Current Path : /lib/python3.9/site-packages/setuptools/__pycache__/ |
Current File : //lib/python3.9/site-packages/setuptools/__pycache__/glob.cpython-39.pyc |
a ���f � @ s� d Z ddlZddlZddlZg d�Zddd�Zddd�Zd d � Zdd� Zd d� Z dd� Z dd� Ze�d�Z e�d�Zdd� Zdd� Zdd� ZdS )z� Filename globbing utility. Mostly a copy of `glob` from Python 3.5. Changes include: * `yield from` and PEP3102 `*` removed. * Hidden files are not ignored. � N)�glob�iglob�escapeFc C s t t| |d��S )ay Return a list of paths matching a pathname pattern. The pattern may contain simple shell-style wildcards a la fnmatch. However, unlike fnmatch, filenames starting with a dot are special cases that are not matched by '*' and '?' patterns. If recursive is true, the pattern '**' will match any files and zero or more directories and subdirectories. )� recursive)�listr )�pathnamer � r �3/usr/lib/python3.9/site-packages/setuptools/glob.pyr s r c C s* t | |�}|r&t| �r&t|�}|r&J �|S )a� Return an iterator which yields the paths matching a pathname pattern. The pattern may contain simple shell-style wildcards a la fnmatch. However, unlike fnmatch, filenames starting with a dot are special cases that are not matched by '*' and '?' patterns. If recursive is true, the pattern '**' will match any files and zero or more directories and subdirectories. )�_iglob�_isrecursive�next)r r �it�sr r r r s r c c s� t j�| �\}}|r t|�r tnt}t| �sZ|rDt j�| �rV| V nt j�|�rV| V d S |sr|||�E d H d S || kr�t|�r�t ||�}n|g}t|�s�t }|D ]$}|||�D ]}t j�||�V q�q�d S �N)�os�path�splitr �glob2�glob1� has_magic�lexists�isdirr �glob0�join)r r �dirname�basenameZglob_in_dir�dirs�namer r r r 0 s( r c C sT | s"t |t�rtj�d�} ntj} zt�| �}W n tyF g Y S 0 t�||�S �N�ASCII) � isinstance�bytesr �curdir�encode�listdir�OSError�fnmatch�filter)r �pattern�namesr r r r T s r c C s8 |st j�| �r4|gS nt j�t j�| |��r4|gS g S r )r r r r r )r r r r r r a s r c c s2 t |�sJ �|d d� V t| �D ] }|V q"d S )Nr )r � _rlistdir)r r( �xr r r r q s r c c s� | s"t | t�rtj�d�} ntj} zt�| �}W n tjyF Y d S 0 |D ]>}|V | rhtj�| |�n|}t |�D ]}tj�||�V qtqLd S r ) r r! r r"