Current Path : /lib/python3.9/site-packages/setuptools/__pycache__/ |
Current File : //lib/python3.9/site-packages/setuptools/__pycache__/msvc.cpython-39.pyc |
a ���f�� � @ s� d Z ddlZddlmZ ddlmZmZ ddlmZm Z m Z mZ ddlZddl Z ddlZddlZddlZddlZddlmZ ddlmZ e�� d kr�ddlZdd lmZ nG dd� d�Ze� ZeejjfZzdd lm Z W n ey� Y n0 dd� Z!d.dd�Z"dd� Z#dd� Z$ddddd�Z%dd� Z&dd� Z'dd � Z(d!d"� Z)d/d$d%�Z*G d&d'� d'�Z+G d(d)� d)�Z,G d*d+� d+�Z-G d,d-� d-�Z.dS )0a� Improved support for Microsoft Visual C++ compilers. Known supported compilers: -------------------------- Microsoft Visual C++ 9.0: Microsoft Visual C++ Compiler for Python 2.7 (x86, amd64) Microsoft Windows SDK 6.1 (x86, x64, ia64) Microsoft Windows SDK 7.0 (x86, x64, ia64) Microsoft Visual C++ 10.0: Microsoft Windows SDK 7.1 (x86, x64, ia64) Microsoft Visual C++ 14.X: Microsoft Visual C++ Build Tools 2015 (x86, x64, arm) Microsoft Visual Studio Build Tools 2017 (x86, x64, arm, arm64) Microsoft Visual Studio Build Tools 2019 (x86, x64, arm, arm64) This may also support compilers shipped with compatible Visual Studio versions. � N)�open)�listdir�pathsep)�join�isfile�isdir�dirname)� LegacyVersion� )� get_unpatched�Windows)�environc @ s e Zd ZdZdZdZdZdS )�winregN)�__name__� __module__�__qualname__� HKEY_USERS�HKEY_CURRENT_USER�HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE�HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT� r r �3/usr/lib/python3.9/site-packages/setuptools/msvc.pyr * s r )�Regc C s� d}|d| f }zt �|d�}W nF tyf z|d| f }t �|d�}W n ty` d}Y n0 Y n0 |r�t|d�}t|�r�|S tt�| �S )a� Patched "distutils.msvc9compiler.find_vcvarsall" to use the standalone compiler build for Python (VCForPython / Microsoft Visual C++ Compiler for Python 2.7). Fall back to original behavior when the standalone compiler is not available. Redirect the path of "vcvarsall.bat". Parameters ---------- version: float Required Microsoft Visual C++ version. Return ------ str vcvarsall.bat path z-Software\%sMicrosoft\DevDiv\VCForPython\%0.1f� � installdirzWow6432Node\N� vcvarsall.bat)r Z get_value�KeyErrorr r r �msvc9_find_vcvarsall)�versionZvc_base�key� productdir� vcvarsallr r r r A s r �x86c O s� z"t t�}|| |g|�R i |��W S tjjy8 Y n tyH Y n0 zt|| ��� W S tjjy� } zt|| |� � W Y d}~n d}~0 0 dS )ao Patched "distutils.msvc9compiler.query_vcvarsall" for support extra Microsoft Visual C++ 9.0 and 10.0 compilers. Set environment without use of "vcvarsall.bat". Parameters ---------- ver: float Required Microsoft Visual C++ version. arch: str Target architecture. Return ------ dict environment N) r �msvc9_query_vcvarsall� distutils�errors�DistutilsPlatformError� ValueError�EnvironmentInfo� return_env�_augment_exception)�ver�arch�args�kwargsZorig�excr r r r# k s r# c C s zt �t jddt jt jB �} W n ty2 Y dS 0 d}d}| �� t�� D ]�}zt �| |�\}}}W n ty| Y q�Y n0 |rJ|t j krJt |�rJztt|��}W n t tfy� Y qJY n0 |dkrJ||krJ|| }}qJW d � n1 s�0 Y ||fS )�0Python 3.8 "distutils/_msvccompiler.py" backportz'Software\Microsoft\VisualStudio\SxS\VC7r �NNN� )r �OpenKeyr �KEY_READZKEY_WOW64_32KEY�OSError� itertools�count� EnumValueZREG_SZr �int�floatr'