, suffix, processall, verbose) local fedora = require "fedora.common" if (kind == "devel") then develenvinit() end if processall then for _, suffix in pairs(fedora.getsuffixes(pivot[kind])) do singlepkg(kind, suffix, verbose) end else singlepkg(kind, suffix, verbose) end end -- Create a single %files section for a known kind of Go subpackage local function singlefiles(kind, suffix, verbose) if (kind == "devel") then develenv(suffix, verbose) print(rpm.expand('%files -n %{currentgodevelname} -f "%{goworkdir}/%{currentgodevelfilelist}"\n')) elseif (kind == "alt") then local fedora = require "fedora.common" local ismain = (suffix == "") or (suffix == "0") if ismain then fedora.zalias({"goaltipaths","gocid","goaltcid"}, verbose) end fedora.safeset("goaltcid" .. suffix, "%{?gocid" .. suffix .. "}", verbose) if ismain then fedora.zalias({"goaltcid"}, verbose) end for rpmname, goaltipaths in pairs(indexedgoipaths("%{goaltipaths" .. suffix .. "}", "%{goaltcid" .. suffix .. "}")) do altenv(suffix, rpmname, goaltipaths, verbose) print(rpm.expand('%files -n %{currentgoaltname} -f "%{goworkdir}/%{currentgoaltfilelist}"\n')) end else rpm.expand("%{error:Unknown kind of Go subpackage: " .. kind .. "}") end end -- Create one or all %files sections for a known kind of go subpackage local function files(kind, suffix, processall, verbose) local fedora = require "fedora.common" if (kind == "devel") then develenvinit() end if processall then for _, suffix in pairs(fedora.getsuffixes(pivot[kind])) do singlefiles(kind, suffix, verbose) end else singlefiles(kind, suffix, verbose) end end return { rpmname = rpmname, meta = meta, pivot = pivot, indexedgoipaths = indexedgoipaths, develenvinit = develenvinit, develenv = develenv, altenv = altenv, pkg = pkg, files = files, }